Add flags for configuring the qemu bridge interface with chaos options: - network-chaos-enabled - network-jitter - network-latency - network-packet-loss - network-packet-reorder - network-packet-corrupt - network-bandwidth These flags are used in /pkg/provision/providers/vm/network.go at the end of the CreateNetwork function to first see if the network-chaos-enabled flag is set, and then check if bandwidth is set. This will allow developers to simulate clusters having a degraded WAN connection in the development environment and testing pipelines. If bandwidth is not set, it will then enable the other options. - Note that if bandwidth is set, the other options such as jitter, latency, packet loss, reordering and corruption will not be used. This is for two reasons: - Restriction the bandwidth can often intoduce many of the other issues being set by the other options. - Setting the bandwidth uses a separate queuing discipline (Token Bucket Filter) from the other options (Network Emulator) and requires a much more complex configuration using a Heirarchial Token Bucket Filter which cannot be configured at a granular enough level using the vishvananda/netlink library. Adding both queuing disciplines to the same interface may be an option to look into in the future, but would take more extensive testing and control over many more variables which I believe is out of the scope of this PR. It is also possible to add custom profiles, but will also take more research to develop common scenarios which combine different options in a realistic manner. Signed-off-by: Christian Rolland <christian.rolland@siderolabs.com> Signed-off-by: Andrey Smirnov <andrey.smirnov@talos-systems.com>