extras/volgen: Volgen patchset

-- Supports NFS Translator.
-- Consolidated common API's into Common.py.
-- Removed unused CreateBooster.py.
-- Added code for "--add-server" for dynamic volumes.
   Currently its commented out we will use it when needed.
-- No more options hiding in background anymore. All options
   specified for each translator are commented and exposed.
   Only necessary values are  enabled. This is done due to
   necessary cleanup of unwanted options by exposing them.
   PENDING: "replicate" translator
-- Quota is disabled for native NFS on client side.
   Only server side quota can be used as of now.
-- Additional code cleanup.

Signed-off-by: Harshavardhana <harsha@gluster.com>
Signed-off-by: Anand V. Avati <avati@dev.gluster.com>

BUG: 822 (Volgen changes supporting NFS)
URL: http://bugs.gluster.com/cgi-bin/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=822
This commit is contained in:
Harshavardhana 2010-04-14 20:20:38 +00:00 committed by Anand V. Avati
parent 7c7bafa3b1
commit bf18a37a1b
5 changed files with 237 additions and 317 deletions

extras/volgen/Common.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
import os, sys, re, string
def check_duplicate_entry(args):
"""Check duplicate entries in incoming arguments"""
_tmp = []
for server in args:
if server not in _tmp:
_tmp.append (server)
print "Duplicate arguments detected (%s)" % server
raise ValueError
def args2dict(args):
keyvalue = {}
for arg in args:
if int(arg.find(':')) == -1:
first = arg.split(':')[0]
keyvalue[first] = []
for arg in args:
if int(arg.find(':')) == -1:
first = arg.split(':')[0]
if arg.split(':')[1] not in keyvalue[first]:
if arg.split(':')[1][0] != '/':
print "Absolute export path required for %s" % arg
raise ValueError
keyvalue[first].append (arg.split(':')[1])
return keyvalue
def args2array(args):
array = []
for arg in args:
if int(arg.find(':')) == -1:
return array
def list_export_vols(configdir, volumename):
list_export = []
if os.path.isdir(configdir):
for line in os.listdir(configdir):
if re.match(r'[a-zA-Z0-9_]\S+%s-export.vol' % volumename, line):
return list_export
def get_old_server_args(exports, configdir):
list_args = []
for export in exports:
array = gfParser("%s/%s" % (configdir, export))
for dt in array:
if dt.has_key('option'):
if re.match("\w+tory", dt['option']):
list_args.append(export.split('-')[0] + ":" + dt['option'].split()[1])
return list_args
def gfParser (volfile):
volfile_rl = open (volfile).readlines()
volume_array = []
for line in volfile_rl:
line = line.strip()
volfile_dict = {}
if re.match(r"[a-zA-Z0-9_]+", line):
volfile_dict[line.split()[0]] = string.join (line.split()[1:], ' ') if line.split() > 1 else " "
return volume_array

View File

@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Gluster, Inc. <http://www.gluster.com>
# This file is part of GlusterFS.
# GlusterFS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License,
# or (at your option) any later version.
# GlusterFS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see
# <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
GLUSTERFS_UNFS3_EXPORTS = "boosterexports"
GLUSTERFS_CIFS_CONFIG = "boostersmb.conf"
LOGDIR = "/var/log/glusterfs"
fstype = "glusterfs"
class CreateBooster:
def __init__ (self, options, transports):
self.volume_name = options.volume_name
self.need_nfs = options.need_nfs
self.need_cifs = options.need_cifs
self.username = options.cifs_username
self.enable_guest = options.enable_guest
self.conf_dir = options.conf_dir
self.transports = transports
def configure_booster_fstab (self):
_fstab = ""
_options = ""
_options_log = ""
_options_ext = ""
if self.conf_dir:
booster_fstab_fd = file ("%s/%s" % (str(self.conf_dir),
booster_fstab_fd = file (GLUSTERFS_BOOSTER_FSTAB, "a")
if self.need_nfs:
for transport in self.transports:
if self.conf_dir:
_fstab = "%s/%s-%s.vol %s" % (str(self.conf_dir),
str("/nfs/" +
_fstab = "%s-%s.vol %s" % (self.volume_name,
str("/nfs/" +
_options = "%s" % fstype
_options_log = "logfile=%s/%s-nfs.log" % (LOGDIR, self.volume_name)
_options_ext = "loglevel=ERROR,attr_timeout=0"
booster_fstab_fd.write ("%s %s %s,%s\n" %
if self.need_cifs:
for transport in self.transports:
if self.conf_dir:
_fstab = "%s/%s-%s.vol %s" % (self.conf_dir,
str("/cifs/" +
_fstab = "%s-%s.vol %s" % (self.volume_name,
str("/cifs/" +
_options = "%s" % fstype
_options_log = "logfile=%s/%s-cifs.log" % (LOGDIR, self.volume_name)
_options_ext = "loglevel=ERROR,attr_timeout=0"
booster_fstab_fd.write ("%s %s %s,%s\n" %
def configure_nfs_booster (self):
if self.conf_dir:
nfs_exports_fd = file ("%s/%s" % (str(self.conf_dir),
nfs_exports_fd = file (GLUSTERFS_UNFS3_EXPORTS, "a")
nfs_exports_fd.write ("%s,no_root_squash)\n" %
str("/nfs/" + self.volume_name))
def configure_cifs_booster (self):
if self.conf_dir:
cifs_config_fd = file ("%s/%s" % (str(self.conf_dir),
cifs_config_fd = file (GLUSTERFS_CIFS_CONFIG, "a")
cifs_config_fd.write ("[%s]\n" % self.volume_name)
cifs_config_fd.write ("comment = %s volume served by Gluster\n" %
cifs_config_fd.write ("path = %s\n" % str("/cifs/" + self.volume_name))
if self.enable_guest:
cifs_config_fd.write ("guest ok = yes\n")
cifs_config_fd.write ("public = yes\n")
cifs_config_fd.write ("writable = yes\n")
cifs_config_fd.write ("users = %s\n" % self.username)
def configure_booster (self):
if self.need_nfs:
print "Generating booster configuration for NFS reexport"
if self.need_cifs:
print "Generating booster configuration for CIFS reexport"

View File

@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
# <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import os, sys, string
import subprocess
num_replica = 2
num_stripe = 4
@ -38,33 +37,25 @@ class CreateVolfile:
self.auth_parameters = options.auth_param
self.raid_type = options.raid_type
self.ib_devport = options.ib_dev
self.num_servers = len (self.host_dict.keys())
self.conf_dir = options.conf_dir
self.host_array = server_array
self.unused = options.unused
self.debug = options.debug
self.enable_safe_mode = options.enable_safe_mode
self.volume_size_server = options.size_server
self.volume_size_client = options.size_client
self.nfs = options.need_nfs
def create_mount_volfile (self):
raid_type = self.raid_type
if self.conf_dir:
mount_fd = file ("%s/%s-%s.vol" % (self.conf_dir,
str(self.transport)), "w")
mount_fd = file ("%s-%s.vol" % (str(self.volume_name),
str(self.transport)), "w")
print "Generating client volfiles.. for transport '%s'" % (self.transport)
mount_volfile = "%s/%s-%s.vol" % (self.conf_dir, str(self.volume_name), str(self.transport))
mount_fd = file ("%s" % (mount_volfile), "w")
print "Generating client volfiles.. '%s'" % mount_volfile
cmdline = string.join (sys.argv, ' ')
mount_fd.write ("## file auto generated by %s (mount.vol)\n" %
mount_fd.write ("## file auto generated by %s\n" % sys.argv[0])
mount_fd.write ("# Cmd line:\n")
mount_fd.write ("# $ %s\n\n" % cmdline)
@ -81,7 +72,6 @@ class CreateVolfile:
mount_fd.write (" type protocol/client\n")
mount_fd.write (" option transport-type %s\n" %
mount_fd.write (" option remote-host %s\n" % host)
if self.transport == 'ib-verbs':
mount_fd.write (" option transport.ib-verbs.port %d\n" %
@ -115,9 +105,8 @@ class CreateVolfile:
while index < max_stripe_idx:
mount_fd.write ("volume stripe-%d\n" % index)
mount_fd.write (" type cluster/stripe\n")
if self.unused:
mount_fd.write ("# option block-size 128k\n")
mount_fd.write ("# option use-xattr no\n")
mount_fd.write ("# option block-size 128k\n")
mount_fd.write ("# option use-xattr no\n")
mount_fd.write (" subvolumes %s %s %s %s\n" %
@ -150,6 +139,7 @@ class CreateVolfile:
while flag < index:
subvolumes.append ("stripe-%d" % flag)
flag += 1
if raid_type is 1:
subvolumes = []
flag = 0
@ -160,91 +150,111 @@ class CreateVolfile:
if len (subvolumes) > 1:
mount_fd.write ("volume distribute\n")
mount_fd.write (" type cluster/distribute\n")
if self.unused:
mount_fd.write("# option unhashed-sticky-bit yes # Used for migrating data while adding new nodes\n")
mount_fd.write("# option min-free-disk 5% # Minimum free disk available on the volume\n")
mount_fd.write ("# option unhashed-sticky-bit yes"
" # Used for migrating data while adding new nodes\n")
mount_fd.write ("# option min-free-disk 5%"
" # Minimum free disk available on the volume\n")
mount_fd.write (" subvolumes %s\n" %
string.join (subvolumes,' '))
mount_fd.write ("end-volume\n\n")
subvolumes[0] = "distribute"
if self.nfs:
mount_fd.write ("volume nfsxlator\n")
mount_fd.write (" type nfs/server\n")
mount_fd.write (" subvolumes %s\n" % subvolumes[0])
mount_fd.write ("# option rpc-auth.auth-unix off #Enabled by default\n")
mount_fd.write ("# option rpc-auth.auth-null off #Enabled by default\n")
mount_fd.write ("# By default all addresses are rejected until allowed.\n")
mount_fd.write ("# option rpc-auth.addr.reject 127.*\n")
mount_fd.write ("# option rpc-auth.addr.allow localhost\n")
mount_fd.write (" option rpc-auth.addr.%s.allow %s\n" % (subvolumes[0], self.auth_parameters))
mount_fd.write ("# By default insecure ports are not allowed.\n")
mount_fd.write ("# option rpc-auth.ports.insecure on\n")
mount_fd.write ("# option rpc-auth.ports.<volume>.insecure on\n")
mount_fd.write ("# By default all access is read-write.\n")
mount_fd.write ("# option nfs3.<volume>.volume-access read-only\n")
mount_fd.write ("# option nfs3.<volume>.volume-access read-only\n")
mount_fd.write ("# option nfs3.read-size 128Kb\n")
mount_fd.write ("# option nfs3.write-size 32Kb\n")
mount_fd.write ("# option nfs3.readdir-size 64Kb\n")
mount_fd.write ("# option nfs3.<volume>.read-size 64Kb\n")
mount_fd.write ("# option nfs3.<volume>.write-size 64Kb\n")
mount_fd.write ("# option nfs3.posix1.readdir-size 128Kb\n")
mount_fd.write ("end-volume\n\n")
if self.volume_size_client:
mount_fd.write ("volume quota\n")
mount_fd.write (" type features/quota\n")
mount_fd.write (" option disk-usage-limit %s\n" % self.volume_size_client)
if self.unused:
mount_fd.write ("# option minimum-free-disk-limit 10GB "
"# minimum free disk value (default) 0\n")
mount_fd.write ("# option refresh-interval 10\n")
mount_fd.write ("# option minimum-free-disk-limit 10GB\n"
"# minimum free disk value (default) 0\n")
mount_fd.write ("# option refresh-interval 10\n")
mount_fd.write (" subvolumes %s\n" % subvolumes[0])
mount_fd.write ("end-volume\n\n")
if self.enable_safe_mode:
mount_fd.write ("volume writebehind\n")
mount_fd.write (" type performance/write-behind\n")
mount_fd.write (" option cache-size 4MB\n")
if self.unused:
mount_fd.write ("# option enable-trickling-writes yes # Flush final write calls when network is free\n")
mount_fd.write ("# option enable-O_SYNC yes # Enable O_SYNC for write-behind\n")
mount_fd.write ("# option disable-for-first-nbytes 1 # Disable first nbytes with very small initial writes\n")
self.performance_mode (subvolumes[0], mount_fd)
def performance_mode (self, cluster_subvolume, volfile_fd):
volfile_fd.write ("volume writebehind\n")
volfile_fd.write (" type performance/write-behind\n")
volfile_fd.write (" option cache-size 4MB\n")
volfile_fd.write ("# option enable-trickling-writes yes # Flush final write calls when network is free\n")
volfile_fd.write ("# option enable-O_SYNC yes # Enable O_SYNC for write-behind\n")
volfile_fd.write ("# option disable-for-first-nbytes 1 # Disable first nbytes with very small initial writes\n")
if self.volume_size_client:
mount_fd.write (" subvolumes quota\n")
volfile_fd.write (" subvolumes quota\n")
mount_fd.write (" subvolumes %s\n" % subvolumes[0])
volfile_fd.write (" subvolumes %s\n" % cluster_subvolume)
volfile_fd.write ("end-volume\n\n")
mount_fd.write ("end-volume\n\n")
volfile_fd.write ("volume readahead\n")
volfile_fd.write (" type performance/read-ahead\n")
volfile_fd.write (" option page-count 4\n")
volfile_fd.write ("# option force-atime-update yes # force updating atimes, default off\n")
volfile_fd.write (" subvolumes writebehind\n")
volfile_fd.write ("end-volume\n\n")
mount_fd.write ("volume readahead\n")
mount_fd.write (" type performance/read-ahead\n")
mount_fd.write (" option page-count 4\n")
if self.unused:
mount_fd.write ("# option force-atime-update yes # force updating atimes, default off\n")
mount_fd.write (" subvolumes writebehind\n")
mount_fd.write ("end-volume\n\n")
mount_fd.write ("volume iocache\n")
mount_fd.write (" type performance/io-cache\n")
mount_fd.write (" option cache-size %sMB\n" % cache_size)
mount_fd.write (" option cache-timeout 1\n")
if self.unused:
mount_fd.write ("# option priority *.html:1,abc*:2 # Priority list for iocaching files\n")
mount_fd.write (" subvolumes readahead\n")
mount_fd.write ("end-volume\n\n")
mount_fd.write ("volume quickread\n")
mount_fd.write (" type performance/quick-read\n")
mount_fd.write (" option cache-timeout 1\n")
mount_fd.write (" option max-file-size 64kB\n")
mount_fd.write (" subvolumes iocache\n")
mount_fd.write ("end-volume\n\n")
mount_fd.write ("volume statprefetch\n")
mount_fd.write (" type performance/stat-prefetch\n")
mount_fd.write (" subvolumes quickread\n")
mount_fd.write ("end-volume\n\n")
volfile_fd.write ("volume iocache\n")
volfile_fd.write (" type performance/io-cache\n")
volfile_fd.write (" option cache-size %sMB\n" % cache_size)
volfile_fd.write (" option cache-timeout 1\n")
volfile_fd.write ("# option priority *.html:1,abc*:2 # Priority list for iocaching files\n")
volfile_fd.write (" subvolumes readahead\n")
volfile_fd.write ("end-volume\n\n")
volfile_fd.write ("volume quickread\n")
volfile_fd.write (" type performance/quick-read\n")
volfile_fd.write (" option cache-timeout 1\n")
volfile_fd.write (" option max-file-size 64kB\n")
volfile_fd.write (" subvolumes iocache\n")
volfile_fd.write ("end-volume\n\n")
volfile_fd.write ("volume statprefetch\n")
volfile_fd.write (" type performance/stat-prefetch\n")
volfile_fd.write (" subvolumes quickread\n")
volfile_fd.write ("end-volume\n\n")
def create_export_volfile (self):
cmdline = string.join (sys.argv, ' ')
export_volfile = "%s/%s-export.vol" % (self.conf_dir, str(self.host + '-' + self.volume_name))
exp_fd = file ("%s" % (export_volfile),"w")
if self.conf_dir:
exp_fd = file ("%s/%s-export.vol" %
str(self.host + '-' + self.volume_name)),"w")
exp_fd = file ("%s-export.vol" %
(str(self.host + '-' + self.volume_name)),"w")
print "Generating server volfiles.. for server %s as '%s'" % (self.host,
print "Generating server volfiles.. for server '%s'" % (self.host)
exp_fd.write ("## file auto generated by %s (export.vol)\n" %
exp_fd.write ("## file auto generated by %s\n" %
exp_fd.write ("# Cmd line:\n")
exp_fd.write ("# $ %s\n\n" % cmdline)
@ -252,33 +262,39 @@ class CreateVolfile:
for export in self.host_dict[self.host]:
exp_fd.write ("volume posix%d\n" % i)
exp_fd.write (" type storage/posix\n")
if self.unused:
exp_fd.write("# option o-direct enable # (default: disable) boolean type only\n")
exp_fd.write("# option export-statfs-size no # (default: yes) boolean type only\n")
exp_fd.write("# option mandate-attribute off # (default: on) boolean type only\n")
exp_fd.write("# option span-devices 8 # (default: 0) integer value\n")
exp_fd.write("# option background-unlink yes # (default: no) boolean type\n")
exp_fd.write (" type storage/posix\n")
exp_fd.write ("# option o-direct enable # (default: disable) boolean type only\n")
exp_fd.write ("# option export-statfs-size no # (default: yes) boolean type only\n")
exp_fd.write ("# option mandate-attribute off # (default: on) boolean type only\n")
exp_fd.write ("# option span-devices 8 # (default: 0) integer value\n")
exp_fd.write ("# option background-unlink yes # (default: no) boolean type\n")
exp_fd.write (" option directory %s\n" % export)
exp_fd.write (" option directory %s\n" % export)
exp_fd.write ("end-volume\n\n")
if self.nfs:
exp_fd.write ("volume posix-ac%d\n" % i)
exp_fd.write (" type features/access-control\n")
exp_fd.write (" subvolumes posix%d\n" % i)
exp_fd.write ("end-volume\n\n")
if self.volume_size_server:
exp_fd.write ("volume quota%d\n" % i)
exp_fd.write (" type features/quota\n")
exp_fd.write (" option disk-usage-limit %s\n" % self.volume_size_server)
if self.unused:
exp_fd.write ("# option minimum-free-disk-limit 10GB "
"# minimum free disk value (default) 0\n")
exp_fd.write ("# option refresh-interval 10\n")
exp_fd.write (" subvolumes posix%d\n" % i)
exp_fd.write (" type features/quota\n")
exp_fd.write (" option disk-usage-limit %s\n" % self.volume_size_server)
exp_fd.write ("# option minimum-free-disk-limit 10GB"
" # minimum free disk value (default) 0\n")
exp_fd.write ("# option refresh-interval 10\n")
if self.nfs:
exp_fd.write (" subvolumes posix-ac%d\n" % i)
exp_fd.write (" subvolumes posix%d\n" % i)
exp_fd.write ("end-volume\n\n")
exp_fd.write ("volume locks%d\n" % i)
exp_fd.write (" type features/locks\n")
if self.unused:
exp_fd.write ("# option mandatory on # Default off, used in specific applications\n")
exp_fd.write ("# option mandatory on # Default off, used in specific applications\n")
if self.volume_size_server:
exp_fd.write (" subvolumes quota%d\n" % i)
@ -288,10 +304,9 @@ class CreateVolfile:
exp_fd.write ("volume brick%d\n" % i)
exp_fd.write (" type performance/io-threads\n")
exp_fd.write (" option thread-count 8\n")
if self.unused:
exp_fd.write ("# option autoscaling yes # Heuristic for autoscaling threads on demand\n")
exp_fd.write ("# option min-threads 2 # min count for thread pool\n")
exp_fd.write ("# option max-threads 64 # max count for thread pool\n")
exp_fd.write ("# option autoscaling yes # Heuristic for autoscaling threads on demand\n")
exp_fd.write ("# option min-threads 2 # min count for thread pool\n")
exp_fd.write ("# option max-threads 64 # max count for thread pool\n")
exp_fd.write (" subvolumes locks%d\n" % i)
exp_fd.write ("end-volume\n\n")

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
volgendir = $(datadir)/glusterfs
dist_volgen_DATA = CreateVolfile.py CreateBooster.py
dist_volgen_DATA = CreateVolfile.py Common.py
dist_bin_SCRIPTS = glusterfs-volgen

View File

@ -27,51 +27,7 @@ if not (prefix + "/share/glusterfs") in sys.path:
sys.path.append(prefix + "/share/glusterfs")
from CreateVolfile import *
from CreateBooster import *
def check_duplicate_entry(args):
"""Check duplicate entries in incoming arguments"""
_tmp = []
for server in args:
if server not in _tmp:
_tmp.append (server)
print "Duplicate arguments detected (%s)" % server
raise ValueError
def args2dict(args):
keyvalue = {}
for arg in args:
if int(arg.find(':')) == -1:
first = arg.split(':')[0]
keyvalue[first] = []
for arg in args:
if int(arg.find(':')) == -1:
first = arg.split(':')[0]
if arg.split(':')[1] not in keyvalue[first]:
if arg.split(':')[1][0] != '/':
print "Absolute export path required for %s" % arg
raise ValueError
keyvalue[first].append (arg.split(':')[1])
return keyvalue
def args2array(args):
array = []
for arg in args:
if int(arg.find(':')) == -1:
return array
from Common import *
def generate_volume_files ():
@ -93,48 +49,39 @@ def generate_volume_files ():
group.add_option("-p", "--port", type="int",
dest="port", default=6996,
help="<port> number")
group.add_option("-a", "--auth", dest="auth_param", default="*",
group.add_option("--auth", dest="auth_param", default="*",
help="comma seperated ip range")
group.add_option("-r", "--raid", type="int", dest="raid_type",
group.add_option("-c", "--conf-dir", dest="conf_dir",
help="output directory for volume files")
group.add_option("--nfs", action="store_true", dest="need_nfs",
default=False, help="booster nfs reexport")
group.add_option("--cifs", action="store_true", dest="need_cifs",
default=False, help="booster cifs reexport")
default=False, help="enable nfs translator")
# CIFS option list
group = OptionGroup(parse, "CIFS Options")
group.add_option("--username", dest="cifs_username",
default="gluster", help="<cifs_username>")
group.add_option("--guest", action="store_true",
dest="enable_guest", default=False,
help="enable guest access")
# NFS option list
# Advanced option list
group = OptionGroup(parse, "Advanced Options")
group.add_option("--ibdev", type="int", dest="ib_dev",
default=1, help="Infiniband device number <N>")
group.add_option("-c", "--conf-dir", dest="conf_dir",
help="output directory for volume files")
group.add_option("--volume-size-server", dest="size_server",
help="volume size for each server")
group.add_option("--volume-size-client", dest="size_client",
help="volume size for each client")
group.add_option("--safe-mode", action="store_true",
dest="enable_safe_mode", default=False,
help="generate volume files in safe mode")
group = OptionGroup(parse, "Extra Options")
group.add_option("--unused", action="store_true",
dest="unused", default=False,
help="enable unused options")
group.add_option("--debug", action="store_true",
dest="debug", default=False,
help="add all debug modules to volumes")
# Changes for Dynamic Volume Manager
#group = OptionGroup(parse, "Dynamic Volume Options")
#group.add_option("--add-server", dest="add_server_args",
# help="Add server to existing volume")
#group.add_option("--migrate", dest="migrate_server_args",
# help="Migrate servers from existing volumes")
(options, args) = parse.parse_args()
@ -142,6 +89,10 @@ def generate_volume_files ():
print "Error: volume name is mandatory, please provide volume name"
raise ValueError
if options.need_nfs and options.size_client:
print "Error: Currently quota not supported with native NFS, please use server side instead"
raise ValueError
if options.transport_type:
transports = options.transport_type.split(',')
for transport in transports:
@ -155,13 +106,33 @@ def generate_volume_files ():
print "Error: --raid: option " + str(options.raid_type) + " is not valid raid type"
raise ValueError
if options.conf_dir:
if not os.path.isdir(options.conf_dir):
print "Specified directory %s doesn't exist" % options.conf_dir
raise ValueError
server_dict = {}
server_dict = args2dict(args)
# Dynamic Volume Manager
#if options.add_server_args:
# add_server_list = (options.add_server_args).strip().split()
# check_duplicate_entry(add_server_list)
# old_server_list = get_old_server_args(list_export_vols(options.conf_dir,
# options.volume_name),
# options.conf_dir)
# for new_server in add_server_list:
# old_server_list.append(new_server)
# server_dict = args2dict(old_server_list)
# server_array = args2array(old_server_list)
# if len (server_dict.keys()) == 0:
# print "Error: no servers provided, please provide atleast one server"
# raise ValueError
server_dict = args2dict(args)
server_array = args2array(args)
if len (server_dict.keys()) == 0:
@ -199,12 +170,6 @@ def generate_volume_files ():
print "Got %s creating client volfiles for transport '%s'" % (strerror, transport)
create_booster = CreateBooster (options, transports)
create_booster.configure_booster ()
except IOError, (errno, strerror):
print "Got %s creating booster configuration" % (strerror)
def main ():