Because s3 doesn't support hard links we store duplicated blobs as empty files. When the original blob is deleted its content is moved to the the next duplicated blob and so on. Signed-off-by: Petu Eusebiu <>
388 lines
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388 lines
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package api
import (
goSync "sync"
ext ""
const (
idleTimeout = 120 * time.Second
type Controller struct {
Config *config.Config
Router *mux.Router
StoreController storage.StoreController
Log log.Logger
Audit *log.Logger
Server *http.Server
Metrics monitoring.MetricServer
wgShutDown *goSync.WaitGroup // use it to gracefully shutdown goroutines
func NewController(config *config.Config) *Controller {
var controller Controller
logger := log.NewLogger(config.Log.Level, config.Log.Output)
controller.Config = config
controller.Log = logger
controller.wgShutDown = new(goSync.WaitGroup)
if config.Log.Audit != "" {
audit := log.NewAuditLogger(config.Log.Level, config.Log.Audit)
controller.Audit = audit
return &controller
func (c *Controller) CORSHeaders() mux.MiddlewareFunc {
return func(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
return http.HandlerFunc(func(response http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
c.CORSHandler(response, request)
next.ServeHTTP(response, request)
func (c *Controller) CORSHandler(response http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
// allow origin as specified in config if not accept request from anywhere.
if c.Config.HTTP.AllowOrigin == "" {
response.Header().Set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")
} else {
response.Header().Set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", c.Config.HTTP.AllowOrigin)
response.Header().Set("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "HEAD,GET,POST,OPTIONS")
response.Header().Set("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Authorization")
func DumpRuntimeParams(log log.Logger) {
var rLimit syscall.Rlimit
evt := log.Info().Int("cpus", runtime.NumCPU())
err := syscall.Getrlimit(syscall.RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rLimit)
if err == nil {
evt = evt.Uint64("max. open files", rLimit.Cur)
if content, err := ioutil.ReadFile("/proc/sys/net/core/somaxconn"); err == nil {
evt = evt.Str("listen backlog", strings.TrimSuffix(string(content), "\n"))
if content, err := ioutil.ReadFile("/proc/sys/user/max_inotify_watches"); err == nil {
evt = evt.Str("max. inotify watches", strings.TrimSuffix(string(content), "\n"))
evt.Msg("runtime params")
func (c *Controller) Run(reloadCtx context.Context) error {
// print the current configuration, but strip secrets
c.Log.Info().Interface("params", c.Config.Sanitize()).Msg("configuration settings")
// print the current runtime environment
// setup HTTP API router
engine := mux.NewRouter()
// rate-limit HTTP requests if enabled
if c.Config.HTTP.Ratelimit != nil {
if c.Config.HTTP.Ratelimit.Rate != nil {
engine.Use(RateLimiter(c, *c.Config.HTTP.Ratelimit.Rate))
for _, mrlim := range c.Config.HTTP.Ratelimit.Methods {
engine.Use(MethodRateLimiter(c, mrlim.Method, mrlim.Rate))
if c.Audit != nil {
c.Router = engine
var enabled bool
if c.Config != nil &&
c.Config.Extensions != nil &&
c.Config.Extensions.Metrics != nil &&
*c.Config.Extensions.Metrics.Enable {
enabled = true
c.Metrics = monitoring.NewMetricsServer(enabled, c.Log)
if err := c.InitImageStore(reloadCtx); err != nil {
return err
monitoring.SetServerInfo(c.Metrics, c.Config.Commit, c.Config.BinaryType, c.Config.GoVersion,
// nolint: contextcheck
_ = NewRouteHandler(c)
addr := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", c.Config.HTTP.Address, c.Config.HTTP.Port)
server := &http.Server{
Addr: addr,
Handler: c.Router,
IdleTimeout: idleTimeout,
c.Server = server
// Create the listener
listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", addr)
if err != nil {
return err
if c.Config.HTTP.TLS != nil && c.Config.HTTP.TLS.Key != "" && c.Config.HTTP.TLS.Cert != "" {
server.TLSConfig = &tls.Config{
CipherSuites: []uint16{
CurvePreferences: []tls.CurveID{
PreferServerCipherSuites: true,
MinVersion: tls.VersionTLS12,
if c.Config.HTTP.TLS.CACert != "" {
clientAuth := tls.VerifyClientCertIfGiven
if (c.Config.HTTP.Auth == nil || c.Config.HTTP.Auth.HTPasswd.Path == "") && !c.Config.HTTP.AllowReadAccess {
clientAuth = tls.RequireAndVerifyClientCert
caCert, err := ioutil.ReadFile(c.Config.HTTP.TLS.CACert)
if err != nil {
caCertPool := x509.NewCertPool()
if !caCertPool.AppendCertsFromPEM(caCert) {
server.TLSConfig.ClientAuth = clientAuth
server.TLSConfig.ClientCAs = caCertPool
return server.ServeTLS(listener, c.Config.HTTP.TLS.Cert, c.Config.HTTP.TLS.Key)
return server.Serve(listener)
func (c *Controller) InitImageStore(reloadCtx context.Context) error {
c.StoreController = storage.StoreController{}
if c.Config.Storage.RootDirectory != "" {
// no need to validate hard links work on s3
if c.Config.Storage.Dedupe && c.Config.Storage.StorageDriver == nil {
err := storage.ValidateHardLink(c.Config.Storage.RootDirectory)
if err != nil {
c.Log.Warn().Msg("input storage root directory filesystem does not supports hardlinking," +
"disabling dedupe functionality")
c.Config.Storage.Dedupe = false
var defaultStore storage.ImageStore
if c.Config.Storage.StorageDriver == nil {
defaultStore = storage.NewImageStore(c.Config.Storage.RootDirectory,
c.Config.Storage.GC, c.Config.Storage.GCDelay, c.Config.Storage.Dedupe, c.Config.Storage.Commit, c.Log, c.Metrics)
} else {
storeName := fmt.Sprintf("%v", c.Config.Storage.StorageDriver["name"])
if storeName != storage.S3StorageDriverName {
c.Log.Fatal().Err(errors.ErrBadConfig).Msgf("unsupported storage driver: %s",
// Init a Storager from connection string.
store, err := factory.Create(storeName, c.Config.Storage.StorageDriver)
if err != nil {
c.Log.Error().Err(err).Str("rootDir", c.Config.Storage.RootDirectory).Msg("unable to create s3 service")
return err
/* in the case of s3 c.Config.Storage.RootDirectory is used for caching blobs locally and
c.Config.Storage.StorageDriver["rootdirectory"] is the actual rootDir in s3 */
rootDir := "/"
if c.Config.Storage.StorageDriver["rootdirectory"] != nil {
rootDir = fmt.Sprintf("%v", c.Config.Storage.StorageDriver["rootdirectory"])
defaultStore = s3.NewImageStore(rootDir, c.Config.Storage.RootDirectory,
c.Config.Storage.GC, c.Config.Storage.GCDelay, c.Config.Storage.Dedupe,
c.Config.Storage.Commit, c.Log, c.Metrics, store)
c.StoreController.DefaultStore = defaultStore
} else {
// we can't proceed without global storage
c.Log.Error().Err(errors.ErrImgStoreNotFound).Msg("controller: no storage config provided")
return errors.ErrImgStoreNotFound
if c.Config.Storage.SubPaths != nil {
if len(c.Config.Storage.SubPaths) > 0 {
subPaths := c.Config.Storage.SubPaths
subImageStore := make(map[string]storage.ImageStore)
// creating image store per subpaths
for route, storageConfig := range subPaths {
// no need to validate hard links work on s3
if storageConfig.Dedupe && storageConfig.StorageDriver == nil {
err := storage.ValidateHardLink(storageConfig.RootDirectory)
if err != nil {
c.Log.Warn().Msg("input storage root directory filesystem does not supports hardlinking, " +
"disabling dedupe functionality")
storageConfig.Dedupe = false
if storageConfig.StorageDriver == nil {
subImageStore[route] = storage.NewImageStore(storageConfig.RootDirectory,
storageConfig.GC, storageConfig.GCDelay, storageConfig.Dedupe, storageConfig.Commit, c.Log, c.Metrics)
} else {
storeName := fmt.Sprintf("%v", storageConfig.StorageDriver["name"])
if storeName != storage.S3StorageDriverName {
c.Log.Fatal().Err(errors.ErrBadConfig).Msgf("unsupported storage driver: %s", storageConfig.StorageDriver["name"])
// Init a Storager from connection string.
store, err := factory.Create(storeName, storageConfig.StorageDriver)
if err != nil {
c.Log.Error().Err(err).Str("rootDir", storageConfig.RootDirectory).Msg("Unable to create s3 service")
return err
/* in the case of s3 c.Config.Storage.RootDirectory is used for caching blobs locally and
c.Config.Storage.StorageDriver["rootdirectory"] is the actual rootDir in s3 */
rootDir := "/"
if c.Config.Storage.StorageDriver["rootdirectory"] != nil {
rootDir = fmt.Sprintf("%v", c.Config.Storage.StorageDriver["rootdirectory"])
subImageStore[route] = s3.NewImageStore(rootDir, storageConfig.RootDirectory,
storageConfig.GC, storageConfig.GCDelay, storageConfig.Dedupe, storageConfig.Commit, c.Log, c.Metrics, store)
c.StoreController.SubStore = subImageStore
return nil
func (c *Controller) LoadNewConfig(reloadCtx context.Context, config *config.Config) {
// reload access control config
c.Config.AccessControl = config.AccessControl
c.Config.HTTP.RawAccessControl = config.HTTP.RawAccessControl
// Enable extensions if extension config is provided
if config.Extensions != nil && config.Extensions.Sync != nil {
// reload sync config
c.Config.Extensions.Sync = config.Extensions.Sync
ext.EnableSyncExtension(reloadCtx, c.Config, c.wgShutDown, c.StoreController, c.Log)
} else if c.Config.Extensions != nil {
c.Config.Extensions.Sync = nil
c.Log.Info().Interface("reloaded params", c.Config.Sanitize()).Msg("new configuration settings")
func (c *Controller) Shutdown() {
// wait gracefully
ctx := context.Background()
_ = c.Server.Shutdown(ctx)
func (c *Controller) StartBackgroundTasks(reloadCtx context.Context) {
// Enable running garbage-collect periodically for DefaultStore
if c.Config.Storage.GC && c.Config.Storage.GCInterval != 0 {
// Enable extensions if extension config is provided for DefaultStore
if c.Config != nil && c.Config.Extensions != nil {
ext.EnableExtensions(c.Config, c.Log, c.Config.Storage.RootDirectory)
if c.Config.Storage.SubPaths != nil {
for route, storageConfig := range c.Config.Storage.SubPaths {
// Enable running garbage-collect periodically for subImageStore
if storageConfig.GC && storageConfig.GCInterval != 0 {
// Enable extensions if extension config is provided for subImageStore
if c.Config != nil && c.Config.Extensions != nil {
ext.EnableExtensions(c.Config, c.Log, storageConfig.RootDirectory)
// Enable extensions if extension config is provided for storeController
if c.Config.Extensions != nil {
if c.Config.Extensions.Sync != nil && *c.Config.Extensions.Sync.Enable {
ext.EnableSyncExtension(reloadCtx, c.Config, c.wgShutDown, c.StoreController, c.Log)
if c.Config.Extensions != nil {
ext.EnableScrubExtension(c.Config, c.StoreController, c.Log)