Michael Shigorin 2f307ffffb main.mk introduced, lib/*.mk partially rewritten
The former toplevel Makefile is now toplevel main.mk;
this change allows for multi-target, multi-arch processing
in the current toplevel Makefile.

As the "build" symlink semantics change quite considerably
when one is doing bulk builds (several pruned builddirs might
be useful for comparison), BUILDDIR is now much more likely
to be recreated: the cases when it will persist are when it's
either a single-image build or when the prefix hasn't changed.

There are some more or less subtle bugfixes and enhancements
all over the map as well.

Done within 20111230..20120102 timeframe, actually...
2012-01-02 21:01:09 +02:00

89 lines
2.6 KiB

# steps to build an image:
# --- here
# 1. initialize new profile (BUILDDIR) as a copy of image.in/
# 2. configure distro
# 3. copy the needed bits from metaprofile to a new profile
# --- in BUILDDIR
# 4. build subprofiles and subsequently an image
MKIMAGE_PROFILES = $(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))
# deal with one target at a time
IMAGE_TARGET := $(firstword $(MAKECMDGOALS))# ve/generic.tar.gz
ifeq (./,$(dir $(IMAGE_TARGET)))# convenience fallback
IMAGE_TARGET := distro/$(IMAGE_TARGET)# for omitted "distro/"
IMAGE_CONF := $(firstword $(subst ., ,$(IMAGE_TARGET)))# ve/generic
IMAGE_CLASS := $(firstword $(subst /, ,$(IMAGE_TARGET)))# ve
IMAGE_FILE := $(lastword $(subst /, ,$(IMAGE_TARGET)))# generic.tar.gz
IMAGE_NAME := $(firstword $(subst ., ,$(IMAGE_FILE)))# generic
IMAGE_TYPE := $(subst $(IMAGE_NAME).,,$(IMAGE_FILE))# tar.gz
# readjustable
ifeq (1,$(NUM_TARGETS))
BUILDDIR_PREFIX ?= mkimage-profiles.build
BUILDDIR_PREFIX ?= mkimage-profiles.build/$(IMAGE_CONF).$(ARCH)
# preferences
-include $(HOME)/.mkimage/profiles.mk
# most of the actual work done elsewhere
include lib/*.mk
include conf.d/*.mk
include features.in/*/config.mk
DISTRO_TARGETS := $(shell sed -n 's,^\(distro/[^:.]\+\):.*$$,\1,p' \
lib/distro.mk $(wildcard conf.d/*.mk) | sort -u)
VE_TARGETS := $(shell sed -n 's,^\(ve/[^:.]\+\):.*$$,\1,p' \
lib/ve.mk $(wildcard conf.d/*.mk) | sort -u)
DISTROS := $(call addsuffices,$(DISTRO_EXTS),$(DISTRO_TARGETS))
VES := $(call addsuffices,$(VE_EXTS),$(VE_TARGETS))
.PHONY: debug everything help space
@echo '** available distribution targets:'
@echo $(DISTROS) | fmt -sw"$$((COLUMNS>>1))" | column -t
@echo '** available virtual environment targets:'
@echo $(VES) | fmt -sw"$$((COLUMNS>>1))" | column -t
help: | distro/help space ve/help
space:; @echo
### duplicate but still needed
@n=1; sum=$(words $(DISTROS)); \
for distro in $(DISTROS); do \
echo "** building $$distro [$$n/$$sum]:"; \
$(MAKE) --no-print-directory \
COUNT=$$n/$$sum \
$$distro; \
echo; \
n=$$(($$n+1)); \
# config/with/ve/generic config/like/ve config/name/generic config/pack/tar.gz
$(IMAGES): debug \
config/with/$(IMAGE_CONF) \
config/like/$(IMAGE_CLASS) \
config/name/$(IMAGE_NAME) \
config/pack/$(IMAGE_TYPE) \
build; @:
# convenience shortcut
$(DISTROS:distro/%=%): %: distro/%
ifeq (2,$(DEBUG))
@$(foreach v,\
$(filter IMAGE_%,$(sort $(.VARIABLES))),\
$(warning $v = $($v)))