This option must be defined at the proto level in order to have an import path that is reasonably usable Signed-off-by: Eddie Zaneski <> Signed-off-by: Andrey Smirnov <>
63 lines
1.6 KiB
Protocol Buffer
63 lines
1.6 KiB
Protocol Buffer
syntax = "proto3";
package storage;
option go_package = "";
option java_package = "";
import "common/common.proto";
import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
// StorageService represents the storage service.
service StorageService {
rpc Disks(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (DisksResponse);
// Disk represents a disk.
message Disk {
// Size indicates the disk size in bytes.
uint64 size = 1;
// Model idicates the disk model.
string model = 2;
// DeviceName indicates the disk name (e.g. `sda`).
string device_name = 3;
// Name as in `/sys/block/<dev>/device/name`.
string name = 4;
// Serial as in `/sys/block/<dev>/device/serial`.
string serial = 5;
// Modalias as in `/sys/block/<dev>/device/modalias`.
string modalias = 6;
// Uuid as in `/sys/block/<dev>/device/uuid`.
string uuid = 7;
// Wwid as in `/sys/block/<dev>/device/wwid`.
string wwid = 8;
enum DiskType {
SSD = 1;
HDD = 2;
NVME = 3;
SD = 4;
CD = 5;
// Type is a type of the disk: nvme, ssd, hdd, sd card.
DiskType type = 9;
// BusPath is the bus path of the disk.
string bus_path = 10;
// SystemDisk indicates that the disk is used as Talos system disk.
bool system_disk = 11;
// Subsystem is the symlink path in the `/sys/block/<dev>/subsystem`.
string subsystem = 12;
// Readonly specifies if the disk is read only.
bool readonly = 13;
// DisksResponse represents the response of the `Disks` RPC.
message Disks {
common.Metadata metadata = 1;
repeated Disk disks = 2;
message DisksResponse {
repeated Disks messages = 1;