feat(cache): dynamodb implementation (#953)
Signed-off-by: Catalin Hofnar <catalin.hofnar@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ jobs:
image: ghcr.io/project-zot/localstack/localstack:1.2.0
SERVICES: s3,dynamodb
- 4563-4599:4563-4599
- 9090:8080
@ -79,6 +79,7 @@ jobs:
- name: Run build and test
timeout-minutes: 60
run: |
aws dynamodb --endpoint-url http://localhost:4566 --region "us-east-2" create-table --table-name BlobTable --attribute-definitions AttributeName=Digest,AttributeType=S --key-schema AttributeName=Digest,KeyType=HASH --provisioned-throughput ReadCapacityUnits=10,WriteCapacityUnits=5
echo "Building for $OS:$ARCH"
if [[ $OS == "linux" && $ARCH == "amd64" ]]; then
@ -87,8 +88,10 @@ jobs:
make OS=$OS ARCH=$ARCH binary binary-minimal binary-debug cli bench exporter-minimal
aws dynamodb --endpoint-url "http://localhost:4566" --region "us-east-2" delete-table --table-name "BlobTable"
S3MOCK_ENDPOINT: localhost:4566
DYNAMODBMOCK_ENDPOINT: http://localhost:4566
OS: ${{ matrix.os }}
@ -54,3 +54,20 @@ jobs:
- name: Run annotations tests
run: |
make test-annotations
- name: Install localstack
run: |
pip install --upgrade pyopenssl
pip install localstack awscli-local[ver1] # install LocalStack cli and awslocal
docker pull localstack/localstack # Make sure to pull the latest version of the image
localstack start -d # Start LocalStack in the background
echo "Waiting for LocalStack startup..." # Wait 30 seconds for the LocalStack container
localstack wait -t 30 # to become ready before timing out
echo "Startup complete"
- name: Run cloud-only tests
run: |
sudo mkdir /zot
make test-cloud-only
@ -274,6 +274,14 @@ test-push-pull: binary check-skopeo $(BATS) $(REGCLIENT) $(ORAS) $(HELM)
test-push-pull-verbose: binary check-skopeo $(BATS)
$(BATS) --trace --verbose-run --print-output-on-failure --show-output-of-passing-tests test/blackbox/pushpull.bats
.PHONY: test-cloud-only
test-cloud-only: binary check-skopeo $(BATS)
$(BATS) --trace --print-output-on-failure test/blackbox/cloud-only.bats
.PHONY: test-cloud-only-verbose
test-cloud-only-verbose: binary check-skopeo $(BATS)
$(BATS) --trace --verbose-run --print-output-on-failure --show-output-of-passing-tests test/blackbox/cloud-only.bats
.PHONY: test-bats-sync
test-bats-sync: EXTENSIONS=sync
test-bats-sync: binary binary-minimal check-skopeo $(BATS) $(NOTATION) $(COSIGN)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
"distSpecVersion": "1.0.1-dev",
"storage": {
"rootDirectory": "/tmp/zot",
"dedupe": true,
"remoteCache": true,
"storageDriver": {
"name": "s3",
"rootdirectory": "/zot",
"region": "us-east-2",
"regionendpoint": "localhost:4566",
"bucket": "zot-storage",
"secure": false,
"skipverify": false
"cacheDriver": {
"name": "dynamodb",
"endpoint": "http://localhost:4566",
"region": "us-east-2",
"tableName": "BlobTable"
"http": {
"address": "",
"port": "8080"
"log": {
"level": "debug"
@ -11,6 +11,12 @@
"secure": true,
"skipverify": false
"cacheDriver": {
"name": "dynamodb",
"endpoint": "http://localhost:4566",
"region": "us-east-2",
"tableName": "MainTable"
"subPaths": {
"/a": {
"rootDirectory": "/tmp/zot1",
@ -27,6 +33,7 @@
"/b": {
"rootDirectory": "/tmp/zot2",
"dedupe": true,
"remoteCache": false,
"storageDriver": {
"name": "s3",
"rootdirectory": "/zot-b",
@ -39,6 +46,7 @@
"/c": {
"rootDirectory": "/tmp/zot3",
"dedupe": true,
"remoteCache": true,
"storageDriver": {
"name": "s3",
"rootdirectory": "/zot-c",
@ -46,6 +54,12 @@
"bucket": "zot-storage",
"secure": false,
"skipverify": false
"cacheDriver": {
"name": "dynamodb",
"endpoint": "http://localhost:4566",
"region": "us-east-2",
"tableName": "cTable"
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@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ type StorageConfig struct {
GCDelay time.Duration
GCInterval time.Duration
StorageDriver map[string]interface{} `mapstructure:",omitempty"`
CacheDriver map[string]interface{} `mapstructure:",omitempty"`
type TLSConfig struct {
@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ func (c *Controller) InitImageStore(reloadCtx context.Context) error {
var defaultStore storage.ImageStore
if c.Config.Storage.StorageDriver == nil {
// false positive lint - linter does not implement Lint method
defaultStore = local.NewImageStore(c.Config.Storage.RootDirectory,
c.Config.Storage.GC, c.Config.Storage.GCDelay,
c.Config.Storage.Dedupe, c.Config.Storage.Commit, c.Log, c.Metrics, linter,
@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ func (c *Controller) InitImageStore(reloadCtx context.Context) error {
// false positive lint - linter does not implement Lint method
//nolint: typecheck
//nolint: typecheck,contextcheck
defaultStore = s3.NewImageStore(rootDir, c.Config.Storage.RootDirectory,
c.Config.Storage.GC, c.Config.Storage.GCDelay, c.Config.Storage.Dedupe,
c.Config.Storage.Commit, c.Log, c.Metrics, linter, store,
@ -315,6 +315,7 @@ func (c *Controller) InitImageStore(reloadCtx context.Context) error {
if len(c.Config.Storage.SubPaths) > 0 {
subPaths := c.Config.Storage.SubPaths
//nolint: contextcheck
subImageStore, err := c.getSubStore(subPaths, linter)
if err != nil {
c.Log.Error().Err(err).Msg("controller: error getting sub image store")
@ -443,7 +444,18 @@ func CreateCacheDatabaseDriver(storageConfig config.StorageConfig, log log.Logge
return driver
// used for tests, dynamodb when it comes
// dynamodb
if storageConfig.CacheDriver != nil {
dynamoParams := cache.DynamoDBDriverParameters{}
dynamoParams.Endpoint, _ = storageConfig.CacheDriver["endpoint"].(string)
dynamoParams.Region, _ = storageConfig.CacheDriver["region"].(string)
dynamoParams.TableName, _ = storageConfig.CacheDriver["tablename"].(string)
driver, _ := storage.Create("dynamodb", dynamoParams, log)
return driver
return nil
@ -99,6 +99,14 @@ func skipIt(t *testing.T) {
func skipDynamo(t *testing.T) {
if os.Getenv("DYNAMODBMOCK_ENDPOINT") == "" {
t.Skip("Skipping testing without AWS DynamoDB mock server")
func TestNew(t *testing.T) {
Convey("Make a new controller", t, func() {
conf := config.New()
@ -108,7 +116,7 @@ func TestNew(t *testing.T) {
func TestCreateCacheDatabaseDriver(t *testing.T) {
Convey("Test CreateCacheDatabaseDriver", t, func() {
Convey("Test CreateCacheDatabaseDriver boltdb", t, func() {
log := log.NewLogger("debug", "")
// fail create db, no perm
@ -132,6 +140,35 @@ func TestCreateCacheDatabaseDriver(t *testing.T) {
driver = api.CreateCacheDatabaseDriver(conf.Storage.StorageConfig, log)
So(driver, ShouldBeNil)
Convey("Test CreateCacheDatabaseDriver dynamodb", t, func() {
log := log.NewLogger("debug", "")
dir := t.TempDir()
// good config
conf := config.New()
conf.Storage.RootDirectory = dir
conf.Storage.Dedupe = true
conf.Storage.RemoteCache = true
conf.Storage.StorageDriver = map[string]interface{}{
"name": "s3",
"rootdirectory": "/zot",
"region": "us-east-2",
"bucket": "zot-storage",
"secure": true,
"skipverify": false,
conf.Storage.CacheDriver = map[string]interface{}{
"name": "dynamodb",
"endpoint": "http://localhost:4566",
"region": "us-east-2",
"tableName": "BlobTable",
driver := api.CreateCacheDatabaseDriver(conf.Storage.StorageConfig, log)
So(driver, ShouldNotBeNil)
func TestRunAlreadyRunningServer(t *testing.T) {
@ -237,6 +237,75 @@ func validateStorageConfig(cfg *config.Config) error {
return nil
func validateCacheConfig(cfg *config.Config) error {
// global
// dedupe true, remote storage, remoteCache true, but no cacheDriver (remote)
//nolint: lll
if cfg.Storage.Dedupe && cfg.Storage.StorageDriver != nil && cfg.Storage.RemoteCache && cfg.Storage.CacheDriver == nil {
"dedupe set to true with remote storage and caching, but no remote cache configured!")
return errors.ErrBadConfig
if cfg.Storage.CacheDriver != nil && cfg.Storage.RemoteCache {
// local storage with remote caching
if cfg.Storage.StorageDriver == nil {
log.Error().Err(errors.ErrBadConfig).Msg("cannot have local storage driver with remote caching!")
return errors.ErrBadConfig
// unsupported cache driver
if cfg.Storage.CacheDriver["name"] != storageConstants.DynamoDBDriverName {
log.Error().Err(errors.ErrBadConfig).Msgf("unsupported cache driver: %s", cfg.Storage.CacheDriver["name"])
return errors.ErrBadConfig
if !cfg.Storage.RemoteCache && cfg.Storage.CacheDriver != nil {
"remoteCache set to false but cacheDriver config (remote caching) provided for %s,"+
"will ignore and use local caching", cfg.Storage.RootDirectory)
// subpaths
for _, subPath := range cfg.Storage.SubPaths {
// dedupe true, remote storage, remoteCache true, but no cacheDriver (remote)
//nolint: lll
if subPath.Dedupe && subPath.StorageDriver != nil && subPath.RemoteCache && subPath.CacheDriver == nil {
log.Error().Err(errors.ErrBadConfig).Msg("dedupe set to true with remote storage and caching, but no remote cache configured!")
return errors.ErrBadConfig
if subPath.CacheDriver != nil && subPath.RemoteCache {
// local storage with remote caching
if subPath.StorageDriver == nil {
log.Error().Err(errors.ErrBadConfig).Msg("cannot have local storage driver with remote caching!")
return errors.ErrBadConfig
// unsupported cache driver
if subPath.CacheDriver["name"] != storageConstants.DynamoDBDriverName {
log.Error().Err(errors.ErrBadConfig).Msgf("unsupported cache driver: %s", subPath.CacheDriver["name"])
return errors.ErrBadConfig
if !subPath.RemoteCache && subPath.CacheDriver != nil {
"remoteCache set to false but cacheDriver config (remote caching) provided for %s,"+
"will ignore and use local caching", subPath.RootDirectory)
return nil
func validateConfiguration(config *config.Config) error {
if err := validateHTTP(config); err != nil {
return err
@ -258,6 +327,10 @@ func validateConfiguration(config *config.Config) error {
return err
if err := validateCacheConfig(config); err != nil {
return err
// check authorization config, it should have basic auth enabled or ldap
if config.HTTP.RawAccessControl != nil {
// checking for anonymous policy only authorization config: no users, no policies but anonymous policy
@ -117,52 +117,301 @@ func TestVerify(t *testing.T) {
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
defer os.Remove(tmpfile.Name()) // clean up
// dedup true, can't parse database type
content := []byte(`{"storage":{"rootDirectory":"/tmp/zot", "dedupe": true,
"cache": {"type": 123}},
// dedupe true, remote storage, remoteCache true, but no cacheDriver (remote)
content := []byte(`{
err = os.WriteFile(tmpfile.Name(), content, 0o0600)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
os.Args = []string{"cli_test", "verify", tmpfile.Name()}
So(func() { _ = cli.NewServerRootCmd().Execute() }, ShouldPanic)
// dedup true, wrong database type
content = []byte(`{"storage":{"rootDirectory":"/tmp/zot", "dedupe": true,
"cache": {"type": "wrong"}},
// local storage with remote caching
content = []byte(`{
err = os.WriteFile(tmpfile.Name(), content, 0o0600)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
os.Args = []string{"cli_test", "verify", tmpfile.Name()}
So(func() { _ = cli.NewServerRootCmd().Execute() }, ShouldPanic)
// unsupported cache driver
content = []byte(`{
err = os.WriteFile(tmpfile.Name(), content, 0o0600)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
os.Args = []string{"cli_test", "verify", tmpfile.Name()}
So(func() { _ = cli.NewServerRootCmd().Execute() }, ShouldPanic)
// remoteCache false but provided cacheDriver config, ignored
content = []byte(`{
err = os.WriteFile(tmpfile.Name(), content, 0o0600)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
os.Args = []string{"cli_test", "verify", tmpfile.Name()}
So(func() { _ = cli.NewServerRootCmd().Execute() }, ShouldNotPanic)
// SubPaths
// dedup true, wrong database type
content = []byte(`{"storage":{"rootDirectory":"/tmp/zot", "dedupe": false,
"subPaths": {"/a": {"rootDirectory": "/zot-a", "dedupe": true,
"cache": {"type": "wrong"}}}},
// dedupe true, remote storage, remoteCache true, but no cacheDriver (remote)
content = []byte(`{
err = os.WriteFile(tmpfile.Name(), content, 0o0600)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
os.Args = []string{"cli_test", "verify", tmpfile.Name()}
So(func() { _ = cli.NewServerRootCmd().Execute() }, ShouldPanic)
// dedup true, can't parse database type
content = []byte(`{"storage":{"rootDirectory":"/tmp/zot", "dedupe": false,
"subPaths": {"/a": {"rootDirectory": "/zot-a", "dedupe": true,
"cache": {"type": 123}}}},
// local storage with remote caching
content = []byte(`{
err = os.WriteFile(tmpfile.Name(), content, 0o0600)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
os.Args = []string{"cli_test", "verify", tmpfile.Name()}
So(func() { _ = cli.NewServerRootCmd().Execute() }, ShouldPanic)
// unsupported cache driver
content = []byte(`{
err = os.WriteFile(tmpfile.Name(), content, 0o0600)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
os.Args = []string{"cli_test", "verify", tmpfile.Name()}
So(func() { _ = cli.NewServerRootCmd().Execute() }, ShouldPanic)
// remoteCache false but provided cacheDriver config, ignored
content = []byte(`{
err = os.WriteFile(tmpfile.Name(), content, 0o0600)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
os.Args = []string{"cli_test", "verify", tmpfile.Name()}
So(func() { _ = cli.NewServerRootCmd().Execute() }, ShouldNotPanic)
Convey("Test apply defaults cache db", t, func(c C) {
@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ func syncOneImage(ctx context.Context, imageChannel chan error, cfg Config, stor
upstreamAddr: upstreamAddr,
copyOptions: options,
skipped, copyErr := syncRun(regCfg, localRepo, upstreamRepo, reference, syncContextUtils, sig, log)
if skipped {
@ -12,6 +12,10 @@ func Create(dbtype string, parameters interface{}, log zlog.Logger) (cache.Cache
return cache.NewBoltDBCache(parameters, log), nil
case "dynamodb":
return cache.NewDynamoDBCache(parameters, log), nil
return nil, errors.ErrBadConfig
@ -32,18 +32,14 @@ func NewBoltDBCache(parameters interface{}, log zlog.Logger) Cache {
panic("Failed type assertion")
return NewCache(properParameters, log)
func NewCache(parameters BoltDBDriverParameters, log zlog.Logger) *BoltDBDriver {
err := os.MkdirAll(parameters.RootDir, constants.DefaultDirPerms)
err := os.MkdirAll(properParameters.RootDir, constants.DefaultDirPerms)
if err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Msgf("unable to create directory for cache db: %v", parameters.RootDir)
log.Error().Err(err).Msgf("unable to create directory for cache db: %v", properParameters.RootDir)
return nil
dbPath := path.Join(parameters.RootDir, parameters.Name+constants.DBExtensionName)
dbPath := path.Join(properParameters.RootDir, properParameters.Name+constants.DBExtensionName)
dbOpts := &bbolt.Options{
Timeout: constants.DBCacheLockCheckTimeout,
FreelistType: bbolt.FreelistArrayType,
@ -72,7 +68,12 @@ func NewCache(parameters BoltDBDriverParameters, log zlog.Logger) *BoltDBDriver
return nil
return &BoltDBDriver{rootDir: parameters.RootDir, db: cacheDB, useRelPaths: parameters.UseRelPaths, log: log}
return &BoltDBDriver{
rootDir: properParameters.RootDir,
db: cacheDB,
useRelPaths: properParameters.UseRelPaths,
log: log,
func (d *BoltDBDriver) Name() string {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
package cache
import (
godigest "github.com/opencontainers/go-digest"
zerr "zotregistry.io/zot/errors"
zlog "zotregistry.io/zot/pkg/log"
type DynamoDBDriver struct {
client *dynamodb.Client
log zlog.Logger
tableName string
type DynamoDBDriverParameters struct {
Endpoint, Region, TableName string
type Blob struct {
Digest string `dynamodbav:"Digest,string"`
BlobPath []string `dynamodbav:"BlobPath,stringset"`
// Use ONLY for tests.
func (d *DynamoDBDriver) NewTable(tableName string) error {
_, err := d.client.CreateTable(context.TODO(), &dynamodb.CreateTableInput{
TableName: &tableName,
AttributeDefinitions: []types.AttributeDefinition{
AttributeName: aws.String("Digest"),
AttributeType: types.ScalarAttributeTypeS,
KeySchema: []types.KeySchemaElement{
AttributeName: aws.String("Digest"),
KeyType: types.KeyTypeHash,
ProvisionedThroughput: &types.ProvisionedThroughput{
ReadCapacityUnits: aws.Int64(10),
WriteCapacityUnits: aws.Int64(5),
if err != nil {
return err
d.tableName = tableName
return nil
func NewDynamoDBCache(parameters interface{}, log zlog.Logger) Cache {
properParameters, ok := parameters.(DynamoDBDriverParameters)
if !ok {
panic("Failed type assertion!")
// custom endpoint resolver to point to localhost
customResolver := aws.EndpointResolverWithOptionsFunc(
func(service, region string, options ...interface{}) (aws.Endpoint, error) {
return aws.Endpoint{
PartitionID: "aws",
URL: properParameters.Endpoint,
SigningRegion: region,
}, nil
// Using the SDK's default configuration, loading additional config
// and credentials values from the environment variables, shared
// credentials, and shared configuration files
cfg, err := config.LoadDefaultConfig(context.TODO(), config.WithRegion(properParameters.Region),
if err != nil {
log.Error().Msgf("unable to load AWS SDK config for dynamodb, %v", err)
return nil
// Using the Config value, create the DynamoDB client
return &DynamoDBDriver{client: dynamodb.NewFromConfig(cfg), tableName: properParameters.TableName, log: log}
func (d *DynamoDBDriver) Name() string {
return "dynamodb"
// Returns the first path of the blob if it exists.
func (d *DynamoDBDriver) GetBlob(digest godigest.Digest) (string, error) {
resp, err := d.client.GetItem(context.TODO(), &dynamodb.GetItemInput{
TableName: aws.String(d.tableName),
Key: map[string]types.AttributeValue{
"Digest": &types.AttributeValueMemberS{Value: digest.String()},
if err != nil {
d.log.Error().Msgf("failed to get blob %v, %v", d.tableName, err)
return "", err
out := Blob{}
if resp.Item == nil {
return "", zerr.ErrCacheMiss
_ = attributevalue.UnmarshalMap(resp.Item, &out)
if len(out.BlobPath) == 0 {
return "", nil
return out.BlobPath[0], nil
func (d *DynamoDBDriver) PutBlob(digest godigest.Digest, path string) error {
if path == "" {
d.log.Error().Err(zerr.ErrEmptyValue).Str("digest", digest.String()).Msg("empty path provided")
return zerr.ErrEmptyValue
marshaledKey, _ := attributevalue.MarshalMap(map[string]interface{}{"Digest": digest.String()})
expression := "ADD BlobPath :i"
attrPath := types.AttributeValueMemberSS{Value: []string{path}}
if _, err := d.client.UpdateItem(context.TODO(), &dynamodb.UpdateItemInput{
Key: marshaledKey,
TableName: &d.tableName,
UpdateExpression: &expression,
ExpressionAttributeValues: map[string]types.AttributeValue{":i": &attrPath},
}); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (d *DynamoDBDriver) HasBlob(digest godigest.Digest, path string) bool {
resp, err := d.client.GetItem(context.TODO(), &dynamodb.GetItemInput{
TableName: aws.String(d.tableName),
Key: map[string]types.AttributeValue{
"Digest": &types.AttributeValueMemberS{Value: digest.String()},
if err != nil {
d.log.Error().Msgf("failed to get blob %v, %v", d.tableName, err)
return false
out := Blob{}
if resp.Item == nil {
return false
_ = attributevalue.UnmarshalMap(resp.Item, &out)
for _, item := range out.BlobPath {
if item == path {
return true
return false
func (d *DynamoDBDriver) DeleteBlob(digest godigest.Digest, path string) error {
marshaledKey, _ := attributevalue.MarshalMap(map[string]interface{}{"Digest": digest.String()})
expression := "DELETE BlobPath :i"
attrPath := types.AttributeValueMemberSS{Value: []string{path}}
_, err := d.client.UpdateItem(context.TODO(), &dynamodb.UpdateItemInput{
Key: marshaledKey,
TableName: &d.tableName,
UpdateExpression: &expression,
ExpressionAttributeValues: map[string]types.AttributeValue{":i": &attrPath},
if err != nil {
d.log.Error().Err(err).Str("digest", digest.String()).Str("path", path).Msg("unable to delete")
return err
result, _ := d.GetBlob(digest)
if result == "" {
d.log.Debug().Str("digest", digest.String()).Str("path", path).Msg("deleting empty bucket")
_, _ = d.client.DeleteItem(context.TODO(), &dynamodb.DeleteItemInput{
Key: marshaledKey,
TableName: &d.tableName,
return nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
package cache_test
import (
godigest "github.com/opencontainers/go-digest"
. "github.com/smartystreets/goconvey/convey"
func skipIt(t *testing.T) {
if os.Getenv("DYNAMODBMOCK_ENDPOINT") == "" {
t.Skip("Skipping testing without AWS DynamoDB mock server")
func TestDynamoDB(t *testing.T) {
Convey("Test dynamoDB", t, func(c C) {
log := log.NewLogger("debug", "")
dir := t.TempDir()
// bad params
So(func() {
_ = cache.NewDynamoDBCache("bad params", log)
}, ShouldPanic)
keyDigest := godigest.FromString("key")
cacheDriver, err := storage.Create("dynamodb", cache.DynamoDBDriverParameters{
Endpoint: "http://brokenlink",
TableName: "BlobTable",
Region: "us-east-2",
}, log)
So(cacheDriver, ShouldNotBeNil)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
val, err := cacheDriver.GetBlob(keyDigest)
So(err, ShouldNotBeNil)
So(val, ShouldBeEmpty)
err = cacheDriver.PutBlob(keyDigest, path.Join(dir, "value"))
So(err, ShouldNotBeNil)
exists := cacheDriver.HasBlob(keyDigest, path.Join(dir, "value"))
So(exists, ShouldBeFalse)
err = cacheDriver.DeleteBlob(keyDigest, path.Join(dir, "value"))
So(err, ShouldNotBeNil)
cacheDriver, err = storage.Create("dynamodb", cache.DynamoDBDriverParameters{
Endpoint: os.Getenv("DYNAMODBMOCK_ENDPOINT"),
TableName: "BlobTable",
Region: "us-east-2",
}, log)
So(cacheDriver, ShouldNotBeNil)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
returnedName := cacheDriver.Name()
So(returnedName, ShouldEqual, "dynamodb")
val, err = cacheDriver.GetBlob(keyDigest)
So(err, ShouldNotBeNil)
So(val, ShouldBeEmpty)
err = cacheDriver.PutBlob(keyDigest, "")
So(err, ShouldNotBeNil)
err = cacheDriver.PutBlob(keyDigest, path.Join(dir, "value"))
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
val, err = cacheDriver.GetBlob(keyDigest)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(val, ShouldNotBeEmpty)
exists = cacheDriver.HasBlob(keyDigest, path.Join(dir, "value"))
So(exists, ShouldBeTrue)
err = cacheDriver.DeleteBlob(keyDigest, path.Join(dir, "value"))
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
exists = cacheDriver.HasBlob(keyDigest, path.Join(dir, "value"))
So(exists, ShouldBeFalse)
err = cacheDriver.PutBlob(keyDigest, path.Join(dir, "value1"))
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
err = cacheDriver.PutBlob(keyDigest, path.Join(dir, "value2"))
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
err = cacheDriver.DeleteBlob(keyDigest, path.Join(dir, "value1"))
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
exists = cacheDriver.HasBlob(keyDigest, path.Join(dir, "value2"))
So(exists, ShouldBeTrue)
exists = cacheDriver.HasBlob(keyDigest, path.Join(dir, "value1"))
So(exists, ShouldBeFalse)
err = cacheDriver.DeleteBlob(keyDigest, path.Join(dir, "value2"))
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,520 @@
package storage_test
import (
godigest "github.com/opencontainers/go-digest"
const (
region string = "us-east-2"
localEndpoint string = "http://localhost:4566"
awsEndpoint string = "https://dynamodb.us-east-2.amazonaws.com"
datasetSize int = 5000
func generateRandomString() string {
//nolint: gosec
seededRand := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
charset := "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" + "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
randomBytes := make([]byte, 10)
for i := range randomBytes {
randomBytes[i] = charset[seededRand.Intn(len(charset))]
return string(randomBytes)
func generateData() map[godigest.Digest]string {
dataMap := make(map[godigest.Digest]string, datasetSize)
//nolint: gosec
seededRand := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
for i := 0; i < datasetSize; i++ {
randomString := generateRandomString()
counter := 0
for seededRand.Float32() < 0.5 && counter < 5 {
randomString += "/"
randomString += generateRandomString()
digest := godigest.FromString(randomString)
dataMap[digest] = randomString
return dataMap
func helperPutAll(cache cache.Cache, testData map[godigest.Digest]string) {
for digest, path := range testData {
_ = cache.PutBlob(digest, path)
func helperDeleteAll(cache cache.Cache, testData map[godigest.Digest]string) {
for digest, path := range testData {
_ = cache.DeleteBlob(digest, path)
func helperHasAll(cache cache.Cache, testData map[godigest.Digest]string) {
for digest, path := range testData {
_ = cache.HasBlob(digest, path)
func helperGetAll(cache cache.Cache, testData map[godigest.Digest]string) {
for digest := range testData {
_, _ = cache.GetBlob(digest)
func helperMix(cache cache.Cache, testData map[godigest.Digest]string, digestSlice []godigest.Digest) {
// The test data contains datasetSize entries by default, and each set of operations uses 5 entries
for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
_ = cache.PutBlob(digestSlice[i*5], testData[digestSlice[i*5]])
_ = cache.PutBlob(digestSlice[i*5+1], testData[digestSlice[i*5+1]])
_ = cache.PutBlob(digestSlice[i*5+2], testData[digestSlice[i*5+2]])
_ = cache.PutBlob(digestSlice[i*5+2], testData[digestSlice[i*5+3]])
_ = cache.DeleteBlob(digestSlice[i*5+1], testData[digestSlice[i*5+1]])
_ = cache.DeleteBlob(digestSlice[i*5+2], testData[digestSlice[i*5+3]])
_ = cache.DeleteBlob(digestSlice[i*5+2], testData[digestSlice[i*5+2]])
_ = cache.HasBlob(digestSlice[i*5], testData[digestSlice[i*5]])
_ = cache.HasBlob(digestSlice[i*5+1], testData[digestSlice[i*5+1]])
_, _ = cache.GetBlob(digestSlice[i*5])
_, _ = cache.GetBlob(digestSlice[i*5+1])
_ = cache.PutBlob(digestSlice[i*5], testData[digestSlice[i*5+4]])
_, _ = cache.GetBlob(digestSlice[i*5+4])
_ = cache.DeleteBlob(digestSlice[i*5], testData[digestSlice[i*5+4]])
_ = cache.DeleteBlob(digestSlice[i*5], testData[digestSlice[i*5]])
// BoltDB tests
func BenchmarkPutLocal(b *testing.B) {
dir := b.TempDir()
log := log.NewLogger("error", "")
cache, _ := storage.Create("boltdb", cache.BoltDBDriverParameters{
RootDir: dir,
Name: "cache_test",
UseRelPaths: false,
}, log)
testData := generateData()
helperPutAll(cache, testData)
func BenchmarkDeleteLocal(b *testing.B) {
dir := b.TempDir()
log := log.NewLogger("error", "")
cache, _ := storage.Create("boltdb", cache.BoltDBDriverParameters{
RootDir: dir,
Name: "cache_test",
UseRelPaths: false,
}, log)
testData := generateData()
for digest, path := range testData {
_ = cache.PutBlob(digest, path)
helperDeleteAll(cache, testData)
func BenchmarkHasLocal(b *testing.B) {
dir := b.TempDir()
log := log.NewLogger("error", "")
cache, _ := storage.Create("boltdb", cache.BoltDBDriverParameters{
RootDir: dir,
Name: "cache_test",
UseRelPaths: false,
}, log)
testData := generateData()
for digest, path := range testData {
_ = cache.PutBlob(digest, path)
helperHasAll(cache, testData)
func BenchmarkGetLocal(b *testing.B) {
dir := b.TempDir()
log := log.NewLogger("error", "")
cache, _ := storage.Create("boltdb", cache.BoltDBDriverParameters{
RootDir: dir,
Name: "cache_test",
UseRelPaths: false,
}, log)
testData := generateData()
counter := 1
var previousDigest godigest.Digest
for digest, path := range testData {
if counter != 10 {
_ = cache.PutBlob(digest, path)
previousDigest = digest
} else {
_ = cache.PutBlob(previousDigest, path)
counter = 1
helperGetAll(cache, testData)
func BenchmarkMixLocal(b *testing.B) {
dir := b.TempDir()
log := log.NewLogger("error", "")
cache, _ := storage.Create("boltdb", cache.BoltDBDriverParameters{
RootDir: dir,
Name: "cache_test",
UseRelPaths: false,
}, log)
testData := generateData()
digestSlice := make([]godigest.Digest, datasetSize)
counter := 0
for key := range testData {
digestSlice[counter] = key
helperMix(cache, testData, digestSlice)
// DynamoDB Local tests
func BenchmarkPutLocalstack(b *testing.B) {
log := log.NewLogger("error", "")
tableName := generateRandomString()
// Create Table
_, err := exec.Command("aws", "dynamodb", "--region", region, "--endpoint-url", localEndpoint, "create-table",
"--table-name", tableName, "--attribute-definitions", "AttributeName=Digest,AttributeType=S",
"--key-schema", "AttributeName=Digest,KeyType=HASH",
"--billing-mode", "PAY_PER_REQUEST").Output()
if err != nil {
cache, _ := storage.Create("dynamodb", cache.DynamoDBDriverParameters{
Endpoint: localEndpoint,
Region: region,
TableName: tableName,
}, log)
testData := generateData()
helperPutAll(cache, testData)
func BenchmarkDeleteLocalstack(b *testing.B) {
log := log.NewLogger("error", "")
tableName := generateRandomString()
// Create Table
_, err := exec.Command("aws", "dynamodb", "--region", region, "--endpoint-url", localEndpoint, "create-table",
"--table-name", tableName, "--attribute-definitions", "AttributeName=Digest,AttributeType=S",
"--key-schema", "AttributeName=Digest,KeyType=HASH",
"--billing-mode", "PAY_PER_REQUEST").Output()
if err != nil {
cache, _ := storage.Create("dynamodb", cache.DynamoDBDriverParameters{
Endpoint: localEndpoint,
Region: region,
TableName: tableName,
}, log)
testData := generateData()
for digest, path := range testData {
_ = cache.PutBlob(digest, path)
helperDeleteAll(cache, testData)
func BenchmarkHasLocalstack(b *testing.B) {
log := log.NewLogger("error", "")
tableName := generateRandomString()
// Create Table
_, err := exec.Command("aws", "dynamodb", "--region", region, "--endpoint-url", localEndpoint, "create-table",
"--table-name", tableName, "--attribute-definitions", "AttributeName=Digest,AttributeType=S",
"--key-schema", "AttributeName=Digest,KeyType=HASH",
"--billing-mode", "PAY_PER_REQUEST").Output()
if err != nil {
cache, _ := storage.Create("dynamodb", cache.DynamoDBDriverParameters{
Endpoint: localEndpoint,
Region: region,
TableName: tableName,
}, log)
testData := generateData()
for digest, path := range testData {
_ = cache.PutBlob(digest, path)
helperHasAll(cache, testData)
func BenchmarkGetLocalstack(b *testing.B) {
log := log.NewLogger("error", "")
tableName := generateRandomString()
// Create Table
_, err := exec.Command("aws", "dynamodb", "--region", region, "--endpoint-url", localEndpoint, "create-table",
"--table-name", tableName, "--attribute-definitions", "AttributeName=Digest,AttributeType=S",
"--key-schema", "AttributeName=Digest,KeyType=HASH",
"--billing-mode", "PAY_PER_REQUEST").Output()
if err != nil {
cache, _ := storage.Create("dynamodb", cache.DynamoDBDriverParameters{
Endpoint: localEndpoint,
Region: region,
TableName: tableName,
}, log)
testData := generateData()
counter := 1
var previousDigest godigest.Digest
for digest, path := range testData {
if counter != 10 {
_ = cache.PutBlob(digest, path)
previousDigest = digest
} else {
_ = cache.PutBlob(previousDigest, path)
counter = 1
helperGetAll(cache, testData)
func BenchmarkMixLocalstack(b *testing.B) {
log := log.NewLogger("error", "")
tableName := generateRandomString()
// Create Table
_, err := exec.Command("aws", "dynamodb", "--region", region, "--endpoint-url", localEndpoint, "create-table",
"--table-name", tableName, "--attribute-definitions", "AttributeName=Digest,AttributeType=S",
"--key-schema", "AttributeName=Digest,KeyType=HASH",
"--billing-mode", "PAY_PER_REQUEST").Output()
if err != nil {
cache, _ := storage.Create("dynamodb", cache.DynamoDBDriverParameters{
Endpoint: localEndpoint,
Region: region,
TableName: tableName,
}, log)
testData := generateData()
digestSlice := make([]godigest.Digest, datasetSize)
counter := 0
for key := range testData {
digestSlice[counter] = key
helperMix(cache, testData, digestSlice)
// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
// DANGER ZONE: tests with true AWS endpoint
// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
func BenchmarkPutAWS(b *testing.B) {
log := log.NewLogger("error", "")
tableName := generateRandomString()
// Create Table
_, err := exec.Command("aws", "dynamodb", "--region", region, "--endpoint-url", awsEndpoint, "create-table",
"--table-name", tableName, "--attribute-definitions", "AttributeName=Digest,AttributeType=S",
"--key-schema", "AttributeName=Digest,KeyType=HASH",
"--billing-mode", "PAY_PER_REQUEST").Output()
if err != nil {
cache, _ := storage.Create("dynamodb", cache.DynamoDBDriverParameters{
Endpoint: awsEndpoint,
Region: region,
TableName: tableName,
}, log)
testData := generateData()
helperPutAll(cache, testData)
func BenchmarkDeleteAWS(b *testing.B) {
log := log.NewLogger("error", "")
tableName := generateRandomString()
// Create Table
_, err := exec.Command("aws", "dynamodb", "--region", region, "--endpoint-url", awsEndpoint, "create-table",
"--table-name", tableName, "--attribute-definitions", "AttributeName=Digest,AttributeType=S",
"--key-schema", "AttributeName=Digest,KeyType=HASH",
"--billing-mode", "PAY_PER_REQUEST").Output()
if err != nil {
cache, _ := storage.Create("dynamodb", cache.DynamoDBDriverParameters{
Endpoint: awsEndpoint,
Region: region,
TableName: tableName,
}, log)
testData := generateData()
for digest, path := range testData {
_ = cache.PutBlob(digest, path)
helperDeleteAll(cache, testData)
func BenchmarkHasAWS(b *testing.B) {
log := log.NewLogger("error", "")
tableName := generateRandomString()
// Create Table
_, err := exec.Command("aws", "dynamodb", "--region", region, "--endpoint-url", awsEndpoint, "create-table",
"--table-name", tableName, "--attribute-definitions", "AttributeName=Digest,AttributeType=S",
"--key-schema", "AttributeName=Digest,KeyType=HASH",
"--billing-mode", "PAY_PER_REQUEST").Output()
if err != nil {
cache, _ := storage.Create("dynamodb", cache.DynamoDBDriverParameters{
Endpoint: awsEndpoint,
Region: region,
TableName: tableName,
}, log)
testData := generateData()
for digest, path := range testData {
_ = cache.PutBlob(digest, path)
helperHasAll(cache, testData)
func BenchmarkGetAWS(b *testing.B) {
log := log.NewLogger("error", "")
tableName := generateRandomString()
// Create Table
_, err := exec.Command("aws", "dynamodb", "--region", region, "--endpoint-url", awsEndpoint, "create-table",
"--table-name", tableName, "--attribute-definitions", "AttributeName=Digest,AttributeType=S",
"--key-schema", "AttributeName=Digest,KeyType=HASH",
"--billing-mode", "PAY_PER_REQUEST").Output()
if err != nil {
cache, _ := storage.Create("dynamodb", cache.DynamoDBDriverParameters{
Endpoint: awsEndpoint,
Region: region,
TableName: tableName,
}, log)
testData := generateData()
counter := 1
var previousDigest godigest.Digest
for digest, path := range testData {
if counter != 10 {
_ = cache.PutBlob(digest, path)
previousDigest = digest
} else {
_ = cache.PutBlob(previousDigest, path)
counter = 1
helperGetAll(cache, testData)
func BenchmarkMixAWS(b *testing.B) {
log := log.NewLogger("error", "")
tableName := generateRandomString()
// Create Table
_, err := exec.Command("aws", "dynamodb", "--region", region, "--endpoint-url", awsEndpoint, "create-table",
"--table-name", tableName, "--attribute-definitions", "AttributeName=Digest,AttributeType=S",
"--key-schema", "AttributeName=Digest,KeyType=HASH",
"--billing-mode", "PAY_PER_REQUEST").Output()
if err != nil {
cache, _ := storage.Create("dynamodb", cache.DynamoDBDriverParameters{
Endpoint: awsEndpoint,
Region: region,
TableName: tableName,
}, log)
testData := generateData()
digestSlice := make([]godigest.Digest, datasetSize)
counter := 0
for key := range testData {
digestSlice[counter] = key
helperMix(cache, testData, digestSlice)
@ -19,5 +19,5 @@ const (
DBCacheLockCheckTimeout = 10 * time.Second
BoltdbName = "cache"
ReferrerFilterAnnotation = "org.opencontainers.references.filtersApplied"
DynamoDBDriverName = "dynamodb"
@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ var (
fileInfoSize = 10
errorText = "new s3 error"
errS3 = errors.New(errorText)
zotStorageTest = "zot-storage-test"
func cleanupStorage(store driver.StorageDriver, name string) {
@ -56,6 +57,10 @@ func skipIt(t *testing.T) {
if os.Getenv("S3MOCK_ENDPOINT") == "" {
t.Skip("Skipping testing without AWS S3 mock server")
if os.Getenv("DYNAMODBMOCK_ENDPOINT") == "" {
t.Skip("Skipping testing without AWS DynamoDB mock server")
func createMockStorage(rootDir string, cacheDir string, dedupe bool, store driver.StorageDriver) storage.ImageStore {
@ -84,7 +89,7 @@ func createObjectsStore(rootDir string, cacheDir string, dedupe bool) (
) {
bucket := "zot-storage-test"
bucket := zotStorageTest
endpoint := os.Getenv("S3MOCK_ENDPOINT")
storageDriverParams := map[string]interface{}{
"rootDir": rootDir,
@ -130,6 +135,66 @@ func createObjectsStore(rootDir string, cacheDir string, dedupe bool) (
return store, il, err
func createObjectsStoreDynamo(rootDir string, cacheDir string, dedupe bool, tableName string) (
) {
bucket := zotStorageTest
endpoint := os.Getenv("S3MOCK_ENDPOINT")
storageDriverParams := map[string]interface{}{
"rootDir": rootDir,
"name": "s3",
"region": "us-east-2",
"bucket": bucket,
"regionendpoint": endpoint,
"accesskey": "minioadmin",
"secretkey": "minioadmin",
"secure": false,
"skipverify": false,
storeName := fmt.Sprintf("%v", storageDriverParams["name"])
store, err := factory.Create(storeName, storageDriverParams)
if err != nil {
// create bucket if it doesn't exists
_, err = resty.R().Put("http://" + endpoint + "/" + bucket)
if err != nil {
log := log.Logger{Logger: zerolog.New(os.Stdout)}
metrics := monitoring.NewMetricsServer(false, log)
var cacheDriver cache.Cache
// from pkg/cli/root.go/applyDefaultValues, s3 magic
cacheDriver, _ = storage.Create("dynamodb", cache.DynamoDBDriverParameters{
Endpoint: os.Getenv("DYNAMODBMOCK_ENDPOINT"),
Region: os.Getenv("us-east-2"),
TableName: tableName,
}, log)
tableName = strings.ReplaceAll(tableName, "/", "")
cacheDriverDynamo, _ := cacheDriver.(*cache.DynamoDBDriver)
err = cacheDriverDynamo.NewTable(tableName)
if err != nil {
il := s3.NewImageStore(rootDir, cacheDir, false, storage.DefaultGCDelay,
dedupe, false, log, metrics, nil, store, cacheDriver)
return store, il, err
type FileInfoMock struct {
IsDirFn func() bool
SizeFn func() int64
@ -607,7 +672,7 @@ func TestNegativeCasesObjectsStorage(t *testing.T) {
Convey("Unable to create subpath cache db", func(c C) {
bucket := "zot-storage-test"
bucket := zotStorageTest
endpoint := os.Getenv("S3MOCK_ENDPOINT")
storageDriverParams := config.GlobalStorageConfig{
@ -1448,6 +1513,189 @@ func TestS3Dedupe(t *testing.T) {
So(fi1.Size(), ShouldEqual, fi3.Size())
Convey("Dedupe with dynamodb", t, func(c C) {
uuid, err := guuid.NewV4()
if err != nil {
testDir := path.Join("/oci-repo-test", uuid.String())
tdir := t.TempDir()
storeDriver, imgStore, _ := createObjectsStoreDynamo(testDir, tdir, true, tdir)
defer cleanupStorage(storeDriver, testDir)
// manifest1
upload, err := imgStore.NewBlobUpload("dedupe1")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(upload, ShouldNotBeEmpty)
content := []byte("test-data3")
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(content)
buflen := buf.Len()
digest := godigest.FromBytes(content)
blob, err := imgStore.PutBlobChunkStreamed("dedupe1", upload, buf)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(blob, ShouldEqual, buflen)
blobDigest1 := digest
So(blobDigest1, ShouldNotBeEmpty)
err = imgStore.FinishBlobUpload("dedupe1", upload, buf, digest)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(blob, ShouldEqual, buflen)
_, checkBlobSize1, err := imgStore.CheckBlob("dedupe1", digest)
So(checkBlobSize1, ShouldBeGreaterThan, 0)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
blobReadCloser, getBlobSize1, err := imgStore.GetBlob("dedupe1", digest,
So(getBlobSize1, ShouldBeGreaterThan, 0)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
err = blobReadCloser.Close()
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
cblob, cdigest := test.GetRandomImageConfig()
_, clen, err := imgStore.FullBlobUpload("dedupe1", bytes.NewReader(cblob), cdigest)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(clen, ShouldEqual, len(cblob))
hasBlob, _, err := imgStore.CheckBlob("dedupe1", cdigest)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(hasBlob, ShouldEqual, true)
manifest := ispec.Manifest{
Config: ispec.Descriptor{
MediaType: "application/vnd.oci.image.config.v1+json",
Digest: cdigest,
Size: int64(len(cblob)),
Layers: []ispec.Descriptor{
MediaType: "application/vnd.oci.image.layer.v1.tar",
Digest: digest,
Size: int64(buflen),
manifest.SchemaVersion = 2
manifestBuf, err := json.Marshal(manifest)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
digest = godigest.FromBytes(manifestBuf)
_, err = imgStore.PutImageManifest("dedupe1", digest.String(),
ispec.MediaTypeImageManifest, manifestBuf)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
_, _, _, err = imgStore.GetImageManifest("dedupe1", digest.String())
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
// manifest2
upload, err = imgStore.NewBlobUpload("dedupe2")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(upload, ShouldNotBeEmpty)
content = []byte("test-data3")
buf = bytes.NewBuffer(content)
buflen = buf.Len()
digest = godigest.FromBytes(content)
blob, err = imgStore.PutBlobChunkStreamed("dedupe2", upload, buf)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(blob, ShouldEqual, buflen)
blobDigest2 := digest
So(blobDigest2, ShouldNotBeEmpty)
err = imgStore.FinishBlobUpload("dedupe2", upload, buf, digest)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(blob, ShouldEqual, buflen)
_, checkBlobSize2, err := imgStore.CheckBlob("dedupe2", digest)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(checkBlobSize2, ShouldBeGreaterThan, 0)
blobReadCloser, getBlobSize2, err := imgStore.GetBlob("dedupe2", digest,
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(getBlobSize2, ShouldBeGreaterThan, 0)
So(checkBlobSize1, ShouldEqual, checkBlobSize2)
So(getBlobSize1, ShouldEqual, getBlobSize2)
err = blobReadCloser.Close()
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
cblob, cdigest = test.GetRandomImageConfig()
_, clen, err = imgStore.FullBlobUpload("dedupe2", bytes.NewReader(cblob), cdigest)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(clen, ShouldEqual, len(cblob))
hasBlob, _, err = imgStore.CheckBlob("dedupe2", cdigest)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(hasBlob, ShouldEqual, true)
manifest = ispec.Manifest{
Config: ispec.Descriptor{
MediaType: "application/vnd.oci.image.config.v1+json",
Digest: cdigest,
Size: int64(len(cblob)),
Layers: []ispec.Descriptor{
MediaType: "application/vnd.oci.image.layer.v1.tar",
Digest: digest,
Size: int64(buflen),
manifest.SchemaVersion = 2
manifestBuf, err = json.Marshal(manifest)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
digest = godigest.FromBytes(manifestBuf)
_, err = imgStore.PutImageManifest("dedupe2", "1.0", ispec.MediaTypeImageManifest,
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
_, _, _, err = imgStore.GetImageManifest("dedupe2", digest.String())
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
fi1, err := storeDriver.Stat(context.Background(), path.Join(testDir, "dedupe1", "blobs", "sha256",
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
fi2, err := storeDriver.Stat(context.Background(), path.Join(testDir, "dedupe2", "blobs", "sha256",
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
// original blob should have the real content of blob
So(fi1.Size(), ShouldNotEqual, fi2.Size())
So(fi1.Size(), ShouldBeGreaterThan, 0)
// deduped blob should be of size 0
So(fi2.Size(), ShouldEqual, 0)
Convey("Check that delete blobs moves the real content to the next contenders", func() {
// if we delete blob1, the content should be moved to blob2
err = imgStore.DeleteBlob("dedupe1", blobDigest1)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
_, err = storeDriver.Stat(context.Background(), path.Join(testDir, "dedupe1", "blobs", "sha256",
So(err, ShouldNotBeNil)
fi2, err = storeDriver.Stat(context.Background(), path.Join(testDir, "dedupe2", "blobs", "sha256",
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(fi2.Size(), ShouldBeGreaterThan, 0)
// the second blob should now be equal to the deleted blob.
So(fi2.Size(), ShouldEqual, fi1.Size())
err = imgStore.DeleteBlob("dedupe2", blobDigest2)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
_, err = storeDriver.Stat(context.Background(), path.Join(testDir, "dedupe2", "blobs", "sha256",
So(err, ShouldNotBeNil)
func TestS3PullRange(t *testing.T) {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
load helpers_cloud
function setup() {
# Verify prerequisites are available
if ! verify_prerequisites; then
exit 1
# Setup zot server
local zot_root_dir=${BATS_FILE_TMPDIR}/zot
local zot_config_file=${BATS_FILE_TMPDIR}/zot_config.json
echo ${zot_root_dir} >&3
mkdir -p ${zot_root_dir}
cat > ${zot_config_file}<<EOF
"distSpecVersion": "1.0.1-dev",
"storage": {
"rootDirectory": "${zot_root_dir}",
"dedupe": true,
"remoteCache": true,
"storageDriver": {
"name": "s3",
"rootdirectory": "/zot",
"region": "us-east-2",
"regionendpoint": "localhost:4566",
"bucket": "zot-storage",
"secure": false,
"skipverify": false
"cacheDriver": {
"name": "dynamodb",
"endpoint": "http://localhost:4566",
"region": "us-east-2",
"tableName": "BlobTable"
"http": {
"address": "",
"port": "8080"
"log": {
"level": "debug"
"extensions": {
"metrics": {
"enable": true,
"prometheus": {
"path": "/metrics"
"search": {
"cve": {
"updateInterval": "2h"
"scrub": {
"enable": true,
"interval": "24h"
awslocal s3 --region "us-east-2" mb s3://zot-storage
awslocal dynamodb --endpoint-url "http://localhost:4566" --region "us-east-2" create-table --table-name "BlobTable" --attribute-definitions AttributeName=Digest,AttributeType=S --key-schema AttributeName=Digest,KeyType=HASH --provisioned-throughput ReadCapacityUnits=10,WriteCapacityUnits=5
zot_serve_strace ${zot_config_file}
wait_zot_reachable ""
function teardown() {
local zot_root_dir=${BATS_FILE_TMPDIR}/zot
rm -rf ${zot_root_dir}
aws s3 --endpoint-url "http://localhost:4566" rb s3://"zot-storage" --force
aws dynamodb --endpoint-url "http://localhost:4566" --region "us-east-2" delete-table --table-name "BlobTable"
@test "check for local disk writes" {
run skopeo --insecure-policy copy --dest-tls-verify=false \
docker://centos:centos8 docker://localhost:8080/centos:8
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
cat strace.txt | grep openat | grep -v O_RDONLY | grep -Eo '\".*\"' | while read -r line ; do
echo ${line} >&3
[[ "$line" =~ .*metadata.* || "$line" =~ .*trivy.* ]]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
ROOT_DIR=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)
function verify_prerequisites {
if [ ! -f ${ZOT_PATH} ]; then
echo "you need to build ${ZOT_PATH} before running the tests" >&3
return 1
if [ ! command -v skopeo &> /dev/null ]; then
echo "you need to install skopeo as a prerequisite to running the tests" >&3
return 1
if [ ! command -v awslocal ] &>/dev/null; then
echo "you need to install aws cli as a prerequisite to running the tests" >&3
return 1
return 0
function zot_serve_strace() {
local config_file=${1}
strace -o "strace.txt" -f -e trace=openat ${ZOT_PATH} serve ${config_file} &
function zot_stop() {
pkill zot
function wait_zot_reachable() {
curl --connect-timeout 3 \
--max-time 3 \
--retry 10 \
--retry-delay 0 \
--retry-max-time 60 \
--retry-connrefused \
Reference in New Issue
Block a user