Michael Shigorin 788cad885e initial target tracing support and reporting
The purpose is being able to examine particular target interdependency
graph for a given image having been configured to avoid convoluted
dependencies (loops in particular).

The implementation is based on SHELL hook hint by John Graham-Cumming:
2012-03-19 19:23:38 +02:00

68 lines
1.9 KiB

# step 4 is kicked off here but actually done by image.in/Makefile
ANSI_OK ?= 1;32
ANSI_FAIL ?= 1;31
$(error this makefile is designed to be included in toplevel one)
# try not to bog down the system, both CPU and I/O wise
ifdef NICE
START := nice $(shell ionice -c3 echo "ionice -c3" 2>/dev/null)
# in kilobytes (a kilometer is 1024 meters, you know)
# it's also nice to know how long and much it takes
START += time -f "%E %PCPU %Mk"
# /usr/bin/{i586,x86_64} are setarch(8) symlinks
# to be passed into distcfg.mk; suggestions are welcome
IMAGEDIR ?= $(shell \
if [ -d "$$HOME/out" -a -w "$$HOME/out" ]; then \
echo "$$HOME/out"; \
else \
dir="`dirname $(BUILDDIR)`/out"; \
mkdir -p "$$dir" && echo "$$dir" || echo "/tmp"; \
fi; \
# actual build starter
# NB: our output MUST go into stderr to escape POSTPROC
build-image: profile/populate
@{ \
if [ -n "$(CHECK)" ]; then \
echo "$(TIME) skipping actual image build (CHECK is set)"; \
exit; \
fi; \
echo -n "$(TIME) starting image build"; \
if [ -n "$(DEBUG)" ]; then \
echo ": tail -f $(BUILDLOG)" $(SHORTEN); \
else \
echo " (coffee time)"; \
fi; \
if $(START) $(MAKE) -C $(BUILDDIR)/ $(LOG); then \
echo "$(TIME) done (`tail -1 $(BUILDLOG) | cut -f1 -d.`)"; \
tail -200 "$(BUILDLOG)" $(SHORTEN) \
| GREP_COLOR="$(ANSI_OK)" GREP_OPTIONS="--color=auto" \
grep '^\*\* image: .*' ||:; \
else \
echo -n "$(TIME) failed, see log"; \
if [ -z "$(DEBUG)" ]; then \
echo ": $(BUILDLOG)" $(SHORTEN); \
echo "$(TIME) (you might want to rerun with DEBUG=1)"; \
else \
echo " above"; \
fi; \
tail -200 "$(BUILDLOG)" \
| GREP_COLOR="$(ANSI_FAIL)" GREP_OPTIONS="--color=auto" \
egrep "^((E:|[Ee]rror|[Ww]arning).*)|(.* Stop\.)$$"; \
df -P $(BUILDDIR) | awk 'END { if ($$4 < $(LOWSPACE)) \
{ print "NB: low space on "$$6" ("$$5" used)"}}'; \
fi; \
if [ -n "$(BELL)" ]; then echo -ne '\a'; fi; \
} >&2