A modern OS for Kubernetes.
--- **Talos** is a modern OS for running Kubernetes: secure, immutable, and minimal. Talos is fully open source, production-ready, and supported by the people at [Sidero Labs](https://www.SideroLabs.com/) All system management is done via an API - there is no shell or interactive console. Benefits include: - **Security**: Talos reduces your attack surface: It's minimal, hardened, and immutable. All API access is secured with mutual TLS (mTLS) authentication. - **Predictability**: Talos eliminates configuration drift, reduces unknown factors by employing immutable infrastructure ideology, and delivers atomic updates. - **Evolvability**: Talos simplifies your architecture, increases your agility, and always delivers current stable Kubernetes and Linux versions. ## Documentation For instructions on deploying and managing Talos, see the [Documentation](https://www.talos.dev/docs/latest/). ## Community - Slack: Join our [slack channel](https://slack.dev.talos-systems.io) - Support: Questions, bugs, feature requests [GitHub Discussions](https://github.com/talos-systems/talos/discussions) - Forum: [community](https://groups.google.com/a/SideroLabs.com/forum/#!forum/community) - Twitter: [@SideroLabs](https://twitter.com/SideroLabs) - Email: [info@SideroLabs.com](mailto:info@SideroLabs.com) If you're interested in this project and would like to help in engineering efforts or have general usage questions, we are happy to have you! We hold a weekly meeting that all audiences are welcome to attend. We would appreciate your feedback so that we can make Talos even better! To do so, you can take our [survey](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1TUna5YTYGCKot68Y9YN_CLobY6z9JzLVCq1G7DoyNjA/edit). ### Office Hours - When: Second Monday of every month at 16:30 UTC. - Where: [Google Meet](https://meet.google.com/ivb-kjfm-jfc). You can subscribe to this meeting by joining the community forum above. > Note: You can convert the meeting hours to your [local time](https://everytimezone.com/s/599e61d6). ## Contributing Contributions are welcomed and appreciated! See [Contributing](CONTRIBUTING.md) for our guidelines. ## License