whenever we make a request that contains header apart from CORS allowed header, browser sends a preflight request and in response accept *Access-Control-Allow-Headers*. preflight request is in form of OPTIONS method, added new http handler func to set headers and returns HTTP status ok in case of OPTIONS method. in case of authorization, request contains authorization header added authorization header in Access-Control-Allow-Headers list added AllowOrigin field in HTTPConfig this field value is set to Access-Control-Allow-Origin header and will give zot adminstrator to limit incoming request. Signed-off-by: Shivam Mishra <shimish2@cisco.com>
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package api
import (
const (
bearerAuthDefaultAccessEntryType = "repository"
func AuthHandler(c *Controller) mux.MiddlewareFunc {
if isBearerAuthEnabled(c.Config) {
return bearerAuthHandler(c)
return basicAuthHandler(c)
func bearerAuthHandler(ctlr *Controller) mux.MiddlewareFunc {
authorizer, err := auth.NewAuthorizer(&auth.AuthorizerOptions{
Realm: ctlr.Config.HTTP.Auth.Bearer.Realm,
Service: ctlr.Config.HTTP.Auth.Bearer.Service,
PublicKeyPath: ctlr.Config.HTTP.Auth.Bearer.Cert,
AccessEntryType: bearerAuthDefaultAccessEntryType,
EmptyDefaultNamespace: true,
if err != nil {
ctlr.Log.Panic().Err(err).Msg("error creating bearer authorizer")
return func(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
return http.HandlerFunc(func(response http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
if request.Method == http.MethodOptions {
vars := mux.Vars(request)
name := vars["name"]
header := request.Header.Get("Authorization")
action := auth.PullAction
if m := request.Method; m != http.MethodGet && m != http.MethodHead {
action = auth.PushAction
permissions, err := authorizer.Authorize(header, action, name)
if err != nil {
ctlr.Log.Error().Err(err).Msg("issue parsing Authorization header")
response.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
WriteJSON(response, http.StatusInternalServerError, NewErrorList(NewError(UNSUPPORTED)))
if !permissions.Allowed {
authFail(response, permissions.WWWAuthenticateHeader, 0)
next.ServeHTTP(response, request)
func noPasswdAuth(realm string, config *config.Config) mux.MiddlewareFunc {
return func(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
return http.HandlerFunc(func(response http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
if request.Method == http.MethodOptions {
if config.HTTP.AllowReadAccess &&
config.HTTP.TLS.CACert != "" &&
request.TLS.VerifiedChains == nil &&
request.Method != http.MethodGet && request.Method != http.MethodHead {
authFail(response, realm, 5) //nolint:gomnd
if (request.Method != http.MethodGet && request.Method != http.MethodHead) && config.HTTP.ReadOnly {
// Reject modification requests in read-only mode
// Process request
next.ServeHTTP(response, request)
// nolint:gocyclo // we use closure making this a complex subroutine
func basicAuthHandler(ctlr *Controller) mux.MiddlewareFunc {
realm := ctlr.Config.HTTP.Realm
if realm == "" {
realm = "Authorization Required"
realm = "Basic realm=" + strconv.Quote(realm)
// no password based authN, if neither LDAP nor HTTP BASIC is enabled
if ctlr.Config.HTTP.Auth == nil ||
(ctlr.Config.HTTP.Auth.HTPasswd.Path == "" && ctlr.Config.HTTP.Auth.LDAP == nil) {
return noPasswdAuth(realm, ctlr.Config)
credMap := make(map[string]string)
delay := ctlr.Config.HTTP.Auth.FailDelay
var ldapClient *LDAPClient
if ctlr.Config.HTTP.Auth != nil {
if ctlr.Config.HTTP.Auth.LDAP != nil {
ldapConfig := ctlr.Config.HTTP.Auth.LDAP
ldapClient = &LDAPClient{
Host: ldapConfig.Address,
Port: ldapConfig.Port,
UseSSL: !ldapConfig.Insecure,
SkipTLS: !ldapConfig.StartTLS,
Base: ldapConfig.BaseDN,
BindDN: ldapConfig.BindDN,
BindPassword: ldapConfig.BindPassword,
UserFilter: fmt.Sprintf("(%s=%%s)", ldapConfig.UserAttribute),
InsecureSkipVerify: ldapConfig.SkipVerify,
ServerName: ldapConfig.Address,
Log: ctlr.Log,
SubtreeSearch: ldapConfig.SubtreeSearch,
if ctlr.Config.HTTP.Auth.LDAP.CACert != "" {
caCert, err := ioutil.ReadFile(ctlr.Config.HTTP.Auth.LDAP.CACert)
if err != nil {
caCertPool := x509.NewCertPool()
if !caCertPool.AppendCertsFromPEM(caCert) {
ldapClient.ClientCAs = caCertPool
} else {
// default to system cert pool
caCertPool, err := x509.SystemCertPool()
if err != nil {
ldapClient.ClientCAs = caCertPool
if ctlr.Config.HTTP.Auth.HTPasswd.Path != "" {
credsFile, err := os.Open(ctlr.Config.HTTP.Auth.HTPasswd.Path)
if err != nil {
defer credsFile.Close()
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(credsFile)
for scanner.Scan() {
line := scanner.Text()
if strings.Contains(line, ":") {
tokens := strings.Split(scanner.Text(), ":")
credMap[tokens[0]] = tokens[1]
return func(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
return http.HandlerFunc(func(response http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
if request.Method == http.MethodOptions {
if (request.Method == http.MethodGet || request.Method == http.MethodHead) && ctlr.Config.HTTP.AllowReadAccess {
// Process request
next.ServeHTTP(response, request)
if (request.Method != http.MethodGet && request.Method != http.MethodHead) && ctlr.Config.HTTP.ReadOnly {
basicAuth := request.Header.Get("Authorization")
if basicAuth == "" {
authFail(response, realm, delay)
splitStr := strings.SplitN(basicAuth, " ", 2) //nolint:gomnd
if len(splitStr) != 2 || strings.ToLower(splitStr[0]) != "basic" {
authFail(response, realm, delay)
decodedStr, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(splitStr[1])
if err != nil {
authFail(response, realm, delay)
pair := strings.SplitN(string(decodedStr), ":", 2) //nolint:gomnd
// nolint:gomnd
if len(pair) != 2 {
authFail(response, realm, delay)
username := pair[0]
passphrase := pair[1]
// first, HTTPPassword authN (which is local)
passphraseHash, ok := credMap[username]
if ok {
if err := bcrypt.CompareHashAndPassword([]byte(passphraseHash), []byte(passphrase)); err == nil {
// Process request
next.ServeHTTP(response, request)
// next, LDAP if configured (network-based which can lose connectivity)
if ctlr.Config.HTTP.Auth != nil && ctlr.Config.HTTP.Auth.LDAP != nil {
ok, _, err := ldapClient.Authenticate(username, passphrase)
if ok && err == nil {
// Process request
next.ServeHTTP(response, request)
authFail(response, realm, delay)
func isAuthnEnabled(config *config.Config) bool {
if config.HTTP.Auth != nil &&
(config.HTTP.Auth.HTPasswd.Path != "" || config.HTTP.Auth.LDAP != nil) {
return true
return false
func isBearerAuthEnabled(config *config.Config) bool {
if config.HTTP.Auth != nil &&
config.HTTP.Auth.Bearer != nil &&
config.HTTP.Auth.Bearer.Cert != "" &&
config.HTTP.Auth.Bearer.Realm != "" &&
config.HTTP.Auth.Bearer.Service != "" {
return true
return false
func authFail(w http.ResponseWriter, realm string, delay int) {
time.Sleep(time.Duration(delay) * time.Second)
w.Header().Set("WWW-Authenticate", realm)
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
WriteJSON(w, http.StatusUnauthorized, NewErrorList(NewError(UNAUTHORIZED)))