// This file contains the logic for building our CI for Drone. The idea here is // that we create a pipeline for all of the major tasks we need to perform // (e.g. builds, E2E testing, conformance testing, releases). Each pipeline // after the default builds on a previous pipeline. // Generate with `drone jsonnet --source ./hack/drone.jsonnet --stream --format` local build_container = 'autonomy/build-container:latest'; local secret = { kind: 'secret', name: 'kubeconfig', get: { path: 'buildx', name: 'kubeconfig' }, }; local volumes = { dockersock: { pipeline: { name: 'dockersock', temp: {}, }, step: { name: $.dockersock.pipeline.name, path: '/var/run', }, }, docker: { pipeline: { name: 'docker', temp: {}, }, step: { name: $.docker.pipeline.name, path: '/root/.docker/buildx', }, }, kube: { pipeline: { name: 'kube', temp: {}, }, step: { name: $.kube.pipeline.name, path: '/root/.kube', }, }, dev: { pipeline: { name: 'dev', host: { path: '/dev', }, }, step: { name: $.dev.pipeline.name, path: '/dev', }, }, tmp: { pipeline: { name: 'tmp', temp: {}, }, step: { name: $.tmp.pipeline.name, path: '/tmp', }, }, ForStep(): [ self.dockersock.step, self.docker.step, self.kube.step, self.dev.step, self.tmp.step, ], ForPipeline(): [ self.dockersock.pipeline, self.docker.pipeline, self.kube.pipeline, self.dev.pipeline, self.tmp.pipeline, ], }; // This provides the docker service. local docker = { name: 'docker', image: 'docker:19.03-dind', entrypoint: ['dockerd'], privileged: true, command: [ '--dns=', '--dns=', '--mtu=1440', '--log-level=error', ], ports: [ 6443, 50000, ], volumes: volumes.ForStep(), }; // Sets up the CI environment local setup_ci = { name: 'setup-ci', image: 'autonomy/build-container:latest', privileged: true, environment: { BUILDX_KUBECONFIG: { from_secret: secret.name }, }, commands: [ 'git fetch --tags', 'apk add coreutils', 'echo -e "$BUILDX_KUBECONFIG" > /root/.kube/config', 'docker buildx create --driver kubernetes --driver-opt replicas=2 --driver-opt namespace=ci --driver-opt image=moby/buildkit:v0.6.2 --name ci --buildkitd-flags="--allow-insecure-entitlement security.insecure" --use', 'docker buildx inspect --bootstrap' ], volumes: volumes.ForStep(), }; // Step standardizes the creation of build steps. The name of the step is used // as the target when building the make command. For example, if name equals // "test", the resulting step command will be "make test". This is done to // encourage alignment between this file and the Makefile, and gives us a // standardized structure that should make things easier to reason about if we // know that each step is essentially a Makefile target. local Step(name, image='', target='', depends_on=[], environment={}) = { local make = if target == '' then std.format('make %s', name) else std.format('make %s', target), local common_env_vars = { BINDIR: '/usr/local/bin', }, name: name, image: if image == '' then build_container else image, pull: "always", commands: [make], environment: common_env_vars + environment, volumes: volumes.ForStep(), depends_on: [x.name for x in depends_on], }; // Pipeline is a way to standardize the creation of pipelines. It supports // using and existing pipeline as a base. local Pipeline(name, steps=[], depends_on=[], with_docker=true, disable_clone=false) = { local node = { 'node-role.kubernetes.io/ci': '' }, kind: 'pipeline', name: name, node: node, services: [ if with_docker then docker, ], [ if disable_clone then 'clone']: { disable: true, }, steps: steps, volumes: volumes.ForPipeline(), depends_on: [x.name for x in depends_on], }; // Default pipeline. local machined = Step("machined", depends_on=[setup_ci]); local osd = Step("osd", depends_on=[setup_ci]); local trustd = Step("trustd", depends_on=[setup_ci]); local ntpd = Step("ntpd", depends_on=[setup_ci]); local networkd = Step("networkd", depends_on=[setup_ci]); local apid = Step("apid", depends_on=[setup_ci]); local osctl_linux = Step("osctl-linux", depends_on=[setup_ci]); local osctl_darwin = Step("osctl-darwin", depends_on=[setup_ci]); local docs = Step("docs", depends_on=[osctl_linux]); local integration_test = Step("integration-test", depends_on=[setup_ci]); local rootfs = Step("rootfs", target="target-rootfs", depends_on=[machined, osd, trustd, ntpd, networkd, apid]); local initramfs = Step("initramfs", depends_on=[rootfs]); local installer = Step("installer", depends_on=[rootfs]); local talos = Step("talos", depends_on=[rootfs]); local golint = Step("lint-go", depends_on=[setup_ci]); local protobuflint = Step("lint-protobuf", depends_on=[setup_ci]); local markdownlint = Step("lint-markdown", depends_on=[setup_ci]); local image_aws = Step("image-aws", depends_on=[installer]); local image_azure = Step("image-azure", depends_on=[installer]); local image_digital_ocean = Step("image-digital-ocean", depends_on=[installer]); local image_gcp = Step("image-gcp", depends_on=[installer]); local image_vmware = Step("image-vmware", depends_on=[installer]); local unit_tests = Step("unit-tests", depends_on=[rootfs, talos]); local unit_tests_race = Step("unit-tests-race", depends_on=[golint]); local basic_integration = Step("basic-integration", depends_on=[unit_tests, talos, osctl_linux, integration_test]); local coverage = { name: 'coverage', image: 'plugins/codecov', settings: { token: { from_secret: 'codecov_token' }, files: ['coverage.txt'], }, when: { event: ['pull_request'], }, depends_on: [unit_tests.name], }; local push_latest = { name: 'push-latest', image: 'autonomy/build-container:latest', pull: 'always', environment: { DOCKER_USERNAME: { from_secret: 'docker_username' }, DOCKER_PASSWORD: { from_secret: 'docker_password' }, }, commands: ['make login', 'make push-latest'], volumes: volumes.ForStep(), when: { event: { exclude: [ 'pull_request', 'promote', 'tag', 'cron', ], }, }, depends_on: [basic_integration.name], }; local default_steps = [ setup_ci, machined, osd, apid, trustd, ntpd, networkd, osctl_linux, osctl_darwin, docs, integration_test, rootfs, initramfs, installer, talos, golint, protobuflint, markdownlint, image_aws, image_azure, image_digital_ocean, image_gcp, image_vmware, unit_tests, unit_tests_race, coverage, basic_integration, push_latest, ]; local default_trigger = { trigger: { cron: { exclude: ['nightly'], }, event: { exclude: [ 'tag', 'promote', ], }, }, }; local default_pipeline = Pipeline('default', default_steps) + default_trigger; // E2E pipeline. local creds_env_vars = { AZURE_SVC_ACCT: {from_secret: "azure_svc_acct"}, // TODO(andrewrynhard): Rename this to the GCP convention. GCE_SVC_ACCT: {from_secret: "gce_svc_acct"}, PACKET_AUTH_TOKEN: {from_secret: "packet_auth_token"}, AWS_SVC_ACCT: {from_secret: "aws_svc_acct"}, }; local capi = Step("capi", depends_on=[basic_integration], environment=creds_env_vars); local push_image_aws = Step("push-image-aws", depends_on=[image_aws], environment=creds_env_vars); local push_image_azure = Step("push-image-azure", depends_on=[image_azure], environment=creds_env_vars); local push_image_gcp = Step("push-image-gcp", depends_on=[image_gcp], environment=creds_env_vars); local e2e_integration_aws = Step("e2e-integration-aws", target="e2e-integration", depends_on=[capi, push_image_aws], environment={PLATFORM: "aws"}); local e2e_integration_azure = Step("e2e-integration-azure", target="e2e-integration", depends_on=[capi, push_image_azure], environment={PLATFORM: "azure"}); local e2e_integration_gcp = Step("e2e-integration-gcp", target="e2e-integration", depends_on=[capi, push_image_gcp], environment={PLATFORM: "gcp"}); local e2e_steps = default_steps + [ capi, push_image_aws, push_image_gcp, e2e_integration_aws, e2e_integration_gcp, ]; local e2e_trigger = { trigger: { target: { include: ['e2e'], }, }, }; local e2e_pipeline = Pipeline('e2e', e2e_steps) + e2e_trigger; // Conformance pipeline. local conformance_aws = Step("conformance-aws", target="e2e-integration", depends_on=[capi, push_image_aws], environment={PLATFORM: "aws", CONFORMANCE: "run"}); local conformance_azure = Step("conformance-azure", target="e2e-integration", depends_on=[capi, push_image_azure], environment={PLATFORM: "azure", CONFORMANCE: "run"}); local conformance_gcp = Step("conformance-gcp", target="e2e-integration", depends_on=[capi, push_image_gcp], environment={PLATFORM: "gcp", CONFORMANCE: "run"}); local push_edge = { name: 'push-edge', image: 'autonomy/build-container:latest', pull: 'always', environment: { DOCKER_USERNAME: { from_secret: 'docker_username' }, DOCKER_PASSWORD: { from_secret: 'docker_password' }, }, commands: ['make login', 'make push-edge'], volumes: volumes.ForStep(), when: { event: { exclude: [ 'pull_request', 'promote', 'tag', ], }, }, depends_on: [conformance_aws.name, conformance_gcp.name], }; local conformance_steps = default_steps + [ capi, push_image_aws, push_image_gcp, conformance_aws, conformance_gcp, push_edge, ]; local conformance_trigger = { trigger: { target: { include: ['conformance'], }, }, }; local conformance_pipeline = Pipeline('conformance', conformance_steps) + conformance_trigger; // Nightly pipeline. local nightly_trigger = { trigger: { cron: { include: ['nightly'], }, }, }; local nightly_pipeline = Pipeline('nightly', conformance_steps) + nightly_trigger; // Release pipeline. local aws_env_vars = { AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: { from_secret: 'aws_access_key_id' }, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: { from_secret: 'aws_secret_access_key' }, AWS_DEFAULT_REGION: 'us-west-2', AWS_PUBLISH_REGIONS: 'us-west-2,us-east-1,us-east-2,us-west-1,eu-central-1', }; local ami_trigger = { when: { event: ['tag'], }, }; local kernel = Step('kernel'); local iso = Step('iso', depends_on=[installer]); // TODO(andrewrynhard): We should run E2E tests on a release. local release = { name: 'release', image: 'plugins/github-release', settings: { api_key: { from_secret: 'github_token' }, draft: true, files: ['_out/*'], checksum: ['sha256', 'sha512'], }, when: { event: ['tag'], }, depends_on: [kernel.name, iso.name, image_gcp.name, image_azure.name, image_aws.name, push_latest.name] }; local release_steps = default_steps + [ kernel, iso, release, ]; local release_trigger = { trigger: { event: [ 'tag', ], }, }; local release_pipeline = Pipeline('release', release_steps) + release_trigger; // Notify pipeline. local notify = { name: 'slack', image: 'plugins/slack', settings: { webhook: { from_secret: 'slack_webhook' }, channel: 'proj-talos-maintainers', link_names: true, template: '{{#if build.pull }} *{{#success build.status}}✓ Success{{else}}✕ Fail{{/success}}*: {{ repo.owner }}/{{ repo.name }} - {{else}} *{{#success build.status}}✓ Success{{else}}✕ Fail{{/success}}: {{ repo.owner }}/{{ repo.name }} - Build #{{ build.number }}* (type: `{{ build.event }}`) {{/if}} Commit: Branch: Author: {{ build.author }} <{{ build.link }}|Visit build page>' }, }; local notify_steps = [notify]; local notify_trigger = { trigger: { status: ['success', 'failure'], }, }; local notify_depends_on = { depends_on: [ default_pipeline.name, e2e_pipeline.name, conformance_pipeline.name, nightly_pipeline.name, release_pipeline.name, ], }; local notify_pipeline = Pipeline('notify', notify_steps, [default_pipeline, e2e_pipeline, conformance_pipeline, nightly_pipeline, release_pipeline], false, true) + notify_trigger; // Final configuration file definition. [ secret, default_pipeline, e2e_pipeline, conformance_pipeline, nightly_pipeline, release_pipeline, notify_pipeline, ]