Tests: trash.t portability fixes
Fix various portability problems in trash.t - work around timing issues - avoid wildcard usage only supported by bash Original patch from Anoop C S and Jiffin Tony Thottan. Removed LONGER_HEAL_TIMEOUT from previous patch as it seems to run fine without it now. BUG: 1129939 Change-Id: I0f6f484209ef4db7e0a7b733b863927cb248e73e Signed-off-by: Emmanuel Dreyfus <manu@netbsd.org> Reviewed-on: http://review.gluster.org/10327 Reviewed-by: Anoop C S <achiraya@redhat.com> Reviewed-by: Vijay Bellur <vbellur@redhat.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -7,7 +7,11 @@ cleanup
test_mount() {
glusterfs -s $H0 --volfile-id $V0 $M0 --attribute-timeout=0
test -d $M0/.trashcan
while [ $timeout -lt $PROCESS_UP_TIMEOUT ] ; do
timeout=$(( $timeout + 1 ))
test -d $M0/.trashcan && break
start_vol() {
@ -15,19 +19,22 @@ start_vol() {
stop_vol() {
umount $M0
$CLI volume stop $V0
create_files() {
echo 'Hi' > $1
echo 'Hai' > $2
file_exists() {
test -e $B0/${V0}1/$1 -o -e $B0/${V0}2/$1
test -e $B0/${V0}1/$2 -o -e $B0/${V0}2/$2
file_exists () {
for file in `ls $B0/${vol}1/$@ 2> /dev/null` ; do
test -e ${file} && return 0
for file in `ls $B0/${vol}2/$@ 2> /dev/null` ; do
test -e ${file} && return 0
return 1
unlink_op() {
@ -37,29 +44,37 @@ unlink_op() {
sleep 2
test ! -e $M0/$1
test -e $M0/.trashcan/$1*
wildcard_exists $M0/.trashcan/$1*
# remove from trashcan
rm -f $M0/.trashcan/$1*
test ! -e $M0/.trashcan/$1*
wildcard_not_exists $M0/.trashcan/$1*
truncate_op() {
truncate -s 2 $M0/$1
ls $M0/.trashcan/1/2/3 &> /dev/null
sleep 2
test -e $M0/$1
test $(ls -l $M0/$1 | awk '{print $5}') -eq 2 &>/dev/null
test -e $M0/.trashcan/$1*
test $(ls -l $M0/.trashcan/$1*|awk '{print $5}') -eq $2 &>/dev/null
test $(ls -l $M0/$1 | awk '{print $5}') -eq 2 &> /dev/null
wildcard_exists $M0/.trashcan/$1*
test $(ls -l $M0/.trashcan/$1*|awk '{print $5}') -eq $2 &> /dev/null
# truncate from trashcan
truncate -s 1 $M0/.trashcan/$1*
test $(ls $M0/.trashcan/$1* | wc -l) -eq 1
wildcard_exists() {
test -e $1
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "Y"; else echo "N"; fi
wildcard_not_exists() {
test ! -e $1
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "Y"; else echo "N"; fi
# testing glusterd [1-3]
TEST glusterd
@ -85,7 +100,7 @@ EXPECT 'on' volinfo_field $V0 'features.trash'
# files directly under mount point [13]
create_files $M0/file1 $M0/file2
TEST file_exists file1 file2
TEST file_exists $V0 file1 file2
# perform unlink [14]
TEST unlink_op file1
@ -96,7 +111,7 @@ TEST truncate_op file2 4
# create files directory hierarchy and check [16]
mkdir -p $M0/1/2/3
create_files $M0/1/2/3/foo1 $M0/1/2/3/foo2
TEST file_exists 1/2/3/foo1 1/2/3/foo2
TEST file_exists $V0 1/2/3/foo1 1/2/3/foo2
# perform unlink [17]
TEST unlink_op 1/2/3/foo1
@ -113,17 +128,17 @@ EXPECT '/a' volinfo_field $V0 'features.trash-eliminate-path'
# create two files and check [21]
create_files $M0/a/test1 $M0/a/test2
TEST file_exists a/test1 a/test2
TEST file_exists $V0 a/test1 a/test2
# remove from eliminate pattern [22]
rm -f $M0/a/test1
TEST [ ! -e $M0/.trashcan/a/test1* ]
EXPECT "Y" wildcard_not_exists $M0/.trashcan/a/test1*
# truncate from eliminate path [23-25]
truncate -s 2 $M0/a/test2
TEST [ -e $M0/a/test2 ]
TEST [ `ls -l $M0/a/test2 | awk '{print $5}'` -eq 2 ]
TEST [ ! -e $M0/.trashcan/a/test2* ]
EXPECT "Y" wildcard_not_exists $M0/.trashcan/a/test2*
# set internal op on [26-27]
TEST $CLI volume set $V0 features.trash-internal-op on
@ -131,7 +146,7 @@ EXPECT 'on' volinfo_field $V0 'features.trash-internal-op'
# again create two files and check [28]
create_files $M0/inop1 $M0/inop2
TEST file_exists inop1 inop2
TEST file_exists $V0 inop1 inop2
# perform unlink [29]
TEST unlink_op inop1
@ -139,43 +154,44 @@ TEST unlink_op inop1
# perform truncate [30]
TEST truncate_op inop2 4
# remove one brick and restart the volume [31-33]
# remove one brick and restart the volume [31-34]
TEST $CLI volume remove-brick $V0 $H0:$B0/${V0}2 force
TEST stop_vol
TEST $CLI volume stop $V0
TEST start_vol
# again create two files and check [34]
create_files $M0/rebal1 $M0/rebal2
TEST file_exists rebal1 rebal2
# add one brick [35-36]
# again create two files and check [35]
create_files $M0/rebal1 $M0/rebal2
TEST file_exists $V0 rebal1 rebal2
# add one brick [36-37]
TEST $CLI volume add-brick $V0 $H0:$B0/${V0}3
TEST [ -d $B0/${V0}3 ]
# perform rebalance [37]
# perform rebalance [38]
TEST $CLI volume rebalance $V0 start force
sleep 3
# check whether rebalance was succesful [38-40]
# check whether rebalance was succesful [39-42]
TEST [ -e $B0/${V0}3/rebal2 ]
TEST [ -e $B0/${V0}1/.trashcan/internal_op/rebal2* ]
TEST stop_vol
EXPECT "Y" wildcard_exists $B0/${V0}1/.trashcan/internal_op/rebal2*
TEST $CLI volume stop $V0
# create a replicated volume [41]
# create a replicated volume [43]
TEST $CLI volume create $V1 replica 2 $H0:$B0/${V1}{1,2}
# checking volume status [42-45]
# checking volume status [44-47]
EXPECT "$V1" volinfo_field $V1 'Volume Name'
EXPECT 'Replicate' volinfo_field $V1 'Type'
EXPECT 'Created' volinfo_field $V1 'Status'
EXPECT '2' brick_count $V1
# enable trash with options and start the replicate volume by disabling automatic self-heal [46-52]
# enable trash with options and start the replicate volume by disabling automatic self-heal [48-52]
TEST $CLI volume set $V1 features.trash on
TEST $CLI volume set $V1 features.trash-internal-op on
TEST $CLI volume set $V1 cluster.self-heal-daemon off
EXPECT 'on' volinfo_field $V1 'features.trash'
EXPECT 'on' volinfo_field $V1 'features.trash-internal-op'
EXPECT 'off' volinfo_field $V1 'cluster.self-heal-daemon'
TEST $CLI volume start $V1
# mount and check for trash directory [53]
@ -186,28 +202,28 @@ TEST [ -d $M1/.trashcan/internal_op ]
touch $M1/self
TEST [ -e $B0/${V1}1/self -a -e $B0/${V1}2/self ]
# kill one brick and delete the file from mount point [55]
kill `ps aux| grep glusterfsd | awk '{print $2}' | head -1`
sleep 2
# kill one brick and delete the file from mount point [55-56]
kill_brick $V1 $H0 $B0/${V1}1
EXPECT_WITHIN ${PROCESS_UP_TIMEOUT} "1" online_brick_count
rm -f $M1/self
TEST [ -e $M1/.trashcan/self* ]
EXPECT "Y" wildcard_exists $B0/${V1}2/.trashcan/self*
# force start the volume and trigger the self-heal manually [56]
# force start the volume and trigger the self-heal manually [57-59]
TEST $CLI volume start $V1 force
sleep 3
EXPECT_WITHIN $PROCESS_UP_TIMEOUT "Y" glustershd_up_status
TEST $CLI volume heal $V1
# check for the removed file in trashcan [57]
TEST [ -e $B0/${V1}1/.trashcan/internal_op/self* -o -e $B0/${V1}2/.trashcan/internal_op/self* ]
# check for the removed file in trashcan [60]
EXPECT_WITHIN $HEAL_TIMEOUT "Y" wildcard_exists $B0/${V1}1/.trashcan/internal_op/self*
# check renaming of trash directory through cli [58-62]
# check renaming of trash directory through cli [61-65]
TEST $CLI volume set $V0 trash-dir abc
TEST $CLI volume start $V0
TEST glusterfs -s $H0 --volfile-id $V0 $M0 --attribute-timeout=0
TEST [ -e $M0/abc -a ! -e $M0/.trashcan ]
TEST [ -e $B0/${V0}1/abc/internal_op/rebal2* ]
sleep 2
EXPECT "Y" wildcard_exists $B0/${V0}1/abc/internal_op/rebal2*
# ensure that rename and delete operation on trash directory fails [63-65]
# ensure that rename and delete operation on trash directory fails [66-68]
rm -rf $M0/abc/internal_op
TEST [ -e $M0/abc/internal_op ]
rm -rf $M0/abc/
Reference in New Issue
Block a user