Jean-Francois Roy fd54dc191d
feat(talosctl): append microsoft secure boot certs
This patch adds a flag to `secureboot.database.Generate` to append the
Microsoft UEFI secure boot DB and KEK certificates to the appropriate
ESLs, in addition to complimentary command line flags.

This patch also includes a copy of said Microsoft certificates. The
certificates are downloaded from an official Microsoft repo.

Signed-off-by: Jean-Francois Roy <jf@devklog.net>
Signed-off-by: Andrey Smirnov <andrey.smirnov@siderolabs.com>
2024-07-22 14:15:42 +04:00

501 lines
15 KiB

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package imager
import (
v1 "github.com/google/go-containerregistry/pkg/v1"
func (i *Imager) outInitramfs(path string, report *reporter.Reporter) error {
printf := progressPrintf(report, reporter.Update{Message: "copying initramfs...", Status: reporter.StatusRunning})
if err := utils.CopyFiles(printf, utils.SourceDestination(i.initramfsPath, path)); err != nil {
return err
report.Report(reporter.Update{Message: "initramfs output ready", Status: reporter.StatusSucceeded})
return nil
func (i *Imager) outKernel(path string, report *reporter.Reporter) error {
printf := progressPrintf(report, reporter.Update{Message: "copying kernel...", Status: reporter.StatusRunning})
if err := utils.CopyFiles(printf, utils.SourceDestination(i.prof.Input.Kernel.Path, path)); err != nil {
return err
report.Report(reporter.Update{Message: "kernel output ready", Status: reporter.StatusSucceeded})
return nil
func (i *Imager) outUKI(path string, report *reporter.Reporter) error {
printf := progressPrintf(report, reporter.Update{Message: "copying kernel...", Status: reporter.StatusRunning})
if err := utils.CopyFiles(printf, utils.SourceDestination(i.ukiPath, path)); err != nil {
return err
report.Report(reporter.Update{Message: "UKI output ready", Status: reporter.StatusSucceeded})
return nil
func (i *Imager) outCmdline(path string) error {
return os.WriteFile(path, []byte(i.cmdline), 0o644)
func (i *Imager) outISO(ctx context.Context, path string, report *reporter.Reporter) error {
printf := progressPrintf(report, reporter.Update{Message: "building ISO...", Status: reporter.StatusRunning})
scratchSpace := filepath.Join(i.tempDir, "iso")
var err error
if i.prof.SecureBootEnabled() {
isoOptions := pointer.SafeDeref(i.prof.Output.ISOOptions)
var signer pesign.CertificateSigner
signer, err = i.prof.Input.SecureBoot.SecureBootSigner.GetSigner(ctx)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to get SecureBoot signer: %w", err)
derCrtPath := filepath.Join(i.tempDir, "uki.der")
if err = os.WriteFile(derCrtPath, signer.Certificate().Raw, 0o600); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to write uki.der: %w", err)
options := iso.UEFIOptions{
UKIPath: i.ukiPath,
SDBootPath: i.sdBootPath,
SDBootSecureBootEnrollKeys: isoOptions.SDBootEnrollKeys.String(),
UKISigningCertDerPath: derCrtPath,
PlatformKeyPath: i.prof.Input.SecureBoot.PlatformKeyPath,
KeyExchangeKeyPath: i.prof.Input.SecureBoot.KeyExchangeKeyPath,
SignatureKeyPath: i.prof.Input.SecureBoot.SignatureKeyPath,
Arch: i.prof.Arch,
Version: i.prof.Version,
ScratchDir: scratchSpace,
OutPath: path,
if i.prof.Input.SecureBoot.PlatformKeyPath == "" {
report.Report(reporter.Update{Message: "generating SecureBoot database...", Status: reporter.StatusRunning})
// generate the database automatically from provided values
enrolledPEM := pem.EncodeToMemory(&pem.Block{
Bytes: signer.Certificate().Raw,
var entries []database.Entry
entries, err = database.Generate(enrolledPEM, signer, database.IncludeWellKnownCertificates(i.prof.Input.SecureBoot.IncludeWellKnownCerts))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to generate database: %w", err)
for _, entry := range entries {
entryPath := filepath.Join(i.tempDir, entry.Name)
if err = os.WriteFile(entryPath, entry.Contents, 0o600); err != nil {
return err
switch entry.Name {
case constants.PlatformKeyAsset:
options.PlatformKeyPath = entryPath
case constants.KeyExchangeKeyAsset:
options.KeyExchangeKeyPath = entryPath
case constants.SignatureKeyAsset:
options.SignatureKeyPath = entryPath
return fmt.Errorf("unknown database entry: %s", entry.Name)
} else {
options.PlatformKeyPath = i.prof.Input.SecureBoot.PlatformKeyPath
options.KeyExchangeKeyPath = i.prof.Input.SecureBoot.KeyExchangeKeyPath
options.SignatureKeyPath = i.prof.Input.SecureBoot.SignatureKeyPath
err = iso.CreateUEFI(printf, options)
} else {
err = iso.CreateGRUB(printf, iso.GRUBOptions{
KernelPath: i.prof.Input.Kernel.Path,
InitramfsPath: i.initramfsPath,
Cmdline: i.cmdline,
Version: i.prof.Version,
ScratchDir: scratchSpace,
OutPath: path,
if err != nil {
return err
report.Report(reporter.Update{Message: "ISO ready", Status: reporter.StatusSucceeded})
return nil
func (i *Imager) outImage(ctx context.Context, path string, report *reporter.Reporter) error {
printf := progressPrintf(report, reporter.Update{Message: "creating disk image...", Status: reporter.StatusRunning})
if err := i.buildImage(ctx, path, printf); err != nil {
return err
switch i.prof.Output.ImageOptions.DiskFormat {
case profile.DiskFormatRaw:
// nothing to do
case profile.DiskFormatQCOW2:
if err := qemuimg.Convert("raw", "qcow2", i.prof.Output.ImageOptions.DiskFormatOptions, path, printf); err != nil {
return err
case profile.DiskFormatVPC:
if err := qemuimg.Convert("raw", "vpc", i.prof.Output.ImageOptions.DiskFormatOptions, path, printf); err != nil {
return err
case profile.DiskFormatOVA:
scratchPath := filepath.Join(i.tempDir, "ova")
if err := ova.CreateOVAFromRAW(path, i.prof.Arch, scratchPath, i.prof.Output.ImageOptions.DiskSize, printf); err != nil {
return err
case profile.DiskFormatUnknown:
return fmt.Errorf("unsupported disk format: %s", i.prof.Output.ImageOptions.DiskFormat)
report.Report(reporter.Update{Message: "disk image ready", Status: reporter.StatusSucceeded})
return nil
func (i *Imager) buildImage(ctx context.Context, path string, printf func(string, ...any)) error {
if err := utils.CreateRawDisk(printf, path, i.prof.Output.ImageOptions.DiskSize); err != nil {
return err
printf("attaching loopback device")
var (
loDevice string
err error
if loDevice, err = utils.Loattach(path); err != nil {
return err
defer func() {
printf("detaching loopback device")
if e := utils.Lodetach(loDevice); e != nil {
cmdline := procfs.NewCmdline(i.cmdline)
scratchSpace := filepath.Join(i.tempDir, "image")
opts := &install.Options{
Disk: loDevice,
Platform: i.prof.Platform,
Arch: i.prof.Arch,
Board: i.prof.Board,
MetaValues: install.FromMeta(i.prof.Customization.MetaContents),
ImageSecureboot: i.prof.SecureBootEnabled(),
Version: i.prof.Version,
BootAssets: options.BootAssets{
KernelPath: i.prof.Input.Kernel.Path,
InitramfsPath: i.initramfsPath,
UKIPath: i.ukiPath,
SDBootPath: i.sdBootPath,
DTBPath: i.prof.Input.DTB.Path,
UBootPath: i.prof.Input.UBoot.Path,
RPiFirmwarePath: i.prof.Input.RPiFirmware.Path,
MountPrefix: scratchSpace,
Printf: printf,
if i.overlayInstaller != nil {
opts.OverlayInstaller = i.overlayInstaller
opts.ExtraOptions = i.prof.Overlay.ExtraOptions
opts.OverlayExtractedDir = i.tempDir
if opts.Board == "" {
opts.Board = constants.BoardNone
installer, err := install.NewInstaller(ctx, cmdline, install.ModeImage, opts)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to create installer: %w", err)
if err := installer.Install(ctx, install.ModeImage); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to install: %w", err)
return nil
func (i *Imager) outInstaller(ctx context.Context, path string, report *reporter.Reporter) error {
printf := progressPrintf(report, reporter.Update{Message: "building installer...", Status: reporter.StatusRunning})
baseInstallerImg, err := i.prof.Input.BaseInstaller.Pull(ctx, i.prof.Arch, printf)
if err != nil {
return err
baseLayers, err := baseInstallerImg.Layers()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to get layers: %w", err)
configFile, err := baseInstallerImg.ConfigFile()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to get config file: %w", err)
config := *configFile.Config.DeepCopy()
printf("creating empty image")
newInstallerImg := mutate.MediaType(empty.Image, types.OCIManifestSchema1)
newInstallerImg = mutate.ConfigMediaType(newInstallerImg, types.OCIConfigJSON)
newInstallerImg, err = mutate.Config(newInstallerImg, config)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to set config: %w", err)
newInstallerImg, err = mutate.CreatedAt(newInstallerImg, v1.Time{Time: time.Now()})
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to set created at: %w", err)
// Talos v1.5+ optimizes the install layers to be easily replaceable with new artifacts
// other Talos versions will have an overhead of artifacts being stored twice
if len(baseLayers) == 2 {
// optimized for installer image for artifacts replacements
baseLayers = baseLayers[:1]
newInstallerImg, err = mutate.AppendLayers(newInstallerImg, baseLayers...)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to append layers: %w", err)
var artifacts []filemap.File
printf("generating artifacts layer")
if i.prof.SecureBootEnabled() {
artifacts = append(artifacts,
ImagePath: strings.TrimLeft(fmt.Sprintf(constants.UKIAssetPath, i.prof.Arch), "/"),
SourcePath: i.ukiPath,
ImagePath: strings.TrimLeft(fmt.Sprintf(constants.SDBootAssetPath, i.prof.Arch), "/"),
SourcePath: i.sdBootPath,
} else {
artifacts = append(artifacts,
ImagePath: strings.TrimLeft(fmt.Sprintf(constants.KernelAssetPath, i.prof.Arch), "/"),
SourcePath: i.prof.Input.Kernel.Path,
ImagePath: strings.TrimLeft(fmt.Sprintf(constants.InitramfsAssetPath, i.prof.Arch), "/"),
SourcePath: i.initramfsPath,
if !quirks.New(i.prof.Version).SupportsOverlay() {
for _, extraArtifact := range []struct {
sourcePath string
imagePath string
sourcePath: i.prof.Input.DTB.Path,
imagePath: strings.TrimLeft(fmt.Sprintf(constants.DTBAssetPath, i.prof.Arch), "/"),
sourcePath: i.prof.Input.UBoot.Path,
imagePath: strings.TrimLeft(fmt.Sprintf(constants.UBootAssetPath, i.prof.Arch), "/"),
sourcePath: i.prof.Input.RPiFirmware.Path,
imagePath: strings.TrimLeft(fmt.Sprintf(constants.RPiFirmwareAssetPath, i.prof.Arch), "/"),
} {
if extraArtifact.sourcePath == "" {
var extraFiles []filemap.File
extraFiles, err = filemap.Walk(extraArtifact.sourcePath, extraArtifact.imagePath)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to walk extra artifact %s: %w", extraArtifact.sourcePath, err)
artifacts = append(artifacts, extraFiles...)
artifactsLayer, err := filemap.Layer(artifacts)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to create artifacts layer: %w", err)
newInstallerImg, err = mutate.AppendLayers(newInstallerImg, artifactsLayer)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to append artifacts layer: %w", err)
if i.overlayInstaller != nil {
tempOverlayPath := filepath.Join(i.tempDir, "overlay-installer", constants.ImagerOverlayBasePath)
if err := os.MkdirAll(tempOverlayPath, 0o755); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to create overlay directory: %w", err)
if err := i.prof.Input.OverlayInstaller.Extract(
progressPrintf(report, reporter.Update{Message: "pulling overlay for installer...", Status: reporter.StatusRunning}),
); err != nil {
return err
extraOpts, internalErr := yaml.Marshal(i.prof.Overlay.ExtraOptions)
if internalErr != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to marshal extra options: %w", internalErr)
if internalErr = os.WriteFile(filepath.Join(i.tempDir, constants.ImagerOverlayExtraOptionsPath), extraOpts, 0o644); internalErr != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to write extra options yaml: %w", internalErr)
printf("generating overlay installer layer")
var overlayArtifacts []filemap.File
for _, extraArtifact := range []struct {
sourcePath string
imagePath string
mode os.FileMode
sourcePath: filepath.Join(i.tempDir, "overlay-installer", constants.ImagerOverlayArtifactsPath),
imagePath: strings.TrimLeft(constants.ImagerOverlayArtifactsPath, "/"),
sourcePath: filepath.Join(i.tempDir, "overlay-installer", constants.ImagerOverlayInstallersPath, i.prof.Overlay.Name),
imagePath: strings.TrimLeft(constants.ImagerOverlayInstallerDefaultPath, "/"),
mode: 0o755,
sourcePath: filepath.Join(i.tempDir, constants.ImagerOverlayExtraOptionsPath),
imagePath: strings.TrimLeft(constants.ImagerOverlayExtraOptionsPath, "/"),
} {
var extraFiles []filemap.File
extraFiles, err = filemap.Walk(extraArtifact.sourcePath, extraArtifact.imagePath)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to walk extra artifact %s: %w", extraArtifact.sourcePath, err)
for i := range extraFiles {
extraFiles[i].ImageMode = int64(extraArtifact.mode)
overlayArtifacts = append(overlayArtifacts, extraFiles...)
overlayArtifactsLayer, internalErr := filemap.Layer(overlayArtifacts)
if internalErr != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to create overlay artifacts layer: %w", internalErr)
newInstallerImg, internalErr = mutate.AppendLayers(newInstallerImg, overlayArtifactsLayer)
if internalErr != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to append overlay artifacts layer: %w", internalErr)
ref, err := name.ParseReference(i.prof.Input.BaseInstaller.ImageRef)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to parse image reference: %w", err)
printf("writing image tarball")
if err := tarball.WriteToFile(path, ref, newInstallerImg); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to write image tarball: %w", err)
report.Report(reporter.Update{Message: "installer container image ready", Status: reporter.StatusSucceeded})
return nil