454 lines
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454 lines
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// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
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package cluster
import (
discoveryclient "github.com/talos-systems/discovery-client/pkg/client"
const defaultDiscoveryTTL = 30 * time.Minute
// DiscoveryServiceController pushes Affiliate resource to the Kubernetes registry.
type DiscoveryServiceController struct {
localAffiliateID resource.ID
// Name implements controller.Controller interface.
func (ctrl *DiscoveryServiceController) Name() string {
return "cluster.DiscoveryServiceController"
// Inputs implements controller.Controller interface.
func (ctrl *DiscoveryServiceController) Inputs() []controller.Input {
return []controller.Input{
Namespace: config.NamespaceName,
Type: cluster.ConfigType,
ID: pointer.To(cluster.ConfigID),
Kind: controller.InputWeak,
Namespace: cluster.NamespaceName,
Type: cluster.IdentityType,
ID: pointer.To(cluster.LocalIdentity),
Kind: controller.InputWeak,
Namespace: kubespan.NamespaceName,
Type: kubespan.EndpointType,
Kind: controller.InputWeak,
// Outputs implements controller.Controller interface.
func (ctrl *DiscoveryServiceController) Outputs() []controller.Output {
return []controller.Output{
Type: cluster.AffiliateType,
Kind: controller.OutputShared,
// Run implements controller.Controller interface.
func (ctrl *DiscoveryServiceController) Run(ctx context.Context, r controller.Runtime, logger *zap.Logger) error {
var (
client *discoveryclient.Client
clientCtxCancel context.CancelFunc
clientErrCh := make(chan error, 1)
defer func() {
if clientCtxCancel != nil {
notifyCh := make(chan struct{}, 1)
var (
prevLocalData *pb.Affiliate
prevLocalEndpoints []*pb.Endpoint
prevOtherEndpoints []discoveryclient.Endpoint
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil
case <-r.EventCh():
case <-notifyCh:
case err := <-clientErrCh:
if clientCtxCancel != nil {
clientCtxCancel = nil
if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, context.Canceled) {
return fmt.Errorf("error from discovery client: %w", err)
discoveryConfig, err := r.Get(ctx, resource.NewMetadata(config.NamespaceName, cluster.ConfigType, cluster.ConfigID, resource.VersionUndefined))
if err != nil {
if !state.IsNotFoundError(err) {
return fmt.Errorf("error getting discovery config: %w", err)
if !discoveryConfig.(*cluster.Config).TypedSpec().RegistryServiceEnabled {
// if discovery is disabled cleanup existing resources
if err = cleanupAffiliates(ctx, ctrl, r, nil); err != nil {
return err
if clientCtxCancel != nil {
clientCtxCancel = nil
client = nil
prevLocalData = nil
prevLocalEndpoints = nil
prevOtherEndpoints = nil
identity, err := r.Get(ctx, resource.NewMetadata(cluster.NamespaceName, cluster.IdentityType, cluster.LocalIdentity, resource.VersionUndefined))
if err != nil {
if !state.IsNotFoundError(err) {
return fmt.Errorf("error getting local identity: %w", err)
localAffiliateID := identity.(*cluster.Identity).TypedSpec().NodeID
if ctrl.localAffiliateID != localAffiliateID {
ctrl.localAffiliateID = localAffiliateID
if err = r.UpdateInputs(append(ctrl.Inputs(),
Namespace: cluster.NamespaceName,
Type: cluster.AffiliateType,
ID: pointer.To(ctrl.localAffiliateID),
Kind: controller.InputWeak,
)); err != nil {
return err
if clientCtxCancel != nil {
clientCtxCancel = nil
client = nil
prevLocalData = nil
prevLocalEndpoints = nil
prevOtherEndpoints = nil
affiliate, err := r.Get(ctx, resource.NewMetadata(cluster.NamespaceName, cluster.AffiliateType, ctrl.localAffiliateID, resource.VersionUndefined))
if err != nil {
if !state.IsNotFoundError(err) {
return fmt.Errorf("error getting local affiliate: %w", err)
affiliateSpec := affiliate.(*cluster.Affiliate).TypedSpec()
otherEndpointsList, err := r.List(ctx, resource.NewMetadata(kubespan.NamespaceName, kubespan.EndpointType, "", resource.VersionUndefined))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error listing endpoints: %w", err)
if client == nil {
var cipher cipher.Block
cipher, err = aes.NewCipher(discoveryConfig.(*cluster.Config).TypedSpec().ServiceEncryptionKey)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error initializing AES cipher: %w", err)
client, err = discoveryclient.NewClient(discoveryclient.Options{
Cipher: cipher,
Endpoint: discoveryConfig.(*cluster.Config).TypedSpec().ServiceEndpoint,
ClusterID: discoveryConfig.(*cluster.Config).TypedSpec().ServiceClusterID,
AffiliateID: localAffiliateID,
TTL: defaultDiscoveryTTL,
Insecure: discoveryConfig.(*cluster.Config).TypedSpec().ServiceEndpointInsecure,
ClientVersion: version.Tag,
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error initializing discovery client: %w", err)
var clientCtx context.Context
clientCtx, clientCtxCancel = context.WithCancel(ctx) //nolint:govet
go func() {
clientErrCh <- client.Run(clientCtx, logger, notifyCh)
localData := pbAffiliate(affiliateSpec)
localEndpoints := pbEndpoints(affiliateSpec)
otherEndpoints := pbOtherEndpoints(otherEndpointsList)
// don't send updates on localData if it hasn't changed: this introduces positive feedback loop,
// as the watch loop will notify on self update
if !proto.Equal(localData, prevLocalData) || !equalEndpoints(localEndpoints, prevLocalEndpoints) || !equalOtherEndpoints(otherEndpoints, prevOtherEndpoints) {
if err = client.SetLocalData(&discoveryclient.Affiliate{
Affiliate: localData,
Endpoints: localEndpoints,
}, otherEndpoints); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error setting local affiliate data: %w", err) //nolint:govet
prevLocalData = localData
prevLocalEndpoints = localEndpoints
prevOtherEndpoints = otherEndpoints
touchedIDs := make(map[resource.ID]struct{})
for _, discoveredAffiliate := range client.GetAffiliates() {
id := fmt.Sprintf("service/%s", discoveredAffiliate.Affiliate.NodeId)
discoveredAffiliate := discoveredAffiliate
if err = r.Modify(ctx, cluster.NewAffiliate(cluster.RawNamespaceName, id), func(res resource.Resource) error {
*res.(*cluster.Affiliate).TypedSpec() = specAffiliate(discoveredAffiliate.Affiliate, discoveredAffiliate.Endpoints)
return nil
}); err != nil {
return err
touchedIDs[id] = struct{}{}
if err := cleanupAffiliates(ctx, ctrl, r, touchedIDs); err != nil {
return err
func pbAffiliate(affiliate *cluster.AffiliateSpec) *pb.Affiliate {
addresses := slices.Map(affiliate.Addresses, func(address netip.Addr) []byte {
result, _ := address.MarshalBinary() //nolint:errcheck // doesn't fail
return result
var kubeSpan *pb.KubeSpan
if affiliate.KubeSpan.PublicKey != "" {
kubeSpan = &pb.KubeSpan{
PublicKey: affiliate.KubeSpan.PublicKey,
kubeSpan.Address, _ = affiliate.KubeSpan.Address.MarshalBinary() //nolint:errcheck // doesn't fail
additionalAddresses := make([]*pb.IPPrefix, len(affiliate.KubeSpan.AdditionalAddresses))
for i := range additionalAddresses {
additionalAddresses[i] = &pb.IPPrefix{
Bits: uint32(affiliate.KubeSpan.AdditionalAddresses[i].Bits()),
additionalAddresses[i].Ip, _ = affiliate.KubeSpan.AdditionalAddresses[i].Addr().MarshalBinary() //nolint:errcheck // doesn't fail
kubeSpan.AdditionalAddresses = additionalAddresses
return &pb.Affiliate{
NodeId: affiliate.NodeID,
Addresses: addresses,
Hostname: affiliate.Hostname,
Nodename: affiliate.Nodename,
MachineType: affiliate.MachineType.String(),
OperatingSystem: affiliate.OperatingSystem,
Kubespan: kubeSpan,
func pbEndpoints(affiliate *cluster.AffiliateSpec) []*pb.Endpoint {
if affiliate.KubeSpan.PublicKey == "" || len(affiliate.KubeSpan.Endpoints) == 0 {
return nil
result := make([]*pb.Endpoint, len(affiliate.KubeSpan.Endpoints))
for i := range result {
result[i] = &pb.Endpoint{
Port: uint32(affiliate.KubeSpan.Endpoints[i].Port()),
result[i].Ip, _ = affiliate.KubeSpan.Endpoints[i].Addr().MarshalBinary() //nolint:errcheck // doesn't fail
return result
func pbOtherEndpoints(otherEndpointsList resource.List) []discoveryclient.Endpoint {
if len(otherEndpointsList.Items) == 0 {
return nil
result := make([]discoveryclient.Endpoint, 0, len(otherEndpointsList.Items))
for _, res := range otherEndpointsList.Items {
endpoint := res.(*kubespan.Endpoint).TypedSpec()
encodedEndpoint := &pb.Endpoint{
Port: uint32(endpoint.Endpoint.Port()),
encodedEndpoint.Ip, _ = endpoint.Endpoint.Addr().MarshalBinary() //nolint:errcheck // doesn't fail
result = append(result, discoveryclient.Endpoint{
AffiliateID: endpoint.AffiliateID,
Endpoints: []*pb.Endpoint{
return result
func equalEndpoints(a, b []*pb.Endpoint) bool {
if a == nil || b == nil {
return a == nil && b == nil
if len(a) != len(b) {
return false
for i := range a {
if !proto.Equal(a[i], b[i]) {
return false
return true
func equalOtherEndpoints(a, b []discoveryclient.Endpoint) bool {
if a == nil || b == nil {
return a == nil && b == nil
if len(a) != len(b) {
return false
for i := range a {
if a[i].AffiliateID != b[i].AffiliateID {
return false
if !equalEndpoints(a[i].Endpoints, b[i].Endpoints) {
return false
return true
func specAffiliate(affiliate *pb.Affiliate, endpoints []*pb.Endpoint) cluster.AffiliateSpec {
result := cluster.AffiliateSpec{
NodeID: affiliate.NodeId,
Hostname: affiliate.Hostname,
Nodename: affiliate.Nodename,
OperatingSystem: affiliate.OperatingSystem,
result.MachineType, _ = machine.ParseType(affiliate.MachineType) //nolint:errcheck // ignore parse error (machine.TypeUnknown)
result.Addresses = make([]netip.Addr, 0, len(affiliate.Addresses))
for i := range affiliate.Addresses {
var ip netip.Addr
if err := ip.UnmarshalBinary(affiliate.Addresses[i]); err == nil {
result.Addresses = append(result.Addresses, ip)
if affiliate.Kubespan != nil {
result.KubeSpan.PublicKey = affiliate.Kubespan.PublicKey
result.KubeSpan.Address.UnmarshalBinary(affiliate.Kubespan.Address) //nolint:errcheck // ignore error, address will be zero
result.KubeSpan.AdditionalAddresses = make([]netip.Prefix, 0, len(affiliate.Kubespan.AdditionalAddresses))
for i := range affiliate.Kubespan.AdditionalAddresses {
var ip netip.Addr
if err := ip.UnmarshalBinary(affiliate.Kubespan.AdditionalAddresses[i].Ip); err == nil {
result.KubeSpan.AdditionalAddresses = append(result.KubeSpan.AdditionalAddresses, netip.PrefixFrom(ip, int(affiliate.Kubespan.AdditionalAddresses[i].Bits)))
result.KubeSpan.Endpoints = make([]netip.AddrPort, 0, len(endpoints))
for i := range endpoints {
var ip netip.Addr
if err := ip.UnmarshalBinary(endpoints[i].Ip); err == nil {
result.KubeSpan.Endpoints = append(result.KubeSpan.Endpoints, netip.AddrPortFrom(ip, uint16(endpoints[i].Port)))
return result