Krutika Dhananjay 5070aa3973 protocol/client: Fix negative return in client_setvolume
The function dict_serialized_length could, owing to an error,
return a negative integer (-EINVAL) that gets assigned to an
unsigned int member 'dict_len' of gf_setvolume_req structure.

Hold the value returned by dict_serialized_length in local
variable ret (which is a signed int). Test if ret is negative,
in which case the control would anyway branch to the label fail
where the function returns. Otherwise dict_len is assigned with
ret, in turn giving a more meaningful value to the attribute

Attached gdb to glusterfs mount process, set breakpoint at
client_setvolume, forced dict_serialized_length to return
-EINVAL (indirectly by forcing _dict_serialized_length to return
-EINVAL after setting count to -1 within its body) and checked
the value of ret (which is now sure to contain a negative value)
whose value will be appropriately tested to decide the next
course of action within client_setvolume: whether to simply
exit due to an error or execute the subsequent statements.

Change-Id: Ib22ad8f30d8ae04acaf2ff5bfee9c348a2c47148
BUG: 789278
Signed-off-by: Krutika Dhananjay <>
Tested-by: Gluster Build System <>
Reviewed-by: Anand Avati <>
2012-08-01 00:03:15 -07:00