Philipp Sauter e1e340bdd9
feat: expose Talos node labels as a machine configuration field
We add the `nodeLabels` key to the machine config to allow users to add
node labels to the kubernetes Node object. A controller
reads the nodeLabels from the machine config and applies them via the
kubernetes API.
Older versions of talosctl will throw an unknown keys error if `edit mc`
 is called on a node with this change.

Fixes #6301

Signed-off-by: Philipp Sauter <philipp.sauter@siderolabs.com>
Signed-off-by: Andrey Smirnov <andrey.smirnov@talos-systems.com>
2022-11-15 21:25:40 +04:00

623 lines
15 KiB

// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
package config
import (
specs "github.com/opencontainers/runtime-spec/specs-go"
// Provider defines the configuration consumption interface.
type Provider interface {
// Config parts accessor.
Version() string
Debug() bool
Persist() bool
Machine() MachineConfig
Cluster() ClusterConfig
// Validate checks configuration and returns warnings and fatal errors (as multierror).
Validate(RuntimeMode, ...ValidationOption) ([]string, error)
// Bytes returns source YAML representation (if available) or does default encoding.
Bytes() ([]byte, error)
// Encode configuration to YAML using the provided options.
EncodeString(encoderOptions ...encoder.Option) (string, error)
EncodeBytes(encoderOptions ...encoder.Option) ([]byte, error)
// Raw returns internal config representation.
Raw() interface{}
// MachineConfig defines the requirements for a config that pertains to machine
// related options.
type MachineConfig interface {
Install() Install
Security() Security
Network() MachineNetwork
Disks() []Disk
Time() Time
Env() Env
Files() ([]File, error)
Type() machine.Type
Controlplane() MachineControlPlane
Pods() []map[string]interface{}
Kubelet() Kubelet
Sysctls() map[string]string
Sysfs() map[string]string
Registries() Registries
SystemDiskEncryption() SystemDiskEncryption
Features() Features
Udev() UdevConfig
Logging() Logging
Kernel() Kernel
SeccompProfiles() []SeccompProfile
NodeLabels() NodeLabels
// SeccompProfile defines the requirements for a config that pertains to seccomp
// related options.
type SeccompProfile interface {
Name() string
Value() map[string]interface{}
// NodeLabels defines the labels that should be set on a node.
type NodeLabels map[string]string
// Disk represents the options available for partitioning, formatting, and
// mounting extra disks.
type Disk interface {
Device() string
Partitions() []Partition
// Partition represents the options for a device partition.
type Partition interface {
Size() uint64
MountPoint() string
// Env represents a set of environment variables.
type Env = map[string]string
// File represents a file to write to disk.
type File interface {
Content() string
Permissions() os.FileMode
Path() string
Op() string
// Install defines the requirements for a config that pertains to install
// related options.
type Install interface {
Image() string
Extensions() []Extension
Disk() (string, error)
ExtraKernelArgs() []string
Zero() bool
LegacyBIOSSupport() bool
WithBootloader() bool
// Extension defines the system extension.
type Extension interface {
Image() string
// Security defines the requirements for a config that pertains to security
// related options.
type Security interface {
CA() *x509.PEMEncodedCertificateAndKey
Token() string
CertSANs() []string
// MachineControlPlane defines the requirements for a config that pertains to Controlplane
// related options.
type MachineControlPlane interface {
ControllerManager() MachineControllerManager
Scheduler() MachineScheduler
// MachineControllerManager defines the requirements for a config that pertains to ControllerManager
// related options.
type MachineControllerManager interface {
Disabled() bool
// MachineScheduler defines the requirements for a config that pertains to Scheduler
// related options.
type MachineScheduler interface {
Disabled() bool
// MachineNetwork defines the requirements for a config that pertains to network
// related options.
type MachineNetwork interface {
Hostname() string
Resolvers() []string
Devices() []Device
ExtraHosts() []ExtraHost
KubeSpan() KubeSpan
DisableSearchDomain() bool
// ExtraHost represents a host entry in /etc/hosts.
type ExtraHost interface {
IP() string
Aliases() []string
// Device represents a network interface.
type Device interface {
Interface() string
Addresses() []string
Routes() []Route
Bond() Bond
Bridge() Bridge
Vlans() []Vlan
MTU() int
DHCP() bool
Ignore() bool
Dummy() bool
DHCPOptions() DHCPOptions
VIPConfig() VIPConfig
WireguardConfig() WireguardConfig
Selector() NetworkDeviceSelector
// DHCPOptions represents a set of DHCP options.
type DHCPOptions interface {
RouteMetric() uint32
IPv4() bool
IPv6() bool
DUIDv6() string
// VIPConfig contains settings for the Virtual (shared) IP setup.
type VIPConfig interface {
IP() string
EquinixMetal() VIPEquinixMetal
HCloud() VIPHCloud
// VIPEquinixMetal contains Equinix Metal API VIP settings.
type VIPEquinixMetal interface {
APIToken() string
// VIPHCloud contains Hetzner Cloud API VIP settings.
type VIPHCloud interface {
APIToken() string
// WireguardConfig contains settings for configuring Wireguard network interface.
type WireguardConfig interface {
PrivateKey() string
ListenPort() int
FirewallMark() int
Peers() []WireguardPeer
// WireguardPeer a WireGuard device peer configuration.
type WireguardPeer interface {
PublicKey() string
Endpoint() string
PersistentKeepaliveInterval() time.Duration
AllowedIPs() []string
// Bond contains the various options for configuring a
// bonded interface.
type Bond interface {
Interfaces() []string
ARPIPTarget() []string
Mode() string
HashPolicy() string
LACPRate() string
ADActorSystem() string
ARPValidate() string
ARPAllTargets() string
Primary() string
PrimaryReselect() string
FailOverMac() string
ADSelect() string
MIIMon() uint32
UpDelay() uint32
DownDelay() uint32
ARPInterval() uint32
ResendIGMP() uint32
MinLinks() uint32
LPInterval() uint32
PacketsPerSlave() uint32
NumPeerNotif() uint8
TLBDynamicLB() uint8
AllSlavesActive() uint8
UseCarrier() bool
ADActorSysPrio() uint16
ADUserPortKey() uint16
PeerNotifyDelay() uint32
// STP contains the Spanning Tree Protocol settings for a bridge.
type STP interface {
Enabled() bool
// Bridge contains the options for configuring a bridged interface.
type Bridge interface {
Interfaces() []string
// Vlan represents vlan settings for a device.
type Vlan interface {
Addresses() []string
Routes() []Route
DHCP() bool
ID() uint16
MTU() uint32
VIPConfig() VIPConfig
DHCPOptions() DHCPOptions
// Route represents a network route.
type Route interface {
Network() string
Gateway() string
Source() string
Metric() uint32
MTU() uint32
// KubeSpan configures KubeSpan feature.
type KubeSpan interface {
Enabled() bool
ForceRouting() bool
AdvertiseKubernetesNetworks() bool
MTU() uint32
// NetworkDeviceSelector defines the set of fields that can be used to pick network a device.
type NetworkDeviceSelector interface {
Bus() string
HardwareAddress() string
PCIID() string
KernelDriver() string
// Time defines the requirements for a config that pertains to time related
// options.
type Time interface {
Disabled() bool
Servers() []string
BootTimeout() time.Duration
// Kubelet defines the requirements for a config that pertains to kubelet
// related options.
type Kubelet interface {
Image() string
ClusterDNS() []string
ExtraArgs() map[string]string
ExtraMounts() []specs.Mount
ExtraConfig() map[string]interface{}
DefaultRuntimeSeccompProfileEnabled() bool
RegisterWithFQDN() bool
NodeIP() KubeletNodeIP
SkipNodeRegistration() bool
DisableManifestsDirectory() bool
// KubeletNodeIP defines the way node IPs are selected for the kubelet.
type KubeletNodeIP interface {
ValidSubnets() []string
// Registries defines the configuration for image fetching.
type Registries interface {
// Mirror config by registry host (first part of image reference).
Mirrors() map[string]RegistryMirrorConfig
// Registry config (auth, TLS) by hostname.
Config() map[string]RegistryConfig
// RegistryMirrorConfig represents mirror configuration for a registry.
type RegistryMirrorConfig interface {
Endpoints() []string
// RegistryConfig specifies auth & TLS config per registry.
type RegistryConfig interface {
TLS() RegistryTLSConfig
Auth() RegistryAuthConfig
// RegistryAuthConfig specifies authentication configuration for a registry.
type RegistryAuthConfig interface {
Username() string
Password() string
Auth() string
IdentityToken() string
// RegistryTLSConfig specifies TLS config for HTTPS registries.
type RegistryTLSConfig interface {
ClientIdentity() *x509.PEMEncodedCertificateAndKey
CA() []byte
InsecureSkipVerify() bool
GetTLSConfig() (*tls.Config, error)
// ClusterConfig defines the requirements for a config that pertains to cluster
// related options.
type ClusterConfig interface {
ID() string
Name() string
Secret() string
APIServer() APIServer
ControllerManager() ControllerManager
Proxy() Proxy
Scheduler() Scheduler
Endpoint() *url.URL
Token() Token
CertSANs() []string
CA() *x509.PEMEncodedCertificateAndKey
AggregatorCA() *x509.PEMEncodedCertificateAndKey
ServiceAccount() *x509.PEMEncodedKey
AESCBCEncryptionSecret() string
SecretboxEncryptionSecret() string
Config(machine.Type) (string, error)
Etcd() Etcd
Network() ClusterNetwork
LocalAPIServerPort() int
CoreDNS() CoreDNS
// ExternalCloudProvider returns external cloud provider settings.
ExternalCloudProvider() ExternalCloudProvider
ExtraManifestURLs() []string
ExtraManifestHeaderMap() map[string]string
InlineManifests() []InlineManifest
AdminKubeconfig() AdminKubeconfig
ScheduleOnControlPlanes() bool
Discovery() Discovery
// ClusterNetwork defines the requirements for a config that pertains to cluster
// network options.
type ClusterNetwork interface {
PodCIDRs() []string
ServiceCIDRs() []string
DNSDomain() string
// APIServerIPs returns kube-apiserver IPs in the ServiceCIDR.
APIServerIPs() ([]netip.Addr, error)
// DNSServiceIPs returns DNS service IPs in the ServiceCIDR.
DNSServiceIPs() ([]netip.Addr, error)
// CNI defines the requirements for a config that pertains to Kubernetes
// cni.
type CNI interface {
Name() string
URLs() []string
// APIServer defines the requirements for a config that pertains to apiserver related
// options.
type APIServer interface {
Image() string
ExtraArgs() map[string]string
ExtraVolumes() []VolumeMount
Env() Env
DisablePodSecurityPolicy() bool
AdmissionControl() []AdmissionPlugin
AuditPolicy() map[string]interface{}
// AdmissionPlugin defines the API server Admission Plugin configuration.
type AdmissionPlugin interface {
Name() string
Configuration() map[string]interface{}
// ControllerManager defines the requirements for a config that pertains to controller manager related
// options.
type ControllerManager interface {
Image() string
ExtraArgs() map[string]string
ExtraVolumes() []VolumeMount
Env() Env
// Proxy defines the requirements for a config that pertains to the kube-proxy
// options.
type Proxy interface {
Enabled() bool
Image() string
// Mode indicates the proxy mode for kube-proxy. By default, this is `iptables`. Other options include `ipvs`.
Mode() string
// ExtraArgs describe an additional set of arguments to be supplied to the execution of `kube-proxy`
ExtraArgs() map[string]string
// Scheduler defines the requirements for a config that pertains to scheduler related
// options.
type Scheduler interface {
Image() string
ExtraArgs() map[string]string
ExtraVolumes() []VolumeMount
Env() Env
// Etcd defines the requirements for a config that pertains to etcd related
// options.
type Etcd interface {
Image() string
CA() *x509.PEMEncodedCertificateAndKey
ExtraArgs() map[string]string
AdvertisedSubnets() []string
ListenSubnets() []string
// Token defines the requirements for a config that pertains to Kubernetes
// bootstrap token.
type Token interface {
ID() string
Secret() string
// CoreDNS defines the requirements for a config that pertains to CoreDNS
// coredns options.
type CoreDNS interface {
Enabled() bool
Image() string
// ExternalCloudProvider defines settings for external cloud provider.
type ExternalCloudProvider interface {
// Enabled returns true if external cloud provider is enabled.
Enabled() bool
// ManifestURLs returns external cloud provider manifest URLs if it is enabled.
ManifestURLs() []string
// AdminKubeconfig defines settings for admin kubeconfig.
type AdminKubeconfig interface {
CommonName() string
CertLifetime() time.Duration
// EncryptionKey defines settings for the partition encryption key handling.
type EncryptionKey interface {
Static() EncryptionKeyStatic
NodeID() EncryptionKeyNodeID
Slot() int
// EncryptionKeyStatic ephemeral encryption key.
type EncryptionKeyStatic interface {
Key() []byte
// EncryptionKeyNodeID deterministically generated encryption key.
type EncryptionKeyNodeID interface{}
// Encryption defines settings for the partition encryption.
type Encryption interface {
Kind() string
Cipher() string
KeySize() uint
BlockSize() uint64
Options() []string
Keys() []EncryptionKey
// SystemDiskEncryption accumulates settings for all system partitions encryption.
type SystemDiskEncryption interface {
Get(label string) Encryption
// Features describe individual Talos features that can be switched on or off.
type Features interface {
RBACEnabled() bool
StableHostnameEnabled() bool
KubernetesTalosAPIAccess() KubernetesTalosAPIAccess
ApidCheckExtKeyUsageEnabled() bool
// KubernetesTalosAPIAccess describes the Kubernetes Talos API access features.
type KubernetesTalosAPIAccess interface {
Enabled() bool
AllowedRoles() []string
AllowedKubernetesNamespaces() []string
// VolumeMount describes extra volume mount for the static pods.
type VolumeMount interface {
Name() string
HostPath() string
MountPath() string
ReadOnly() bool
// InlineManifest describes inline manifest for the cluster boostrap.
type InlineManifest interface {
Name() string
Contents() string
// Discovery describes cluster membership discovery.
type Discovery interface {
Enabled() bool
Registries() DiscoveryRegistries
// DiscoveryRegistries describes discovery methods.
type DiscoveryRegistries interface {
Kubernetes() KubernetesRegistry
Service() ServiceRegistry
// KubernetesRegistry describes Kubernetes discovery registry.
type KubernetesRegistry interface {
Enabled() bool
// ServiceRegistry describes external service discovery registry.
type ServiceRegistry interface {
Enabled() bool
Endpoint() string
// UdevConfig describes configuration for udev.
type UdevConfig interface {
Rules() []string
// Logging describes logging configuration.
type Logging interface {
Destinations() []LoggingDestination
// LoggingDestination describes logging destination.
type LoggingDestination interface {
Endpoint() *url.URL
Format() string
// Kernel describes Talos Linux kernel configuration.
type Kernel interface {
Modules() []KernelModule
// KernelModule describes Linux module to load.
type KernelModule interface {
Name() string
Parameters() []string