Andrey Smirnov 96aa9638f7
chore: rename talos-systems/talos to siderolabs/talos
There's a cyclic dependency on siderolink library which imports talos
machinery back. We will fix that after we get talos pushed under a new

Signed-off-by: Andrey Smirnov <andrey.smirnov@talos-systems.com>
2022-11-03 16:50:32 +04:00

100 lines
12 KiB

version: 3.19.1
- vendor/
group: empty
- vendor/google/rpc/status.proto
# The specific linters to add.
# TODO Enable more: https://github.com/siderolabs/talos/issues/2722.
# All rules except language-specific (C#, Java, Obj-C, PHP, Ruby, but not Go).
# prototool lint --list-all-linters | grep -vE '(CSHARP|JAVA|OBJC|PHP|RUBY)'
- COMMENTS_NO_C_STYLE # Verifies that there are no /* c-style */ comments.
- COMMENTS_NO_INLINE # Verifies that there are no inline comments.
# - ENUMS_HAVE_COMMENTS # Verifies that all enums have a comment of the form "// EnumName ...".
# - ENUMS_HAVE_SENTENCE_COMMENTS # Verifies that all enums have a comment that contains at least one complete sentence.
# - ENUMS_NO_ALLOW_ALIAS # Verifies that no enums use the option "allow_alias".
# - ENUM_FIELDS_HAVE_COMMENTS # Verifies that all enum fields have a comment of the form "// FIELD_NAME ...".
# - ENUM_FIELDS_HAVE_SENTENCE_COMMENTS # Verifies that all enum fields have a comment that contains at least one complete sentence.
- ENUM_FIELD_NAMES_UPPERCASE # Verifies that all enum field names are UPPERCASE.
- ENUM_FIELD_NAMES_UPPER_SNAKE_CASE # Verifies that all enum field names are UPPER_SNAKE_CASE.
# - ENUM_FIELD_PREFIXES # Verifies that all enum fields are prefixed with [NESTED_MESSAGE_NAME_]ENUM_NAME_.
# - ENUM_FIELD_PREFIXES_EXCEPT_MESSAGE # Verifies that all enum fields are prefixed with ENUM_NAME_.
- ENUM_NAMES_CAMEL_CASE # Verifies that all enum names are CamelCase.
- ENUM_NAMES_CAPITALIZED # Verifies that all enum names are Capitalized.
# - ENUM_ZERO_VALUES_INVALID # Verifies that all enum zero value names are [NESTED_MESSAGE_NAME_]ENUM_NAME_INVALID.
# - ENUM_ZERO_VALUES_INVALID_EXCEPT_MESSAGE # Verifies that all enum zero value names are ENUM_NAME_INVALID.
- FIELDS_NOT_RESERVED # Verifies that no message or enum has a reserved field.
- FILE_HEADER # Verifies that the file header matches the expected file header if the file_header option is set in the configuration file.
- FILE_NAMES_LOWER_SNAKE_CASE # Verifies that the file name is lower_snake_case.proto.
# - FILE_OPTIONS_EQUAL_GO_PACKAGE_PB_SUFFIX # Verifies that the file option "go_package" is equal to $(basename PACKAGE)pb.
# - FILE_OPTIONS_EQUAL_GO_PACKAGE_V2_SUFFIX # Verifies that the file option "go_package" is equal to the last two values of the package separated by "."s, or just the package name if there are no "."s.
- FILE_OPTIONS_GO_PACKAGE_NOT_LONG_FORM # Verifies that the file option "go_package" is not of the form "go/import/path;package".
- FILE_OPTIONS_GO_PACKAGE_SAME_IN_DIR # Verifies that the file option "go_package" of all files in a directory are the same.
- FILE_OPTIONS_REQUIRE_GO_PACKAGE # Verifies that the file option "go_package" is set.
- GOGO_NOT_IMPORTED # Verifies that the "gogo.proto" file from gogo/protobuf is not imported.
- IMPORTS_NOT_PUBLIC # Verifies that there are no public imports.
- IMPORTS_NOT_WEAK # Verifies that there are no weak imports.
# - MESSAGES_HAVE_COMMENTS # Verifies that all non-extended messages have a comment of the form "// MessageName ...".
# - MESSAGES_HAVE_COMMENTS_EXCEPT_REQUEST_RESPONSE_TYPES # Verifies that all non-extended messages except for request and response types have a comment of the form "// MessageName ...".
# - MESSAGES_HAVE_SENTENCE_COMMENTS_EXCEPT_REQUEST_RESPONSE_TYPES # Verifies that all non-extended messages except for request and response types have a comment that contains at least one complete sentence.
- MESSAGES_NOT_EMPTY_EXCEPT_REQUEST_RESPONSE_TYPES # Verifies that all messages except for request and response types are not empty.
- MESSAGE_FIELDS_DURATION # Verifies that all non-map fields that contain "duration" in their name are google.protobuf.Durations.
# - MESSAGE_FIELDS_HAVE_COMMENTS # Verifies that all message fields have a comment of the form "// field_name ...".
# - MESSAGE_FIELDS_HAVE_SENTENCE_COMMENTS # Verifies that all message fields have a comment that contains at least one complete sentence.
- MESSAGE_FIELDS_NOT_FLOATS # Verifies that all message fields are not floats.
- MESSAGE_FIELDS_NO_JSON_NAME # Verifies that no message field has the "json_name" option set.
# - MESSAGE_FIELDS_TIME # Verifies that all non-map fields that contain "time" in their name are google.protobuf.Timestamps.
- MESSAGE_FIELD_NAMES_FILENAME # Verifies that all message field names do not contain "file_name" as "filename" should be used instead.
- MESSAGE_FIELD_NAMES_FILEPATH # Verifies that all message field names do not contain "file_path" as "filepath" should be used instead.
- MESSAGE_FIELD_NAMES_LOWERCASE # Verifies that all message field names are lowercase.
- MESSAGE_FIELD_NAMES_LOWER_SNAKE_CASE # Verifies that all message field names are lower_snake_case.
- MESSAGE_FIELD_NAMES_NO_DESCRIPTOR # Verifies that all message field names are not "descriptor", which results in a collision in Java-generated code.
- MESSAGE_NAMES_CAMEL_CASE # Verifies that all non-extended message names are CamelCase.
- MESSAGE_NAMES_CAPITALIZED # Verifies that all non-extended message names are Capitalized.
# - NAMES_NO_COMMON # Verifies that no type name contains the word "common".
# - NAMES_NO_DATA # Verifies that no type name contains the word "data".
# - NAMES_NO_UUID # Verifies that no type name contains the word "uuid".
- ONEOF_NAMES_LOWER_SNAKE_CASE # Verifies that all oneof names are lower_snake_case.
- PACKAGES_SAME_IN_DIR # Verifies that the packages of all files in a directory are the same.
- PACKAGE_IS_DECLARED # Verifies that there is a package declaration.
- PACKAGE_LOWER_CASE # Verifies that the package name only contains characters in the range a-z0-9 and periods.
- PACKAGE_LOWER_SNAKE_CASE # Verifies that the package is lower_snake.case.
# - PACKAGE_MAJOR_BETA_VERSIONED # Verifies that the package is of the form "package.vMAJORVERSION" or "package.vMAJORVERSIONbetaBETAVERSION" with versions >=1.
- PACKAGE_NO_KEYWORDS # Verifies that no packages contain one of the keywords "internal,public,private,protected,std" as part of the name when split on '.'.
# - REQUEST_RESPONSE_NAMES_MATCH_RPC # Verifies that all request names are RpcNameRequest and all response names are RpcNameResponse.
- REQUEST_RESPONSE_TYPES_AFTER_SERVICE # Verifies that request and response types are defined after any services and the response type is defined after the request type.
# - REQUEST_RESPONSE_TYPES_IN_SAME_FILE # Verifies that all request and response types are in the same file as their corresponding service and are not nested messages.
# - REQUEST_RESPONSE_TYPES_ONLY_IN_FILE # Verifies that only request and response types are the only types in the same file as their corresponding service.
# - REQUEST_RESPONSE_TYPES_UNIQUE # Verifies that all request and response types are unique to each RPC.
# - RPCS_HAVE_COMMENTS # Verifies that all rpcs have a comment of the form "// RPCName ...".
# - RPCS_HAVE_SENTENCE_COMMENTS # Verifies that all rpcs have a comment that contains at least one complete sentence.
# - RPCS_NO_STREAMING # Verifies that all rpcs are unary.
- RPC_NAMES_CAMEL_CASE # Verifies that all RPC names are CamelCase.
- RPC_NAMES_CAPITALIZED # Verifies that all RPC names are Capitalized.
- RPC_OPTIONS_NO_GOOGLE_API_HTTP # Verifies that the RPC option "google.api.http" is not used.
# - SERVICES_HAVE_COMMENTS # Verifies that all services have a comment of the form "// ServiceName ...".
- SERVICES_HAVE_SENTENCE_COMMENTS # Verifies that all services have a comment that contains at least one complete sentence.
# - SERVICE_NAMES_API_SUFFIX # Verifies that all service names end with "API".
- SERVICE_NAMES_CAMEL_CASE # Verifies that all service names are CamelCase.
- SERVICE_NAMES_CAPITALIZED # Verifies that all service names are Capitalized.
# - SERVICE_NAMES_MATCH_FILE_NAME # Verifies that there is one service per file and the file name is service_name_lower_snake_case.proto.
- SERVICE_NAMES_NO_PLURALS # Verifies that all CamelCase service names do not contain plural components.
- SYNTAX_PROTO3 # Verifies that the syntax is proto3.
- WKT_DIRECTLY_IMPORTED # Verifies that the Well-Known Types are directly imported using "google/protobuf/" as the base of the import.
# - WKT_DURATION_SUFFIX # Verifies that all google.protobuf.Duration field names are "duration" or end in "_duration".
# - WKT_TIMESTAMP_SUFFIX # Verifies that all google.protobuf.Timestamp field names are "time" or end in "_time".
include_beta: false
allow_beta_deps: false
# We don't use prototool for code generation, so there are no settings for that.