unified both local and s3 ImageStore logic into a single ImageStore added a new driver interface for common file/dirs manipulations to be implemented by different storage types refactor(gc): drop umoci dependency, implemented internal gc added retentionDelay config option that specifies the garbage collect delay for images without tags this will also clean manifests which are part of an index image (multiarch) that no longer exist. fix(dedupe): skip blobs under .sync/ directory if startup dedupe is running while also syncing is running ignore blobs under sync's temporary storage fix(storage): do not allow image indexes modifications when deleting a manifest verify that it is not part of a multiarch image and throw a MethodNotAllowed error to the client if it is. we don't want to modify multiarch images Signed-off-by: Petu Eusebiu <peusebiu@cisco.com>
532 lines
24 KiB
532 lines
24 KiB
export GO111MODULE=on
TOP_LEVEL=$(shell git rev-parse --show-toplevel)
COMMIT_HASH=$(shell git describe --always --tags --long)
RELEASE_TAG=$(shell git describe --tags --abbrev=0)
GO_VERSION=$(shell go version | awk '{print $$3}')
COMMIT ?= $(if $(shell git status --porcelain --untracked-files=no),$(COMMIT_HASH)-dirty,$(COMMIT_HASH))
CONTAINER_RUNTIME := $(shell command -v podman 2> /dev/null || echo docker)
TMPDIR := $(shell mktemp -d)
TOOLSDIR := $(shell pwd)/hack/tools
PATH := bin:$(TOOLSDIR)/bin:$(PATH)
STACKER := $(shell which stacker)
GOLINTER := $(TOOLSDIR)/bin/golangci-lint
NOTATION := $(TOOLSDIR)/bin/notation
NOTATION_VERSION := 1.0.0-rc.4
COSIGN := $(TOOLSDIR)/bin/cosign
HELM := $(TOOLSDIR)/bin/helm
ORAS := $(TOOLSDIR)/bin/oras
ORAS_VERSION := 1.0.0-rc.1
REGCLIENT := $(TOOLSDIR)/bin/regctl
CRICTL := $(TOOLSDIR)/bin/crictl
ACTION_VALIDATOR := $(TOOLSDIR)/bin/action-validator
ZUI_VERSION := commit-b787273
STACKER := $(TOOLSDIR)/bin/stacker
BATS := $(TOOLSDIR)/bin/bats
TESTDATA := $(TOP_LEVEL)/test/data
OS ?= $(shell go env GOOS)
ARCH ?= $(shell go env GOARCH)
BENCH_OUTPUT ?= stdout
ALL_EXTENSIONS = debug,imagetrust,lint,metrics,mgmt,scrub,search,sync,ui,userprefs
EXTENSIONS ?= sync,search,scrub,metrics,lint,ui,mgmt,userprefs,imagetrust
UI_DEPENDENCIES := search,mgmt,userprefs
# freebsd/arm64 not supported for pie builds
BUILDMODE_FLAGS := -buildmode=pie
ifeq ($(OS),freebsd)
ifeq ($(ARCH),arm64)
comma:= ,
space := $(null) #
hyphen:= -
merge-ui-extensions=$(subst $(1),$(2),$(if $(findstring ui,$(3)),$(3)$(1)$(4),$(3)))
merged-extensions = $(call merge-ui-extensions,$(comma),$(space),$(EXTENSIONS),$(UI_DEPENDENCIES))
filter-valid = $(foreach ext, $(merged-extensions), $(if $(findstring $(ext),$(ALL_EXTENSIONS)),$(ext),$(error unknown extension: $(ext))))
add-extensions = $(subst $(1),$(2),$(sort $(filter-valid)))
BUILD_LABELS = $(call add-extensions,$(space),$(comma))
.PHONY: all
all: modcheck swaggercheck binary binary-minimal binary-debug cli bench exporter-minimal verify-config test covhtml check check-gh-actions
.PHONY: modtidy
go mod tidy
.PHONY: modcheck
modcheck: modtidy
$(eval UNCOMMITED_FILES = $(shell git status --porcelain | grep -c 'go.mod\|go.sum'))
@if [ $(UNCOMMITED_FILES) != 0 ]; then \
echo "Updated go.mod and/or go.sum have uncommitted changes, commit the changes accordingly ";\
git status;\
exit 1;\
.PHONY: swaggercheck
swaggercheck: swagger
$(eval UNCOMMITED_FILES = $(shell git status --porcelain | grep -c swagger))
@if [ $(UNCOMMITED_FILES) != 0 ]; then \
echo "Updated swagger files uncommitted, make sure all swagger files are committed:";\
git status;\
exit 1;\
.PHONY: create-name
$(eval extended-name=-$(subst $(comma),$(hyphen),$(BUILD_LABELS)))
.PHONY: build-metadata
build-metadata: $(if $(findstring ui,$(BUILD_LABELS)), ui)
echo "Imports: \n"
go list -tags $(BUILD_LABELS) -f '{{ join .Imports "\n" }}' ./... | sort -u
echo "\n Files: \n"
go list -tags $(BUILD_LABELS) -f '{{ join .GoFiles "\n" }}' ./... | sort -u
.PHONY: binary-minimal
binary-minimal: BUILD_LABELS=minimal # tag doesn't exist, but we need it to overwrite default value and indicate that we have no extension in build-metadata
binary-minimal: modcheck build-metadata
env CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=$(OS) GOARCH=$(ARCH) go build -o bin/zot-$(OS)-$(ARCH)-minimal $(BUILDMODE_FLAGS) -tags containers_image_openpgp -v -trimpath -ldflags "-X zotregistry.io/zot/pkg/api/config.ReleaseTag=${RELEASE_TAG} -X zotregistry.io/zot/pkg/api/config.Commit=${COMMIT} -X zotregistry.io/zot/pkg/api/config.BinaryType=minimal -X zotregistry.io/zot/pkg/api/config.GoVersion=${GO_VERSION} -s -w" ./cmd/zot
.PHONY: binary
binary: $(if $(findstring ui,$(BUILD_LABELS)), ui)
binary: modcheck create-name build-metadata
env CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=$(OS) GOARCH=$(ARCH) go build -o bin/zot-$(OS)-$(ARCH) $(BUILDMODE_FLAGS) -tags $(BUILD_LABELS),containers_image_openpgp -v -trimpath -ldflags "-X zotregistry.io/zot/pkg/api/config.ReleaseTag=${RELEASE_TAG} -X zotregistry.io/zot/pkg/api/config.Commit=${COMMIT} -X zotregistry.io/zot/pkg/api/config.BinaryType=$(extended-name) -X zotregistry.io/zot/pkg/api/config.GoVersion=${GO_VERSION} -s -w" ./cmd/zot
.PHONY: binary-debug
binary-debug: $(if $(findstring ui,$(BUILD_LABELS)), ui)
binary-debug: modcheck swaggercheck create-name build-metadata
env CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=$(OS) GOARCH=$(ARCH) go build -o bin/zot-$(OS)-$(ARCH)-debug $(BUILDMODE_FLAGS) -tags $(BUILD_LABELS),debug,containers_image_openpgp -v -gcflags all='-N -l' -ldflags "-X zotregistry.io/zot/pkg/api/config.ReleaseTag=${RELEASE_TAG} -X zotregistry.io/zot/pkg/api/config.Commit=${COMMIT} -X zotregistry.io/zot/pkg/api/config.BinaryType=$(extended-name) -X zotregistry.io/zot/pkg/api/config.GoVersion=${GO_VERSION}" ./cmd/zot
.PHONY: cli
cli: modcheck create-name build-metadata
env CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=$(OS) GOARCH=$(ARCH) go build -o bin/zli-$(OS)-$(ARCH) $(BUILDMODE_FLAGS) -tags $(BUILD_LABELS),search,containers_image_openpgp -v -trimpath -ldflags "-X zotregistry.io/zot/pkg/api/config.Commit=${COMMIT} -X zotregistry.io/zot/pkg/api/config.BinaryType=$(extended-name) -X zotregistry.io/zot/pkg/api/config.GoVersion=${GO_VERSION} -s -w" ./cmd/zli
.PHONY: bench
bench: modcheck create-name build-metadata
env CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=$(OS) GOARCH=$(ARCH) go build -o bin/zb-$(OS)-$(ARCH) $(BUILDMODE_FLAGS) -tags $(BUILD_LABELS),containers_image_openpgp -v -trimpath -ldflags "-X zotregistry.io/zot/pkg/api/config.Commit=${COMMIT} -X zotregistry.io/zot/pkg/api/config.BinaryType=$(extended-name) -X zotregistry.io/zot/pkg/api/config.GoVersion=${GO_VERSION} -s -w" ./cmd/zb
.PHONY: exporter-minimal
exporter-minimal: BUILD_LABELS=minimal # tag doesn't exist, but we need it to overwrite default value and indicate that we have no extension in build-metadata
exporter-minimal: modcheck build-metadata
env CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=$(OS) GOARCH=$(ARCH) go build -o bin/zxp-$(OS)-$(ARCH) $(BUILDMODE_FLAGS) -tags containers_image_openpgp -v -trimpath ./cmd/zxp
.PHONY: test
test: $(if $(findstring ui,$(BUILD_LABELS)), ui)
test: check-skopeo $(TESTDATA) $(ORAS)
go test -failfast -tags $(BUILD_LABELS),containers_image_openpgp -v -trimpath -race -timeout 15m -cover -coverpkg ./... -coverprofile=coverage-extended.txt -covermode=atomic ./...
rm -rf /tmp/getter*; rm -rf /tmp/trivy*
go test -failfast -tags containers_image_openpgp -v -trimpath -race -cover -coverpkg ./... -coverprofile=coverage-minimal.txt -covermode=atomic ./...
rm -rf /tmp/getter*; rm -rf /tmp/trivy*
# development-mode unit tests possibly using failure injection
go test -failfast -tags dev,$(BUILD_LABELS),containers_image_openpgp -v -trimpath -race -timeout 15m -cover -coverpkg ./... -coverprofile=coverage-dev-extended.txt -covermode=atomic ./pkg/test/... ./pkg/api/... ./pkg/storage/... ./pkg/extensions/sync/... -run ^TestInject
rm -rf /tmp/getter*; rm -rf /tmp/trivy*
go test -failfast -tags dev,containers_image_openpgp -v -trimpath -race -cover -coverpkg ./... -coverprofile=coverage-dev-minimal.txt -covermode=atomic ./pkg/test/... ./pkg/storage/... ./pkg/extensions/sync/... -run ^TestInject
rm -rf /tmp/getter*; rm -rf /tmp/trivy*
go test -failfast -tags stress,$(BUILD_LABELS),containers_image_openpgp -v -trimpath -race -timeout 15m ./pkg/cli/stress_test.go
.PHONY: privileged-test
privileged-test: $(if $(findstring ui,$(BUILD_LABELS)), ui)
privileged-test: check-skopeo $(TESTDATA)
go test -failfast -tags needprivileges,$(BUILD_LABELS),containers_image_openpgp -v -trimpath -race -timeout 15m -cover -coverpkg ./... -coverprofile=coverage-dev-needprivileges.txt -covermode=atomic ./pkg/storage/... ./pkg/cli/... -run ^TestElevatedPrivileges
$(TESTDATA): check-skopeo
mkdir -p ${TESTDATA}; \
cd ${TESTDATA}; ../scripts/gen_certs.sh; \
mkdir -p noidentity; cd ${TESTDATA}/noidentity; ../../scripts/gen_nameless_certs.sh; \
cd ${TOP_LEVEL}; \
skopeo --insecure-policy copy -q docker://public.ecr.aws/t0x7q1g8/centos:7 oci:${TESTDATA}/zot-test:0.0.1; \
skopeo --insecure-policy copy -q docker://public.ecr.aws/t0x7q1g8/centos:8 oci:${TESTDATA}/zot-cve-test:0.0.1; \
skopeo --insecure-policy copy -q docker://ghcr.io/project-zot/test-images/java:0.0.1 oci:${TESTDATA}/zot-cve-java-test:0.0.1; \
skopeo --insecure-policy copy -q docker://ghcr.io/project-zot/test-images/alpine:3.17.3 oci:${TESTDATA}/alpine:3.17.3; \
chmod -R a=rwx ${TESTDATA}
ls -R -l ${TESTDATA}
.PHONY: run-bench
run-bench: binary bench
bin/zot-$(OS)-$(ARCH) serve examples/config-bench.json &
sleep 5
bin/zb-$(OS)-$(ARCH) -c 10 -n 100 -o $(BENCH_OUTPUT) http://localhost:8080
killall -r zot-*
.PHONY: check-skopeo
skopeo -v || (echo "You need skopeo to be installed in order to run tests"; exit 1)
mkdir -p $(TOOLSDIR)/bin
curl -Lo notation.tar.gz https://github.com/notaryproject/notation/releases/download/v$(NOTATION_VERSION)/notation_$(NOTATION_VERSION)_linux_amd64.tar.gz
tar xvzf notation.tar.gz -C $(TOOLSDIR)/bin notation
rm notation.tar.gz
mkdir -p $(TOOLSDIR)/bin
curl -Lo oras.tar.gz https://github.com/oras-project/oras/releases/download/v$(ORAS_VERSION)/oras_$(ORAS_VERSION)_linux_amd64.tar.gz
tar xvzf oras.tar.gz -C $(TOOLSDIR)/bin oras
rm oras.tar.gz
mkdir -p $(TOOLSDIR)/bin
curl -Lo helm.tar.gz https://get.helm.sh/helm-v3.9.1-linux-amd64.tar.gz
tar xvzf helm.tar.gz -C $(TOOLSDIR)/bin linux-amd64/helm --strip-components=1
rm helm.tar.gz
mkdir -p $(TOOLSDIR)/bin
curl -Lo regctl https://github.com/regclient/regclient/releases/download/$(REGCLIENT_VERSION)/regctl-linux-amd64
mv regctl $(TOOLSDIR)/bin/regctl
chmod +x $(TOOLSDIR)/bin/regctl
mkdir -p $(TOOLSDIR)/bin
curl -Lo crictl.tar.gz https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/cri-tools/releases/download/$(CRICTL_VERSION)/crictl-$(CRICTL_VERSION)-linux-amd64.tar.gz
tar xvzf crictl.tar.gz && rm crictl.tar.gz
mv crictl $(TOOLSDIR)/bin/crictl
chmod +x $(TOOLSDIR)/bin/crictl
mkdir -p $(TOOLSDIR)/bin
curl -Lo action-validator https://github.com/mpalmer/action-validator/releases/download/$(ACTION_VALIDATOR_VERSION)/action-validator_linux_amd64
mv action-validator $(TOOLSDIR)/bin/action-validator
chmod +x $(TOOLSDIR)/bin/action-validator
.PHONY: check-gh-actions
check-gh-actions: $(ACTION_VALIDATOR)
for i in $$(ls .github/workflows/*); do $(ACTION_VALIDATOR) $$i; done
.PHONY: covhtml
go install github.com/wadey/gocovmerge@latest
gocovmerge coverage*.txt > coverage.txt
go tool cover -html=coverage.txt -o coverage.html
mkdir -p $(TOOLSDIR)/bin
curl -sSfL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/golangci/golangci-lint/master/install.sh | sh -s -- -b $(TOOLSDIR)/bin $(GOLINTER_VERSION)
$(GOLINTER) version
.PHONY: check
check: $(if $(findstring ui,$(BUILD_LABELS)), ui)
check: ./golangcilint.yaml $(GOLINTER)
mkdir -p pkg/extensions/build; touch pkg/extensions/build/.empty
$(GOLINTER) --config ./golangcilint.yaml run --enable-all --out-format=colored-line-number --build-tags containers_image_openpgp ./...
$(GOLINTER) --config ./golangcilint.yaml run --enable-all --out-format=colored-line-number --build-tags $(BUILD_LABELS),containers_image_openpgp ./...
$(GOLINTER) --config ./golangcilint.yaml run --enable-all --out-format=colored-line-number --build-tags $(BUILD_LABELS),containers_image_openpgp,debug ./...
$(GOLINTER) --config ./golangcilint.yaml run --enable-all --out-format=colored-line-number --build-tags dev,containers_image_openpgp ./...
$(GOLINTER) --config ./golangcilint.yaml run --enable-all --out-format=colored-line-number --build-tags dev,$(BUILD_LABELS),containers_image_openpgp ./...
$(GOLINTER) --config ./golangcilint.yaml run --enable-all --out-format=colored-line-number --build-tags stress,$(BUILD_LABELS),containers_image_openpgp ./...
rm pkg/extensions/build/.empty
.PHONY: swagger
swag -v || go install github.com/swaggo/swag/cmd/swag@$(SWAGGER_VERSION)
swag init --parseDependency -o swagger -g pkg/api/routes.go -q
.PHONY: update-licenses
@echo "Detecting and updating licenses ... please be patient!"
go install github.com/google/go-licenses@latest
$(shell echo "Module | License URL | License" > THIRD-PARTY-LICENSES.md; echo "---|---|---" >> THIRD-PARTY-LICENSES.md; for i in $$(go list -m all | awk '{print $$1}'); do l=$$(go-licenses csv $$i 2>/dev/null); if [ $$? -ne 0 ]; then continue; fi; echo $$l | tr \, \| | tr ' ' '\n'; done | sort -u >> THIRD-PARTY-LICENSES.md)
.PHONY: check-licenses
go install github.com/google/go-licenses@latest
@for tag in "$(BUILD_LABELS),containers_image_openpgp" "$(BUILD_LABELS),containers_image_openpgp"; do \
echo Evaluating tag: $$tag;\
for mod in $$(go list -m -f '{{if not (or .Indirect .Main)}}{{.Path}}{{end}}' all); do \
while [ x$$mod != x ]; do \
echo -n "Checking $$mod ... "; \
result=$$(GOFLAGS="-tags=$${tag}" go-licenses check $$mod 2>&1); \
if [ $$? -eq 0 ]; then \
echo OK; \
break; \
fi; \
echo "$${result}" | grep -q "Forbidden"; \
if [ $$? -eq 0 ]; then \
echo FAIL; \
exit 1; \
fi; \
echo "$${result}" | egrep -q "missing go.sum entry|no required module provides package|build constraints exclude all|updates to go.mod needed|non-Go code"; \
if [ $$? -eq 0 ]; then \
echo UNKNOWN; \
break; \
fi; \
done; \
done; \
.PHONY: clean
rm -f bin/z*
rm -rf hack
rm -rf test/data/zot-test
rm -rf test/data/zot-cve-test
rm -rf test/data/zot-cve-java-test
rm -rf pkg/extensions/build
.PHONY: run
run: binary test
./bin/zot-$(OS)-$(ARCH) serve examples/config-test.json
.PHONY: verify-config
verify-config: _verify-config verify-config-warnings verify-config-commited
.PHONY: _verify-config
_verify-config: binary
rm -f output.txt
$(foreach file, $(wildcard examples/config-*), ./bin/zot-$(OS)-$(ARCH) verify $(file) 2>&1 | tee -a output.txt || exit 1;)
.PHONY: verify-config-warnings
verify-config-warnings: _verify-config
$(eval WARNINGS = $(shell cat output.txt | grep -c '"warn"'))
$(eval ERRORS = $(shell cat output.txt | grep -c '"error"'))
@if [ $(WARNINGS) != 0 ] || [ $(ERRORS) != 0 ]; then \
echo "verify-config-warnings: warnings or errors found while verifying configs"; \
rm output.txt; \
exit 1; \
rm -f output.txt
.PHONY: verify-config-commited
verify-config-commited: _verify-config
$(eval UNCOMMITED_FILES = $(shell git status --porcelain | grep -c examples/config-))
@if [ $(UNCOMMITED_FILES) != 0 ]; then \
echo "Uncommited config files, make sure all config files are commited. Verify might have changed a config file.";\
exit 1;\
fi; \
.PHONY: gqlgen
cd pkg/extensions/search;\
go run github.com/99designs/gqlgen version;\
go run github.com/99designs/gqlgen generate
.PHONY: verify-gql-committed
$(eval UNCOMMITED_FILES = $(shell git status --porcelain | grep -c extensions/search))
@if [ $(UNCOMMITED_FILES) != 0 ]; then \
echo "Updated gql files uncommitted, make sure all gql files are committed:";\
git status;\
exit 1;\
fi; \
.PHONY: binary-container
${CONTAINER_RUNTIME} build ${BUILD_ARGS} -f build/Dockerfile -t zot-build:latest .
.PHONY: run-container
${CONTAINER_RUNTIME} run --rm --security-opt label=disable -v $$(pwd):/go/src/github.com/project-zot/zot \
.PHONY: binary-stacker
binary-stacker: $(STACKER)
${STACKER} --debug build \
-f build/stacker.yaml \
--substitute COMMIT=$(COMMIT) \
--substitute ARCH=$(ARCH) \
--substitute OS=$(OS) \
--substitute RELEASE_TAG=$(RELEASE_TAG) \
--substitute REPO_NAME=zot-$(OS)-$(ARCH)
.PHONY: image
${CONTAINER_RUNTIME} build ${BUILD_ARGS} -f build/Dockerfile -t zot:latest .
rm -rf bats-core; \
git clone https://github.com/bats-core/bats-core.git; \
cd bats-core; ./install.sh $(TOOLSDIR); cd ..; \
rm -rf bats-core
.PHONY: test-push-pull
test-push-pull: check-linux binary check-skopeo $(BATS) $(REGCLIENT) $(ORAS) $(HELM) $(CRICTL)
$(BATS) --trace --print-output-on-failure test/blackbox/pushpull.bats
.PHONY: test-push-pull-verbose
test-push-pull-verbose: check-linux binary check-skopeo $(BATS) $(REGCLIENT) $(ORAS) $(HELM) $(CRICTL)
$(BATS) --trace --verbose-run --print-output-on-failure --show-output-of-passing-tests test/blackbox/pushpull.bats
.PHONY: test-garbage-collect
test-garbage-collect: binary check-skopeo $(BATS) $(REGCLIENT) $(ORAS)
$(BATS) --trace --print-output-on-failure test/blackbox/garbage_collect.bats
.PHONY: test-garbage-collect-verbose
test-garbage-collect-verbose: binary check-skopeo $(BATS) $(REGCLIENT) $(ORAS)
$(BATS) --trace --verbose-run --print-output-on-failure --show-output-of-passing-tests test/blackbox/garbage_collect.bats
.PHONY: test-push-pull-running-dedupe
test-push-pull-running-dedupe: check-linux binary check-skopeo $(BATS) $(REGCLIENT) $(ORAS) $(HELM)
$(BATS) --trace --print-output-on-failure test/blackbox/pushpull_running_dedupe.bats
.PHONY: test-push-pull-running-dedupe-verbose
test-push-pull-running-dedupe-verbose: check-linux binary check-skopeo $(BATS) $(REGCLIENT) $(ORAS) $(HELM)
$(BATS) --trace --verbose-run --print-output-on-failure --show-output-of-passing-tests test/blackbox/pushpull_running_dedupe.bats
.PHONY: test-sync-harness
test-sync-harness: check-linux binary binary-minimal bench check-skopeo $(BATS)
$(BATS) --trace --print-output-on-failure test/blackbox/sync_harness.bats
.PHONY: test-sync-harness-verbose
test-sync-harness-verbose: check-linux binary binary-minimal bench check-skopeo $(BATS)
$(BATS) --trace --verbose-run --print-output-on-failure --show-output-of-passing-tests test/blackbox/sync_harness.bats
.PHONY: test-restore-s3-blobs
test-restore-s3-blobs: check-linux binary check-skopeo $(BATS) $(REGCLIENT) $(ORAS) $(HELM)
$(BATS) --trace --print-output-on-failure test/blackbox/restore_s3_blobs.bats
.PHONY: test-restore-s3-blobs-verbose
test-restore-s3-blobs-verbose: check-linux binary check-skopeo $(BATS) $(REGCLIENT) $(ORAS) $(HELM)
$(BATS) --trace --verbose-run --print-output-on-failure --show-output-of-passing-tests test/blackbox/restore_s3_blobs.bats
.PHONY: test-bats-referrers
test-bats-referrers: BUILD_LABELS=search
test-bats-referrers: check-linux binary check-skopeo $(BATS) $(ORAS)
$(BATS) --trace --print-output-on-failure test/blackbox/referrers.bats
.PHONY: test-bats-metadata
test-bats-metadata: BUILD_LABELS=search,userprefs
test-bats-metadata: check-linux binary check-skopeo $(BATS)
$(BATS) --trace --print-output-on-failure test/blackbox/metadata.bats
.PHONY: test-cloud-only
test-cloud-only: check-linux binary check-skopeo $(BATS)
$(BATS) --trace --print-output-on-failure test/blackbox/cloud-only.bats
.PHONY: test-cloud-only-verbose
test-cloud-only-verbose: check-linux binary check-skopeo $(BATS)
$(BATS) --trace --verbose-run --print-output-on-failure --show-output-of-passing-tests test/blackbox/cloud-only.bats
.PHONY: test-bats-sync
test-bats-sync: BUILD_LABELS=sync
test-bats-sync: check-linux binary binary-minimal bench check-skopeo $(BATS) $(NOTATION) $(COSIGN) $(HELM)
$(BATS) --trace --print-output-on-failure test/blackbox/sync.bats
$(BATS) --trace --print-output-on-failure test/blackbox/sync_docker.bats
$(BATS) --trace --print-output-on-failure test/blackbox/sync_replica_cluster.bats
.PHONY: test-bats-delete-image
test-bats-delete-image: check-linux binary binary-minimal bench check-skopeo $(BATS)
$(BATS) --trace --print-output-on-failure test/blackbox/delete_images.bats
.PHONY: test-bats-sync-verbose
test-bats-sync-verbose: BUILD_LABELS=sync
test-bats-sync-verbose: check-linux binary binary-minimal bench check-skopeo $(BATS) $(NOTATION) $(COSIGN) $(HELM)
$(BATS) --trace -t -x -p --verbose-run --print-output-on-failure --show-output-of-passing-tests test/blackbox/sync.bats
$(BATS) --trace -t -x -p --verbose-run --print-output-on-failure --show-output-of-passing-tests test/blackbox/sync_docker.bats
$(BATS) --trace -t -x -p --verbose-run --print-output-on-failure --show-output-of-passing-tests test/blackbox/sync_replica_cluster.bats
.PHONY: test-bats-cve
test-bats-cve: BUILD_LABELS=search
test-bats-cve: check-linux binary cli check-skopeo $(BATS)
$(BATS) --trace --print-output-on-failure test/blackbox/cve.bats
.PHONY: test-bats-cve-verbose
test-bats-cve-verbose: BUILD_LABELS=search
test-bats-cve-verbose: check-linux binary cli check-skopeo $(BATS)
$(BATS) --trace -t -x -p --verbose-run --print-output-on-failure --show-output-of-passing-tests test/blackbox/cve.bats
.PHONY: test-bats-scrub
test-bats-scrub: BUILD_LABELS=scrub
test-bats-scrub: check-linux binary check-skopeo $(BATS)
$(BATS) --trace --print-output-on-failure test/blackbox/scrub.bats
.PHONY: test-bats-scrub-verbose
test-bats-scrub-verbose: BUILD_LABELS=scrub
test-bats-scrub-verbose: check-linux binary check-skopeo $(BATS)
$(BATS) --trace -p --verbose-run --print-output-on-failure --show-output-of-passing-tests test/blackbox/scrub.bats
.PHONY: test-bats-metrics
test-bats-metrics: BUILD_LABELS=metrics
test-bats-metrics: check-linux binary check-skopeo $(BATS)
$(BATS) --trace --print-output-on-failure test/blackbox/metrics.bats
.PHONY: test-bats-metrics-verbose
test-bats-metrics-verbose: BUILD_LABELS=metrics
test-bats-metrics-verbose: check-linux binary check-skopeo $(BATS)
$(BATS) --trace -p --verbose-run --print-output-on-failure --show-output-of-passing-tests test/blackbox/metrics.bats
.PHONY: test-anonymous-push-pull
test-anonymous-push-pull: check-linux binary check-skopeo $(BATS)
$(BATS) --trace --print-output-on-failure test/blackbox/anonymous_policy.bats
.PHONY: test-annotations
test-annotations: check-linux binary check-skopeo $(BATS) $(STACKER) $(NOTATION) $(COSIGN)
$(BATS) --trace --print-output-on-failure test/blackbox/annotations.bats
.PHONY: test-detect-manifest-collision
test-detect-manifest-collision: check-linux binary check-skopeo $(BATS) $(REGCLIENT)
$(BATS) --trace --print-output-on-failure test/blackbox/detect_manifest_collision.bats
.PHONY: fuzz-all
fuzz-all: fuzztime=${1}
rm -rf test-data; \
rm -rf pkg/storage/testdata; \
git clone https://github.com/project-zot/test-data.git; \
mv test-data/storage pkg/storage/testdata; \
rm -rf test-data; \
bash test/scripts/fuzzAll.sh ${fuzztime}; \
rm -rf pkg/storage/testdata; \
mkdir -p $(TOOLSDIR)/bin; \
curl -fsSL https://github.com/project-stacker/stacker/releases/latest/download/stacker -o $@; \
chmod +x $@
mkdir -p $(TOOLSDIR)/bin
curl -fsSL https://github.com/sigstore/cosign/releases/download/v$(COSIGN_VERSION)/cosign-linux-amd64 -o $@; \
chmod +x $@
# set ZUI_VERSION to empty string in order to clone zui locally and build default branch
.PHONY: ui
echo $(BUILD_LABELS);\
if [ -z $(ZUI_VERSION) ]; then\
tdir=$$(mktemp -d);\
cd $$tdir;\
git clone https://github.com/project-zot/zui.git;\
cd zui;\
npm install;\
npm run build;\
cd $$pwd;\
rm -rf ./pkg/extensions/build;\
cp -R $$tdir/zui/build ./pkg/extensions/;\
curl --fail --head https://github.com/project-zot/zui/releases/download/$(ZUI_VERSION)/zui.tgz;\
if [ $$? -ne 0 ]; then\
tdir=$$(mktemp -d);\
cd $$tdir;\
git clone --depth=1 --branch $(ZUI_VERSION) https://github.com/project-zot/zui.git;\
cd zui;\
git checkout $(ZUI_VERSION);\
npm install;\
npm run build;\
cd $$pwd;\
rm -rf ./pkg/extensions/build;\
cp -R $$tdir/zui/build ./pkg/extensions/;\
curl -fsSL https://github.com/project-zot/zui/releases/download/$(ZUI_VERSION)/zui.tgz -o zui.tgz;\
tar xvzf zui.tgz -C ./pkg/extensions/;\
rm zui.tgz;\
.PHONY: check-linux
ifneq ($(shell go env GOOS),linux)
$(error makefile target can be run only on linux)