The core change is moving the context out of the `ServiceRunner` struct to be a local variable, and using a channel to notify about shutdown events. Add more synchronization between Run and the moment service started to avoid mis-identifying not running (yet) service as successfully finished. Signed-off-by: Andrey Smirnov <> Co-authored-by: Dmitriy Matrenichev <>
1344 lines
32 KiB
Protocol Buffer
1344 lines
32 KiB
Protocol Buffer
syntax = "proto3";
package machine;
option go_package = "";
import "common/common.proto";
import "google/protobuf/any.proto";
import "google/protobuf/duration.proto";
import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
// The machine service definition.
service MachineService {
rpc ApplyConfiguration(ApplyConfigurationRequest) returns (ApplyConfigurationResponse);
// Bootstrap method makes control plane node enter etcd bootstrap mode.
// Node aborts etcd join sequence and creates single-node etcd cluster.
// If recover_etcd argument is specified, etcd is recovered from a snapshot
// uploaded with EtcdRecover.
rpc Bootstrap(BootstrapRequest) returns (BootstrapResponse);
rpc Containers(ContainersRequest) returns (ContainersResponse);
rpc Copy(CopyRequest) returns (stream common.Data);
rpc CPUInfo(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (CPUInfoResponse);
rpc DiskStats(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (DiskStatsResponse);
rpc Dmesg(DmesgRequest) returns (stream common.Data);
rpc Events(EventsRequest) returns (stream Event);
rpc EtcdMemberList(EtcdMemberListRequest) returns (EtcdMemberListResponse);
// EtcdRemoveMemberByID removes a member from the etcd cluster identified by member ID.
// This API should be used to remove members which don't have an associated Talos node anymore.
// To remove a member with a running Talos node, use EtcdLeaveCluster API on the node to be removed.
rpc EtcdRemoveMemberByID(EtcdRemoveMemberByIDRequest) returns (EtcdRemoveMemberByIDResponse);
rpc EtcdLeaveCluster(EtcdLeaveClusterRequest) returns (EtcdLeaveClusterResponse);
rpc EtcdForfeitLeadership(EtcdForfeitLeadershipRequest) returns (EtcdForfeitLeadershipResponse);
// EtcdRecover method uploads etcd data snapshot created with EtcdSnapshot
// to the node.
// Snapshot can be later used to recover the cluster via Bootstrap method.
rpc EtcdRecover(stream common.Data) returns (EtcdRecoverResponse);
// EtcdSnapshot method creates etcd data snapshot (backup) from the local etcd instance
// and streams it back to the client.
// This method is available only on control plane nodes (which run etcd).
rpc EtcdSnapshot(EtcdSnapshotRequest) returns (stream common.Data);
// EtcdAlarmList lists etcd alarms for the current node.
// This method is available only on control plane nodes (which run etcd).
rpc EtcdAlarmList(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (EtcdAlarmListResponse);
// EtcdAlarmDisarm disarms etcd alarms for the current node.
// This method is available only on control plane nodes (which run etcd).
rpc EtcdAlarmDisarm(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (EtcdAlarmDisarmResponse);
// EtcdDefragment defragments etcd data directory for the current node.
// Defragmentation is a resource-heavy operation, so it should only run on a specific
// node.
// This method is available only on control plane nodes (which run etcd).
rpc EtcdDefragment(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (EtcdDefragmentResponse);
// EtcdStatus returns etcd status for the current member.
// This method is available only on control plane nodes (which run etcd).
rpc EtcdStatus(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (EtcdStatusResponse);
rpc GenerateConfiguration(GenerateConfigurationRequest) returns (GenerateConfigurationResponse);
rpc Hostname(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (HostnameResponse);
rpc Kubeconfig(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (stream common.Data);
rpc List(ListRequest) returns (stream FileInfo);
rpc DiskUsage(DiskUsageRequest) returns (stream DiskUsageInfo);
rpc LoadAvg(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (LoadAvgResponse);
rpc Logs(LogsRequest) returns (stream common.Data);
rpc LogsContainers(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (LogsContainersResponse);
rpc Memory(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (MemoryResponse);
rpc Mounts(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (MountsResponse);
rpc NetworkDeviceStats(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (NetworkDeviceStatsResponse);
rpc Processes(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (ProcessesResponse);
rpc Read(ReadRequest) returns (stream common.Data);
rpc Reboot(RebootRequest) returns (RebootResponse);
rpc Restart(RestartRequest) returns (RestartResponse);
rpc Rollback(RollbackRequest) returns (RollbackResponse);
rpc Reset(ResetRequest) returns (ResetResponse);
rpc ServiceList(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (ServiceListResponse);
rpc ServiceRestart(ServiceRestartRequest) returns (ServiceRestartResponse);
rpc ServiceStart(ServiceStartRequest) returns (ServiceStartResponse);
rpc ServiceStop(ServiceStopRequest) returns (ServiceStopResponse);
rpc Shutdown(ShutdownRequest) returns (ShutdownResponse);
rpc Stats(StatsRequest) returns (StatsResponse);
rpc SystemStat(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (SystemStatResponse);
rpc Upgrade(UpgradeRequest) returns (UpgradeResponse);
rpc Version(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (VersionResponse);
// GenerateClientConfiguration generates talosctl client configuration (talosconfig).
rpc GenerateClientConfiguration(GenerateClientConfigurationRequest) returns (GenerateClientConfigurationResponse);
// PacketCapture performs packet capture and streams back pcap file.
rpc PacketCapture(PacketCaptureRequest) returns (stream common.Data);
// Netstat provides information about network connections.
rpc Netstat(NetstatRequest) returns (NetstatResponse);
// MetaWrite writes a META key-value pair.
rpc MetaWrite(MetaWriteRequest) returns (MetaWriteResponse);
// MetaDelete deletes a META key.
rpc MetaDelete(MetaDeleteRequest) returns (MetaDeleteResponse);
// ImageList lists images in the CRI.
rpc ImageList(ImageListRequest) returns (stream ImageListResponse);
// ImagePull pulls an image into the CRI.
rpc ImagePull(ImagePullRequest) returns (ImagePullResponse);
// rpc applyConfiguration
// ApplyConfiguration describes a request to assert a new configuration upon a
// node.
message ApplyConfigurationRequest {
enum Mode {
AUTO = 1;
TRY = 4;
bytes data = 1;
Mode mode = 4;
bool dry_run = 5;
google.protobuf.Duration try_mode_timeout = 6;
// ApplyConfigurationResponse describes the response to a configuration request.
message ApplyConfiguration {
common.Metadata metadata = 1;
// Configuration validation warnings.
repeated string warnings = 2;
// States which mode was actually chosen.
ApplyConfigurationRequest.Mode mode = 3;
// Human-readable message explaining the result of the apply configuration call.
string mode_details = 4;
message ApplyConfigurationResponse {
repeated ApplyConfiguration messages = 1;
// rpc reboot
message RebootRequest {
enum Mode {
Mode mode = 1;
// The reboot message containing the reboot status.
message Reboot {
common.Metadata metadata = 1;
string actor_id = 2;
message RebootResponse {
repeated Reboot messages = 1;
// rpc Bootstrap
message BootstrapRequest {
// Enable etcd recovery from the snapshot.
// Snapshot should be uploaded before this call via EtcdRecover RPC.
bool recover_etcd = 1;
// Skip hash check on the snapshot (etcd).
// Enable this when recovering from data directory copy to skip integrity check.
bool recover_skip_hash_check = 2;
// The bootstrap message containing the bootstrap status.
message Bootstrap {
common.Metadata metadata = 1;
message BootstrapResponse {
repeated Bootstrap messages = 1;
// rpc events
message SequenceEvent {
string sequence = 1;
enum Action {
NOOP = 0;
START = 1;
STOP = 2;
Action action = 2;
common.Error error = 3;
message PhaseEvent {
string phase = 1;
enum Action {
START = 0;
STOP = 1;
Action action = 2;
message TaskEvent {
string task = 1;
enum Action {
START = 0;
STOP = 1;
Action action = 2;
message ServiceStateEvent {
string service = 1;
enum Action {
Action action = 2;
string message = 3;
ServiceHealth health = 4;
message RestartEvent {
int64 cmd = 1;
// ConfigLoadErrorEvent is reported when the config loading has failed.
message ConfigLoadErrorEvent {
string error = 1;
// ConfigValidationErrorEvent is reported when config validation has failed.
message ConfigValidationErrorEvent {
string error = 1;
// AddressEvent reports node endpoints aggregated from k8s.Endpoints and network.Hostname.
message AddressEvent {
string hostname = 1;
repeated string addresses = 2;
// MachineStatusEvent reports changes to the MachineStatus resource.
message MachineStatusEvent {
message MachineStatus {
message UnmetCondition {
string name = 1;
string reason = 2;
bool ready = 1;
repeated UnmetCondition unmet_conditions = 2;
enum MachineStage {
MachineStage stage = 1;
MachineStatus status = 2;
message EventsRequest {
int32 tail_events = 1;
string tail_id = 2;
int32 tail_seconds = 3;
string with_actor_id = 4;
message Event {
common.Metadata metadata = 1;
google.protobuf.Any data = 2;
string id = 3;
string actor_id = 4;
// rpc reset
message ResetPartitionSpec {
string label = 1;
bool wipe = 2;
message ResetRequest {
enum WipeMode {
ALL = 0;
// Graceful indicates whether node should leave etcd before the upgrade, it also
// enforces etcd checks before leaving.
bool graceful = 1;
// Reboot indicates whether node should reboot or halt after resetting.
bool reboot = 2;
// System_partitions_to_wipe lists specific system disk partitions to be reset (wiped).
// If system_partitions_to_wipe is empty, all the partitions are erased.
repeated ResetPartitionSpec system_partitions_to_wipe = 3;
// UserDisksToWipe lists specific connected block devices to be reset (wiped).
repeated string user_disks_to_wipe = 4;
// WipeMode defines which devices should be wiped.
WipeMode mode = 5;
// The reset message containing the restart status.
message Reset {
common.Metadata metadata = 1;
string actor_id = 2;
message ResetResponse {
repeated Reset messages = 1;
// rpc shutdown
// The messages message containing the shutdown status.
message Shutdown {
common.Metadata metadata = 1;
string actor_id = 2;
message ShutdownRequest {
// Force indicates whether node should shutdown without first cordening and draining
bool force = 1;
message ShutdownResponse {
repeated Shutdown messages = 1;
// rpc upgrade
message UpgradeRequest {
enum RebootMode {
string image = 1;
bool preserve = 2;
bool stage = 3;
bool force = 4;
RebootMode reboot_mode = 5;
message Upgrade {
common.Metadata metadata = 1;
string ack = 2;
string actor_id = 3;
message UpgradeResponse {
repeated Upgrade messages = 1;
// rpc servicelist
message ServiceList {
common.Metadata metadata = 1;
repeated ServiceInfo services = 2;
message ServiceListResponse {
repeated ServiceList messages = 1;
message ServiceInfo {
string id = 1;
string state = 2;
ServiceEvents events = 3;
ServiceHealth health = 4;
message ServiceEvents {
repeated ServiceEvent events = 1;
message ServiceEvent {
string msg = 1;
string state = 2;
google.protobuf.Timestamp ts = 3;
message ServiceHealth {
bool unknown = 1;
bool healthy = 2;
string last_message = 3;
google.protobuf.Timestamp last_change = 4;
// rpc servicestart
message ServiceStartRequest {
string id = 1;
message ServiceStart {
common.Metadata metadata = 1;
string resp = 2;
message ServiceStartResponse {
repeated ServiceStart messages = 1;
message ServiceStopRequest {
string id = 1;
message ServiceStop {
common.Metadata metadata = 1;
string resp = 2;
message ServiceStopResponse {
repeated ServiceStop messages = 1;
message ServiceRestartRequest {
string id = 1;
message ServiceRestart {
common.Metadata metadata = 1;
string resp = 2;
message ServiceRestartResponse {
repeated ServiceRestart messages = 1;
// CopyRequest describes a request to copy data out of Talos node
// Copy produces .tar.gz archive which is streamed back to the caller
message CopyRequest {
// Root path to start copying data out, it might be either a file or directory
string root_path = 1;
// ListRequest describes a request to list the contents of a directory.
message ListRequest {
// Root indicates the root directory for the list. If not indicated, '/' is
// presumed.
string root = 1;
// Recurse indicates that subdirectories should be recursed.
bool recurse = 2;
// RecursionDepth indicates how many levels of subdirectories should be
// recursed. The default (0) indicates that no limit should be enforced.
int32 recursion_depth = 3;
// File type.
enum Type {
// Regular file (not directory, symlink, etc).
// Directory.
// Symbolic link.
// Types indicates what file type should be returned. If not indicated,
// all files will be returned.
repeated Type types = 4;
// DiskUsageRequest describes a request to list disk usage of directories and regular files
message DiskUsageRequest {
// RecursionDepth indicates how many levels of subdirectories should be
// recursed. The default (0) indicates that no limit should be enforced.
int32 recursion_depth = 1;
// All write sizes for all files, not just directories.
bool all = 2;
// Threshold exclude entries smaller than SIZE if positive,
// or entries greater than SIZE if negative.
int64 threshold = 3;
// DiskUsagePaths is the list of directories to calculate disk usage for.
repeated string paths = 4;
// FileInfo describes a file or directory's information
message FileInfo {
common.Metadata metadata = 1;
// Name is the name (including prefixed path) of the file or directory
string name = 2;
// Size indicates the number of bytes contained within the file
int64 size = 3;
// Mode is the bitmap of UNIX mode/permission flags of the file
uint32 mode = 4;
// Modified indicates the UNIX timestamp at which the file was last modified
int64 modified = 5;
// IsDir indicates that the file is a directory
bool is_dir = 6;
// Error describes any error encountered while trying to read the file
// information.
string error = 7;
// Link is filled with symlink target
string link = 8;
// RelativeName is the name of the file or directory relative to the RootPath
string relative_name = 9;
// Owner uid
uint32 uid = 10;
// Owner gid
uint32 gid = 11;
// DiskUsageInfo describes a file or directory's information for du command
message DiskUsageInfo {
common.Metadata metadata = 1;
// Name is the name (including prefixed path) of the file or directory
string name = 2;
// Size indicates the number of bytes contained within the file
int64 size = 3;
// Error describes any error encountered while trying to read the file
// information.
string error = 4;
// RelativeName is the name of the file or directory relative to the RootPath
string relative_name = 5;
// The messages message containing the requested df stats.
message Mounts {
common.Metadata metadata = 1;
repeated MountStat stats = 2;
message MountsResponse {
repeated Mounts messages = 1;
// The messages message containing the requested processes.
message MountStat {
string filesystem = 1;
uint64 size = 2;
uint64 available = 3;
string mounted_on = 4;
message Version {
common.Metadata metadata = 1;
VersionInfo version = 2;
PlatformInfo platform = 3;
// Features describe individual Talos features that can be switched on or off.
FeaturesInfo features = 4;
message VersionResponse {
repeated Version messages = 1;
message VersionInfo {
string tag = 1;
string sha = 2;
string built = 3;
string go_version = 4;
string os = 5;
string arch = 6;
message PlatformInfo {
string name = 1;
string mode = 2;
// FeaturesInfo describes individual Talos features that can be switched on or off.
message FeaturesInfo {
// RBAC is true if role-based access control is enabled.
bool rbac = 1;
// rpc logs
// The request message containing the process name.
message LogsRequest {
string namespace = 1;
string id = 2;
// driver might be default "containerd" or "cri"
common.ContainerDriver driver = 3;
bool follow = 4;
int32 tail_lines = 5;
message ReadRequest {
string path = 1;
// LogsContainer desribes all avalaible registered log containers.
message LogsContainer {
common.Metadata metadata = 1;
repeated string ids = 2;
message LogsContainersResponse {
repeated LogsContainer messages = 1;
// rpc rollback
message RollbackRequest {}
message Rollback {
common.Metadata metadata = 1;
message RollbackResponse {
repeated Rollback messages = 1;
// rpc Containers
message ContainersRequest {
string namespace = 1;
// driver might be default "containerd" or "cri"
common.ContainerDriver driver = 2;
// The messages message containing the requested containers.
message ContainerInfo {
string namespace = 1;
string id = 2;
string image = 3;
uint32 pid = 4;
string status = 5;
string pod_id = 6;
string name = 7;
string network_namespace = 8;
// The messages message containing the requested containers.
message Container {
common.Metadata metadata = 1;
repeated ContainerInfo containers = 2;
message ContainersResponse {
repeated Container messages = 1;
// dmesg
message DmesgRequest {
bool follow = 1;
bool tail = 2;
// rpc processes
message ProcessesResponse {
repeated Process messages = 1;
message Process {
common.Metadata metadata = 1;
repeated ProcessInfo processes = 2;
message ProcessInfo {
int32 pid = 1;
int32 ppid = 2;
string state = 3;
int32 threads = 4;
double cpu_time = 5;
uint64 virtual_memory = 6;
uint64 resident_memory = 7;
string command = 8;
string executable = 9;
string args = 10;
// rpc restart
// The request message containing the process to restart.
message RestartRequest {
string namespace = 1;
string id = 2;
// driver might be default "containerd" or "cri"
common.ContainerDriver driver = 3;
message Restart {
common.Metadata metadata = 1;
// The messages message containing the restart status.
message RestartResponse {
repeated Restart messages = 1;
// rpc stats
// The request message containing the containerd namespace.
message StatsRequest {
string namespace = 1;
// driver might be default "containerd" or "cri"
common.ContainerDriver driver = 2;
// The messages message containing the requested stats.
message Stats {
common.Metadata metadata = 1;
repeated Stat stats = 2;
message StatsResponse {
repeated Stats messages = 1;
// The messages message containing the requested stat.
message Stat {
string namespace = 1;
string id = 2;
uint64 memory_usage = 4;
uint64 cpu_usage = 5;
string pod_id = 6;
string name = 7;
message Memory {
common.Metadata metadata = 1;
MemInfo meminfo = 2;
message MemoryResponse {
repeated Memory messages = 1;
message MemInfo {
uint64 memtotal = 1;
uint64 memfree = 2;
uint64 memavailable = 3;
uint64 buffers = 4;
uint64 cached = 5;
uint64 swapcached = 6;
uint64 active = 7;
uint64 inactive = 8;
uint64 activeanon = 9;
uint64 inactiveanon = 10;
uint64 activefile = 11;
uint64 inactivefile = 12;
uint64 unevictable = 13;
uint64 mlocked = 14;
uint64 swaptotal = 15;
uint64 swapfree = 16;
uint64 dirty = 17;
uint64 writeback = 18;
uint64 anonpages = 19;
uint64 mapped = 20;
uint64 shmem = 21;
uint64 slab = 22;
uint64 sreclaimable = 23;
uint64 sunreclaim = 24;
uint64 kernelstack = 25;
uint64 pagetables = 26;
uint64 nfsunstable = 27;
uint64 bounce = 28;
uint64 writebacktmp = 29;
uint64 commitlimit = 30;
uint64 committedas = 31;
uint64 vmalloctotal = 32;
uint64 vmallocused = 33;
uint64 vmallocchunk = 34;
uint64 hardwarecorrupted = 35;
uint64 anonhugepages = 36;
uint64 shmemhugepages = 37;
uint64 shmempmdmapped = 38;
uint64 cmatotal = 39;
uint64 cmafree = 40;
uint64 hugepagestotal = 41;
uint64 hugepagesfree = 42;
uint64 hugepagesrsvd = 43;
uint64 hugepagessurp = 44;
uint64 hugepagesize = 45;
uint64 directmap4k = 46;
uint64 directmap2m = 47;
uint64 directmap1g = 48;
// rpc Hostname
message HostnameResponse {
repeated Hostname messages = 1;
message Hostname {
common.Metadata metadata = 1;
string hostname = 2;
// rpc LoadAvg
message LoadAvgResponse {
repeated LoadAvg messages = 1;
message LoadAvg {
common.Metadata metadata = 1;
double load1 = 2;
double load5 = 3;
double load15 = 4;
// rpc SystemStat
message SystemStatResponse {
repeated SystemStat messages = 1;
message SystemStat {
common.Metadata metadata = 1;
uint64 boot_time = 2;
CPUStat cpu_total = 3;
repeated CPUStat cpu = 4;
uint64 irq_total = 5;
repeated uint64 irq = 6;
uint64 context_switches = 7;
uint64 process_created = 8;
uint64 process_running = 9;
uint64 process_blocked = 10;
uint64 soft_irq_total = 11;
SoftIRQStat soft_irq = 12;
message CPUStat {
double user = 1;
double nice = 2;
double system = 3;
double idle = 4;
double iowait = 5;
double irq = 6;
double soft_irq = 7;
double steal = 8;
double guest = 9;
double guest_nice = 10;
message SoftIRQStat {
uint64 hi = 1;
uint64 timer = 2;
uint64 net_tx = 3;
uint64 net_rx = 4;
uint64 block = 5;
uint64 block_io_poll = 6;
uint64 tasklet = 7;
uint64 sched = 8;
uint64 hrtimer = 9;
uint64 rcu = 10;
// rpc CPUInfo
message CPUInfoResponse {
repeated CPUsInfo messages = 1;
message CPUsInfo {
common.Metadata metadata = 1;
repeated CPUInfo cpu_info = 2;
message CPUInfo {
uint32 processor = 1;
string vendor_id = 2;
string cpu_family = 3;
string model = 4;
string model_name = 5;
string stepping = 6;
string microcode = 7;
double cpu_mhz = 8;
string cache_size = 9;
string physical_id = 10;
uint32 siblings = 11;
string core_id = 12;
uint32 cpu_cores = 13;
string apic_id = 14;
string initial_apic_id = 15;
string fpu = 16;
string fpu_exception = 17;
uint32 cpu_id_level = 18;
string wp = 19;
repeated string flags = 20;
repeated string bugs = 21;
double bogo_mips = 22;
uint32 cl_flush_size = 23;
uint32 cache_alignment = 24;
string address_sizes = 25;
string power_management = 26;
// rpc NetworkDeviceStats
message NetworkDeviceStatsResponse {
repeated NetworkDeviceStats messages = 1;
message NetworkDeviceStats {
common.Metadata metadata = 1;
NetDev total = 2;
repeated NetDev devices = 3;
message NetDev {
string name = 1;
uint64 rx_bytes = 2;
uint64 rx_packets = 3;
uint64 rx_errors = 4;
uint64 rx_dropped = 5;
uint64 rx_fifo = 6;
uint64 rx_frame = 7;
uint64 rx_compressed = 8;
uint64 rx_multicast = 9;
uint64 tx_bytes = 10;
uint64 tx_packets = 11;
uint64 tx_errors = 12;
uint64 tx_dropped = 13;
uint64 tx_fifo = 14;
uint64 tx_collisions = 15;
uint64 tx_carrier = 16;
uint64 tx_compressed = 17;
// rpc DiskStats
message DiskStatsResponse {
repeated DiskStats messages = 1;
message DiskStats {
common.Metadata metadata = 1;
DiskStat total = 2;
repeated DiskStat devices = 3;
message DiskStat {
string name = 1;
uint64 read_completed = 2;
uint64 read_merged = 3;
uint64 read_sectors = 4;
uint64 read_time_ms = 5;
uint64 write_completed = 6;
uint64 write_merged = 7;
uint64 write_sectors = 8;
uint64 write_time_ms = 9;
uint64 io_in_progress = 10;
uint64 io_time_ms = 11;
uint64 io_time_weighted_ms = 12;
uint64 discard_completed = 13;
uint64 discard_merged = 14;
uint64 discard_sectors = 15;
uint64 discard_time_ms = 16;
message EtcdLeaveClusterRequest {}
message EtcdLeaveCluster {
common.Metadata metadata = 1;
message EtcdLeaveClusterResponse {
repeated EtcdLeaveCluster messages = 1;
message EtcdRemoveMemberRequest {
string member = 1;
message EtcdRemoveMember {
common.Metadata metadata = 1;
message EtcdRemoveMemberResponse {
repeated EtcdRemoveMember messages = 1;
message EtcdRemoveMemberByIDRequest {
uint64 member_id = 1;
message EtcdRemoveMemberByID {
common.Metadata metadata = 1;
message EtcdRemoveMemberByIDResponse {
repeated EtcdRemoveMemberByID messages = 1;
message EtcdForfeitLeadershipRequest {}
message EtcdForfeitLeadership {
common.Metadata metadata = 1;
string member = 2;
message EtcdForfeitLeadershipResponse {
repeated EtcdForfeitLeadership messages = 1;
message EtcdMemberListRequest {
bool query_local = 1;
// EtcdMember describes a single etcd member.
message EtcdMember {
// member ID.
uint64 id = 2;
// human-readable name of the member.
string hostname = 3;
// the list of URLs the member exposes to clients for communication.
repeated string peer_urls = 4;
// the list of URLs the member exposes to the cluster for communication.
repeated string client_urls = 5;
// learner flag
bool is_learner = 6;
// EtcdMembers contains the list of members registered on the host.
message EtcdMembers {
common.Metadata metadata = 1;
// list of member hostnames.
repeated string legacy_members = 2;
// the list of etcd members registered on the node.
repeated EtcdMember members = 3;
message EtcdMemberListResponse {
repeated EtcdMembers messages = 1;
message EtcdSnapshotRequest {}
message EtcdRecover {
common.Metadata metadata = 1;
message EtcdRecoverResponse {
repeated EtcdRecover messages = 1;
message EtcdAlarmListResponse {
repeated EtcdAlarm messages = 1;
message EtcdAlarm {
common.Metadata metadata = 1;
repeated EtcdMemberAlarm member_alarms = 2;
message EtcdMemberAlarm {
enum AlarmType {
NONE = 0;
uint64 member_id = 1;
AlarmType alarm = 2;
message EtcdAlarmDisarmResponse {
repeated EtcdAlarmDisarm messages = 1;
message EtcdAlarmDisarm {
common.Metadata metadata = 1;
repeated EtcdMemberAlarm member_alarms = 2;
message EtcdDefragmentResponse {
repeated EtcdDefragment messages = 1;
message EtcdDefragment {
common.Metadata metadata = 1;
message EtcdStatusResponse {
repeated EtcdStatus messages = 1;
message EtcdStatus {
common.Metadata metadata = 1;
EtcdMemberStatus member_status = 2;
message EtcdMemberStatus {
uint64 member_id = 10;
string protocol_version = 1;
int64 db_size = 2;
int64 db_size_in_use = 3;
uint64 leader = 4;
uint64 raft_index = 5;
uint64 raft_term = 6;
uint64 raft_applied_index = 7;
repeated string errors = 8;
bool is_learner = 9;
// rpc generateConfiguration
message RouteConfig {
string network = 1;
string gateway = 2;
uint32 metric = 3;
message DHCPOptionsConfig {
uint32 route_metric = 1;
message NetworkDeviceConfig {
string interface = 1;
string cidr = 2;
int32 mtu = 3;
bool dhcp = 4;
bool ignore = 5;
DHCPOptionsConfig dhcp_options = 6;
repeated RouteConfig routes = 7;
message NetworkConfig {
string hostname = 1;
repeated NetworkDeviceConfig interfaces = 2;
message InstallConfig {
string install_disk = 1;
string install_image = 2;
message MachineConfig {
enum MachineType {
MachineType type = 1;
InstallConfig install_config = 2;
NetworkConfig network_config = 3;
string kubernetes_version = 4;
message ControlPlaneConfig {
string endpoint = 1;
message CNIConfig {
string name = 1;
repeated string urls = 2;
message ClusterNetworkConfig {
string dns_domain = 1;
CNIConfig cni_config = 2;
message ClusterConfig {
string name = 1;
ControlPlaneConfig control_plane = 2;
ClusterNetworkConfig cluster_network = 3;
bool allow_scheduling_on_control_planes = 4;
// GenerateConfigurationRequest describes a request to generate a new configuration
// on a node.
message GenerateConfigurationRequest {
string config_version = 1;
ClusterConfig cluster_config = 2;
MachineConfig machine_config = 3;
google.protobuf.Timestamp override_time = 4;
// GenerateConfiguration describes the response to a generate configuration request.
message GenerateConfiguration {
common.Metadata metadata = 1;
repeated bytes data = 2;
bytes talosconfig = 3;
message GenerateConfigurationResponse {
repeated GenerateConfiguration messages = 1;
message GenerateClientConfigurationRequest {
// Roles in the generated client certificate.
repeated string roles = 1;
// Client certificate TTL.
google.protobuf.Duration crt_ttl = 2;
message GenerateClientConfiguration {
common.Metadata metadata = 1;
// PEM-encoded CA certificate.
bytes ca = 2;
// PEM-encoded generated client certificate.
bytes crt = 3;
// PEM-encoded generated client key.
bytes key = 4;
// Client configuration (talosconfig) file content.
bytes talosconfig = 5;
message GenerateClientConfigurationResponse {
repeated GenerateClientConfiguration messages = 1;
message PacketCaptureRequest {
// Interface name to perform packet capture on.
string interface = 1;
// Enable promiscuous mode.
bool promiscuous = 2;
// Snap length in bytes.
uint32 snap_len = 3;
// BPF filter.
repeated BPFInstruction bpf_filter = 4;
message BPFInstruction {
uint32 op = 1;
uint32 jt = 2;
uint32 jf = 3;
uint32 k = 4;
message NetstatRequest {
enum Filter {
ALL = 0;
Filter filter = 1;
message Feature {
bool pid = 1;
Feature feature = 2;
message L4proto {
bool tcp = 1;
bool tcp6 = 2;
bool udp = 3;
bool udp6 = 4;
bool udplite = 5;
bool udplite6 = 6;
bool raw = 7;
bool raw6 = 8;
L4proto l4proto = 3;
message NetNS {
bool hostnetwork = 1;
repeated string netns = 2;
bool allnetns = 3;
NetNS netns = 4;
message ConnectRecord {
string l4proto = 1;
string localip = 2;
uint32 localport = 3;
string remoteip = 4;
uint32 remoteport = 5;
enum State {
FIN_WAIT1 = 4;
FIN_WAIT2 = 5;
CLOSE = 7;
LISTEN = 10;
State state = 6;
uint64 txqueue = 7;
uint64 rxqueue = 8;
enum TimerActive {
OFF = 0;
ON = 1;
PROBE = 4;
TimerActive tr = 9;
uint64 timerwhen = 10;
uint64 retrnsmt = 11;
uint32 uid = 12;
uint64 timeout = 13;
uint64 inode = 14;
uint64 ref = 15;
uint64 pointer = 16;
message Process {
uint32 pid = 1;
string name = 2;
Process process = 17;
string netns = 18;
message Netstat {
common.Metadata metadata = 1;
repeated ConnectRecord connectrecord = 2;
message NetstatResponse {
repeated Netstat messages = 1;
message MetaWriteRequest {
uint32 key = 1;
bytes value = 2;
message MetaWrite {
common.Metadata metadata = 1;
message MetaWriteResponse {
repeated MetaWrite messages = 1;
message MetaDeleteRequest {
uint32 key = 1;
message MetaDelete {
common.Metadata metadata = 1;
message MetaDeleteResponse {
repeated MetaDelete messages = 1;
message ImageListRequest {
// Containerd namespace to use.
common.ContainerdNamespace namespace = 1;
message ImageListResponse {
common.Metadata metadata = 1;
string name = 2;
string digest = 3;
int64 size = 4;
google.protobuf.Timestamp created_at = 5;
message ImagePullRequest {
// Containerd namespace to use.
common.ContainerdNamespace namespace = 1;
// Image reference to pull.
string reference = 2;
message ImagePull {
common.Metadata metadata = 1;
message ImagePullResponse {
repeated ImagePull messages = 1;