The features might get copy-pasted (or even copied-and-pruned) when initialized; there's an unneccessary duplication of the function name in the line adding it to FEATURES list, thus prone to being forgotten and causing some havoc later on. It was wrong in the first place but tackling this with some double-colon rules ran into terminality issues, and further tortures were considered unneccessary. The current solution isn't perfect (no completely transparent function name registration upon corresponding target being called) but at least it is an improvement...
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54 lines
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# NB: don"t use ANY quotes ('/") for put()/add()/set() arguments!
# shell will get confused by ' or args get spammed with "
# pay attention to the context functions get called in:
# e.g. introduces conditionals
# this one adds whatever is given as an argument
put = $(and $(1),$(put_body))
define put_body
{ $(log_body); \
printf '%s\n' '$(1)' >> "$(CONFIG)"; }
# these three take two args
# add() just appends an additive rule...
add = $(and $(1),$(2),$(add_body))
define add_body
$(if $(filter GLOBAL_% INFO_%,$(1)),$(warning add,$(1) might be a problem)) \
{ $(log_body); \
printf '%s += %s\n' '$(1)' '$(2)' >> "$(CONFIG)"; }
# ...set() comments out any previous definition
# and then appends an assigning rule...
set = $(and $(1),$(2),$(set_body))
define set_body
{ $(log_body); \
subst 's|^$(1)[ ]*[+?]*=.*$$|#& # overridden by $@|' "$(CONFIG)"; \
printf '%s = %s\n' '$(1)' '$(2)' >> "$(CONFIG)"; }
# try() appends a conditionally-assigning rule
try = $(and $(1),$(2),$(try_body))
define try_body
{ $(log_body); \
printf '%s ?= %s\n' '$(1)' '$(2)' >> "$(CONFIG)"; }
# if the rule being executed isn't logged yet, log it
define log_body
{ [ -s "$(CONFIG)" ] && \
grep -q '^# $@$$' "$(CONFIG)" || printf '# %s\n' '$@' >> "$(CONFIG)"; }
# in a use/feature/particularly target, we need a "feature" bit
add_feature = $(call add,FEATURES,$(word 2,$(subst /, ,$@)))
# convert tag list into a list of relative package list paths
# NB: tags can do boolean expressions: (tag1 && !(tag2 || tag3))
tags = $(and $(strip $(1)),$(addprefix tagged/,$(shell echo "$(1)" | bin/tags2lists
# toplevel Makefile convenience
addsuffices = $(foreach s,$(1),$(call addsuffix,$s,$(2)))