# syntax = docker/dockerfile-upstream:1.1.2-experimental # Meta args applied to stage base names. ARG TOOLS ARG GO_VERSION # The tools target provides base toolchain for the build. FROM $TOOLS AS tools ENV PATH /toolchain/bin:/toolchain/go/bin RUN ["/toolchain/bin/mkdir", "/bin", "/tmp"] RUN ["/toolchain/bin/ln", "-svf", "/toolchain/bin/bash", "/bin/sh"] RUN ["/toolchain/bin/ln", "-svf", "/toolchain/etc/ssl", "/etc/ssl"] RUN curl -sfL https://install.goreleaser.com/github.com/golangci/golangci-lint.sh | bash -s -- -b /toolchain/bin v1.20.0 RUN cd $(mktemp -d) \ && go mod init tmp \ && go get mvdan.cc/gofumpt/gofumports \ && mv /go/bin/gofumports /toolchain/go/bin/gofumports RUN curl -sfL https://github.com/uber/prototool/releases/download/v1.8.0/prototool-Linux-x86_64.tar.gz | tar -xz --strip-components=2 -C /toolchain/bin prototool/bin/prototool # The build target creates a container that will be used to build Talos source # code. FROM scratch AS build COPY --from=tools / / SHELL ["/toolchain/bin/bash", "-c"] ENV PATH /toolchain/bin:/toolchain/go/bin ENV GO111MODULE on ENV GOPROXY https://proxy.golang.org ENV CGO_ENABLED 0 WORKDIR /src # The generate target generates code from protobuf service definitions. FROM build AS generate-build WORKDIR /osd COPY ./api/os ./proto RUN protoc -I./proto --go_out=plugins=grpc:proto proto/api.proto WORKDIR /trustd COPY ./api/security ./proto RUN protoc -I./proto --go_out=plugins=grpc:proto proto/api.proto WORKDIR /machined COPY ./api/machine ./proto RUN protoc -I./proto --go_out=plugins=grpc:proto proto/api.proto WORKDIR /ntpd COPY ./api/time ./proto RUN protoc -I./proto --go_out=plugins=grpc:proto proto/api.proto WORKDIR /networkd COPY ./api/network ./proto RUN protoc -I./proto --go_out=plugins=grpc:proto proto/api.proto FROM scratch AS generate COPY --from=generate-build /osd/proto/api.pb.go /api/os/ COPY --from=generate-build /trustd/proto/api.pb.go /api/security/ COPY --from=generate-build /machined/proto/api.pb.go /api/machine/ COPY --from=generate-build /ntpd/proto/api.pb.go /api/time/ COPY --from=generate-build /networkd/proto/api.pb.go /api/network/ # The base target provides a container that can be used to build all Talos # assets. FROM build AS base COPY ./go.mod ./ COPY ./go.sum ./ RUN go mod download RUN go mod verify COPY ./cmd ./cmd COPY ./pkg ./pkg COPY ./internal ./internal COPY --from=generate /api ./api RUN go list -mod=readonly all >/dev/null RUN ! go mod tidy -v 2>&1 | grep . # The init target builds the init binary. FROM base AS init-build ARG SHA ARG TAG ARG VERSION_PKG="github.com/talos-systems/talos/pkg/version" WORKDIR /src/internal/app/init RUN --mount=type=cache,target=/.cache/go-build go build -ldflags "-s -w -X ${VERSION_PKG}.Name=Talos -X ${VERSION_PKG}.SHA=${SHA} -X ${VERSION_PKG}.Tag=${TAG}" -o /init RUN chmod +x /init FROM scratch AS init COPY --from=init-build /init /init # The machined target builds the machined image. FROM base AS machined-build ARG SHA ARG TAG ARG VERSION_PKG="github.com/talos-systems/talos/pkg/version" WORKDIR /src/internal/app/machined RUN --mount=type=cache,target=/.cache/go-build go build -ldflags "-s -w -X ${VERSION_PKG}.Name=Talos -X ${VERSION_PKG}.SHA=${SHA} -X ${VERSION_PKG}.Tag=${TAG}" -o /machined RUN chmod +x /machined FROM scratch AS machined COPY --from=machined-build /machined /machined # The ntpd target builds the ntpd image. FROM base AS ntpd-build ARG SHA ARG TAG ARG VERSION_PKG="github.com/talos-systems/talos/pkg/version" WORKDIR /src/internal/app/ntpd RUN --mount=type=cache,target=/.cache/go-build go build -ldflags "-s -w -X ${VERSION_PKG}.Name=Server -X ${VERSION_PKG}.SHA=${SHA} -X ${VERSION_PKG}.Tag=${TAG}" -o /ntpd RUN chmod +x /ntpd FROM scratch AS ntpd COPY --from=ntpd-build /ntpd /ntpd ENTRYPOINT ["/ntpd"] # The osd target builds the osd image. FROM base AS osd-build ARG SHA ARG TAG ARG VERSION_PKG="github.com/talos-systems/talos/pkg/version" WORKDIR /src/internal/app/osd RUN --mount=type=cache,target=/.cache/go-build go build -ldflags "-s -w -X ${VERSION_PKG}.Name=Server -X ${VERSION_PKG}.SHA=${SHA} -X ${VERSION_PKG}.Tag=${TAG}" -o /osd RUN chmod +x /osd FROM scratch AS osd COPY --from=osd-build /osd /osd ENTRYPOINT ["/osd"] # The trustd target builds the trustd image. FROM base AS trustd-build ARG SHA ARG TAG ARG VERSION_PKG="github.com/talos-systems/talos/pkg/version" WORKDIR /src/internal/app/trustd RUN --mount=type=cache,target=/.cache/go-build go build -ldflags "-s -w -X ${VERSION_PKG}.Name=Server -X ${VERSION_PKG}.SHA=${SHA} -X ${VERSION_PKG}.Tag=${TAG}" -o /trustd RUN chmod +x /trustd FROM scratch AS trustd COPY --from=trustd-build /trustd /trustd ENTRYPOINT ["/trustd"] # The networkd target builds the networkd image. FROM base AS networkd-build ARG SHA ARG TAG ARG VERSION_PKG="github.com/talos-systems/talos/internal/pkg/version" WORKDIR /src/internal/app/networkd RUN --mount=type=cache,target=/.cache/go-build go build -ldflags "-s -w -X ${VERSION_PKG}.Name=Server -X ${VERSION_PKG}.SHA=${SHA} -X ${VERSION_PKG}.Tag=${TAG}" -o /networkd RUN chmod +x /networkd FROM scratch AS networkd COPY --from=networkd-build /networkd /networkd ENTRYPOINT ["/networkd"] # The osctl targets build the osctl binaries. FROM base AS osctl-linux-build ARG SHA ARG TAG ARG VERSION_PKG="github.com/talos-systems/talos/pkg/version" WORKDIR /src/cmd/osctl RUN --mount=type=cache,target=/.cache/go-build GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -ldflags "-s -w -X ${VERSION_PKG}.Name=Client -X ${VERSION_PKG}.SHA=${SHA} -X ${VERSION_PKG}.Tag=${TAG}" -o /osctl-linux-amd64 RUN chmod +x /osctl-linux-amd64 FROM scratch AS osctl-linux COPY --from=osctl-linux-build /osctl-linux-amd64 /osctl-linux-amd64 FROM base AS osctl-darwin-build ARG SHA ARG TAG ARG VERSION_PKG="github.com/talos-systems/talos/pkg/version" WORKDIR /src/cmd/osctl RUN --mount=type=cache,target=/.cache/go-build GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 go build -ldflags "-s -w -X ${VERSION_PKG}.Name=Client -X ${VERSION_PKG}.SHA=${SHA} -X ${VERSION_PKG}.Tag=${TAG}" -o /osctl-darwin-amd64 RUN chmod +x /osctl-darwin-amd64 FROM scratch AS osctl-darwin COPY --from=osctl-darwin-build /osctl-darwin-amd64 /osctl-darwin-amd64 # The kernel target is the linux kernel. FROM scratch AS kernel COPY --from=docker.io/autonomy/kernel:1a7a75c /boot/vmlinuz /vmlinuz COPY --from=docker.io/autonomy/kernel:1a7a75c /boot/vmlinux /vmlinux # The rootfs target provides the Talos rootfs. FROM build AS rootfs-base COPY --from=docker.io/autonomy/fhs:1a7a75c / /rootfs COPY --from=docker.io/autonomy/ca-certificates:1a7a75c / /rootfs COPY --from=docker.io/autonomy/containerd:1a7a75c / /rootfs COPY --from=docker.io/autonomy/cni:1a7a75c / /rootfs COPY --from=docker.io/autonomy/dosfstools:1a7a75c / /rootfs COPY --from=docker.io/autonomy/eudev:1a7a75c / /rootfs COPY --from=docker.io/autonomy/iptables:1a7a75c / /rootfs COPY --from=docker.io/autonomy/libressl:1a7a75c / /rootfs COPY --from=docker.io/autonomy/libseccomp:1a7a75c / /rootfs COPY --from=docker.io/autonomy/musl:1a7a75c / /rootfs COPY --from=docker.io/autonomy/runc:1a7a75c / /rootfs COPY --from=docker.io/autonomy/socat:1a7a75c / /rootfs COPY --from=docker.io/autonomy/syslinux:1a7a75c / /rootfs COPY --from=docker.io/autonomy/xfsprogs:1a7a75c / /rootfs COPY --from=docker.io/autonomy/util-linux:1a7a75c /lib/libblkid.* /rootfs/lib COPY --from=docker.io/autonomy/util-linux:1a7a75c /lib/libuuid.* /rootfs/lib COPY --from=docker.io/autonomy/kmod:1a7a75c /lib/libkmod.* /rootfs/lib COPY --from=docker.io/autonomy/kernel:1a7a75c /lib/modules /rootfs/lib/modules COPY --from=machined /machined /rootfs/sbin/init COPY images/ntpd.tar /rootfs/usr/images/ COPY images/osd.tar /rootfs/usr/images/ COPY images/trustd.tar /rootfs/usr/images/ COPY images/networkd.tar /rootfs/usr/images/ # NB: We run the cleanup step before creating extra directories, files, and # symlinks to avoid accidentally cleaning them up. COPY ./hack/cleanup.sh /toolchain/bin/cleanup.sh RUN cleanup.sh /rootfs COPY hack/containerd.toml /etc/containerd.toml COPY hack/containerd.toml /etc/containerd-system.toml RUN touch /rootfs/etc/resolv.conf RUN touch /rootfs/etc/hosts RUN touch /rootfs/etc/os-release RUN mkdir -pv /rootfs/{boot,usr/local/share,mnt} RUN mkdir -pv /rootfs/{etc/kubernetes/manifests,etc/cni,usr/libexec/kubernetes} RUN ln -s /etc/ssl /rootfs/etc/pki RUN ln -s /etc/ssl /rootfs/usr/share/ca-certificates RUN ln -s /etc/ssl /rootfs/usr/local/share/ca-certificates RUN ln -s /etc/ssl /rootfs/etc/ca-certificates FROM rootfs-base AS rootfs-squashfs COPY --from=rootfs / /rootfs RUN mksquashfs /rootfs /rootfs.sqsh -all-root -noappend -comp xz -Xdict-size 100% -no-progress FROM scratch AS rootfs COPY --from=rootfs-base /rootfs / # The initramfs target provides the Talos initramfs image. FROM build AS initramfs-archive WORKDIR /initramfs COPY --from=rootfs-squashfs /rootfs.sqsh . COPY --from=init /init . RUN set -o pipefail && find . 2>/dev/null | cpio -H newc -o | xz -v -C crc32 -0 -e -T 0 -z >/initramfs.xz FROM scratch AS initramfs COPY --from=initramfs-archive /initramfs.xz /initramfs.xz # The container target generates a docker image that can be used to run Talos # in containers. FROM scratch AS container COPY --from=rootfs / / ENTRYPOINT ["/sbin/init"] # The installer target generates an image that can be used to install Talos to # various environments. FROM alpine:3.8 AS installer RUN apk --update add \ bash \ ca-certificates \ cdrkit \ qemu-img \ syslinux \ util-linux \ xfsprogs COPY hack/installer/entrypoint.sh /bin/entrypoint.sh COPY --from=kernel /vmlinuz /usr/install/vmlinuz COPY --from=rootfs /usr/lib/syslinux/ /usr/lib/syslinux COPY --from=initramfs /initramfs.xz /usr/install/initramfs.xz COPY --from=osctl-linux-build /osctl-linux-amd64 /bin/osctl ARG TAG ENV VERSION ${TAG} LABEL "alpha.talos.io/version"="${VERSION}" ENTRYPOINT ["entrypoint.sh"] # The test target performs tests on the source code. FROM base AS unit-tests-runner RUN unlink /etc/ssl COPY --from=rootfs / / COPY hack/golang/test.sh /bin ARG TESTPKGS RUN --security=insecure --mount=type=cache,id=testspace,target=/tmp --mount=type=cache,target=/.cache/go-build /bin/test.sh ${TESTPKGS} FROM scratch AS unit-tests COPY --from=unit-tests-runner /src/coverage.txt /coverage.txt # The unit-tests-race target performs tests with race detector. FROM golang:${GO_VERSION} AS unit-tests-race COPY --from=base /src /src COPY --from=base /go/pkg/mod /go/pkg/mod WORKDIR /src ENV GO111MODULE on ARG TESTPKGS RUN --mount=type=cache,target=/root/.cache/go-build go test -v -count 1 -race ${TESTPKGS} # The lint target performs linting on the source code. FROM base AS lint COPY hack/golang/golangci-lint.yaml . ENV GOGC=50 RUN --mount=type=cache,target=/.cache/go-build golangci-lint run --config golangci-lint.yaml RUN find . -name '*.pb.go' | xargs rm RUN FILES="$(gofumports -l -local github.com/talos-systems/talos .)" && test -z "${FILES}" || (echo -e "Source code is not formatted with 'gofumports -w -local github.com/talos-systems/talos .':\n${FILES}"; exit 1) # The protolint target performs linting on Markdown files. FROM base AS protolint COPY prototool.yaml /src RUN prototool lint --protoc-bin-path=/toolchain/bin/protoc --protoc-wkt-path=/toolchain/include . # The markdownlint target performs linting on Markdown files. FROM node:8.16.1-alpine AS markdownlint RUN npm install -g markdownlint-cli RUN npm i sentences-per-line WORKDIR /src COPY .markdownlint.json . COPY docs . RUN markdownlint --rules /node_modules/sentences-per-line/index.js .