#!/bin/sh -e # Since we run with '#!/bin/sh -e' # '$? != 0' will force an exit, # i.e. where we are interested in the result of a command, # we have to run the command in an if-statement. branch="master"; set_hooks_commit_msg() { f=".git/hooks/commit-msg"; u="http://review.gluster.com/tools/hooks/commit-msg"; if [ -x "$f" ]; then return; fi curl -o $f $u || wget -O $f $u; chmod +x .git/hooks/commit-msg; # Let the 'Change-Id: ' header get assigned on first run of rfc.sh GIT_EDITOR=true git commit --amend; } is_num() { local num; num="$1"; [ -z "$(echo $num | sed -e 's/[0-9]//g')" ] } rebase_changes() { GIT_EDITOR=$0 git rebase -i origin/$branch; } editor_mode() { if [ $(basename "$1") = "git-rebase-todo" ]; then sed 's/^pick /reword /g' "$1" > $1.new && mv $1.new $1; return; fi if [ $(basename "$1") = "COMMIT_EDITMSG" ]; then if grep -qi '^BUG: ' $1; then return; fi while true; do echo Commit: "\"$(head -n 1 $1)\"" echo -n "Enter Bug ID: " read bug if [ -z "$bug" ]; then return; fi if ! is_num "$bug"; then echo "Invalid Bug ID ($bug)!!!"; continue; fi sed "/^Change-Id:/{p; s/^.*$/BUG: $bug/;}" $1 > $1.new && \ mv $1.new $1; return; done fi cat <<EOF $0 - editor_mode called on unrecognized file $1 with content: $(cat $1) EOF return 1; } assert_diverge() { git diff origin/$branch..HEAD | grep -q .; } check_patches_for_coding_style() { git fetch origin; check_patch_script=./extras/checkpatch.pl if [ ! -e ./extras/checkpatch.pl ] ; then echo "checkpatch is not executable .. abort" exit 1 fi ## Set this to known value once Jenkins URL changes export JENKINS_URL="review.gluster.org" echo "Running coding guidelines check ..." head=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) # Kludge: "1>&2 && echo $? || echo $?" is to get around # "-e" from script invocation RES=$(git format-patch --stdout origin/${branch}..${head} \ | ${check_patch_script} --terse - 1>&2 && echo $? || echo $?) if [ "$RES" -eq 1 ] ; then echo "Errors caught, get details by:" echo " git format-patch --stdout origin/${branch}..${head} \\" echo " | ./extras/checkpatch.pl --jenkins-url ${JENKINS_URL} -" echo "and correct errors" exit 1 elif [ "$RES" -eq 2 ] ; then echo "Warnings caught, get details by:" echo " git format-patch --stdout origin/${branch}..${head} \\" echo " | ./extras/checkpatch.pl --jenkins-url ${JENKINS_URL} -" echo -n "Do you want to continue anyway [no/yes]: " read yesno if [ "${yesno}" != "yes" ] ; then echo "Aborting..." exit 1 fi fi } main() { set_hooks_commit_msg; if [ -e "$1" ]; then editor_mode "$@"; return; fi check_patches_for_coding_style; rebase_changes; assert_diverge; bug=$(git show --format='%b' | grep -i '^BUG: ' | awk '{print $2}'); if [ "$DRY_RUN" = 1 ]; then drier='echo -e Please use the following command to send your commits to review:\n\n' else drier= fi if [ -z "$bug" ]; then $drier git push origin HEAD:refs/for/$branch/rfc; else $drier git push origin HEAD:refs/for/$branch/bug-$bug; fi } main "$@"