Hostnames with dashes (like "vagrant-testVM") are not correctly parsed when reading the exports/netgroups files. This bacomes obvious when running ./ because it causes tests/basic/mount-nfs-auth.t and tests/basic/netgroup_parsing.t to fail. The regex for hostname (in exports) and the entry and hostname (netgroups) parsing does not include the "-" sign, and hence the hostnames are splitted at it. BUG: 1350237 Change-Id: I38146a283561e1fa386cc841c43fd3b1e30a87ad Signed-off-by: Niels de Vos <> Reviewed-on: Smoke: Gluster Build System <> NetBSD-regression: NetBSD Build System <> CentOS-regression: Gluster Build System <> Reviewed-by: Jeff Darcy <>