Talos client can connect to Talos API via a proxy with basic auth. Additionally it is now optional to specify a TLS CA,key or crt. Optionally Developers can build talosctl with WITH_DEBUG=1 to allow insecure connections when http:// endpoints are specified. Fixes #5980 Signed-off-by: Philipp Sauter <philipp.sauter@siderolabs.com>
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// Package client provides Talos API client.
package client
import (
cosiv1alpha1 "github.com/cosi-project/runtime/api/v1alpha1"
clusterapi "github.com/talos-systems/talos/pkg/machinery/api/cluster"
inspectapi "github.com/talos-systems/talos/pkg/machinery/api/inspect"
machineapi "github.com/talos-systems/talos/pkg/machinery/api/machine"
resourceapi "github.com/talos-systems/talos/pkg/machinery/api/resource"
storageapi "github.com/talos-systems/talos/pkg/machinery/api/storage"
timeapi "github.com/talos-systems/talos/pkg/machinery/api/time"
clientconfig "github.com/talos-systems/talos/pkg/machinery/client/config"
// Client implements the proto.MachineServiceClient interface. It serves as the
// concrete type with the required methods.
type Client struct {
options *Options
conn *grpcConnectionWrapper
MachineClient machineapi.MachineServiceClient
TimeClient timeapi.TimeServiceClient
ClusterClient clusterapi.ClusterServiceClient
StorageClient storageapi.StorageServiceClient
InspectClient inspectapi.InspectServiceClient
// Deprecated: use COSI client.
Resources *ResourcesClient
ResourceClient resourceapi.ResourceServiceClient //nolint:staticcheck
COSI state.State
Inspect *InspectClient
func (c *Client) resolveConfigContext() error {
var ok bool
if c.options.unixSocketPath != "" {
return nil
if c.options.configContext != nil {
return nil
if c.options.config == nil {
if err := WithDefaultConfig()(c.options); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to load default config: %w", err)
if c.options.contextOverrideSet {
c.options.configContext, ok = c.options.config.Contexts[c.options.contextOverride]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("context %q not found in config", c.options.contextOverride)
return nil
c.options.configContext, ok = c.options.config.Contexts[c.options.config.Context]
if !ok {
if c.options.config.Context == "" && len(c.options.config.Contexts) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("talos config file is empty")
return fmt.Errorf("default context %q not found in config", c.options.config.Context)
return nil
// GetConfigContext returns resolved config context.
func (c *Client) GetConfigContext() *clientconfig.Context {
if err := c.resolveConfigContext(); err != nil {
return nil
return c.options.configContext
// GetEndpoints returns the client's endpoints from the override set with WithEndpoints
// or from the configuration.
func (c *Client) GetEndpoints() []string {
if c.options.unixSocketPath != "" {
return []string{c.options.unixSocketPath}
if len(c.options.endpointsOverride) > 0 {
return c.options.endpointsOverride
if c.options.config != nil {
if err := c.resolveConfigContext(); err != nil {
return nil
return c.options.configContext.Endpoints
return nil
// GetClusterName returns the client's cluster name from the override set with WithClustername
// or from the configuration.
func (c *Client) GetClusterName() string {
if c.options.clusterNameOverride != "" {
return c.options.clusterNameOverride
if c.options.config != nil {
if err := c.resolveConfigContext(); err != nil {
return ""
return c.options.configContext.Cluster
return ""
// New returns a new Client.
func New(ctx context.Context, opts ...OptionFunc) (c *Client, err error) {
c = new(Client)
c.options = new(Options)
for _, opt := range opts {
if err = opt(c.options); err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(c.GetEndpoints()) < 1 {
return nil, errors.New("failed to determine endpoints")
c.conn, err = c.getConn(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create client connection: %w", err)
c.MachineClient = machineapi.NewMachineServiceClient(c.conn)
c.TimeClient = timeapi.NewTimeServiceClient(c.conn)
c.ClusterClient = clusterapi.NewClusterServiceClient(c.conn)
c.StorageClient = storageapi.NewStorageServiceClient(c.conn)
c.ResourceClient = resourceapi.NewResourceServiceClient(c.conn) //nolint:staticcheck
c.InspectClient = inspectapi.NewInspectServiceClient(c.conn)
c.Resources = &ResourcesClient{c.ResourceClient}
c.Inspect = &InspectClient{c.InspectClient}
c.COSI = state.WrapCore(client.NewAdapter(cosiv1alpha1.NewStateClient(c.conn)))
return c, nil
// Close shuts down client protocol.
func (c *Client) Close() error {
return c.conn.Close()
// KubeconfigRaw returns K8s client config (kubeconfig).
func (c *Client) KubeconfigRaw(ctx context.Context) (io.ReadCloser, <-chan error, error) {
stream, err := c.MachineClient.Kubeconfig(ctx, &emptypb.Empty{})
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return ReadStream(stream)
func (c *Client) extractKubeconfig(r io.ReadCloser) ([]byte, error) {
defer r.Close() //nolint:errcheck
gzR, err := gzip.NewReader(r)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// returned .tar.gz should contain only single file (kubeconfig)
var kubeconfigBuf bytes.Buffer
tar := tar.NewReader(gzR)
for {
_, err = tar.Next()
if err == io.EOF {
if err != nil {
return nil, err
_, err = io.Copy(&kubeconfigBuf, tar)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err = gzR.Close(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return kubeconfigBuf.Bytes(), nil
// Kubeconfig returns K8s client config (kubeconfig).
func (c *Client) Kubeconfig(ctx context.Context) ([]byte, error) {
r, errCh, err := c.KubeconfigRaw(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
kubeconfig, err := c.extractKubeconfig(r)
if err2 := <-errCh; err2 != nil {
// prefer errCh (error from server) as if server failed,
// extractKubeconfig failed as well, but server failure is more descriptive
return nil, err2
return kubeconfig, err
// ApplyConfiguration implements proto.MachineServiceClient interface.
func (c *Client) ApplyConfiguration(ctx context.Context, req *machineapi.ApplyConfigurationRequest, callOptions ...grpc.CallOption) (resp *machineapi.ApplyConfigurationResponse, err error) {
resp, err = c.MachineClient.ApplyConfiguration(ctx, req, callOptions...)
var filtered interface{}
filtered, err = FilterMessages(resp, err)
resp, _ = filtered.(*machineapi.ApplyConfigurationResponse) //nolint:errcheck
// GenerateConfiguration implements proto.MachineServiceClient interface.
func (c *Client) GenerateConfiguration(ctx context.Context, req *machineapi.GenerateConfigurationRequest, callOptions ...grpc.CallOption) (resp *machineapi.GenerateConfigurationResponse, err error) {
resp, err = c.MachineClient.GenerateConfiguration(ctx, req, callOptions...)
var filtered interface{}
filtered, err = FilterMessages(resp, err)
resp, _ = filtered.(*machineapi.GenerateConfigurationResponse) //nolint:errcheck
// Disks returns the list of block devices.
func (c *Client) Disks(ctx context.Context, callOptions ...grpc.CallOption) (resp *storageapi.DisksResponse, err error) {
resp, err = c.StorageClient.Disks(ctx, &emptypb.Empty{}, callOptions...)
var filtered interface{}
filtered, err = FilterMessages(resp, err)
resp, _ = filtered.(*storageapi.DisksResponse) //nolint:errcheck
// Stats implements the proto.MachineServiceClient interface.
func (c *Client) Stats(ctx context.Context, namespace string, driver common.ContainerDriver, callOptions ...grpc.CallOption) (resp *machineapi.StatsResponse, err error) {
resp, err = c.MachineClient.Stats(
ctx, &machineapi.StatsRequest{
Namespace: namespace,
Driver: driver,
var filtered interface{}
filtered, err = FilterMessages(resp, err)
resp, _ = filtered.(*machineapi.StatsResponse) //nolint:errcheck
// Containers implements the proto.MachineServiceClient interface.
func (c *Client) Containers(ctx context.Context, namespace string, driver common.ContainerDriver, callOptions ...grpc.CallOption) (resp *machineapi.ContainersResponse, err error) {
resp, err = c.MachineClient.Containers(
Namespace: namespace,
Driver: driver,
var filtered interface{}
filtered, err = FilterMessages(resp, err)
resp, _ = filtered.(*machineapi.ContainersResponse) //nolint:errcheck
// Restart implements the proto.MachineServiceClient interface.
func (c *Client) Restart(ctx context.Context, namespace string, driver common.ContainerDriver, id string, callOptions ...grpc.CallOption) (err error) {
resp, err := c.MachineClient.Restart(ctx, &machineapi.RestartRequest{
Id: id,
Namespace: namespace,
Driver: driver,
if err == nil {
_, err = FilterMessages(resp, err)
// Reset implements the proto.MachineServiceClient interface.
func (c *Client) Reset(ctx context.Context, graceful, reboot bool) (err error) {
resp, err := c.MachineClient.Reset(ctx, &machineapi.ResetRequest{Graceful: graceful, Reboot: reboot})
if err == nil {
_, err = FilterMessages(resp, err)
// ResetGeneric implements the proto.MachineServiceClient interface.
func (c *Client) ResetGeneric(ctx context.Context, req *machineapi.ResetRequest) error {
_, err := c.ResetGenericWithResponse(ctx, req)
return err
// ResetGenericWithResponse resets the machine and returns the response.
func (c *Client) ResetGenericWithResponse(ctx context.Context, req *machineapi.ResetRequest) (*machineapi.ResetResponse, error) {
resp, err := c.MachineClient.Reset(ctx, req)
if err == nil {
_, err = FilterMessages(resp, err)
return resp, err
// RebootMode provides various mode through which the reboot process can be done.
type RebootMode func(*machineapi.RebootRequest)
// WithPowerCycle option runs the Reboot fun in powercycle mode.
func WithPowerCycle(req *machineapi.RebootRequest) {
req.Mode = machineapi.RebootRequest_POWERCYCLE
// Reboot implements the proto.MachineServiceClient interface.
func (c *Client) Reboot(ctx context.Context, opts ...RebootMode) error {
_, err := c.RebootWithResponse(ctx, opts...)
return err
// RebootWithResponse reboots the machine and returns the response.
func (c *Client) RebootWithResponse(ctx context.Context, opts ...RebootMode) (*machineapi.RebootResponse, error) {
var req machineapi.RebootRequest
for _, opt := range opts {
resp, err := c.MachineClient.Reboot(ctx, &req)
if err == nil {
_, err = FilterMessages(resp, err)
return resp, err
// Rollback implements the proto.MachineServiceClient interface.
func (c *Client) Rollback(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
resp, err := c.MachineClient.Rollback(ctx, &machineapi.RollbackRequest{})
if err == nil {
_, err = FilterMessages(resp, err)
// Bootstrap implements the proto.MachineServiceClient interface.
func (c *Client) Bootstrap(ctx context.Context, req *machineapi.BootstrapRequest) (err error) {
resp, err := c.MachineClient.Bootstrap(ctx, req)
if err == nil {
_, err = FilterMessages(resp, err)
// ShutdownOption provides shutdown API options.
type ShutdownOption func(*machineapi.ShutdownRequest)
// WithShutdownForce forces the shutdown even if the Kubernetes API is down.
func WithShutdownForce(force bool) ShutdownOption {
return func(req *machineapi.ShutdownRequest) {
req.Force = force
// Shutdown implements the proto.MachineServiceClient interface.
func (c *Client) Shutdown(ctx context.Context, opts ...ShutdownOption) error {
_, err := c.ShutdownWithResponse(ctx, opts...)
return err
// ShutdownWithResponse shuts down the machine and returns the response.
func (c *Client) ShutdownWithResponse(ctx context.Context, opts ...ShutdownOption) (*machineapi.ShutdownResponse, error) {
var req machineapi.ShutdownRequest
for _, opt := range opts {
resp, err := c.MachineClient.Shutdown(ctx, &req)
if err == nil {
_, err = FilterMessages(resp, err)
return resp, err
// Dmesg implements the proto.MachineServiceClient interface.
func (c *Client) Dmesg(ctx context.Context, follow, tail bool) (machineapi.MachineService_DmesgClient, error) {
return c.MachineClient.Dmesg(ctx, &machineapi.DmesgRequest{
Follow: follow,
Tail: tail,
// Logs implements the proto.MachineServiceClient interface.
func (c *Client) Logs(ctx context.Context, namespace string, driver common.ContainerDriver, id string, follow bool, tailLines int32) (stream machineapi.MachineService_LogsClient, err error) {
stream, err = c.MachineClient.Logs(ctx, &machineapi.LogsRequest{
Namespace: namespace,
Driver: driver,
Id: id,
Follow: follow,
TailLines: tailLines,
// Version implements the proto.MachineServiceClient interface.
func (c *Client) Version(ctx context.Context, callOptions ...grpc.CallOption) (resp *machineapi.VersionResponse, err error) {
resp, err = c.MachineClient.Version(
var filtered interface{}
filtered, err = FilterMessages(resp, err)
resp, _ = filtered.(*machineapi.VersionResponse) //nolint:errcheck
// Processes implements the proto.MachineServiceClient interface.
func (c *Client) Processes(ctx context.Context, callOptions ...grpc.CallOption) (resp *machineapi.ProcessesResponse, err error) {
resp, err = c.MachineClient.Processes(
var filtered interface{}
filtered, err = FilterMessages(resp, err)
resp, _ = filtered.(*machineapi.ProcessesResponse) //nolint:errcheck
// Memory implements the proto.MachineServiceClient interface.
func (c *Client) Memory(ctx context.Context, callOptions ...grpc.CallOption) (resp *machineapi.MemoryResponse, err error) {
resp, err = c.MachineClient.Memory(
var filtered interface{}
filtered, err = FilterMessages(resp, err)
resp, _ = filtered.(*machineapi.MemoryResponse) //nolint:errcheck
// Mounts implements the proto.MachineServiceClient interface.
func (c *Client) Mounts(ctx context.Context, callOptions ...grpc.CallOption) (resp *machineapi.MountsResponse, err error) {
resp, err = c.MachineClient.Mounts(
var filtered interface{}
filtered, err = FilterMessages(resp, err)
resp, _ = filtered.(*machineapi.MountsResponse) //nolint:errcheck
// LS implements the proto.MachineServiceClient interface.
func (c *Client) LS(ctx context.Context, req *machineapi.ListRequest) (stream machineapi.MachineService_ListClient, err error) {
return c.MachineClient.List(ctx, req)
// DiskUsage implements the proto.MachineServiceClient interface.
func (c *Client) DiskUsage(ctx context.Context, req *machineapi.DiskUsageRequest) (stream machineapi.MachineService_DiskUsageClient, err error) {
return c.MachineClient.DiskUsage(ctx, req)
// Copy implements the proto.MachineServiceClient interface.
func (c *Client) Copy(ctx context.Context, rootPath string) (io.ReadCloser, <-chan error, error) {
stream, err := c.MachineClient.Copy(ctx, &machineapi.CopyRequest{
RootPath: rootPath,
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return ReadStream(stream)
// Upgrade initiates a Talos upgrade and implements the proto.MachineServiceClient interface.
func (c *Client) Upgrade(ctx context.Context, image string, preserve, stage, force bool, callOptions ...grpc.CallOption) (resp *machineapi.UpgradeResponse, err error) {
resp, err = c.MachineClient.Upgrade(
Image: image,
Preserve: preserve,
Stage: stage,
Force: force,
var filtered interface{}
filtered, err = FilterMessages(resp, err)
resp, _ = filtered.(*machineapi.UpgradeResponse) //nolint:errcheck
// ServiceList returns list of services with their state.
func (c *Client) ServiceList(ctx context.Context, callOptions ...grpc.CallOption) (resp *machineapi.ServiceListResponse, err error) {
resp, err = c.MachineClient.ServiceList(
var filtered interface{}
filtered, err = FilterMessages(resp, err)
resp, _ = filtered.(*machineapi.ServiceListResponse) //nolint:errcheck
// ServiceInfo provides info about a service and node metadata.
type ServiceInfo struct {
Metadata *common.Metadata
Service *machineapi.ServiceInfo
// ServiceInfo returns info about a single service
// This is implemented via service list API, as we don't have many services
// If service with given id is not registered, function returns nil.
func (c *Client) ServiceInfo(ctx context.Context, id string, callOptions ...grpc.CallOption) (services []ServiceInfo, err error) {
var resp *machineapi.ServiceListResponse
resp, err = c.MachineClient.ServiceList(
if err != nil {
return services, err
var filtered interface{}
filtered, err = FilterMessages(resp, err)
resp, _ = filtered.(*machineapi.ServiceListResponse) //nolint:errcheck
// FilterMessages might remove responses if they actually contain errors,
// errors will be merged into `resp`.
if resp == nil {
return services, err
for _, resp := range resp.Messages {
for _, svc := range resp.Services {
if svc.Id == id {
services = append(services, ServiceInfo{
Metadata: resp.Metadata,
Service: svc,
return services, err
// ServiceStart starts a service.
func (c *Client) ServiceStart(ctx context.Context, id string, callOptions ...grpc.CallOption) (resp *machineapi.ServiceStartResponse, err error) {
resp, err = c.MachineClient.ServiceStart(
&machineapi.ServiceStartRequest{Id: id},
var filtered interface{}
filtered, err = FilterMessages(resp, err)
resp, _ = filtered.(*machineapi.ServiceStartResponse) //nolint:errcheck
// ServiceStop stops a service.
func (c *Client) ServiceStop(ctx context.Context, id string, callOptions ...grpc.CallOption) (resp *machineapi.ServiceStopResponse, err error) {
resp, err = c.MachineClient.ServiceStop(
&machineapi.ServiceStopRequest{Id: id},
var filtered interface{}
filtered, err = FilterMessages(resp, err)
resp, _ = filtered.(*machineapi.ServiceStopResponse) //nolint:errcheck
// ServiceRestart restarts a service.
func (c *Client) ServiceRestart(ctx context.Context, id string, callOptions ...grpc.CallOption) (resp *machineapi.ServiceRestartResponse, err error) {
resp, err = c.MachineClient.ServiceRestart(
&machineapi.ServiceRestartRequest{Id: id},
var filtered interface{}
filtered, err = FilterMessages(resp, err)
resp, _ = filtered.(*machineapi.ServiceRestartResponse) //nolint:errcheck
// Time returns the time.
func (c *Client) Time(ctx context.Context, callOptions ...grpc.CallOption) (resp *timeapi.TimeResponse, err error) {
resp, err = c.TimeClient.Time(
var filtered interface{}
filtered, err = FilterMessages(resp, err)
resp, _ = filtered.(*timeapi.TimeResponse) //nolint:errcheck
// TimeCheck returns the time compared to the specified ntp server.
func (c *Client) TimeCheck(ctx context.Context, server string, callOptions ...grpc.CallOption) (resp *timeapi.TimeResponse, err error) {
resp, err = c.TimeClient.TimeCheck(
&timeapi.TimeRequest{Server: server},
var filtered interface{}
filtered, err = FilterMessages(resp, err)
resp, _ = filtered.(*timeapi.TimeResponse) //nolint:errcheck
// Read reads a file.
func (c *Client) Read(ctx context.Context, path string) (io.ReadCloser, <-chan error, error) {
stream, err := c.MachineClient.Read(ctx, &machineapi.ReadRequest{Path: path})
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return ReadStream(stream)
// ClusterHealthCheck runs a Talos cluster health check.
func (c *Client) ClusterHealthCheck(ctx context.Context, waitTimeout time.Duration, clusterInfo *clusterapi.ClusterInfo) (clusterapi.ClusterService_HealthCheckClient, error) {
return c.ClusterClient.HealthCheck(ctx, &clusterapi.HealthCheckRequest{
WaitTimeout: durationpb.New(waitTimeout),
ClusterInfo: clusterInfo,
// EtcdRemoveMember removes a node from etcd cluster.
func (c *Client) EtcdRemoveMember(ctx context.Context, req *machineapi.EtcdRemoveMemberRequest, callOptions ...grpc.CallOption) error {
resp, err := c.MachineClient.EtcdRemoveMember(ctx, req, callOptions...)
if err == nil {
_, err = FilterMessages(resp, err)
return err
// EtcdLeaveCluster makes node leave etcd cluster.
func (c *Client) EtcdLeaveCluster(ctx context.Context, req *machineapi.EtcdLeaveClusterRequest, callOptions ...grpc.CallOption) error {
resp, err := c.MachineClient.EtcdLeaveCluster(ctx, req, callOptions...)
if err == nil {
_, err = FilterMessages(resp, err)
return err
// EtcdForfeitLeadership makes node forfeit leadership in the etcd cluster.
func (c *Client) EtcdForfeitLeadership(ctx context.Context, req *machineapi.EtcdForfeitLeadershipRequest, callOptions ...grpc.CallOption) (*machineapi.EtcdForfeitLeadershipResponse, error) {
resp, err := c.MachineClient.EtcdForfeitLeadership(ctx, req, callOptions...)
var filtered interface{}
filtered, err = FilterMessages(resp, err)
resp, _ = filtered.(*machineapi.EtcdForfeitLeadershipResponse) //nolint:errcheck
return resp, err
// EtcdMemberList lists etcd members of the cluster.
func (c *Client) EtcdMemberList(ctx context.Context, req *machineapi.EtcdMemberListRequest, callOptions ...grpc.CallOption) (*machineapi.EtcdMemberListResponse, error) {
resp, err := c.MachineClient.EtcdMemberList(ctx, req, callOptions...)
var filtered interface{}
filtered, err = FilterMessages(resp, err)
resp, _ = filtered.(*machineapi.EtcdMemberListResponse) //nolint:errcheck
return resp, err
// EtcdSnapshot receives a snapshot of the etcd from the node.
func (c *Client) EtcdSnapshot(ctx context.Context, req *machineapi.EtcdSnapshotRequest, callOptions ...grpc.CallOption) (io.ReadCloser, <-chan error, error) {
stream, err := c.MachineClient.EtcdSnapshot(ctx, req, callOptions...)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return ReadStream(stream)
// EtcdRecover uploads etcd snapshot created with EtcdSnapshot to the node.
func (c *Client) EtcdRecover(ctx context.Context, snapshot io.Reader, callOptions ...grpc.CallOption) (*machineapi.EtcdRecoverResponse, error) {
cli, err := c.MachineClient.EtcdRecover(ctx, callOptions...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
buf := make([]byte, 4096)
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil, ctx.Err()
var n int
n, err = snapshot.Read(buf)
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, io.EOF) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error reading snapshot: %w", err)
if err = cli.Send(&common.Data{
Bytes: buf[:n],
}); err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, io.EOF) {
return nil, err
resp, err := cli.CloseAndRecv()
var filtered interface{}
filtered, err = FilterMessages(resp, err)
resp, _ = filtered.(*machineapi.EtcdRecoverResponse) //nolint:errcheck
return resp, err
// GenerateClientConfiguration implements proto.MachineServiceClient interface.
func (c *Client) GenerateClientConfiguration(ctx context.Context, req *machineapi.GenerateClientConfigurationRequest, callOptions ...grpc.CallOption) (resp *machineapi.GenerateClientConfigurationResponse, err error) { //nolint:lll
resp, err = c.MachineClient.GenerateClientConfiguration(ctx, req, callOptions...)
var filtered interface{}
filtered, err = FilterMessages(resp, err)
resp, _ = filtered.(*machineapi.GenerateClientConfigurationResponse) //nolint:errcheck
// PacketCapture implements the proto.MachineServiceClient interface.
func (c *Client) PacketCapture(ctx context.Context, req *machineapi.PacketCaptureRequest) (io.ReadCloser, <-chan error, error) {
stream, err := c.MachineClient.PacketCapture(ctx, req)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return ReadStream(stream)
// MachineStream is a common interface for streams returned by streaming APIs.
type MachineStream interface {
Recv() (*common.Data, error)
// ReadStream converts grpc stream into io.Reader.
func ReadStream(stream MachineStream) (io.ReadCloser, <-chan error, error) {
errCh := make(chan error, 1)
pr, pw := io.Pipe()
go func() {
defer pw.Close()
defer close(errCh)
for {
data, err := stream.Recv()
if err != nil {
if err == io.EOF || StatusCode(err) == codes.Canceled || StatusCode(err) == codes.DeadlineExceeded {
if data.Bytes != nil {
_, err = pw.Write(data.Bytes)
if err != nil {
if data.Metadata != nil && data.Metadata.Error != "" {
if data.Metadata.Status != nil {
errCh <- status.FromProto(data.Metadata.Status).Err()
} else {
errCh <- errors.New(data.Metadata.Error)
return pr, errCh, stream.CloseSend()