The tool finds the missing files in a geo-replication slave volume. The tool crawls backend .glusterfs of the brickpath, which is passed as a parameter and stats each entry on slave volume mount to check the presence of file. The mount used is aux-gfid-mount, hence no path conversion is required and is fast. The tool needs to be run on every node in cluster for each brickpath of geo-rep master volume to find missing files on slave volume. The tool is generic enough and can be used in non geo-replication context as well. Most of the crawler code is leverged from Avati's xfind and is modified to crawl only .glusterfs ( Thanks Aravinda for scripts to convert gfid to path. Change-Id: I84deaaaf638f7c571ff1319b67a3440fe27da810 BUG: 1187140 Signed-off-by: Aravinda VK <> Signed-off-by: Kotresh HR <> Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Gluster Build System <> Reviewed-by: Vijay Bellur <>
120 lines
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120 lines
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## Copyright (c) 2015 Red Hat, Inc. <>
## This file is part of GlusterFS.
## This file is licensed to you under your choice of the GNU Lesser
## General Public License, version 3 or any later version (LGPLv3 or
## later), or the GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPLv2), in all
## cases as published by the Free Software Foundation.
BRICKPATH= #Brick path of gluster volume
SLAVEHOST= #Slave hostname
SLAVEVOL= #Slave volume
SLAVEMNT= #Slave gluster volume mount point
WORKERS=4 #Default number of worker threads
function out()
echo "$@";
function fatal()
out FATAL "$@";
exit 1
function ping_host ()
### Use bash internal socket support
exec 400<>/dev/tcp/$1/$2
if [ $? -ne '0' ]; then
return 1;
exec 400>&-
return 0;
} 1>&2 2>/dev/null
function mount_slave()
local i; # inode number
SLAVEMNT=`mktemp -d`
[ "x$SLAVEMNT" = "x" ] && fatal "Could not mktemp directory";
[ -d "$SLAVEMNT" ] || fatal "$SLAVEMNT not a directory";
ping_host ${SLAVEHOST} $SSH_PORT
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "$SLAVEHOST not reachable.";
exit 1;
glusterfs --volfile-id=$SLAVEVOL --aux-gfid-mount --volfile-server=$SLAVEHOST $SLAVEMNT;
i=$(stat -c '%i' $SLAVEMNT);
[ "x$i" = "x1" ] || fatal "Could not mount volume $2 on $SLAVEMNT Please check host and volume exists";
function parse_cli()
if [[ $# -ne 4 ]]; then
echo "Usage: gfind_missing_files <brick-path> <slave-host> <slave-vol> <OUTFILE>"
exit 1
echo "Slave volume is mounted at ${SLAVEMNT}"
function main()
parse_cli "$@";
echo "Calling crawler...";
path=$(readlink -e $0)
$(dirname $path)/gcrawler ${BRICKPATH} ${SLAVEMNT} ${WORKERS} > ${OUTFILE}
#Clean up the mount
umount $SLAVEMNT;
rmdir $SLAVEMNT;
echo "Crawl Complete."
num_files_missing=$(wc -l ${OUTFILE} | awk '{print $1}')
if [ $num_files_missing -eq 0 ]
echo "Total Missing File Count : 0"
exit 0;
echo "gfids of skipped files are available in the file ${OUTFILE}"
echo "Starting gfid to path conversion"
#Call python script to convert gfids to full pathname
INFILE=$(readlink -e ${OUTFILE})
python $(dirname $path)/ ${BRICKPATH} ${INFILE} 1> ${OUTFILE}_pathnames 2> ${OUTFILE}_gfids
echo "Path names of skipped files are available in the file ${OUTFILE}_pathnames"
gfid_to_path_failures=$(wc -l ${OUTFILE}_gfids | awk '{print $1}')
if [ $gfid_to_path_failures -gt 0 ]
echo "WARNING: Unable to convert some GFIDs to Paths, GFIDs logged to ${OUTFILE}_gfids"
echo "Use $(dirname $path)/ <brick-path> ${OUTFILE}_gfids to convert those GFIDs to Path"
echo "Total Missing File Count : $(wc -l ${OUTFILE} | awk '{print $1}')"
main "$@";