2023-05-30 10:35:08 +03:00
// @ts-check
import { test , expect } from '@playwright/test' ;
import { scroll } from './utils/scroll' ;
import { getRepoCardNameForLocator , getRepoListOrderedAlpha } from './utils/test-data-parser' ;
import { hosts , endpoints , sortCriteria } from './values/test-constants' ;
test . describe ( 'explore page test' , ( ) => {
test . beforeEach ( async ( { page } ) => {
await page . addInitScript ( ( ) => {
2023-08-15 19:46:51 +03:00
window . localStorage . setItem ( 'authConfig' , '{}' ) ;
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} ) ;
} ) ;
test ( 'explore data' , async ( { page } ) => {
const expectedRequest = ` ${ hosts . api } ${ endpoints . globalSearch ( '' , sortCriteria . relevance , 1 ) } ` ;
const exploreDataRequest = page . waitForRequest (
( request ) => request . url ( ) === expectedRequest && request . method ( ) === 'GET'
) ;
await page . goto ( ` ${ hosts . ui } /explore?search= ` ) ;
const expectDataResponse = await exploreDataRequest ;
expect ( expectDataResponse ) . toBeTruthy ( ) ;
// if no search query provided and no filters selected, data should be alphabetical when sorted by relevance
const alphaOrderedData = getRepoListOrderedAlpha ( ) ;
const exploreFirst = page . getByRole ( 'button' , {
name : getRepoCardNameForLocator ( alphaOrderedData [ 0 ] )
} ) ;
const exploreSecond = page . getByRole ( 'button' , {
name : getRepoCardNameForLocator ( alphaOrderedData [ 1 ] )
} ) ;
await expect ( exploreFirst ) . toBeVisible ( { timeout : 250000 } ) ;
await expect ( exploreSecond ) . toBeVisible ( { timeout : 250000 } ) ;
const exploreNextPageRequest = page . waitForRequest (
( request ) =>
request . url ( ) === ` ${ hosts . api } ${ endpoints . globalSearch ( '' , sortCriteria . relevance , 2 ) } ` &&
request . method ( ) === 'GET'
) ;
await page . evaluate ( scroll , { direction : 'down' , speed : 'fast' } ) ;
const exploreNextPageResponse = await exploreNextPageRequest ;
expect ( exploreNextPageResponse ) . toBeTruthy ( ) ;
const postScrollExploreElementOne = page . getByRole ( 'button' , {
name : getRepoCardNameForLocator ( alphaOrderedData [ alphaOrderedData . length - 1 ] )
} ) ;
const postScrollExploreElementTwo = page . getByRole ( 'button' , {
name : getRepoCardNameForLocator ( alphaOrderedData [ alphaOrderedData . length - 2 ] )
} ) ;
await expect ( postScrollExploreElementOne ) . toBeVisible ( { timeout : 250000 } ) ;
await expect ( postScrollExploreElementTwo ) . toBeVisible ( { timeout : 250000 } ) ;
} ) ;
test ( 'explore filtering' , async ( { page } ) => {
const alphaOrderedData = getRepoListOrderedAlpha ( ) ;
await page . goto ( ` ${ hosts . ui } /explore?search= ` ) ;
const exploreFirst = page . getByRole ( 'button' , {
name : getRepoCardNameForLocator ( alphaOrderedData [ 0 ] )
} ) ;
const exploreSecond = page . getByRole ( 'button' , {
name : getRepoCardNameForLocator ( alphaOrderedData [ 1 ] )
} ) ;
await expect ( exploreFirst ) . toBeVisible ( { timeout : 250000 } ) ;
await expect ( exploreSecond ) . toBeVisible ( { timeout : 250000 } ) ;
2023-07-16 20:25:44 +03:00
const linuxFilter = page . getByRole ( 'checkbox' , { name : 'linux' } ) ;
await linuxFilter . check ( ) ;
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2023-07-16 20:25:44 +03:00
await expect ( linuxFilter ) . toBeChecked ( ) ;
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await expect ( exploreFirst ) . toBeVisible ( { timeout : 250000 } ) ;
2023-07-16 20:25:44 +03:00
await linuxFilter . uncheck ( ) ;
await page . getByRole ( 'checkbox' , { name : 'windows' } ) . check ( ) ;
2023-05-30 10:35:08 +03:00
await expect ( exploreFirst ) . not . toBeVisible ( { timeout : 250000 } ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;