2023-05-30 10:35:08 +03:00
import { test , expect } from '@playwright/test' ;
import { getTagWithDependencies , getTagWithDependents , getTagWithVulnerabilities } from './utils/test-data-parser' ;
import { hosts , pageSizes } from './values/test-constants' ;
test . describe ( 'Tag page test' , ( ) => {
test . beforeEach ( async ( { page } ) => {
await page . addInitScript ( ( ) => {
2023-08-15 19:46:51 +03:00
window . localStorage . setItem ( 'authConfig' , '{}' ) ;
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} ) ;
} ) ;
test ( 'Tag page with dependents' , async ( { page } ) => {
const tagWithDependents = getTagWithDependents ( ) ;
await page . goto ( ` ${ hosts . ui } /image/ ${ tagWithDependents . title } /tag/ ${ tagWithDependents . tag } ` ) ;
await expect ( page . getByRole ( 'tab' , { name : 'Layers' } ) ) . toBeVisible ( { timeout : 100000 } ) ;
await page . getByRole ( 'tab' , { name : 'Layers' } ) . click ( ) ;
await expect ( page . getByTestId ( 'layer-card-container' ) . locator ( 'div' ) . nth ( 1 ) ) . toBeVisible ( { timeout : 100000 } ) ;
await page . getByRole ( 'tab' , { name : 'Used by' } ) . click ( ) ;
await expect ( page . getByTestId ( 'dependents-container' ) . locator ( 'div' ) . nth ( 1 ) ) . toBeVisible ( { timeout : 100000 } ) ;
2023-07-16 20:25:44 +03:00
await expect ( page . getByText ( 'Tag' ) . nth ( 1 ) ) . toBeVisible ( { timeout : 100000 } ) ;
await expect ( await page . getByText ( 'Tag' ) . count ( ) ) . toBeGreaterThan ( 0 ) ;
2023-05-30 10:35:08 +03:00
} ) ;
test ( 'Tag page with dependencies' , async ( { page } ) => {
const tagWithDependencies = getTagWithDependencies ( ) ;
await page . goto ( ` ${ hosts . ui } /image/ ${ tagWithDependencies . title } /tag/ ${ tagWithDependencies . tag } ` ) ;
await expect ( page . getByRole ( 'tab' , { name : 'Layers' } ) ) . toBeVisible ( { timeout : 100000 } ) ;
await page . getByRole ( 'tab' , { name : 'Layers' } ) . click ( ) ;
await expect ( page . getByTestId ( 'layer-card-container' ) . locator ( 'div' ) . nth ( 1 ) ) . toBeVisible ( { timeout : 100000 } ) ;
await page . getByRole ( 'tab' , { name : 'Uses' } ) . click ( ) ;
await expect ( page . getByTestId ( 'depends-on-container' ) . locator ( 'div' ) . nth ( 1 ) ) . toBeVisible ( { timeout : 100000 } ) ;
await expect ( page . getByText ( 'Tag' ) ) . toHaveCount ( 1 , { timeout : 100000 } ) ;
} ) ;
test ( 'Tag page with vulnerabilities' , async ( { page } ) => {
const tagWithVulnerabilities = getTagWithVulnerabilities ( ) ;
await page . goto ( ` ${ hosts . ui } /image/ ${ tagWithVulnerabilities . title } /tag/ ${ tagWithVulnerabilities . tag } ` ) ;
await page . getByRole ( 'tab' , { name : 'Vulnerabilities' } ) . click ( ) ;
await expect ( page . getByTestId ( 'vulnerability-container' ) . locator ( 'div' ) . nth ( 1 ) ) . toBeVisible ( { timeout : 100000 } ) ;
2023-07-16 20:25:44 +03:00
await expect ( await page . getByText ( 'CVE-' ) . count ( ) ) . toBeGreaterThan ( 0 ) ;
2023-05-30 10:35:08 +03:00
await expect ( await page . getByText ( 'CVE-' ) . count ( ) ) . toBeLessThanOrEqual ( pageSizes . EXPLORE ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;