1) Use a system-dependent macro for umount(8) location instead of relying on $PATH to find it, for security and portability sake. 2) Introduce gf_umount_lazy() to replace umount -l (-l for lazy) invocations, which is only supported on Linux; On Linux behavior in unchanged. On other systems, we fork an external process (umountd) that will take care of periodically attempt to unmount, and optionally rmdir. BUG: 1129939 Change-Id: Ia91167c0652f8ddab85136324b08f87c5ac1e51d Signed-off-by: Emmanuel Dreyfus <manu@netbsd.org> Reviewed-on: http://review.gluster.org/8649 Tested-by: Gluster Build System <jenkins@build.gluster.com> Reviewed-by: Csaba Henk <csaba@redhat.com> Reviewed-by: Vijay Bellur <vbellur@redhat.com>