features/changelog: changelog translator

This is the initial version of the Changelog Translator.

What is it
Goal is to capture changes performed on a GlusterFS volume.
The translator needs to be loaded on the server (bricks) and
captures changes in a plain text file inside a configured
directory path (controlled by "changelog-dir", should be
somewhere in <export>/.glusterfs/changelog by default).

Changes are classified into 3 types:
    - Data:     : TYPE-I
    - Metadata  : TYPE-II
    - Entry     : TYPE-III

Changelog file is rolled over after a certain time interval
(defauls to 60 seconds) after which a changelog is started.
The thing to be noted here is that for a time interval
(time slice) multiple changes for an inode are recorded only
once (ie. say for 100+ writes on an inode that happens within
the time slice has only a single corresponding entry in the
changelog file). That way we do not bloat up the changelog
and also save lots of writes.

Changelog Format
TYPE-I and TYPE-II changes have the gfid on the entity on
which the operation happened. TYPE-III being a entry op
requires the parent gfid and the basename. Changelog format
has been kept to a minimal and it's upto the consumers to
do the heavy loading of figuring out deletes, renames etc..
A single changelog file records all three types of changes,
with each change starting with an identifier ("D": DATA,
"M": METADATA and "E": ENTRY). Option is provided for the
encoding type (See TUNABLES).

The only consumer as of today would be geo-replication, although
backup utilities, self-heal, bit-rot detection could be possible
consumers in the future.

By default, change-logging is disabled (the translator is present
in the server graph but does nothing). When enabled (via cli) each
brick starts to log the changes. There are a set of tunable that
can be used to change the translators behaviour:

- enable/disable changelog (disabled by default)
  gluster volume set <volume> changelog {on|off}

- set the logging directory (<brick>/.glusterfs/changelogs is the
  gluster volume set <volume> changelog-dir /path/to/dir

- select encoding type (binary (default) or ascii)
  gluster volume set <volume> encoding {binary|ascii}

- change the rollover time for the logs (60 secs by default)
  gluster volume set <volume> rollover-time <secs>

- when secs > 0, changelog file is not open()'d with O_SYNC flag
- and fsync is trigerred periodically every <secs> seconds.
  gluster volume set <volume> fsync-interval <secs>

features/changelog: changelog consumer library (libgfchangelog)

A shared library is provided for the consumer of the changelogs
for easy acess via APIs. Application can link against this library
and request for changelog updates. Conversion of binary logs to
human-readable ascii format is also taken care by the library which
keeps a copy of the changelog in application provided working

Change-Id: I75575fb7f1c53d2bec3dba1a329ea7bb3c628497
BUG: 847839
Original Author: Venky Shankar <vshankar@redhat.com>
Signed-off-by: Avra Sengupta <asengupt@redhat.com>
Reviewed-on: http://review.gluster.org/5127
Tested-by: Gluster Build System <jenkins@build.gluster.com>
Reviewed-by: Vijay Bellur <vbellur@redhat.com>
This commit is contained in:
Avra Sengupta 2013-06-04 14:20:58 +05:30 committed by Vijay Bellur
parent 41b721baee
commit 11f6c56f83
35 changed files with 5053 additions and 16 deletions

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
EXTRA_DIST = autogen.sh \
glusterfs.spec glusterfs-api.pc.in \
glusterfs.spec glusterfs-api.pc.in libgfchangelog.pc.in \
error-codes.json gf-error-codes.h.template \
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ SUBDIRS = argp-standalone libglusterfs rpc api xlators glusterfsd \
$(FUSERMOUNT_SUBDIR) doc extras cli
pkgconfigdir = @pkgconfigdir@
pkgconfig_DATA = glusterfs-api.pc
pkgconfig_DATA = glusterfs-api.pc libgfchangelog.pc

View File

@ -95,6 +95,10 @@ AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile
@ -151,6 +155,7 @@ AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile

View File

@ -622,6 +622,7 @@ fi
%files api-devel

libgfchangelog.pc.in Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
Name: libgfchangelog
Description: GlusterFS Changelog Consumer Library
Version: @VERSION@
Libs: -Wl,-R${libdir} -L${libdir} -lgfchangelog -lglusterfs
Cflags: -I${includedir}/glusterfs/gfchangelog -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D__USE_FILE_OFFSET64

View File

@ -59,6 +59,16 @@ struct dnscache6 {
struct addrinfo *next;
md5_wrapper(const unsigned char *data, size_t len, char *md5)
unsigned short i = 0;
unsigned short lim = MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH*2+1;
unsigned char scratch[MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH] = {0,};
MD5(data, len, scratch);
for (; i < MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH; i++)
snprintf(md5 + i * 2, lim-i*2, "%02x", scratch[i]);
/* works similar to mkdir(1) -p.

View File

@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <openssl/md5.h>
#ifndef GF_BSD_HOST_OS
#include <alloca.h>
@ -584,5 +585,6 @@ gf_boolean_t gf_ports_reserved (char *blocked_port, gf_boolean_t *ports);
int gf_get_hostname_from_ip (char *client_ip, char **hostname);
gf_boolean_t gf_is_local_addr (char *hostname);
gf_boolean_t gf_is_same_address (char *host1, char *host2);
void md5_wrapper(const unsigned char *data, size_t len, char *md5);
#endif /* _COMMON_UTILS_H */

View File

@ -156,6 +156,8 @@
#define GF_REMOVE_BRICK_TID_KEY "remove-brick-id"
#define GF_REPLACE_BRICK_TID_KEY "replace-brick-id"
/* NOTE: add members ONLY at the end (just before _MAXVALUE) */
typedef enum {

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
SUBDIRS = locks quota read-only mac-compat quiesce marker index \
protect $(GLUPY_SUBDIR) # trash path-converter # filter
protect changelog $(GLUPY_SUBDIR) # trash path-converter # filter

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
SUBDIRS = src lib

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat, Inc. <http://www.redhat.com>
This file is part of GlusterFS.
This file is licensed to you under your choice of the GNU Lesser
General Public License, version 3 or any later version (LGPLv3 or
later), or the GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPLv2), in all
cases as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* get set of new changes every 10 seconds (just print the file names)
* Compile it using:
* gcc -o getchanges `pkg-config --cflags libgfchangelog` get-changes.c \
* `pkg-config --libs libgfchangelog`
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/un.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "changelog.h"
#define handle_error(fn) \
printf ("%s (reason: %s)\n", fn, strerror (errno))
main (int argc, char ** argv)
int i = 0;
int ret = 0;
ssize_t nr_changes = 0;
ssize_t changes = 0;
char fbuf[PATH_MAX] = {0,};
/* get changes for brick "/home/vshankar/export/yow/yow-1" */
ret = gf_changelog_register ("/home/vshankar/export/yow/yow-1",
"/tmp/scratch", "/tmp/change.log", 9, 5);
if (ret) {
handle_error ("register failed");
goto out;
while (1) {
i = 0;
nr_changes = gf_changelog_scan ();
if (nr_changes < 0) {
handle_error ("scan(): ");
if (nr_changes == 0)
goto next;
printf ("Got %ld changelog files\n", nr_changes);
while ( (changes =
gf_changelog_next_change (fbuf, PATH_MAX)) > 0) {
printf ("changelog file [%d]: %s\n", ++i, fbuf);
/* process changelog */
/* ... */
/* ... */
/* ... */
/* done processing */
ret = gf_changelog_done (fbuf);
if (ret)
handle_error ("gf_changelog_done");
if (changes == -1)
handle_error ("gf_changelog_next_change");
sleep (10);
return ret;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
import os
import sys
import time
import libgfchangelog
cl = libgfchangelog.Changes()
def get_changes(brick, scratch_dir, log_file, log_level, interval):
change_list = []
cl.cl_register(brick, scratch_dir, log_file, log_level)
while True:
change_list = cl.cl_getchanges()
if change_list:
print change_list
for change in change_list:
print('done with %s' % (change))
except OSError:
ex = sys.exc_info()[1]
print ex
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) != 5:
print("usage: %s <brick> <scratch-dir> <log-file> <fetch-interval>"
% (sys.argv[0]))
get_changes(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3], 9, int(sys.argv[4]))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
import os
from ctypes import *
from ctypes.util import find_library
class Changes(object):
libgfc = CDLL(find_library("gfchangelog"), use_errno=True)
def geterrno(cls):
return get_errno()
def raise_oserr(cls):
errn = cls.geterrno()
raise OSError(errn, os.strerror(errn))
def _get_api(cls, call):
return getattr(cls.libgfc, call)
def cl_register(cls, brick, path, log_file, log_level, retries = 0):
ret = cls._get_api('gf_changelog_register')(brick, path,
log_file, log_level, retries)
if ret == -1:
def cl_scan(cls):
ret = cls._get_api('gf_changelog_scan')()
if ret == -1:
def cl_startfresh(cls):
ret = cls._get_api('gf_changelog_start_fresh')()
if ret == -1:
def cl_getchanges(cls):
""" remove hardcoding for path name length """
def clsort(f):
return f.split('.')[-1]
changes = []
buf = create_string_buffer('\0', 4096)
call = cls._get_api('gf_changelog_next_change')
while True:
ret = call(buf, 4096)
if ret in (0, -1):
if ret == -1:
# cleanup tracker
return sorted(changes, key=clsort)
def cl_done(cls, clfile):
ret = cls._get_api('gf_changelog_done')(clfile)
if ret == -1:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
libgfchangelog_la_CPPFLAGS = $(GF_CPPFLAGS) -D__USE_FILE_OFFSET64 -fpic \
-I../../../src/ -I$(top_srcdir)/libglusterfs/src \
-I$(top_srcdir)/xlators/features/changelog/src \
libgfchangelog_la_LIBADD = $(top_builddir)/libglusterfs/src/libglusterfs.la \
libgfchangelog_la_LDFLAGS = $(GF_LDFLAGS)
libgfchangelogdir = $(includedir)/glusterfs/gfchangelog
lib_LTLIBRARIES = libgfchangelog.la
CONTRIB_BUILDDIR = $(top_builddir)/contrib
libgfchangelog_la_SOURCES = gf-changelog.c gf-changelog-process.c \
gf-changelog-helpers.c $(CONTRIBDIR)/uuid/clear.c \
$(CONTRIBDIR)/uuid/copy.c $(CONTRIBDIR)/uuid/gen_uuid.c \
$(CONTRIBDIR)/uuid/pack.c $(CONTRIBDIR)/uuid/parse.c \
$(CONTRIBDIR)/uuid/unparse.c $(CONTRIBDIR)/uuid/uuid_time.c \
$(CONTRIBDIR)/uuid/compare.c $(CONTRIBDIR)/uuid/isnull.c \
noinst_HEADERS = gf-changelog-helpers.h $(CONTRIBDIR)/uuid/uuidd.h \
$(CONTRIBDIR)/uuid/uuid.h $(CONTRIBDIR)/uuid/uuidP.h \
libgfchangelog_HEADERS = changelog.h
$(MAKE) -C $(top_builddir)/libglusterfs/src/ all

View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat, Inc. <http://www.redhat.com>
This file is part of GlusterFS.
This file is licensed to you under your choice of the GNU Lesser
General Public License, version 3 or any later version (LGPLv3 or
later), or the GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPLv2), in all
cases as published by the Free Software Foundation.
/* API set */
gf_changelog_register (char *brick_path, char *scratch_dir,
char *log_file, int log_levl, int max_reconnects);
gf_changelog_scan ();
gf_changelog_start_fresh ();
gf_changelog_next_change (char *bufptr, size_t maxlen);
gf_changelog_done (char *file);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat, Inc. <http://www.redhat.com>
This file is part of GlusterFS.
This file is licensed to you under your choice of the GNU Lesser
General Public License, version 3 or any later version (LGPLv3 or
later), or the GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPLv2), in all
cases as published by the Free Software Foundation.
#include "changelog-mem-types.h"
#include "gf-changelog-helpers.h"
ssize_t gf_changelog_read_path (int fd, char *buffer, size_t bufsize)
return read (fd, buffer, bufsize);
gf_changelog_write (int fd, char *buffer, size_t len)
ssize_t size = 0;
size_t writen = 0;
while (writen < len) {
size = write (fd,
buffer + writen, len - writen);
if (size <= 0)
writen += size;
return writen;
gf_rfc3986_encode (unsigned char *s, char *enc, char *estr)
for (; *s; s++) {
if (estr[*s])
sprintf(enc, "%c", estr[*s]);
sprintf(enc, "%%%02X", *s);
while (*++enc);
* thread safe version of readline with buffering
* (taken from Unix Network Programming Volume I, W.R. Stevens)
* This is favoured over fgets() as we'd need to ftruncate()
* (see gf_changelog_scan() API) to record new changelog files.
* stream open functions does have a truncate like api (although
* that can be done via @fflush(fp), @ftruncate(fd) and @fseek(fp),
* but this involves mixing POSIX file descriptors and stream FILE *).
* NOTE: This implmentation still does work with more than one fd's
* used to perform gf_readline(). For this very reason it's not
* made a part of libglusterfs.
static pthread_key_t rl_key;
static pthread_once_t rl_once = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT;
static void
readline_destructor (void *ptr)
GF_FREE (ptr);
static void
readline_once (void)
pthread_key_create (&rl_key, readline_destructor);
static ssize_t
my_read (read_line_t *tsd, int fd, char *ptr)
if (tsd->rl_cnt <= 0) {
if ( (tsd->rl_cnt = read (fd, tsd->rl_buf, MAXLINE)) < 0 )
return -1;
else if (tsd->rl_cnt == 0)
return 0;
tsd->rl_bufptr = tsd->rl_buf;
*ptr = *tsd->rl_bufptr++;
return 1;
static int
gf_readline_init_once (read_line_t **tsd)
if (pthread_once (&rl_once, readline_once) != 0)
return -1;
*tsd = pthread_getspecific (rl_key);
if (*tsd)
goto out;
*tsd = GF_CALLOC (1, sizeof (**tsd),
if (!*tsd)
return -1;
if (pthread_setspecific (rl_key, *tsd) != 0)
return -1;
return 0;
gf_readline (int fd, void *vptr, size_t maxlen)
size_t n = 0;
size_t rc = 0;
char c = ' ';
char *ptr = NULL;
read_line_t *tsd = NULL;
if (gf_readline_init_once (&tsd))
return -1;
ptr = vptr;
for (n = 1; n < maxlen; n++) {
if ( (rc = my_read (tsd, fd, &c)) == 1 ) {
*ptr++ = c;
if (c == '\n')
} else if (rc == 0) {
*ptr = '\0';
return (n - 1);
} else
return -1;
*ptr = '\0';
return n;
gf_lseek (int fd, off_t offset, int whence)
off_t off = 0;
read_line_t *tsd = NULL;
if (gf_readline_init_once (&tsd))
return -1;
if ( (off = lseek (fd, offset, whence)) == -1)
return -1;
tsd->rl_cnt = 0;
tsd->rl_bufptr = tsd->rl_buf;
return off;
gf_ftruncate (int fd, off_t length)
read_line_t *tsd = NULL;
if (gf_readline_init_once (&tsd))
return -1;
if (ftruncate (fd, 0))
return -1;
tsd->rl_cnt = 0;
tsd->rl_bufptr = tsd->rl_buf;
return 0;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat, Inc. <http://www.redhat.com>
This file is part of GlusterFS.
This file is licensed to you under your choice of the GNU Lesser
General Public License, version 3 or any later version (LGPLv3 or
later), or the GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPLv2), in all
cases as published by the Free Software Foundation.
#include <unistd.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <xlator.h>
#define GF_CHANGELOG_TRACKER "tracker"
#define GF_CHANGELOG_CURRENT_DIR ".current"
#define GF_CHANGELOG_PROCESSED_DIR ".processed"
#define GF_CHANGELOG_PROCESSING_DIR ".processing"
#ifndef MAXLINE
#define MAXLINE 4096
#define GF_CHANGELOG_FILL_BUFFER(ptr, ascii, off, len) do { \
memcpy (ascii + off, ptr, len); \
off += len; \
} while (0)
typedef struct read_line {
int rl_cnt;
char *rl_bufptr;
char rl_buf[MAXLINE];
} read_line_t;
typedef struct gf_changelog {
xlator_t *this;
/* 'processing' directory stream */
DIR *gfc_dir;
/* fd to the tracker file */
int gfc_fd;
/* connection retries */
int gfc_connretries;
char gfc_sockpath[PATH_MAX];
char gfc_brickpath[PATH_MAX];
/* socket for recieving notifications */
int gfc_sockfd;
char *gfc_working_dir;
/* RFC 3986 string encoding */
char rfc3986[256];
char gfc_current_dir[PATH_MAX];
char gfc_processed_dir[PATH_MAX];
char gfc_processing_dir[PATH_MAX];
pthread_t gfc_changelog_processor;
} gf_changelog_t;
gf_changelog_notification_init (xlator_t *this, gf_changelog_t *gfc);
void *
gf_changelog_process (void *data);
gf_changelog_read_path (int fd, char *buffer, size_t bufsize);
gf_rfc3986_encode (unsigned char *s, char *enc, char *estr);
gf_changelog_write (int fd, char *buffer, size_t len);
gf_readline (int fd, void *vptr, size_t maxlen);
gf_ftruncate (int fd, off_t length);
gf_lseek (int fd, off_t offset, int whence);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,571 @@
Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat, Inc. <http://www.redhat.com>
This file is part of GlusterFS.
This file is licensed to you under your choice of the GNU Lesser
General Public License, version 3 or any later version (LGPLv3 or
later), or the GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPLv2), in all
cases as published by the Free Software Foundation.
#include <unistd.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include "uuid.h"
#include "globals.h"
#include "glusterfs.h"
#include "gf-changelog-helpers.h"
/* from the changelog translator */
#include "changelog-misc.h"
extern int byebye;
* number of gfid records after fop number
int nr_gfids[] = {
[GF_FOP_LINK] = 1,
static char *
binary_to_ascii (uuid_t uuid)
return uuid_utoa (uuid);
static char *
conv_noop (char *ptr) { return ptr; }
#define VERIFY_SEPARATOR(ptr, plen, perr) \
{ \
if (*(ptr + plen) != '\0') { \
perr = 1; \
break; \
} \
#define MOVER_MOVE(mover, nleft, bytes) \
{ \
mover += bytes; \
nleft -= bytes; \
} \
#define PARSE_GFID(mov, ptr, le, fn, perr) \
{ \
VERIFY_SEPARATOR (mov, le, perr); \
ptr = fn (mov); \
if (!ptr) { \
perr = 1; \
break; \
} \
#define FILL_AND_MOVE(pt, buf, of, mo, nl, le) \
{ \
GF_CHANGELOG_FILL_BUFFER (pt, buf, of, strlen (pt)); \
MOVER_MOVE (mo, nl, le); \
#define PARSE_GFID_MOVE(ptr, uuid, mover, nleft, perr) \
{ \
memcpy (uuid, mover, sizeof (uuid_t)); \
ptr = binary_to_ascii (uuid); \
if (!ptr) { \
perr = 1; \
break; \
} \
MOVER_MOVE (mover, nleft, sizeof (uuid_t)); \
} \
#define LINE_BUFSIZE 3*PATH_MAX /* enough buffer for extra chars too */
* using mmap() makes parsing easy. fgets() cannot be used here as
* the binary gfid could contain a line-feed (0x0A), in that case fgets()
* would read an incomplete line and parsing would fail. using POSIX fds
* would result is additional code to maintain state in case of partial
* reads of data (where multiple entries do not fit extirely in the buffer).
* mmap() gives the flexibility of pointing to an offset in the file
* without us worrying about reading it in memory (VM does that for us for
* free).
static int
gf_changelog_parse_binary (xlator_t *this,
gf_changelog_t *gfc, int from_fd, int to_fd,
size_t start_offset, struct stat *stbuf)
int ret = -1;
off_t off = 0;
off_t nleft = 0;
uuid_t uuid = {0,};
char *ptr = NULL;
char *bname_start = NULL;
char *bname_end = NULL;
char *mover = NULL;
char *start = NULL;
char current_mover = ' ';
size_t blen = 0;
int parse_err = 0;
char ascii[LINE_BUFSIZE] = {0,};
nleft = stbuf->st_size;
start = (char *) mmap (NULL, nleft,
PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, from_fd, 0);
if (!start) {
gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR,
"mmap() error (reason: %s)", strerror (errno));
goto out;
mover = start;
MOVER_MOVE (mover, nleft, start_offset);
while (nleft > 0) {
off = blen = 0;
ptr = bname_start = bname_end = NULL;
current_mover = *mover;
switch (current_mover) {
case 'D':
case 'M':
MOVER_MOVE (mover, nleft, 1);
PARSE_GFID_MOVE (ptr, uuid, mover, nleft, parse_err);
case 'E':
MOVER_MOVE (mover, nleft, 1);
PARSE_GFID_MOVE (ptr, uuid, mover, nleft, parse_err);
bname_start = mover;
if ( (bname_end = strchr (mover, '\n')) == NULL ) {
parse_err = 1;
blen = bname_end - bname_start;
MOVER_MOVE (mover, nleft, blen);
parse_err = 1;
if (parse_err)
GF_CHANGELOG_FILL_BUFFER (&current_mover, ascii, off, 1);
GF_CHANGELOG_FILL_BUFFER (" ", ascii, off, 1);
GF_CHANGELOG_FILL_BUFFER (ptr, ascii, off, strlen (ptr));
if (blen)
ascii, off, blen);
GF_CHANGELOG_FILL_BUFFER ("\n", ascii, off, 1);
if (gf_changelog_write (to_fd, ascii, off) != off) {
gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR,
"processing binary changelog failed due to "
" error in writing ascii change (reason: %s)",
strerror (errno));
MOVER_MOVE (mover, nleft, 1);
if ( (nleft == 0) && (!parse_err))
ret = 0;
if (munmap (start, stbuf->st_size))
gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR,
"munmap() error (reason: %s)", strerror (errno));
return ret;
* ascii decoder:
* - separate out one entry from another
* - use fop name rather than fop number
static int
gf_changelog_parse_ascii (xlator_t *this,
gf_changelog_t *gfc, int from_fd, int to_fd,
size_t start_offset, struct stat *stbuf)
int ng = 0;
int ret = -1;
int fop = 0;
int len = 0;
off_t off = 0;
off_t nleft = 0;
char *ptr = NULL;
char *eptr = NULL;
char *start = NULL;
char *mover = NULL;
int parse_err = 0;
char current_mover = ' ';
char ascii[LINE_BUFSIZE] = {0,};
const char *fopname = NULL;
nleft = stbuf->st_size;
start = (char *) mmap (NULL, nleft,
PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, from_fd, 0);
if (!start) {
gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR,
"mmap() error (reason: %s)", strerror (errno));
goto out;
mover = start;
MOVER_MOVE (mover, nleft, start_offset);
while (nleft > 0) {
off = 0;
current_mover = *mover;
GF_CHANGELOG_FILL_BUFFER (&current_mover, ascii, off, 1);
GF_CHANGELOG_FILL_BUFFER (" ", ascii, off, 1);
switch (current_mover) {
case 'D':
case 'M':
MOVER_MOVE (mover, nleft, 1);
/* target gfid */
conv_noop, parse_err);
FILL_AND_MOVE(ptr, ascii, off,
case 'E':
MOVER_MOVE (mover, nleft, 1);
/* target gfid */
conv_noop, parse_err);
FILL_AND_MOVE (ptr, ascii, off,
FILL_AND_MOVE (" ", ascii, off,
mover, nleft, 1);
/* fop */
len = strlen (mover);
VERIFY_SEPARATOR (mover, len, parse_err);
fop = atoi (mover);
if ( (fopname = gf_fop_list[fop]) == NULL) {
parse_err = 1;
MOVER_MOVE (mover, nleft, len);
len = strlen (fopname);
GF_CHANGELOG_FILL_BUFFER (fopname, ascii, off, len);
/* pargfid + bname */
ng = nr_gfids[fop];
while (ng-- > 0) {
MOVER_MOVE (mover, nleft, 1);
len = strlen (mover);
GF_CHANGELOG_FILL_BUFFER (" ", ascii, off, 1);
PARSE_GFID (mover, ptr, len,
conv_noop, parse_err);
eptr = calloc (3, strlen (ptr));
if (!eptr) {
parse_err = 1;
gf_rfc3986_encode ((unsigned char *) ptr,
eptr, gfc->rfc3986);
FILL_AND_MOVE (eptr, ascii, off,
mover, nleft, len);
free (eptr);
parse_err = 1;
if (parse_err)
GF_CHANGELOG_FILL_BUFFER ("\n", ascii, off, 1);
if (gf_changelog_write (to_fd, ascii, off) != off) {
gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR,
"processing ascii changelog failed due to "
" wrror in writing change (reason: %s)",
strerror (errno));
MOVER_MOVE (mover, nleft, 1);
if ( (nleft == 0) && (!parse_err))
ret = 0;
if (munmap (start, stbuf->st_size))
gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR,
"munmap() error (reason: %s)", strerror (errno));
return ret;
#define COPY_BUFSIZE 8192
static int
gf_changelog_copy (xlator_t *this, int from_fd, int to_fd)
ssize_t size = 0;
char buffer[COPY_BUFSIZE+1] = {0,};
while (1) {
size = read (from_fd, buffer, COPY_BUFSIZE);
if (size <= 0)
if (gf_changelog_write (to_fd,
buffer, size) != size) {
gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR,
"error processing ascii changlog");
size = -1;
return (size < 0 ? -1 : 0);
static int
gf_changelog_decode (xlator_t *this, gf_changelog_t *gfc, int from_fd,
int to_fd, struct stat *stbuf, int *zerob)
int ret = -1;
int encoding = -1;
size_t elen = 0;
char buffer[1024] = {0,};
CHANGELOG_GET_ENCODING (from_fd, buffer, 1024, encoding, elen);
if (encoding == -1) /* unknown encoding */
goto out;
goto out;
if (elen == stbuf->st_size) {
*zerob = 1;
goto out;
* start processing after the header
lseek (from_fd, elen, SEEK_SET);
switch (encoding) {
* this ideally should have been a part of changelog-encoders.c
* (ie. part of the changelog translator).
ret = gf_changelog_parse_binary (this, gfc, from_fd,
to_fd, elen, stbuf);
ret = gf_changelog_parse_ascii (this, gfc, from_fd,
to_fd, elen, stbuf);
ret = gf_changelog_copy (this, from_fd, to_fd);
return ret;
static int
gf_changelog_consume (xlator_t *this, gf_changelog_t *gfc, char *from_path)
int ret = -1;
int fd1 = 0;
int fd2 = 0;
int zerob = 0;
struct stat stbuf = {0,};
char dest[PATH_MAX] = {0,};
char to_path[PATH_MAX] = {0,};
ret = stat (from_path, &stbuf);
if (ret || !S_ISREG(stbuf.st_mode)) {
gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR,
"stat failed on changelog file: %s", from_path);
goto out;
fd1 = open (from_path, O_RDONLY);
if (fd1 < 0) {
gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR,
"cannot open changelog file: %s (reason: %s)",
from_path, strerror (errno));
goto out;
(void) snprintf (to_path, PATH_MAX, "%s%s",
gfc->gfc_current_dir, basename (from_path));
(void) snprintf (dest, PATH_MAX, "%s%s",
gfc->gfc_processing_dir, basename (from_path));
fd2 = open (to_path, O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_RDWR,
if (fd2 < 0) {
gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR,
"cannot create ascii changelog file %s (reason %s)",
to_path, strerror (errno));
goto close_fd;
} else {
ret = gf_changelog_decode (this, gfc, fd1,
fd2, &stbuf, &zerob);
close (fd2);
if (!ret) {
/* move it to processing on a successfull
decode */
ret = rename (to_path, dest);
if (ret)
gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR,
"error moving %s to processing dir"
" (reason: %s)", to_path,
strerror (errno));
/* remove it from .current if it's an empty file */
if (zerob) {
ret = unlink (to_path);
if (ret)
gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR,
"could not unlink %s (reason: %s",
to_path, strerror (errno));
close (fd1);
return ret;
static char *
gf_changelog_ext_change (xlator_t *this,
gf_changelog_t *gfc, char *path, size_t readlen)
int alo = 0;
int ret = 0;
size_t len = 0;
char *buf = NULL;
buf = path;
while (len < readlen) {
if (*buf == '\0') {
alo = 1;
gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_DEBUG,
"processing changelog: %s", path);
ret = gf_changelog_consume (this, gfc, path);
if (ret)
len++; buf++;
if (alo) {
alo = 0;
path = buf;
return (ret) ? NULL : path;
void *
gf_changelog_process (void *data)
ssize_t len = 0;
ssize_t offlen = 0;
xlator_t *this = NULL;
char *sbuf = NULL;
gf_changelog_t *gfc = NULL;
char from_path[PATH_MAX] = {0,};
gfc = (gf_changelog_t *) data;
this = gfc->this;
pthread_detach (pthread_self());
for (;;) {
len = gf_changelog_read_path (gfc->gfc_sockfd,
from_path + offlen,
PATH_MAX - offlen);
if (len < 0)
continue; /* ignore it for now */
if (len == 0) { /* close() from the changelog translator */
gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_INFO, "close from changelog"
" notification translator.");
if (gfc->gfc_connretries != 1) {
if (!gf_changelog_notification_init(this, gfc))
byebye = 1;
len += offlen;
sbuf = gf_changelog_ext_change (this, gfc, from_path, len);
if (!sbuf) {
gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR,
"could not extract changelog filename");
offlen = 0;
if (sbuf != (from_path + len)) {
offlen = from_path + len - sbuf;
memmove (from_path, sbuf, offlen);
gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_DEBUG,
"byebye (%d) from processing thread...", byebye);
return NULL;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,514 @@
Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat, Inc. <http://www.redhat.com>
This file is part of GlusterFS.
This file is licensed to you under your choice of the GNU Lesser
General Public License, version 3 or any later version (LGPLv3 or
later), or the GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPLv2), in all
cases as published by the Free Software Foundation.
#include <errno.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/un.h>
#ifndef _GNU_SOURCE
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <string.h>
#include "globals.h"
#include "glusterfs.h"
#include "logging.h"
#include "gf-changelog-helpers.h"
/* from the changelog translator */
#include "changelog-misc.h"
#include "changelog-mem-types.h"
int byebye = 0;
static void
gf_changelog_cleanup (gf_changelog_t *gfc)
/* socket */
if (gfc->gfc_sockfd != -1)
close (gfc->gfc_sockfd);
/* tracker fd */
if (gfc->gfc_fd != -1)
close (gfc->gfc_fd);
/* processing dir */
if (gfc->gfc_dir)
closedir (gfc->gfc_dir);
if (gfc->gfc_working_dir)
free (gfc->gfc_working_dir); /* allocated by realpath */
__attribute__ ((constructor)) gf_changelog_ctor (void)
glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx = NULL;
ctx = glusterfs_ctx_new ();
if (!ctx)
if (glusterfs_globals_init (ctx)) {
free (ctx);
ctx = NULL;
THIS->ctx = ctx;
__attribute__ ((destructor)) gf_changelog_dtor (void)
xlator_t *this = NULL;
glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx = NULL;
gf_changelog_t *gfc = NULL;
this = THIS;
if (!this)
ctx = this->ctx;
gfc = this->private;
if (gfc) {
gf_changelog_cleanup (gfc);
GF_FREE (gfc);
if (ctx) {
pthread_mutex_destroy (&ctx->lock);
free (ctx);
ctx = NULL;
static int
gf_changelog_open_dirs (gf_changelog_t *gfc)
int ret = -1;
DIR *dir = NULL;
int tracker_fd = 0;
char tracker_path[PATH_MAX] = {0,};
(void) snprintf (gfc->gfc_current_dir, PATH_MAX,
ret = mkdir_p (gfc->gfc_current_dir, 0600, _gf_false);
if (ret)
goto out;
(void) snprintf (gfc->gfc_processed_dir, PATH_MAX,
ret = mkdir_p (gfc->gfc_processed_dir, 0600, _gf_false);
if (ret)
goto out;
(void) snprintf (gfc->gfc_processing_dir, PATH_MAX,
ret = mkdir_p (gfc->gfc_processing_dir, 0600, _gf_false);
if (ret)
goto out;
dir = opendir (gfc->gfc_processing_dir);
if (!dir) {
gf_log ("", GF_LOG_ERROR,
"opendir() error [reason: %s]", strerror (errno));
goto out;
gfc->gfc_dir = dir;
(void) snprintf (tracker_path, PATH_MAX,
"%s/"GF_CHANGELOG_TRACKER, gfc->gfc_working_dir);
tracker_fd = open (tracker_path, O_CREAT | O_APPEND | O_RDWR,
if (tracker_fd < 0) {
closedir (gfc->gfc_dir);
ret = -1;
goto out;
gfc->gfc_fd = tracker_fd;
ret = 0;
return ret;
gf_changelog_notification_init (xlator_t *this, gf_changelog_t *gfc)
int ret = 0;
int len = 0;
int tries = 0;
int sockfd = 0;
struct sockaddr_un remote;
this = gfc->this;
if (gfc->gfc_sockfd != -1) {
gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_INFO,
close (gfc->gfc_sockfd);
sockfd = socket (AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
if (sockfd < 0) {
ret = -1;
goto out;
CHANGELOG_MAKE_SOCKET_PATH (gfc->gfc_brickpath,
gfc->gfc_sockpath, PATH_MAX);
gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_INFO,
"connecting to changelog socket: %s (brick: %s)",
gfc->gfc_sockpath, gfc->gfc_brickpath);
remote.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
strcpy (remote.sun_path, gfc->gfc_sockpath);
len = strlen (remote.sun_path) + sizeof (remote.sun_family);
while (tries < gfc->gfc_connretries) {
gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_WARNING,
"connection attempt %d/%d...",
tries + 1, gfc->gfc_connretries);
/* initiate a connect */
if (connect (sockfd, (struct sockaddr *) &remote, len) == 0) {
gfc->gfc_sockfd = sockfd;
sleep (2);
if (tries == gfc->gfc_connretries) {
gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR,
"could not connect to changelog socket!"
" bailing out...");
ret = -1;
} else
gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_INFO,
"connection successful");
return ret;
gf_changelog_done (char *file)
int ret = -1;
char *buffer = NULL;
xlator_t *this = NULL;
gf_changelog_t *gfc = NULL;
char to_path[PATH_MAX] = {0,};
errno = EINVAL;
this = THIS;
if (!this)
goto out;
gfc = (gf_changelog_t *) this->private;
if (!gfc)
goto out;
if (!file || !strlen (file))
goto out;
/* make sure 'file' is inside ->gfc_working_dir */
buffer = realpath (file, NULL);
if (!buffer)
goto out;
if (strncmp (gfc->gfc_working_dir,
buffer, strlen (gfc->gfc_working_dir)))
goto out;
(void) snprintf (to_path, PATH_MAX, "%s%s",
gfc->gfc_processed_dir, basename (buffer));
gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_DEBUG,
"moving %s to processed directory", file);
ret = rename (buffer, to_path);
if (ret) {
gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR,
"cannot move %s to %s (reason: %s)",
file, to_path, strerror (errno));
goto out;
ret = 0;
if (buffer)
free (buffer); /* allocated by realpath() */
return ret;
* @API
* for a set of changelogs, start from the begining
gf_changelog_start_fresh ()
xlator_t *this = NULL;
gf_changelog_t *gfc = NULL;
this = THIS;
if (!this)
goto out;
errno = EINVAL;
gfc = (gf_changelog_t *) this->private;
if (!gfc)
goto out;
if (gf_ftruncate (gfc->gfc_fd, 0))
goto out;
return 0;
return -1;
* @API
* return the next changelog file entry. zero means all chanelogs
* consumed.
gf_changelog_next_change (char *bufptr, size_t maxlen)
ssize_t size = 0;
int tracker_fd = 0;
xlator_t *this = NULL;
gf_changelog_t *gfc = NULL;
char buffer[PATH_MAX] = {0,};
errno = EINVAL;
this = THIS;
if (!this)
goto out;
gfc = (gf_changelog_t *) this->private;
if (!gfc)
goto out;
tracker_fd = gfc->gfc_fd;
size = gf_readline (tracker_fd, buffer, maxlen);
if (size < 0)
goto out;
if (size == 0)
return 0;
memcpy (bufptr, buffer, size - 1);
*(buffer + size) = '\0';
return size;
return -1;
* @API
* gf_changelog_scan() - scan and generate a list of change entries
* calling this api multiple times (without calling gf_changlog_done())
* would result new changelogs(s) being refreshed in the tracker file.
* This call also acts as a cancellation point for the consumer.
gf_changelog_scan ()
int ret = 0;
int tracker_fd = 0;
size_t len = 0;
size_t off = 0;
xlator_t *this = NULL;
size_t nr_entries = 0;
gf_changelog_t *gfc = NULL;
struct dirent *entryp = NULL;
struct dirent *result = NULL;
char buffer[PATH_MAX] = {0,};
this = THIS;
if (!this)
goto out;
gfc = (gf_changelog_t *) this->private;
if (!gfc)
goto out;
* do we need to protect 'byebye' with locks? worst, the
* consumer would get notified during next scan().
if (byebye) {
goto out;
errno = EINVAL;
tracker_fd = gfc->gfc_fd;
if (gf_ftruncate (tracker_fd, 0))
goto out;
len = offsetof(struct dirent, d_name)
+ pathconf(gfc->gfc_processing_dir, _PC_NAME_MAX) + 1;
entryp = GF_CALLOC (1, len,
if (!entryp)
goto out;
rewinddir (gfc->gfc_dir);
while (1) {
ret = readdir_r (gfc->gfc_dir, entryp, &result);
if (ret || !result)
if ( !strcmp (basename (entryp->d_name), ".")
|| !strcmp (basename (entryp->d_name), "..") )
GF_CHANGELOG_FILL_BUFFER (gfc->gfc_processing_dir,
buffer, off,
strlen (gfc->gfc_processing_dir));
GF_CHANGELOG_FILL_BUFFER (entryp->d_name, buffer,
off, strlen (entryp->d_name));
GF_CHANGELOG_FILL_BUFFER ("\n", buffer, off, 1);
if (gf_changelog_write (tracker_fd, buffer, off) != off) {
gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR,
"error writing changelog filename"
" to tracker file");
off = 0;
GF_FREE (entryp);
if (!result) {
if (gf_lseek (tracker_fd, 0, SEEK_SET) != -1)
return nr_entries;
return -1;
* @API
* gf_changelog_register() - register a client for updates.
gf_changelog_register (char *brick_path, char *scratch_dir,
char *log_file, int log_level, int max_reconnects)
int i = 0;
int ret = -1;
int errn = 0;
xlator_t *this = NULL;
gf_changelog_t *gfc = NULL;
this = THIS;
if (!this->ctx)
goto out;
errno = ENOMEM;
gfc = GF_CALLOC (1, sizeof (*gfc),
if (!gfc)
goto out;
gfc->this = this;
gfc->gfc_dir = NULL;
gfc->gfc_fd = gfc->gfc_sockfd = -1;
gfc->gfc_working_dir = realpath (scratch_dir, NULL);
if (!gfc->gfc_working_dir) {
errn = errno;
goto cleanup;
ret = gf_changelog_open_dirs (gfc);
if (ret) {
errn = errno;
gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR,
"could not create entries in scratch dir");
goto cleanup;
if (gf_log_init (this->ctx, log_file))
goto cleanup;
gf_log_set_loglevel ((log_level == -1) ? GF_LOG_INFO :
gfc->gfc_connretries = (max_reconnects <= 0) ? 1 : max_reconnects;
(void) strncpy (gfc->gfc_brickpath, brick_path, PATH_MAX);
ret = gf_changelog_notification_init (this, gfc);
if (ret) {
errn = errno;
goto cleanup;
ret = pthread_create (&gfc->gfc_changelog_processor,
NULL, gf_changelog_process, gfc);
if (ret) {
errn = errno;
gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR,
"error creating changelog processor thread"
" new changes won't be recorded!!!");
goto cleanup;
for (; i < 256; i++) {
gfc->rfc3986[i] =
(isalnum(i) || i == '~' ||
i == '-' || i == '.' || i == '_') ? i : 0;
ret = 0;
this->private = gfc;
goto out;
gf_changelog_cleanup (gfc);
GF_FREE (gfc);
this->private = NULL;
errno = errn;
return ret;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
xlator_LTLIBRARIES = changelog.la
xlatordir = $(libdir)/glusterfs/$(PACKAGE_VERSION)/xlator/features
noinst_HEADERS = changelog-helpers.h changelog-mem-types.h changelog-rt.h \
changelog-misc.h changelog-encoders.h changelog-notifier.h
changelog_la_LDFLAGS = -module -avoidversion
changelog_la_SOURCES = changelog.c changelog-rt.c changelog-helpers.c \
changelog-encoders.c changelog-notifier.c
changelog_la_LIBADD = $(top_builddir)/libglusterfs/src/libglusterfs.la
AM_CPPFLAGS = $(GF_CPPFLAGS) -I$(top_srcdir)/libglusterfs/src -fPIC -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 \
-D_GNU_SOURCE -D$(GF_HOST_OS) -shared -nostartfiles -DDATADIR=\"$(localstatedir)\"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat, Inc. <http://www.redhat.com>
This file is part of GlusterFS.
This file is licensed to you under your choice of the GNU Lesser
General Public License, version 3 or any later version (LGPLv3 or
later), or the GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPLv2), in all
cases as published by the Free Software Foundation.
#ifndef _CONFIG_H
#define _CONFIG_H
#include "config.h"
#include "changelog-encoders.h"
entry_fn (void *data, char *buffer, gf_boolean_t encode)
char *tmpbuf = NULL;
size_t bufsz = 0;
struct changelog_entry_fields *ce = NULL;
ce = (struct changelog_entry_fields *) data;
if (encode) {
tmpbuf = uuid_utoa (ce->cef_uuid);
CHANGELOG_FILL_BUFFER (buffer, bufsz, tmpbuf, strlen (tmpbuf));
} else {
ce->cef_uuid, sizeof (uuid_t));
CHANGELOG_FILL_BUFFER (buffer, bufsz, "/", 1);
ce->cef_bname, strlen (ce->cef_bname));
return bufsz;
fop_fn (void *data, char *buffer, gf_boolean_t encode)
char buf[10] = {0,};
size_t bufsz = 0;
glusterfs_fop_t fop = 0;
fop = *(glusterfs_fop_t *) data;
if (encode) {
(void) snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%d", fop);
CHANGELOG_FILL_BUFFER (buffer, bufsz, buf, strlen (buf));
} else
CHANGELOG_FILL_BUFFER (buffer, bufsz, &fop, sizeof (fop));
return bufsz;
entry_free_fn (void *data)
changelog_opt_t *co = data;
if (!co)
GF_FREE (co->co_entry.cef_bname);
* try to write all data in one shot
static inline void
changelog_encode_write_xtra (changelog_log_data_t *cld,
char *buffer, size_t *off, gf_boolean_t encode)
int i = 0;
size_t offset = 0;
void *data = NULL;
changelog_opt_t *co = NULL;
offset = *off;
co = (changelog_opt_t *) cld->cld_ptr;
for (; i < cld->cld_xtra_records; i++, co++) {
CHANGELOG_FILL_BUFFER (buffer, offset, "\0", 1);
switch (co->co_type) {
data = &co->co_fop;
data = &co->co_entry;
if (co->co_convert)
offset += co->co_convert (data,
buffer + offset, encode);
else /* no coversion: write it out as it is */
CHANGELOG_FILL_BUFFER (buffer, offset,
data, co->co_len);
*off = offset;
changelog_encode_ascii (xlator_t *this, changelog_log_data_t *cld)
size_t off = 0;
size_t gfid_len = 0;
char *gfid_str = NULL;
char *buffer = NULL;
changelog_priv_t *priv = NULL;
priv = this->private;
gfid_str = uuid_utoa (cld->cld_gfid);
gfid_len = strlen (gfid_str);
/* extra bytes for decorations */
buffer = alloca (gfid_len + cld->cld_ptr_len + 10);
off, gfid_str, gfid_len, cld);
if (cld->cld_xtra_records)
changelog_encode_write_xtra (cld, buffer, &off, _gf_true);
CHANGELOG_FILL_BUFFER (buffer, off, "\0", 1);
return changelog_write_change (priv, buffer, off);
changelog_encode_binary (xlator_t *this, changelog_log_data_t *cld)
size_t off = 0;
char *buffer = NULL;
changelog_priv_t *priv = NULL;
priv = this->private;
/* extra bytes for decorations */
buffer = alloca (sizeof (uuid_t) + cld->cld_ptr_len + 10);
CHANGELOG_STORE_BINARY (priv, buffer, off, cld->cld_gfid, cld);
if (cld->cld_xtra_records)
changelog_encode_write_xtra (cld, buffer, &off, _gf_false);
CHANGELOG_FILL_BUFFER (buffer, off, "\0", 1);
return changelog_write_change (priv, buffer, off);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat, Inc. <http://www.redhat.com>
This file is part of GlusterFS.
This file is licensed to you under your choice of the GNU Lesser
General Public License, version 3 or any later version (LGPLv3 or
later), or the GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPLv2), in all
cases as published by the Free Software Foundation.
#include "xlator.h"
#include "defaults.h"
#include "changelog-helpers.h"
#define CHANGELOG_STORE_ASCII(priv, buf, off, gfid, gfid_len, cld) do { \
priv->maps[cld->cld_type], 1); \
off, gfid, gfid_len); \
} while (0)
#define CHANGELOG_STORE_BINARY(priv, buf, off, gfid, cld) do { \
priv->maps[cld->cld_type], 1); \
off, gfid, sizeof (uuid_t)); \
} while (0)
entry_fn (void *data, char *buffer, gf_boolean_t encode);
fop_fn (void *data, char *buffer, gf_boolean_t encode);
entry_free_fn (void *data);
changelog_encode_binary (xlator_t *, changelog_log_data_t *);
changelog_encode_ascii (xlator_t *, changelog_log_data_t *);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,691 @@
Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat, Inc. <http://www.redhat.com>
This file is part of GlusterFS.
This file is licensed to you under your choice of the GNU Lesser
General Public License, version 3 or any later version (LGPLv3 or
later), or the GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPLv2), in all
cases as published by the Free Software Foundation.
#ifndef _CONFIG_H
#define _CONFIG_H
#include "config.h"
#include "xlator.h"
#include "defaults.h"
#include "logging.h"
#include "iobuf.h"
#include "changelog-helpers.h"
#include "changelog-mem-types.h"
#include <pthread.h>
changelog_thread_cleanup (xlator_t *this, pthread_t thr_id)
int ret = 0;
void *retval = NULL;
/* send a cancel request to the thread */
ret = pthread_cancel (thr_id);
if (ret) {
gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR,
"could not cancel thread (reason: %s)",
strerror (errno));
goto out;
ret = pthread_join (thr_id, &retval);
if (ret || (retval != PTHREAD_CANCELED)) {
gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR,
"cancel request not adhered as expected"
" (reason: %s)", strerror (errno));
inline void *
changelog_get_usable_buffer (changelog_local_t *local)
changelog_log_data_t *cld = NULL;
cld = &local->cld;
if (!cld->cld_iobuf)
return NULL;
return cld->cld_iobuf->ptr;
inline void
changelog_set_usable_record_and_length (changelog_local_t *local,
size_t len, int xr)
changelog_log_data_t *cld = NULL;
cld = &local->cld;
cld->cld_ptr_len = len;
cld->cld_xtra_records = xr;
changelog_local_cleanup (xlator_t *xl, changelog_local_t *local)
int i = 0;
changelog_opt_t *co = NULL;
changelog_log_data_t *cld = NULL;
if (!local)
cld = &local->cld;
/* cleanup dynamic allocation for extra records */
if (cld->cld_xtra_records) {
co = (changelog_opt_t *) cld->cld_ptr;
for (; i < cld->cld_xtra_records; i++, co++)
if (co->co_free)
co->co_free (co);
CHANGELOG_IOBUF_UNREF (cld->cld_iobuf);
if (local->inode)
inode_unref (local->inode);
mem_put (local);
inline int
changelog_write (int fd, char *buffer, size_t len)
ssize_t size = 0;
size_t writen = 0;
while (writen < len) {
size = write (fd,
buffer + writen, len - writen);
if (size <= 0)
writen += size;
return (writen != len);
static int
changelog_rollover_changelog (xlator_t *this,
changelog_priv_t *priv, unsigned long ts)
int ret = -1;
int notify = 0;
char *bname = NULL;
char ofile[PATH_MAX] = {0,};
char nfile[PATH_MAX] = {0,};
if (priv->changelog_fd != -1) {
close (priv->changelog_fd);
priv->changelog_fd = -1;
(void) snprintf (ofile, PATH_MAX,
"%s/"CHANGELOG_FILE_NAME, priv->changelog_dir);
(void) snprintf (nfile, PATH_MAX,
priv->changelog_dir, ts);
ret = rename (ofile, nfile);
if (!ret)
notify = 1;
if (ret && (errno == ENOENT)) {
ret = 0;
if (ret) {
gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR,
"error renaming %s -> %s (reason %s)",
ofile, nfile, strerror (errno));
if (notify) {
bname = basename (nfile);
gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_DEBUG, "notifying: %s", bname);
ret = changelog_write (priv->wfd, bname, strlen (bname) + 1);
if (ret) {
gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR,
"Failed to send file name to notify thread"
" (reason: %s)", strerror (errno));
return ret;
changelog_open (xlator_t *this,
changelog_priv_t *priv)
int fd = 0;
int ret = -1;
int flags = 0;
char buffer[1024] = {0,};
char changelog_path[PATH_MAX] = {0,};
(void) snprintf (changelog_path, PATH_MAX,
flags |= (O_CREAT | O_RDWR);
if (priv->fsync_interval == 0)
flags |= O_SYNC;
fd = open (changelog_path, flags,
if (fd < 0) {
gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR,
"unable to open/create changelog file %s"
" (reason: %s). change-logging will be"
" inactive", changelog_path, strerror (errno));
goto out;
priv->changelog_fd = fd;
(void) snprintf (buffer, 1024, CHANGELOG_HEADER,
ret = changelog_write_change (priv, buffer, strlen (buffer));
if (ret) {
close (priv->changelog_fd);
priv->changelog_fd = -1;
goto out;
ret = 0;
return ret;
changelog_start_next_change (xlator_t *this,
changelog_priv_t *priv,
unsigned long ts, gf_boolean_t finale)
int ret = -1;
ret = changelog_rollover_changelog (this, priv, ts);
if (!ret && !finale)
ret = changelog_open (this, priv);
return ret;
* return the length of entry
inline size_t
changelog_entry_length ()
return sizeof (changelog_log_data_t);
changelog_fill_rollover_data (changelog_log_data_t *cld, gf_boolean_t is_last)
struct timeval tv = {0,};
if (gettimeofday (&tv, NULL))
return -1;
cld->cld_roll_time = (unsigned long) tv.tv_sec;
cld->cld_finale = is_last;
return 0;
changelog_write_change (changelog_priv_t *priv, char *buffer, size_t len)
return changelog_write (priv->changelog_fd, buffer, len);
inline int
changelog_handle_change (xlator_t *this,
changelog_priv_t *priv, changelog_log_data_t *cld)
int ret = 0;
if (CHANGELOG_TYPE_IS_ROLLOVER (cld->cld_type)) {
ret = changelog_start_next_change (this, priv,
if (ret)
gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR,
"Problem rolling over changelog(s)");
goto out;
* case when there is reconfigure done (disabling changelog) and there
* are still fops that have updates in prgress.
if (priv->changelog_fd == -1)
return 0;
if (CHANGELOG_TYPE_IS_FSYNC (cld->cld_type)) {
ret = fsync (priv->changelog_fd);
if (ret < 0) {
gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR,
"fsync failed (reason: %s)",
strerror (errno));
goto out;
ret = priv->ce->encode (this, cld);
if (ret) {
gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR,
"error writing changelog to disk");
return ret;
changelog_local_t *
changelog_local_init (xlator_t *this, inode_t *inode,
uuid_t gfid, int xtra_records,
gf_boolean_t update_flag)
changelog_local_t *local = NULL;
struct iobuf *iobuf = NULL;
* We relax the presence of inode if @update_flag is true.
* The caller (implmentation of the fop) needs to be careful to
* not blindly use local->inode.
if (!update_flag && !inode) {
gf_log_callingfn (this->name, GF_LOG_WARNING,
"inode needed for version checking !!!");
goto out;
if (xtra_records) {
iobuf = iobuf_get2 (this->ctx->iobuf_pool,
if (!iobuf)
goto out;
local = mem_get0 (this->local_pool);
if (!local) {
goto out;
local->update_no_check = update_flag;
uuid_copy (local->cld.cld_gfid, gfid);
local->cld.cld_iobuf = iobuf;
local->cld.cld_xtra_records = 0; /* set by the caller */
if (inode)
local->inode = inode_ref (inode);
return local;
changelog_forget (xlator_t *this, inode_t *inode)
uint64_t ctx_addr = 0;
changelog_inode_ctx_t *ctx = NULL;
inode_ctx_del (inode, this, &ctx_addr);
if (!ctx_addr)
return 0;
ctx = (changelog_inode_ctx_t *) (long) ctx_addr;
GF_FREE (ctx);
return 0;
changelog_inject_single_event (xlator_t *this,
changelog_priv_t *priv,
changelog_log_data_t *cld)
return priv->cd.dispatchfn (this, priv, priv->cd.cd_data, cld, NULL);
* TODO: these threads have many thing in common (wake up after
* a certain time etc..). move them into separate routine.
void *
changelog_rollover (void *data)
int ret = 0;
xlator_t *this = NULL;
struct timeval tv = {0,};
changelog_log_data_t cld = {0,};
changelog_time_slice_t *slice = NULL;
changelog_priv_t *priv = data;
this = priv->cr.this;
slice = &priv->slice;
while (1) {
tv.tv_sec = priv->rollover_time;
tv.tv_usec = 0;
ret = select (0, NULL, NULL, NULL, &tv);
if (ret)
ret = changelog_fill_rollover_data (&cld, _gf_false);
if (ret) {
gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR,
"failed to fill rollover data");
LOCK (&priv->lock);
ret = changelog_inject_single_event (this, priv, &cld);
if (!ret)
UNLOCK (&priv->lock);
return NULL;
void *
changelog_fsync_thread (void *data)
int ret = 0;
xlator_t *this = NULL;
struct timeval tv = {0,};
changelog_log_data_t cld = {0,};
changelog_priv_t *priv = data;
this = priv->cf.this;
cld.cld_type = CHANGELOG_TYPE_FSYNC;
while (1) {
tv.tv_sec = priv->fsync_interval;
tv.tv_usec = 0;
ret = select (0, NULL, NULL, NULL, &tv);
if (ret)
ret = changelog_inject_single_event (this, priv, &cld);
if (ret)
gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR,
"failed to inject fsync event");
return NULL;
/* macros for inode/changelog version checks */
#define INODE_VERSION_UPDATE(priv, inode, iver, slice, type) do { \
LOCK (&inode->lock); \
{ \
LOCK (&priv->lock); \
{ \
*iver = slice->changelog_version[type]; \
} \
UNLOCK (&priv->lock); \
} \
UNLOCK (&inode->lock); \
} while (0)
#define INODE_VERSION_EQUALS_SLICE(priv, ver, slice, type, upd) do { \
LOCK (&priv->lock); \
{ \
upd = (ver == slice->changelog_version[type]) \
? _gf_false : _gf_true; \
} \
UNLOCK (&priv->lock); \
} while (0)
static int
__changelog_inode_ctx_set (xlator_t *this,
inode_t *inode, changelog_inode_ctx_t *ctx)
uint64_t ctx_addr = (uint64_t) ctx;
return __inode_ctx_set (inode, this, &ctx_addr);
* one shot routine to get the address and the value of a inode version
* for a particular type.
static changelog_inode_ctx_t *
__changelog_inode_ctx_get (xlator_t *this,
inode_t *inode, unsigned long **iver,
unsigned long *version, changelog_log_type type)
int ret = 0;
uint64_t ctx_addr = 0;
changelog_inode_ctx_t *ctx = NULL;
ret = __inode_ctx_get (inode, this, &ctx_addr);
if (ret < 0)
ctx_addr = 0;
if (ctx_addr != 0) {
ctx = (changelog_inode_ctx_t *) (long)ctx_addr;
goto out;
ctx = GF_CALLOC (1, sizeof (*ctx), gf_changelog_mt_inode_ctx_t);
if (!ctx)
goto out;
ret = __changelog_inode_ctx_set (this, inode, ctx);
if (ret) {
GF_FREE (ctx);
ctx = NULL;
if (ctx && iver && version) {
*version = **iver;
return ctx;
static changelog_inode_ctx_t *
changelog_inode_ctx_get (xlator_t *this,
inode_t *inode, unsigned long **iver,
unsigned long *version, changelog_log_type type)
changelog_inode_ctx_t *ctx = NULL;
LOCK (&inode->lock);
ctx = __changelog_inode_ctx_get (this,
inode, iver, version, type);
UNLOCK (&inode->lock);
return ctx;
* This is the main update routine. Locking has been made granular so as to
* maximize parallelism of fops - I'll try to explain it below using execution
* timelines.
* Basically, the contention is between multiple execution threads of this
* routine and the roll-over thread. So, instead of having a big lock, we hold
* granular locks: inode->lock and priv->lock. Now I'll explain what happens
* when there is an update and a roll-over at just about the same time.
* - the dispatcher itself synchronizes updates via it's own lock
* - the slice version in incremented by the roll-over thread
* Case 1: When the rollover thread wins before the inode version can be
* compared with the slice version.
* [updater] | [rollover]
* |
* | <SLICE: 1, 1, 1>
* <changelog_update> |
* <changelog_inode_ctx_get> |
* <CTX: 1, 1, 1> |
* | <dispatch-rollover-event>
* | LOCK (&priv->lock)
* | <SLICE: 2, 2, 2>
* | UNLOCK (&priv->lock)
* |
* LOCK (&priv->lock) |
* I: 1 <-> S: 2 |
* update: true |
* UNLOCK (&priv->lock) |
* |
* <if update == true> |
* <dispath-update-event> |
* LOCK (&inode->lock) |
* LOCK (&priv->lock) |
* <CTX: 2, 1, 1> |
* UNLOCK (&priv->lock) |
* UNLOCK (&inode->lock) |
* Therefore, the change gets recorded in the next change (no lost change). If
* the slice version was ahead of the inode version (say I:1, S: 2), then
* anyway the comparison would result in a update (I: 1, S: 3).
* If the rollover time is too less, then there is another contention when the
* updater tries to bring up inode version to the slice version (this is also
* the case when the roll-over thread wakes up during INODE_VERSION_UPDATE.
* <CTX: 1, 1, 1> | <SLICE: 2, 2, 2>
* |
* |
* <dispath-update-event> |
* LOCK (&inode->lock) |
* LOCK (&priv->lock) |
* <CTX: 2, 1, 1> |
* UNLOCK (&priv->lock) |
* UNLOCK (&inode->lock) |
* | <dispatch-rollover-event>
* | LOCK (&priv->lock)
* | <SLICE: 3, 3, 3>
* | UNLOCK (&priv->lock)
* Case 2: When the fop thread wins
* [updater] | [rollover]
* |
* | <SLICE: 1, 1, 1>
* <changelog_update> |
* <changelog_inode_ctx_get> |
* <CTX: 0, 0, 0> |
* |
* LOCK (&priv->lock) |
* I: 0 <-> S: 1 |
* update: true |
* UNLOCK (&priv->lock) |
* | <dispatch-rollover-event>
* | LOCK (&priv->lock)
* | <SLICE: 2, 2, 2>
* | UNLOCK (&priv->lock)
* <if update == true> |
* <dispath-update-event> |
* LOCK (&inode->lock) |
* LOCK (&priv->lock) |
* <CTX: 2, 0, 0> |
* UNLOCK (&priv->lock) |
* UNLOCK (&inode->lock) |
* Here again, if the inode version was equal to the slice version (I: 1, S: 1)
* then there is no need to record an update (as the equality of the two version
* signifies an update was recorded in the current time slice).
inline void
changelog_update (xlator_t *this, changelog_priv_t *priv,
changelog_local_t *local, changelog_log_type type)
int ret = 0;
unsigned long *iver = NULL;
unsigned long version = 0;
inode_t *inode = NULL;
changelog_time_slice_t *slice = NULL;
changelog_inode_ctx_t *ctx = NULL;
changelog_log_data_t *cld_0 = NULL;
changelog_log_data_t *cld_1 = NULL;
changelog_local_t *next_local = NULL;
gf_boolean_t need_upd = _gf_true;
slice = &priv->slice;
* for fops that do not require inode version checking
if (local->update_no_check)
goto update;
inode = local->inode;
ctx = changelog_inode_ctx_get (this,
inode, &iver, &version, type);
if (!ctx)
goto update;
INODE_VERSION_EQUALS_SLICE (priv, version, slice, type, need_upd);
if (need_upd) {
cld_0 = &local->cld;
cld_0->cld_type = type;
if ( (next_local = local->prev_entry) != NULL ) {
cld_1 = &next_local->cld;
cld_1->cld_type = type;
ret = priv->cd.dispatchfn (this, priv,
priv->cd.cd_data, cld_0, cld_1);
* update after the dispatcher has successfully done
* it's job.
if (!local->update_no_check && iver && !ret)
INODE_VERSION_UPDATE (priv, inode, iver, slice, type);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat, Inc. <http://www.redhat.com>
This file is part of GlusterFS.
This file is licensed to you under your choice of the GNU Lesser
General Public License, version 3 or any later version (LGPLv3 or
later), or the GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPLv2), in all
cases as published by the Free Software Foundation.
#include "locking.h"
#include "timer.h"
#include "pthread.h"
#include "iobuf.h"
#include "changelog-misc.h"
* the changelog entry
typedef struct changelog_log_data {
/* rollover related */
unsigned long cld_roll_time;
/* reopen changelog? */
gf_boolean_t cld_finale;
changelog_log_type cld_type;
* sincd gfid is _always_ a necessity, it's not a part
* of the iobuf. by doing this we do not add any overhead
* for data and metadata related fops.
uuid_t cld_gfid;
* iobufs are used for optionals records: pargfid, path,
* write offsets etc.. It's the fop implementers job
* to allocate (iobuf_get() in the fop) and get unref'ed
* in the callback (CHANGELOG_STACK_UNWIND).
struct iobuf *cld_iobuf;
#define cld_ptr cld_iobuf->ptr
* after allocation you can point this to the length of
* usable data, but make sure it does not exceed the
* the size of the requested iobuf.
size_t cld_iobuf_len;
#define cld_ptr_len cld_iobuf_len
* number of optional records
int cld_xtra_records;
} changelog_log_data_t;
* holder for dispatch function and private data
typedef struct changelog_priv changelog_priv_t;
typedef struct changelog_dispatcher {
void *cd_data;
int (*dispatchfn) (xlator_t *, changelog_priv_t *, void *,
changelog_log_data_t *, changelog_log_data_t *);
} changelog_dispatcher_t;
struct changelog_bootstrap {
changelog_mode_t mode;
int (*ctor) (xlator_t *, changelog_dispatcher_t *);
int (*dtor) (xlator_t *, changelog_dispatcher_t *);
struct changelog_encoder {
changelog_encoder_t encoder;
int (*encode) (xlator_t *, changelog_log_data_t *);
/* xlator private */
typedef struct changelog_time_slice {
* just in case we need nanosecond granularity some day.
* field is unused as of now (maybe we'd need it later).
struct timeval tv_start;
* version of changelog file, incremented each time changes
* rollover.
unsigned long changelog_version[CHANGELOG_MAX_TYPE];
} changelog_time_slice_t;
typedef struct changelog_rollover {
/* rollover thread */
pthread_t rollover_th;
xlator_t *this;
} changelog_rollover_t;
typedef struct changelog_fsync {
/* fsync() thread */
pthread_t fsync_th;
xlator_t *this;
} changelog_fsync_t;
typedef struct changelog_notify {
/* reader end of the pipe */
int rfd;
/* notifier thread */
pthread_t notify_th;
/* unique socket path */
char sockpath[PATH_MAX];
int socket_fd;
* simple array of accept()'ed fds. Not scalable at all
* for large number of clients, but it's okay as we have
* a ahrd limit in this version (@CHANGELOG_MAX_CLIENTS).
xlator_t *this;
} changelog_notify_t;
struct changelog_priv {
gf_boolean_t active;
/* to generate unique socket file per brick */
char *changelog_brick;
/* logging directory */
char *changelog_dir;
/* one file for all changelog types */
int changelog_fd;
gf_lock_t lock;
/* writen end of the pipe */
int wfd;
/* rollover time */
int32_t rollover_time;
/* fsync() interval */
int32_t fsync_interval;
/* changelog type maps */
const char *maps[CHANGELOG_MAX_TYPE];
/* time slicer */
changelog_time_slice_t slice;
/* context of the updater */
changelog_dispatcher_t cd;
/* context of the rollover thread */
changelog_rollover_t cr;
/* context of fsync thread */
changelog_fsync_t cf;
/* context of the notifier thread */
changelog_notify_t cn;
/* operation mode */
changelog_mode_t op_mode;
/* bootstrap routine for 'current' logger */
struct changelog_bootstrap *cb;
/* encoder mode */
changelog_encoder_t encode_mode;
/* encoder */
struct changelog_encoder *ce;
struct changelog_local {
inode_t *inode;
gf_boolean_t update_no_check;
changelog_log_data_t cld;
* ->prev_entry is used in cases when there needs to be
* additional changelog entry for the parent (eg. rename)
* It's analogous to ->next in single linked list world,
* but we call it as ->prev_entry... ha ha ha
struct changelog_local *prev_entry;
typedef struct changelog_local changelog_local_t;
/* inode version is stored in inode ctx */
typedef struct changelog_inode_ctx {
unsigned long iversion[CHANGELOG_MAX_TYPE];
} changelog_inode_ctx_t;
#define CHANGELOG_INODE_VERSION_TYPE(ctx, type) &(ctx->iversion[type])
* Optional Records:
* fops that need to save additional information request a array of
* @changelog_opt_t struct. The array is allocated via @iobufs.
typedef enum {
} changelog_optional_rec_type_t;
struct changelog_entry_fields {
uuid_t cef_uuid;
char *cef_bname;
typedef struct {
* @co_covert can be used to do post-processing of the record before
* it's persisted to the CHANGELOG. If this is NULL, then the record
* is persisted as per it's in memory format.
size_t (*co_convert) (void *data, char *buffer, gf_boolean_t encode);
/* release routines */
void (*co_free) (void *data);
/* type of the field */
changelog_optional_rec_type_t co_type;
* sizeof of the 'valid' field in the union. This field is not used if
* @co_convert is specified.
size_t co_len;
union {
glusterfs_fop_t co_fop;
struct changelog_entry_fields co_entry;
} changelog_opt_t;
#define CHANGELOG_OPT_RECORD_LEN sizeof (changelog_opt_t)
* helpers routines
changelog_thread_cleanup (xlator_t *this, pthread_t thr_id);
inline void *
changelog_get_usable_buffer (changelog_local_t *local);
inline void
changelog_set_usable_record_and_length (changelog_local_t *local,
size_t len, int xr);
changelog_local_cleanup (xlator_t *xl, changelog_local_t *local);
changelog_local_t *
changelog_local_init (xlator_t *this, inode_t *inode, uuid_t gfid,
int xtra_records, gf_boolean_t update_flag);
changelog_start_next_change (xlator_t *this,
changelog_priv_t *priv,
unsigned long ts, gf_boolean_t finale);
changelog_open (xlator_t *this, changelog_priv_t *priv);
changelog_fill_rollover_data (changelog_log_data_t *cld, gf_boolean_t is_last);
changelog_inject_single_event (xlator_t *this,
changelog_priv_t *priv,
changelog_log_data_t *cld);
inline size_t
changelog_entry_length ();
inline int
changelog_write (int fd, char *buffer, size_t len);
changelog_write_change (changelog_priv_t *priv, char *buffer, size_t len);
inline int
changelog_handle_change (xlator_t *this,
changelog_priv_t *priv, changelog_log_data_t *cld);
inline void
changelog_update (xlator_t *this, changelog_priv_t *priv,
changelog_local_t *local, changelog_log_type type);
void *
changelog_rollover (void *data);
void *
changelog_fsync_thread (void *data);
changelog_forget (xlator_t *this, inode_t *inode);
/* macros */
#define CHANGELOG_STACK_UNWIND(fop, frame, params ...) do { \
changelog_local_t *__local = NULL; \
xlator_t *__xl = NULL; \
if (frame) { \
__local = frame->local; \
__xl = frame->this; \
frame->local = NULL; \
} \
STACK_UNWIND_STRICT (fop, frame, params); \
changelog_local_cleanup (__xl, __local); \
if (__local && __local->prev_entry) \
changelog_local_cleanup (__xl, \
__local->prev_entry); \
} while (0)
#define CHANGELOG_IOBUF_REF(iobuf) do { \
if (iobuf) \
iobuf_ref (iobuf); \
} while (0)
#define CHANGELOG_IOBUF_UNREF(iobuf) do { \
if (iobuf) \
iobuf_unref (iobuf); \
} while (0)
#define CHANGELOG_FILL_BUFFER(buffer, off, val, len) do { \
memcpy (buffer + off, val, len); \
off += len; \
} while (0)
#define SLICE_VERSION_UPDATE(slice) do { \
int i = 0; \
for (; i < CHANGELOG_MAX_TYPE; i++) { \
slice->changelog_version[i]++; \
} \
} while (0)
#define CHANGLOG_FILL_FOP_NUMBER(co, fop, converter, xlen) do { \
co->co_convert = converter; \
co->co_free = NULL; \
co->co_type = CHANGELOG_OPT_REC_FOP; \
co->co_fop = fop; \
xlen += sizeof (fop); \
} while (0)
#define CHANGELOG_FILL_ENTRY(co, pargfid, bname, \
converter, freefn, xlen, label) \
do { \
co->co_convert = converter; \
co->co_free = freefn; \
co->co_type = CHANGELOG_OPT_REC_ENTRY; \
uuid_copy (co->co_entry.cef_uuid, pargfid); \
co->co_entry.cef_bname = gf_strdup(bname); \
if (!co->co_entry.cef_bname) \
goto label; \
xlen += (UUID_CANONICAL_FORM_LEN + strlen (bname)); \
} while (0)
#define CHANGELOG_INIT(this, local, inode, gfid, xrec) \
local = changelog_local_init (this, inode, gfid, xrec, _gf_false)
#define CHANGELOG_INIT_NOCHECK(this, local, inode, gfid, xrec) \
local = changelog_local_init (this, inode, gfid, xrec, _gf_true)
#define CHANGELOG_NOT_ACTIVE_THEN_GOTO(priv, label) do { \
if (!priv->active) \
goto label; \
} while (0)
#define CHANGELOG_COND_GOTO(priv, cond, label) do { \
if (!priv->active || cond) \
goto label; \
} while (0)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat, Inc. <http://www.redhat.com>
This file is part of GlusterFS.
This file is licensed to you under your choice of the GNU Lesser
General Public License, version 3 or any later version (LGPLv3 or
later), or the GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPLv2), in all
cases as published by the Free Software Foundation.
#include "mem-types.h"
enum gf_changelog_mem_types {
gf_changelog_mt_priv_t = gf_common_mt_end + 1,
gf_changelog_mt_str_t = gf_common_mt_end + 2,
gf_changelog_mt_batch_t = gf_common_mt_end + 3,
gf_changelog_mt_rt_t = gf_common_mt_end + 4,
gf_changelog_mt_inode_ctx_t = gf_common_mt_end + 5,
gf_changelog_mt_libgfchangelog_t = gf_common_mt_end + 6,
gf_changelog_mt_libgfchangelog_rl_t = gf_common_mt_end + 7,
gf_changelog_mt_libgfchangelog_dirent_t = gf_common_mt_end + 8,
gf_changelog_mt_changelog_buffer_t = gf_common_mt_end + 9,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat, Inc. <http://www.redhat.com>
This file is part of GlusterFS.
This file is licensed to you under your choice of the GNU Lesser
General Public License, version 3 or any later version (LGPLv3 or
later), or the GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPLv2), in all
cases as published by the Free Software Foundation.
#include "glusterfs.h"
#include "common-utils.h"
* header starts with the version and the format of the changelog.
* 'version' not much of a use now.
"GlusterFS Changelog | version: v%d.%d | encoding : %d\n"
#define CHANGELOG_MAKE_SOCKET_PATH(brick_path, sockpath, len) do { \
char md5_sum[MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH*2+1] = {0,}; \
md5_wrapper((unsigned char *) brick_path, \
strlen(brick_path), \
md5_sum); \
(void) snprintf (sockpath, len, \
} while (0)
* ... used by libgfchangelog.
#define CHANGELOG_GET_ENCODING(fd, buffer, len, enc, enc_len) do { \
FILE *fp; \
int fd_dup, maj, min; \
enc = -1; \
fd_dup = dup (fd); \
if (fd_dup != -1) { \
fp = fdopen (fd_dup, "r"); \
if (fp) { \
if (fgets (buffer, len, fp)) { \
elen = strlen (buffer); \
sscanf (buffer, \
&maj, &min, &enc); \
} \
fclose (fp); \
} else { \
close (fd_dup); \
} \
} \
} while (0)
* everything after 'CHANGELOG_TYPE_ENTRY' are internal types
* (ie. none of the fops trigger this type of event), hence
typedef enum {
} changelog_log_type;
/* operation modes - RT for now */
typedef enum {
} changelog_mode_t;
/* encoder types */
typedef enum {
} changelog_encoder_t;
#endif /* _CHANGELOG_MISC_H */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat, Inc. <http://www.redhat.com>
This file is part of GlusterFS.
This file is licensed to you under your choice of the GNU Lesser
General Public License, version 3 or any later version (LGPLv3 or
later), or the GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPLv2), in all
cases as published by the Free Software Foundation.
#include "changelog-notifier.h"
#include <pthread.h>
inline static void
changelog_notify_clear_fd (changelog_notify_t *cn, int i)
cn->client_fd[i] = -1;
inline static void
changelog_notify_save_fd (changelog_notify_t *cn, int i, int fd)
cn->client_fd[i] = fd;
static int
changelog_notify_insert_fd (xlator_t *this, changelog_notify_t *cn, int fd)
int i = 0;
int ret = 0;
for (; i < CHANGELOG_MAX_CLIENTS; i++) {
if (cn->client_fd[i] == -1)
* this case should not be hit as listen() would limit
* the number of completely established connections.
gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_WARNING,
"hit max client limit (%d)", CHANGELOG_MAX_CLIENTS);
ret = -1;
changelog_notify_save_fd (cn, i, fd);
return ret;
static void
changelog_notify_fill_rset (changelog_notify_t *cn, fd_set *rset, int *maxfd)
int i = 0;
FD_ZERO (rset);
FD_SET (cn->socket_fd, rset);
*maxfd = cn->socket_fd;
FD_SET (cn->rfd, rset);
*maxfd = max (*maxfd, cn->rfd);
for (; i < CHANGELOG_MAX_CLIENTS; i++) {
if (cn->client_fd[i] != -1) {
FD_SET (cn->client_fd[i], rset);
*maxfd = max (*maxfd, cn->client_fd[i]);
*maxfd = *maxfd + 1;
static int
changelog_notify_client (changelog_notify_t *cn, char *path, ssize_t len)
int i = 0;
int ret = 0;
for (; i < CHANGELOG_MAX_CLIENTS; i++) {
if (cn->client_fd[i] == -1)
if (changelog_write (cn->client_fd[i],
path, len)) {
ret = -1;
close (cn->client_fd[i]);
changelog_notify_clear_fd (cn, i);
return ret;
static void
changelog_notifier_init (changelog_notify_t *cn)
int i = 0;
cn->socket_fd = -1;
for (; i < CHANGELOG_MAX_CLIENTS; i++) {
changelog_notify_clear_fd (cn, i);
static void
changelog_close_client_conn (changelog_notify_t *cn)
int i = 0;
for (; i < CHANGELOG_MAX_CLIENTS; i++) {
if (cn->client_fd[i] == -1)
close (cn->client_fd[i]);
changelog_notify_clear_fd (cn, i);
static void
changelog_notifier_cleanup (void *arg)
changelog_notify_t *cn = NULL;
cn = (changelog_notify_t *) arg;
changelog_close_client_conn (cn);
if (cn->socket_fd != -1)
close (cn->socket_fd);
if (cn->rfd)
close (cn->rfd);
if (unlink (cn->sockpath))
gf_log ("", GF_LOG_WARNING,
"could not unlink changelog socket file"
" %s (reason: %s", cn->sockpath, strerror (errno));
void *
changelog_notifier (void *data)
int i = 0;
int fd = 0;
int max_fd = 0;
int len = 0;
ssize_t readlen = 0;
xlator_t *this = NULL;
changelog_priv_t *priv = NULL;
changelog_notify_t *cn = NULL;
struct sockaddr_un local = {0,};
char path[PATH_MAX] = {0,};
char abspath[PATH_MAX] = {0,};
char buffer;
fd_set rset;
priv = (changelog_priv_t *) data;
cn = &priv->cn;
this = cn->this;
pthread_cleanup_push (changelog_notifier_cleanup, cn);
changelog_notifier_init (cn);
cn->socket_fd = socket (AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
if (cn->socket_fd < 0) {
gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR,
"changelog socket error (reason: %s)",
strerror (errno));
goto out;
CHANGELOG_MAKE_SOCKET_PATH (priv->changelog_brick,
cn->sockpath, PATH_MAX);
if (unlink (cn->sockpath) < 0) {
if (errno != ENOENT) {
gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR,
"Could not unlink changelog socket file (%s)"
" (reason: %s)",
CHANGELOG_UNIX_SOCK, strerror (errno));
goto cleanup;
local.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
strcpy (local.sun_path, cn->sockpath);
len = strlen (local.sun_path) + sizeof (local.sun_family);
/* bind to the unix domain socket */
if (bind (cn->socket_fd, (struct sockaddr *) &local, len) < 0) {
gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR,
"Could not bind to changelog socket (reason: %s)",
strerror (errno));
goto cleanup;
/* listen for incoming connections */
if (listen (cn->socket_fd, CHANGELOG_MAX_CLIENTS) < 0) {
gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR,
"listen() error on changelog socket (reason: %s)",
strerror (errno));
goto cleanup;
* simple select() on all to-be-read file descriptors. This method
* though old school works pretty well when you have a handfull of
* fd's to be watched (clients).
* Future TODO: move this to epoll based notification facility if
* number of clients increase.
for (;;) {
changelog_notify_fill_rset (cn, &rset, &max_fd);
if (select (max_fd, &rset, NULL, NULL, NULL) < 0) {
gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR,
"select() returned -1 (reason: %s)",
strerror (errno));
sleep (2);
if (FD_ISSET (cn->socket_fd, &rset)) {
fd = accept (cn->socket_fd, NULL, NULL);
if (fd < 0) {
gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR,
"accept error on changelog socket"
" (reason: %s)", strerror (errno));
} else if (changelog_notify_insert_fd (this, cn, fd)) {
gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR,
"hit max client limit");
if (FD_ISSET (cn->rfd, &rset)) {
* read changelog filename and notify all connected
* clients.
readlen = 0;
while (readlen < PATH_MAX) {
len = read (cn->rfd, &path[readlen++], 1);
if (len == -1) {
if (len == 0) {
gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR,
"rollover thread sent EOF"
" on pipe - possibly a crash.");
/* be blunt and close all connections */
if (path[readlen - 1] == '\0')
/* should we close all client connections here too? */
if (len < 0 || readlen == PATH_MAX) {
gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR,
"Could not get pathname from rollover"
" thread or pathname too long");
goto process_rest;
(void) snprintf (abspath, PATH_MAX,
"%s/%s", priv->changelog_dir, path);
if (changelog_notify_client (cn, abspath,
strlen (abspath) + 1))
gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR,
"could not notify some clients with new"
" changelogs");
for (i = 0; i < CHANGELOG_MAX_CLIENTS; i++) {
if ( (fd = cn->client_fd[i]) == -1 )
if (FD_ISSET (fd, &rset)) {
* the only data we accept from the client is a
* disconnect. Anything else is treated as bogus
* and is silently discarded (also warned!!!).
if ( (readlen = read (fd, &buffer, 1)) <= 0 ) {
close (fd);
changelog_notify_clear_fd (cn, i);
} else {
/* silently discard data and log */
gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_WARNING,
"misbehaving changelog client");
pthread_cleanup_pop (1);
return NULL;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat, Inc. <http://www.redhat.com>
This file is part of GlusterFS.
This file is licensed to you under your choice of the GNU Lesser
General Public License, version 3 or any later version (LGPLv3 or
later), or the GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPLv2), in all
cases as published by the Free Software Foundation.
#include "changelog-helpers.h"
void *
changelog_notifier (void *data);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat, Inc. <http://www.redhat.com>
This file is part of GlusterFS.
This file is licensed to you under your choice of the GNU Lesser
General Public License, version 3 or any later version (LGPLv3 or
later), or the GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPLv2), in all
cases as published by the Free Software Foundation.
#ifndef _CONFIG_H
#define _CONFIG_H
#include "config.h"
#include "xlator.h"
#include "defaults.h"
#include "logging.h"
#include "changelog-rt.h"
#include "changelog-mem-types.h"
changelog_rt_init (xlator_t *this, changelog_dispatcher_t *cd)
changelog_rt_t *crt = NULL;
crt = GF_CALLOC (1, sizeof (*crt),
if (!crt)
return -1;
LOCK_INIT (&crt->lock);
cd->cd_data = crt;
cd->dispatchfn = &changelog_rt_enqueue;
return 0;
changelog_rt_fini (xlator_t *this, changelog_dispatcher_t *cd)
changelog_rt_t *crt = NULL;
crt = cd->cd_data;
LOCK_DESTROY (&crt->lock);
GF_FREE (crt);
return 0;
changelog_rt_enqueue (xlator_t *this, changelog_priv_t *priv, void *cbatch,
changelog_log_data_t *cld_0, changelog_log_data_t *cld_1)
int ret = 0;
changelog_rt_t *crt = NULL;
crt = (changelog_rt_t *) cbatch;
LOCK (&crt->lock);
ret = changelog_handle_change (this, priv, cld_0);
if (!ret && cld_1)
ret = changelog_handle_change (this, priv, cld_1);
UNLOCK (&crt->lock);
return ret;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat, Inc. <http://www.redhat.com>
This file is part of GlusterFS.
This file is licensed to you under your choice of the GNU Lesser
General Public License, version 3 or any later version (LGPLv3 or
later), or the GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPLv2), in all
cases as published by the Free Software Foundation.
#include "locking.h"
#include "timer.h"
#include "pthread.h"
#include "changelog-helpers.h"
/* unused as of now - may be you would need it later */
typedef struct changelog_rt {
gf_lock_t lock;
} changelog_rt_t;
changelog_rt_init (xlator_t *this, changelog_dispatcher_t *cd);
changelog_rt_fini (xlator_t *this, changelog_dispatcher_t *cd);
changelog_rt_enqueue (xlator_t *this, changelog_priv_t *priv, void *cbatch,
changelog_log_data_t *cld_0, changelog_log_data_t *cld_1);
#endif /* _CHANGELOG_RT_H */

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
syncdaemondir = $(libexecdir)/glusterfs/python/syncdaemon
syncdaemon_PYTHON = gconf.py gsyncd.py __init__.py master.py README.md repce.py resource.py configinterface.py syncdutils.py monitor.py libcxattr.py \
syncdaemon_PYTHON = gconf.py gsyncd.py __init__.py master.py README.md repce.py \
resource.py configinterface.py syncdutils.py monitor.py libcxattr.py \

View File

@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
#define _CONFIG_H
#include "config.h"
#include <openssl/md5.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include "globals.h"
@ -88,16 +87,6 @@ gd_peer_uuid_str (glusterd_peerinfo_t *peerinfo)
return peerinfo->uuid_str;
static void
md5_wrapper(const unsigned char *data, size_t len, char *md5)
unsigned short i = 0;
unsigned short lim = MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH*2+1;
unsigned char scratch[MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH] = {0,};
MD5(data, len, scratch);
for (; i < MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH; i++)
snprintf(md5 + i * 2, lim-i*2, "%02x", scratch[i]);
glusterd_get_lock_owner (uuid_t *uuid)

View File

@ -1422,6 +1422,7 @@ server_graph_builder (volgen_graph_t *graph, glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo,
char *vgname = NULL;
char *vg = NULL;
glusterd_brickinfo_t *brickinfo = NULL;
char changelog_basepath[PATH_MAX] = {0,};
brickinfo = param;
path = brickinfo->path;
@ -1481,6 +1482,25 @@ server_graph_builder (volgen_graph_t *graph, glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo,
if (ret)
return -1;
xl = volgen_graph_add (graph, "features/changelog", volname);
if (!xl)
return -1;
ret = xlator_set_option (xl, "changelog-brick", path);
if (ret)
return -1;
snprintf (changelog_basepath, sizeof (changelog_basepath),
"%s/%s", path, ".glusterfs/changelogs");
ret = xlator_set_option (xl, "changelog-dir", changelog_basepath);
if (ret)
return -1;
ret = check_and_add_debug_xl (graph, set_dict, volname, "changelog");
if (ret)
return -1;
xl = volgen_graph_add (graph, "features/access-control", volname);
if (!xl)
return -1;

View File

@ -1240,6 +1240,32 @@ struct volopt_map_entry glusterd_volopt_map[] = {
.value = "0",
.op_version = 2
/* changelog translator - global tunables */
{ .key = "changelog.changelog",
.voltype = "features/changelog",
.type = NO_DOC,
.op_version = 2
{ .key = "changelog.changelog-dir",
.voltype = "features/changelog",
.type = NO_DOC,
.op_version = 2
{ .key = "changelog.encoding",
.voltype = "features/changelog",
.type = NO_DOC,
.op_version = 2
{ .key = "changelog.rollover-time",
.voltype = "features/changelog",
.type = NO_DOC,
.op_version = 2
{ .key = "changelog.fsync-interval",
.voltype = "features/changelog",
.type = NO_DOC,
.op_version = 2
{ .key = NULL