Michael Shigorin 8576a1655b bin/pkgdups: now with a UI frontend
Calling ../../bin/pkgdups with a bunch of pkglists was messy,
so is done algorithmically from now on while in pkg.in/lists:

  make pkgdups
2012-04-10 23:39:53 +04:00

141 lines
3.5 KiB

# step 3: copy the needed features to $(BUILDDIR)
# (only regarding the needed subprofiles)
help/plus all: banner
@$(call grepper,'^+')
help/features: banner
@$(call grepper,'^use/')
@echo "** BUILDDIR not defined; available features:"
grepper = $(and $(1),$(grepper_body))
define grepper_body
@for dir in */; do \
out="`grep -h $(1) $$dir/config.mk \
| cut -f1 -d: \
| tr ' ' '\n\n' \
| grep $(1) \
| tr '\n' ' ' \
| sort -u`"; \
[ -z "$$out" ] || echo "$$dir: $$out"; \
$(error BUILDDIR not defined)
include $(BUILDDIR)/distcfg.mk
# first rsync what's static, and make backups (*~) --
# these might signal of file clashes (or plain dirt);
# second, care for toplevel and tagged script dirs;
# then handle two more ways of implementing a feature
# NB: some subprofiles will be specified as "src/dst"
# -- then both src/ and dst/ can hold the addons;
# still both pieces go into a single destination
### sorry for somewhat complicated and overly long lines
TARGETS := prep $(FEATURES) finalize
all: | $(TARGETS)
@echo "** starting feature configuration"
@if [ -n "$(GLOBAL_DEBUG)" ]; then \
echo "** target subprofiles: $(SUBPROFILES)"; \
echo "** requested features: $(FEATURES)"; \
# feat
@feat=$@; \
if [ -n "$(GLOBAL_DEBUG)" ]; then \
echo "** adding $$feat feature"; \
fi; \
pushd "$$feat" >/dev/null && \
for sub in / $(SUBPROFILES); do \
dirtags=; \
if [ "$$sub" = / ]; then \
parts=lib; \
srcdirs="."; \
dst="."; \
else \
parts=; \
src="$${sub%/*}"; \
dst="$${sub#*/}"; \
srcdirs=; \
if [ -d "$$src" ]; then \
srcdirs="$$src"; \
dirtags="&& $$src"; \
fi; \
if [ -d "$$dst" -a "$$dst" != "$$src" ]; then \
srcdirs="$$srcdirs $$dst"; \
dirtags="&& ($$src || $$dst)"; \
fi; \
for srcdir in $$srcdirs; do \
rsync -qab --exclude tagged \
"$$srcdir/" "$(BUILDDIR)/$$dst/"; \
done; \
fi; \
if [ -n "$(GLOBAL_DEBUG)" ]; then \
echo "** src=[$$src] dst=[$$dst] srcdirs=[$$srcdirs]"; \
fi; \
for srcdir in $$srcdirs; do \
[ -d "$$srcdir" ] || continue; \
pushd "$$srcdir" >&/dev/null; \
for part in $$parts {image-,}scripts.d; do \
destdir="$(BUILDDIR)/$$dst/$$part"; \
[ -d "$$destdir" ] || continue; \
if [ "$$sub" = / -a -d "$$part" ]; then \
rsync -qab "$$part/" "$$destdir/"; \
fi; \
[ -d "tagged/$$part" ] || continue; \
[ "$$srcdir" != "." ] || continue; \
pushd "tagged/$$part" >/dev/null; \
echo "$$feat $$dirtags" \
| tags2lists . \
| xargs -r cp -vpLt "$$destdir" --; \
popd >/dev/null; \
done; \
popd >&/dev/null; \
done; \
if type -t git >&/dev/null && \
pushd "$(BUILDDIR)/$$dst/" >/dev/null; then \
test -n "`git status -s`" && \
git add . && \
if [ -n "$$dst" ]; then \
the="$$sub subprofile"; \
else \
the="toplevel"; \
fi && \
git commit -qam "$$feat feature: $$the part added"; \
popd >/dev/null; \
fi; \
done; \
if [ -x "generate.sh" ]; then sh generate.sh; fi; \
if [ -s "generate.mk" ]; then $(MAKE) -f generate.mk; fi; \
if type -t git >&/dev/null && \
pushd "$(BUILDDIR)/" >/dev/null; then \
if [ -n "`git status -s`" ]; then \
git add . && \
git commit -qam "$$feat feature generation complete"; \
fi; \
popd >/dev/null; \
fi; \
popd >/dev/null
@find "$(BUILDDIR)/" -name '*~' \
| sed "s,$(BUILDDIR)/,** warning: file clash: ," >&2