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function volinfo_field()
local vol=$1;
local field=$2;
$CLI volume info $vol | grep "^$field: " | sed 's/.*: //';
function brick_count()
local vol=$1;
$CLI volume info $vol | egrep "^Brick[0-9]+: " | wc -l;
function online_brick_count ()
pidof glusterfsd | wc -w
function volume_option()
local vol=$1
local key=$2
$CLI volume info $vol | egrep "^$key: " | cut -f2 -d' ';
dht: better layout-optimization algorithm This method deals with the case where swapping might gain a bigger overlap for the xlator currently under consideration, but sacrifices even more from the xlator we're swapping with. For example: A = 0x00000000 - 0x44444443 (new 0x00000000 - 0x55555554) B = 0x44444444 - 0x77777776 (new 0x55555555 - 0xaaaaaaa9) C = 0x77777777 - 0xffffffff (new 0xaaaaaaaa - 0xffffffff) Here, the new range for B has a bigger overlap with the old C than with the old B (0x33333333 vs. 0x22222222 to be precise) so looking only at that might lead us to swap. However, such a swap turns the new C's overlap from 0x55555556 (vs. old C) to *zero* (vs. old B). In other words, we've gained 0x11111111 for B but lost 0x55555556 for C, so it's a bad idea. The new algorithm accounts for all effects of the swap, so it not only avoids bad swaps but can make some good ones that would have been missed previously. For example, if swapping a range X with a later range Y would not increase the overlap for X we would previously have skipped it even if the swap would increase Y's overlap without affecting X's. This is the normal case when we're adding a new brick (which initially has zero overlap with any old range) so finding more good swaps is probably even more important than avoiding bad ones. Also, the logic in dht_overlap_calc was completely broken before, causing integer overflows instead of providing correct values, so no matter what higher-level algorithm was in place the GIGO effect would have resulted in bad decisions. Change-Id: If61ed513cfcb931916c6b51da293e3efbaaf385f BUG: 853258 Signed-off-by: Jeff Darcy <> Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Gluster Build System <> Reviewed-by: Anand Avati <>
2013-02-05 19:19:06 -05:00
function rebalance_status_field {
$CLI volume rebalance $1 status | awk '{print $7}' | sed -n 3p
function remove_brick_status_completed_field {
local vol=$1
local brick_list=$2
$CLI volume remove-brick $vol $brick_list status | awk '{print $7}' | sed -n 3p
function get_mount_process_pid {
local vol=$1
ps aux | grep glusterfs | grep -E "volfile-id[ =]/?$vol " | awk '{print $2}' | head -1
function get_nfs_pid ()
ps aux | grep "volfile-id\ gluster\/nfs" | awk '{print $2}' | head -1
function read_nfs_pidfile ()
echo `cat /var/lib/glusterd/nfs/run/`
function cleanup_statedump {
rm -f $statedumpdir/*$pid.dump.*
#.vimrc friendly comment */
function generate_statedump {
local fpath=""
#remove old stale statedumps
cleanup_statedump $pid
kill -USR1 $pid
#Wait till the statedump is generated
sleep 1
fname=$(ls $statedumpdir | grep -E "\.$pid\.dump\.")
echo $statedumpdir/$fname
function generate_mount_statedump {
local vol=$1
generate_statedump $(get_mount_process_pid $vol)
function cleanup_mount_statedump {
local vol=$1
cleanup_statedump $(get_mount_process_pid $vol)
function _afr_child_up_status {
local vol=$1
#brick_id is (brick-num in volume info - 1)
local brick_id=$2
local gen_state_dump=$3
local fpath=$($gen_state_dump $vol)
up=$(grep -B1 trusted.afr.$vol-client-$brick_id $fpath | head -1 | cut -f2 -d'=')
rm -f $fpath
echo "$up"
function afr_child_up_status {
local vol=$1
#brick_id is (brick-num in volume info - 1)
local brick_id=$2
_afr_child_up_status $vol $brick_id generate_mount_statedump
function get_shd_process_pid {
local vol=$1
ps aux | grep glusterfs | grep -E "glustershd/run/" | awk '{print $2}' | head -1
function generate_shd_statedump {
local vol=$1
generate_statedump $(get_shd_process_pid $vol)
function generate_nfs_statedump {
local vol=$1
generate_statedump $(get_nfs_pid $vol)
function generate_brick_statedump {
local vol=$1
local host=$2
local brick=$3
generate_statedump $(get_brick_pid $vol $host $brick)
function afr_child_up_status_in_shd {
local vol=$1
#brick_id is (brick-num in volume info - 1)
local brick_id=$2
_afr_child_up_status $vol $brick_id generate_shd_statedump
function afr_child_up_status_in_nfs {
local vol=$1
#brick_id is (brick-num in volume info - 1)
local brick_id=$2
_afr_child_up_status $vol $brick_id generate_nfs_statedump
function nfs_up_status {
gluster volume status | grep "NFS Server" | awk '{print $6}'
function glustershd_up_status {
gluster volume status | grep "Self-heal Daemon" | awk '{print $6}'
function get_brick_pid {
local vol=$1
local host=$2
local brick=$3
local brick_hiphenated=$(echo $brick | tr '/' '-')
echo `cat /var/lib/glusterd/vols/$vol/run/${host}${brick_hiphenated}.pid`
function kill_brick {
local vol=$1
local host=$2
local brick=$3
kill -9 $(get_brick_pid $vol $host $brick)
function check_option_help_presence {
local option=$1
$CLI volume set help | grep "^Option:" | grep -w $option
function afr_get_changelog_xattr {
local file=$1
local xkey=$2
getfattr -n $xkey -e hex $file 2>/dev/null | grep "client-" | cut -f2 -d'='
function afr_get_pending_heal_count {
local vol=$1
gluster volume heal $vol info | grep "Number of entries" | awk '{ sum+=$4} END {print sum}'
function afr_get_index_path {
local brick_path=$1
echo "$brick_path/.glusterfs/indices/xattrop"
function afr_get_num_indices_in_brick {
local brick_path=$1
echo $(ls $(afr_get_index_path $brick_path) | grep -v xattrop | wc -l)
function gf_get_gfid_xattr {
getfattr -n trusted.gfid -e hex $file 2>/dev/null | grep "trusted.gfid" | cut -f2 -d'='
function gf_gfid_xattr_to_str {
echo "${xval:2:8}-${xval:10:4}-${xval:14:4}-${xval:18:4}-${xval:22:12}"
function gf_check_file_opened_in_brick {
ls -l /proc/$(get_brick_pid $vol $host $brick)/fd | grep "${realpath}$" 2>&1 > /dev/null
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Y"
echo "N"
function gf_get_gfid_backend_file_path {
gfid=$(gf_get_gfid_xattr "$brickpath/$filepath_in_brick")
gfidstr=$(gf_gfid_xattr_to_str $gfid)
echo "$brickpath/.glusterfs/${gfidstr:0:2}/${gfidstr:2:2}/$gfidstr"
function gf_rm_file_and_gfid_link {
rm -f $(gf_get_gfid_backend_file_path $brickpath $filepath_in_brick)
rm -f "$brickpath/$filepath_in_brick"
function gd_is_replace_brick_completed {
local host=$1
local vol=$2
local src_brick=$3
local dst_brick=$4
$CLI volume replace-brick $vol $src_brick $dst_brick status | grep -i "Migration complete"
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Y"
echo "N"
dht: better layout-optimization algorithm This method deals with the case where swapping might gain a bigger overlap for the xlator currently under consideration, but sacrifices even more from the xlator we're swapping with. For example: A = 0x00000000 - 0x44444443 (new 0x00000000 - 0x55555554) B = 0x44444444 - 0x77777776 (new 0x55555555 - 0xaaaaaaa9) C = 0x77777777 - 0xffffffff (new 0xaaaaaaaa - 0xffffffff) Here, the new range for B has a bigger overlap with the old C than with the old B (0x33333333 vs. 0x22222222 to be precise) so looking only at that might lead us to swap. However, such a swap turns the new C's overlap from 0x55555556 (vs. old C) to *zero* (vs. old B). In other words, we've gained 0x11111111 for B but lost 0x55555556 for C, so it's a bad idea. The new algorithm accounts for all effects of the swap, so it not only avoids bad swaps but can make some good ones that would have been missed previously. For example, if swapping a range X with a later range Y would not increase the overlap for X we would previously have skipped it even if the swap would increase Y's overlap without affecting X's. This is the normal case when we're adding a new brick (which initially has zero overlap with any old range) so finding more good swaps is probably even more important than avoiding bad ones. Also, the logic in dht_overlap_calc was completely broken before, causing integer overflows instead of providing correct values, so no matter what higher-level algorithm was in place the GIGO effect would have resulted in bad decisions. Change-Id: If61ed513cfcb931916c6b51da293e3efbaaf385f BUG: 853258 Signed-off-by: Jeff Darcy <> Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Gluster Build System <> Reviewed-by: Anand Avati <>
2013-02-05 19:19:06 -05:00
function dht_get_layout {
local my_xa=trusted.glusterfs.dht
getfattr -d -e hex -n $my_xa $1 2> /dev/null | grep "$my_xa=" | cut -d= -f2
2013-06-28 19:11:47 +05:30
function afr_get_specific_changelog_xattr ()
local path=$1
local key=$2
local type=$3
local specific_changelog=""
changelog_xattr=$(afr_get_changelog_xattr "$path" "$key")
if [ "$type" == "data" ]; then
elif [ "$type" == "metadata" ]; then
elif [ "$type" == "entry" ]; then
echo $specific_changelog
# query pathinfo xattr and extract POSIX pathname(s)
function get_backend_paths {
local path=$1
getfattr -m . -n trusted.glusterfs.pathinfo $path | tr ' ' '\n' | sed -n 's/<POSIX.*:.*:\(.*\)>.*/\1/p'