208 lines
5.0 KiB
208 lines
5.0 KiB
from pathlib import Path
from collections.abc import Iterable
import os
import random
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import time
SUBPROCESS_CALL = subprocess.call
DEFAULT = object()
def one_arg(args, kwargs):
return not kwargs and len(args) == 1 and callable(args[0])
# apply decorator_factory if cond is True on args
def _make_conditional_d(decorator_factory):
def df(*df_args, cond=None, inverse=False, **df_kwargs):
if cond is None:
cond = lambda x: True # noqa E731
def decorator(prog):
def f(args):
if cond(args) != inverse:
return decorator_factory(*df_args, **df_kwargs)(prog)(args)
return prog(args)
return f
return decorator
return df
def _decorator_add_factory_d(decorator):
def df(*df_args, **df_kwargs):
if one_arg(df_args, df_kwargs):
return decorator(df_args[0])
def d(f):
return decorator(f)
return d
return df
def _factory_add_decorator_df(*dff_args, **dff_kwargs):
def dff(decorator_factory):
def df(*df_args, **df_kwargs):
if one_arg(df_args, df_kwargs):
return decorator_factory(*dff_args, **dff_kwargs)(df_args[0])
def df1(d):
if df_args:
args = df_args
args = dff_args
kwargs = dff_kwargs.copy()
return decorator_factory(*args, **kwargs)(d)
return df1
return df
return dff
def print_d(func):
def f(*args, **kwargs):
sargs = list(args)
sargs.extend(f'{k}={v}' for k, v in kwargs.items())
print(f'{func.__name__}({sargs})', file=sys.stdout)
return func(*args)
return f
def nop_d(func):
def f(*args, **kwargs):
return f
def before_d(func_before, *fb_args, **fb_kwargs):
def d(func):
def f(*args, **kwargs):
func_before(*fb_args, **fb_kwargs)
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return f
return d
def after_d(func_after, *fa_args, save_rc=True, **fa_kwargs):
def d(func):
def f(*args, **kwargs):
old_rc = func(*args, **kwargs)
new_rc = func_after(*fa_args, **fa_kwargs)
if save_rc:
return old_rc
return new_rc
return f
return d
def sleep_d(s):
def d(func):
def f(*args, **kwargs):
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return f
return d
def return_d(rc):
def d(func):
def f(*args, **kwargs):
func(*args, **kwargs)
return rc
return f
return d
def error_call(args):
raise Exception(f'Not implemened call for `{args}`')
def git(args):
if args[1] == 'clone':
target = Path(args[3])
if target.name == 'mkimage-profiles':
os.makedirs(target / 'conf.d')
os.makedirs(target / 'features.in/build-ve/image-scripts.d')
return 0
def make(args):
for arg in args:
if arg.startswith('IMAGE_OUTDIR='):
out_dir = Path(arg.lstrip('IMAGE_OUTDIR='))
if arg.startswith('ARCH='):
arch = Path(arg.lstrip('ARCH='))
match = re.match(r'.*/([-\w]*)\.(.*)', args[-1])
target, kind = match.groups()
image = out_dir / f'{target}-{arch}.{kind}'
bytes(random.randint(0, 255) for x in range(random.randint(32, 128)))
return 0
def gpg(args):
return 0
def rsync(args):
return SUBPROCESS_CALL(args, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL)
def decorate(decorators, func):
for decorator in reversed(decorators):
func = decorator(func)
return func
class Call():
def __init__(self, progs=None, decorators=None):
self.progs = {
'git': git,
'make': make,
'gpg2': gpg,
'rsync': rsync,
DEFAULT: error_call,
if progs is not None:
if decorators is None:
decorators = {}
self.decorators = decorators
def __call__(self, args):
rc = None
prog = args[0]
func = self.progs.get(prog, DEFAULT)
decorators = self.decorators.get(prog, [])
if not isinstance(decorators, Iterable):
decorators = [decorators]
rc = decorate(decorators, func)(args)
return rc