There is no need to use `assert.Implements` since we can express this check during compile time. Go will eliminate `_` variables and any accompanying allocations during dead-code elimination phase. This commit also removes: tok := new(v1alpha1.ClusterConfig).Token() assert.Implements(t, (*config.Token)(nil), tok) Code since it doesn't check anything - v1alpha1.ClusterConfig.Token() already returns a config.Token interface. Also - run `go work sync` and `go mod tidy`. Signed-off-by: Dmitriy Matrenichev <>
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// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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package services
import (
specs ""
timeresource ""
var _ system.HealthcheckedService = (*Trustd)(nil)
// Trustd implements the Service interface. It serves as the concrete type with
// the required methods.
type Trustd struct {
runtimeServer *grpc.Server
// ID implements the Service interface.
func (t *Trustd) ID(r runtime.Runtime) string {
return "trustd"
// PreFunc implements the Service interface.
func (t *Trustd) PreFunc(ctx context.Context, r runtime.Runtime) error {
// filter apid access to make sure apid can only access its certificates
resources := state.Filter(
func(ctx context.Context, access state.Access) error {
if !access.Verb.Readonly() {
return fmt.Errorf("write access denied")
switch {
case access.ResourceNamespace == secrets.NamespaceName && access.ResourceType == secrets.TrustdType && access.ResourceID == secrets.TrustdID:
case access.ResourceNamespace == secrets.NamespaceName && access.ResourceType == secrets.OSRootType && access.ResourceID == secrets.OSRootID:
return fmt.Errorf("access denied")
return nil
// ensure socket dir exists
if err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(constants.TrustdRuntimeSocketPath), 0o750); err != nil {
return err
// set the final leaf to be world-executable to make trustd connect to the socket
if err := os.Chmod(filepath.Dir(constants.TrustdRuntimeSocketPath), 0o751); err != nil {
return err
// clean up the socket if it already exists (important for Talos in a container)
if err := os.RemoveAll(constants.TrustdRuntimeSocketPath); err != nil {
return err
listener, err := net.Listen("unix", constants.TrustdRuntimeSocketPath)
if err != nil {
return err
// chown the socket path to make it accessible to the apid
if err := os.Chown(constants.TrustdRuntimeSocketPath, constants.TrustdUserID, constants.TrustdUserID); err != nil {
return err
t.runtimeServer = grpc.NewServer()
v1alpha1.RegisterStateServer(t.runtimeServer, server.NewState(resources))
go t.runtimeServer.Serve(listener) //nolint:errcheck
return prepareRootfs(t.ID(r))
// PostFunc implements the Service interface.
func (t *Trustd) PostFunc(r runtime.Runtime, state events.ServiceState) (err error) {
return os.RemoveAll(constants.TrustdRuntimeSocketPath)
// Condition implements the Service interface.
func (t *Trustd) Condition(r runtime.Runtime) conditions.Condition {
return conditions.WaitForAll(
network.NewReadyCondition(r.State().V1Alpha2().Resources(), network.AddressReady, network.HostnameReady),
// DependsOn implements the Service interface.
func (t *Trustd) DependsOn(r runtime.Runtime) []string {
return []string{"containerd"}
// Runner implements the Service interface.
func (t *Trustd) Runner(r runtime.Runtime) (runner.Runner, error) {
// Set the process arguments.
args := runner.Args{
ID: t.ID(r),
ProcessArgs: []string{"/trustd"},
// Set the mounts.
mounts := []specs.Mount{
{Type: "bind", Destination: "/tmp", Source: "/tmp", Options: []string{"rbind", "rshared", "rw"}},
{Type: "bind", Destination: filepath.Dir(constants.TrustdRuntimeSocketPath), Source: filepath.Dir(constants.TrustdRuntimeSocketPath), Options: []string{"rbind", "ro"}},
env := []string{}
for key, val := range r.Config().Machine().Env() {
env = append(env, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", key, val))
if debug.RaceEnabled {
env = append(env, "GORACE=halt_on_error=1")
return restart.New(containerd.NewRunner(
oci.WithRootFSPath(filepath.Join(constants.SystemLibexecPath, t.ID(r))),
oci.WithUser(fmt.Sprintf("%d:%d", constants.TrustdUserID, constants.TrustdUserID)),
), nil
// HealthFunc implements the HealthcheckedService interface.
func (t *Trustd) HealthFunc(runtime.Runtime) health.Check {
return func(ctx context.Context) error {
var d net.Dialer
conn, err := d.DialContext(ctx, "tcp", fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", "", constants.TrustdPort))
if err != nil {
return err
return conn.Close()
// HealthSettings implements the HealthcheckedService interface.
func (t *Trustd) HealthSettings(runtime.Runtime) *health.Settings {
return &health.DefaultSettings