Updates MAINTAINERS to be in sync with [1]. More details on Maintainers 2.0 can be found at [2]. [1] https://goo.gl/CcvP5K [2] https://hackmd.io/s/SkwiZd4qe Change-Id: I069ee8eb78ec4f5272052f3ba902eb29f0fdb64b BUG: 1463365 Signed-off-by: Vijay Bellur <vbellur@redhat.com> Reviewed-on: https://review.gluster.org/17583 Reviewed-by: Niels de Vos <ndevos@redhat.com> Smoke: Gluster Build System <jenkins@build.gluster.org> CentOS-regression: Gluster Build System <jenkins@build.gluster.org> Tested-by: Amar Tumballi <amarts@redhat.com> Reviewed-by: Amar Tumballi <amarts@redhat.com> Reviewed-by: jiffin tony Thottan <jthottan@redhat.com> Reviewed-by: soumya k <skoduri@redhat.com> Reviewed-by: mohammed rafi kc <rkavunga@redhat.com>
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GlusterFS Maintainers
The intention of this file is not to establish who owns what portions of the
code base, but to provide a set of names that developers can consult when they
have a question about a particular subset and also to provide a set of names
to be CC'd when submitting a patch to obtain appropriate review.
In general, if you have a question about inclusion of a patch, you should
consult gluster-devel@gluster.org and not any specific individual privately.
Descriptions of section entries:
M: Main contact that knows and takes care of this area
L: Mailing list that is relevant to this area
W: Web-page with status/info
Q: Patchwork web based patch tracking system site
T: SCM tree type and location. Type is one of: git, hg, quilt, stgit.
S: Status, one of the following:
Supported: Someone is actually paid to look after this.
Maintained: Someone actually looks after it.
Odd Fixes: It has a maintainer but they don't have time to do
much other than throw the odd patch in. See below.
Orphan: No current maintainer [but maybe you could take the
role as you write your new code].
Obsolete: Old code. Something tagged obsolete generally means
it has been replaced by a better system and you
should be using that.
F: Files and directories with wildcard patterns.
A trailing slash includes all files and subdirectory files.
F: drivers/net/ all files in and below drivers/net
F: drivers/net/* all files in drivers/net, but not below
F: */net/* all files in "any top level directory"/net
One pattern per line. Multiple F: lines acceptable.
X: Files and directories that are NOT maintained, same rules as F:
Files exclusions are tested before file matches.
Can be useful for excluding a specific subdirectory, for instance:
F: net/
X: net/ipv6/
matches all files in and below net excluding net/ipv6/
K: Keyword perl extended regex pattern to match content in a
patch or file. For instance:
K: of_get_profile
matches patches or files that contain "of_get_profile"
K: \b(printk|pr_(info|err))\b
matches patches or files that contain one or more of the words
printk, pr_info or pr_err
One regex pattern per line. Multiple K: lines acceptable.
P: Peer for a component
General Project Architects
M: Jeff Darcy <jeff@pl.atyp.us>
M: Vijay Bellur <vbellur@redhat.com>
P: Amar Tumballi <amarts@redhat.com>
P: Pranith Karampuri <pkarampu@redhat.com>
P: Raghavendra Gowdappa <rgowdapp@redhat.com>
P: Shyamsundar Ranganathan <srangana@redhat.com>
P: Niels de Vos <ndevos@redhat.com>
P: Xavier Hernandez <xhernandez@datalab.es>
Access Control List (ACL)
M: Raghavendra Talur <rtalur@redhat.com>
P: Jiffin Tony Thottan <jthottan@redhat.com>
S: Maintained
F: xlators/system/posix-acl/
M: Ravishankar N <ravishankar@redhat.com>
P: Pranith Karampuri <pkarampu@redhat.com>
S: Maintained
F: xlators/features/arbiter/
Automatic File Replication (AFR)
M: Pranith Karampuri <pkarampu@redhat.com>
P: Ravishankar N <ravishankar@redhat.com>
S: Maintained
F: xlators/cluster/afr/
M: Raghavendra Bhat <rabhat@redhat.com>
P: Atin Mukherjee <amukherj@redhat.com>
S: Maintained
F: xlators/features/barrier
Block Device
S: Orphan
F: xlators/storage/bd/
M: Kotresh HR <khiremat@redhat.com>
P: Raghavendra Bhat <rabhat@redhat.com>
S: Maintained
F: xlators/features/bit-rot/
M: Aravinda V K <avishwan@redhat.com>
P: Kotresh HR <khiremat@redhat.com>
S: Maintained
F: xlators/features/changelog/
M: Shyamsundar Ranganathan <srangana@redhat.com>
P: Hari Gowtham <hgowtham@redhat.com>
S: Maintained
F: xlators/features/changetimerecorder/
M: Krutika Dhananjay <kdhananj@redhat.com>
P: Pranith Karampuri <pkarampu@redhat.com>
S: Maintained
F: xlators/features/decompounder/
Distributed Hashing Table (DHT)
M: Raghavendra Gowdappa <rgowdapp@redhat.com>
M: Nithya Balachandran <nbalacha@redhat.com>
P: Susant Palai <spalai@redhat.com>
S: Maintained
F: xlators/cluster/dht/
Erasure Coding
M: Pranith Karampuri <pkarampu@redhat.com>
M: Xavier Hernandez <xhernandez@datalab.es>
P: Ashish Pandey <aspandey@redhat.com>
P: Sunil Kumar Acharya <sheggodu@redhat.com>
S: Maintained
F: xlators/cluster/ec/
M: Raghavendra Talur <rtalur@redhat.com>
S: Maintained
F: xlators/debug/error-gen/
FUSE Bridge
M: Niels de Vos <ndevos@redhat.com>
P: Csaba Henk <chenk@redhat.com>
S: Maintained
F: xlators/mount/
M: Pranith Karampuri <pkarampu@redhat.com>
P: Ravishankar N <ravishankar@redhat.com>
S: Maintained
F: xlators/features/index/
IO Cache
M: Raghavendra Gowdappa <rgowdapp@redhat.com>
P: Mohammed Rafi KC <rkavunga@redhat.com>
P: Nithya Balachandran <nbalacha@redhat.com>
S: Maintained
F: xlators/performance/io-cache/
IO Statistics
M: Krutika Dhananjay <kdhananj@redhat.com>
M: Shyam Ranganathan <srangana@redhat.com>
S: Maintained
F: xlators/debug/io-stats/
IO threads
M: Pranith Karampuri <pkarampu@redhat.com>
P: Ravishankar N <ravishankar@redhat.com>
S: Maintained
F: xlators/performance/io-threads/
M: Poornima G <pgurusid@redhat.com>
P: Niels de Vos <ndevos@redhat.com>
P: Soumya Koduri <skoduri@redhat.com>
S: Maintained
F: xlators/features/leases/
M: Krutika Dhananjay <kdhananj@redhat.com>
S: Maintained
F: xlators/features/locks/
M: Raghavendra Gowdappa <rgowdapp@redhat.com>
M: Kotresh HR <khiremat@redhat.com>
P: Sanoj Unnikrishnan <sunnikri@redhat.com>
S: Maintained
F: xlators/features/marker/
M: Mohammed Rafi KC <rkavunga@redhat.com>
S: Maintained
F: xlators/features/meta/
M: Poornima G <pgurusid@redhat.com>
P: Soumya Koduri <skoduri@redhat.com>
S: Maintained
F: xlators/performance/md-cache/
Negative-lookup Cache
M: Poornima G <pgurusid@redhat.com>
P: Pranith Karampuri <pkarampu@redhat.com>
S: Maintained
F: xlators/performance/nl-cache/
M: Niels de Vos <ndevos@redhat.com>
P: Jiffin Tony Thottan <jthottan@redhat.com>
P: Soumya Koduri <skoduri@redhat.com>
S: Maintained
F: xlators/nfs/server/
M: Raghavendra Gowdappa <rgowdapp@redhat.com>
P: Milind Changire <mchangir@redhat.com>
S: Maintained
F: xlators/performance/open-behind/
M: Raghavendra Bhat <raghavendra@redhat.com>
P: Krutika Dhananjay <kdhananj@redhat.com>
P: Jiffin Tony Thottan <jthottan@redhat.com>
S: Maintained
F: xlators/storage/posix/
M: Raghavendra Gowdappa <rgowdapp@redhat.com>
P: Milind Changire <mchangir@redhat.com>
S: Maintained
F: xlators/performance/quick-read/
M: Raghavendra Gowdappa <rgowdapp@redhat.com>
P: Sanoj Unnikrishnan <sunnikri@redhat.com>
M: Shyamsundar Ranganathan <srangana@redhat.com>
S: Maintained
F: xlators/features/quota/
M: Raghavendra Gowdappa <rgowdapp@redhat.com>
P: Csaba Henk <chenk@redhat.com>
S: Maintained
F: xlators/performance/read-ahead/
M: Poornima G <pgurusid@redhat.com>
P: Krutika Dhananjay <kdhananj@redhat.com>
S: Maintained
F: xlators/performance/readdir-ahead/
M: Krutika Dhananjay <kdhananj@redhat.com>
S: Maintained
F: xlators/features/shard/
M: Shyamsundar Ranganathan <srangana@redhat.com>
P: Hari Gowtham <hgowtham@redhat.com>
S: Maintained
F: xlators/cluster/dht/src/tier.c
M: Anoop C S <anoopcs@redhat.com>
M: Jiffin Tony Thottan <jthottan@redhat.com>
S: Maintained
F: xlators/features/trash/
M: Poornima G <pgurusid@redhat.com>
M: Soumya Koduri <skoduri@redhat.com>
P: Niels de Vos <ndevos@redhat.com>
S: Maintained
F: xlators/features/upcall/
M: Raghavendra Gowdappa <rgowdapp@redhat.com>
P: Csaba Henk <chenk@redhat.com>
S: Maintained
F: xlators/performance/write-behind/
Write Once Read Many
P: Karthik US <ksubrahm@redhat.com>
S: Maintained
F: xlators/features/read-only/
Experimental Features:
Distributed Hash Table 2
M: Shyamsundar Ranganathan <srangana@redhat.com>
P: Kotresh HR <khiremat@redhat.com>
P: Susant Palai <spalai@redhat.com>
S: Maintained
F: xlators/experimental/dht2/
Journal Based Replication
M: Jeff Darcy <jeff@pl.atyp.us>
P: Mohammed Rafi KC <rkavunga@redhat.com>
S: Maintained
F: xlators/experimental/fdl/
F: xlators/experimenta/jbr-client/
F: xlators/experimental/jbr-server/
Other bits of code:
M: Humble Chirammal <hchiramm@redhat.com>
M: Raghavendra Talur <rtalur@redhat.com>
M: Prashanth Pai <ppai@redhat.com>
S: Maintained
F: doc/
Geo Replication
M: Aravinda V K <avishwan@redhat.com>
M: Kotresh HR <khiremat@redhat.com>
P: Mohammed Rafi KC <rkavunga@redhat.com>
S: Maintained
F: geo-replication/
S: Orphan
F: xlators/features/glupy/
M: Milind Changire <mchangir@redhat.com>
P: Aravinda VK <avishwan@redhat.com>
S: Maintained
F: tools/glusterfind/
M: Niels de Vos <ndevos@redhat.com>
P: Poornima G <pgurusid@redhat.com>
P: Shyamsundar Ranganathan <srangana@redhat.com>
P: Soumya Koduri <skoduri@redhat.com>
S: Maintained
F: api/
M: Shyamsundar Ranganathan <srangana@redhat.com>
P: Hari Gowtham <hgowtham@redhat.com>
S: Maintained
F: libglusterfs/src/gfdb/
M: Amar Tumballi <amarts@redhat.com>
M: Jeff Darcy <jeff@pl.atyp.us>
P: Kaleb Keithley <kkeithle@redhat.com>
P: Niels de Vos <ndevos@redhat.com>
P: Pranith Karampuri <pkarampu@redhat.com>
P: Raghavendra Gowdappa <rgowdapp@redhat.com>
P: Shyamsundar Ranganathan <srangana@redhat.com>
S: Maintained
F: libglusterfs/
M: Aravinda VK <avishwan@redhat.com>
M: Kotresh HR <khiremat@redhat.com>
P: Amar Tumballi <amarts@redhat.com>
S: Maintained
F: contrib/xxhash/
T: https://github.com/Cyan4973/xxHash.git
Management Daemon - glusterd1
M: Atin Mukherjee <amukherj@redhat.com>
M: Samikshan Bairagya <samikshan@gmail.com>
S: Maintained
F: cli/
F: xlators/mgmt/glusterd/
Management Daemon - glusterd2
M: Kaushal M <kaushal@redhat.com>
M: Prashanth Pai <ppai@redhat.com>
P: Aravinda VK <avishwan@redhat.com>
S: Maintained
T: https://github.com/gluster/glusterd2.git
M: Kaleb Keithley <kkeithle@redhat.com>
M: Niels de Vos <ndevos@redhat.com>
M: Raghavendra Gowdappa <rgowdapp@redhat.com>
P: Mohammed Rafi KC <rkavunga@redhat.com>
S: Maintained
F: xlators/protocol/
RDMA subsystem
M: Raghavendra Gowdappa <rgowdapp@redhat.com>
M: Amar Tumballi <amarts@redhat.com>
P: Mohammed Rafi KC <rkavunga@redhat.com>
S: Maintained
F: rpc/rpc-transport/rdma/
Remote Procedure Call subsystem
M: Raghavendra Gowdappa <rgowdapp@redhat.com>
P: Milind Changire <mchangir@redhat.com>
P: Mohit Agrawal <moagrawa@redhat.com>
S: Maintained
F: rpc/rpc-lib/
F: rpc/xdr/
M: Raghavendra Bhat <raghavendra@redhat.com>
P: Mohammed Rafi KC <rkavunga@redhat.com>
S: Maintained
F: xlators/mgmt/glusterd/src/glusterd-snap*
F: extras/snap-scheduler.py
Socket subsystem
M: Raghavendra Gowdappa <rgowdapp@redhat.com>
P: Krutika Dhananjay <kdhananj@redhat.com>
P: Milind Changire <mchangir@redhat.com>
P: Mohammed Rafi KC <rkavunga@redhat.com>
P: Mohit Agrawal <moagrawa@redhat.com>
S: Maintained
F: rpc/rpc-transport/socket/
Testing - .t framework
M: Raghavendra Talur <rtalur@redhat.com>
S: Maintained
F: tests/
M: Aravinda VK <avishwan@redhat.com>
P: Niels de Vos <ndevos@redhat.com>
P: Nigel Babu <nigelb@redhat.com>
P: Raghavendra Talur <rtalur@redhat.com>
P: Sachidanda Urs <surs@redhat.com>
S: Maintained
F: extras/
Events APIs
M: Aravinda VK <avishwan@redhat.com>
S: Maintained
F: events/
F: libglusterfs/src/events*
F: libglusterfs/src/eventtypes*
F: extras/systemd/glustereventsd*
Distribution Specific:
M: Kaleb Keithley <kkeithle@redhat.com>
M: Niels de Vos <ndevos@redhat.com>
P: Anoop C S <anoopcs@redhat.com>
P: Kaushal M <kaushal@redhat.com>
P: Raghavendra Talur <rtalur@redhat.com>
S: Maintained
Debian packages on download.gluster.org
M: packaging@gluster.org
M: Kaleb Keithley <kkeithle@redhat.com>
P: Nigel Babu <nigelb@redhat.com>
S: Maintained
W: http://download.gluster.org/pub/gluster/glusterfs/LATEST/Debian/Debian.README
T: https://github.com/gluster/glusterfs-debian.git
M: packaging@gluster.org
M: Kaleb Keithley <kkeithle@redhat.com>
P: Nigel Babu <nigelb@redhat.com>
S: Maintained
W: https://build.opensuse.org/repositories/home:glusterfs
W: https://download.gluster.org/pub/gluster/glusterfs/LATEST/SuSE/SuSE.README
T: https://github.com/gluster/glusterfs-suse.git
Packages for the CentOS Storage SIG
M: centos-devel@centos.org
M: Niels de Vos <ndevos@redhat.com>
P: Kaleb Keithley <kkeithle@redhat.com>
S: Maintained
W: https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/Storage/Gluster
T: https://github.com/CentOS-Storage-SIG/glusterfs.git
Ubuntu PPA
M: packaging@gluster.org
M: Kaleb Keithley <kkeithle@redhat.com>
P: Nigel Babu <nigelb@redhat.com>
S: Maintained
W: https://launchpad.net/~gluster
W: http://download.gluster.org/pub/gluster/glusterfs/LATEST/Ubuntu/Ubuntu.README
T: https://github.com/gluster/glusterfs-debian.git
Related projects
Gluster Block
M: Prasanna Kumar Kalever <prasanna.kalever@redhat.com>
P: Pranith Karampuri <pkarampu@redhat.com>
P: Niels de Vos <ndevos@redhat.com>
S: Maintained
T: https://github.com/gluster/gluster-block.git
Gluster Object
P: Ram Edara <redara@redhat.com>
P: Saravanakumar Arumugam <sarumuga@redhat.com>
S: Maintained
T: https://github.com/gluster/gluster-swift.git
GlusterFS Hadoop HCFS plugin
S: Orphan
W: https://github.com/gluster/glusterfs-hadoop/wiki
T: https://github.com/gluster/glusterfs-hadoop.git
GlusterFS core-utils
M: Anoop C S <anoopcs@redhat.com>
S: Maintained
T: https://github.com/gluster/glusterfs-coreutils.git
NFS-Ganesha FSAL plugin
M: Jiffin Tony Thottan <jthottan@redhat.com>
M: Kaleb Keithley <kkeithle@redhat.com>
M: Soumya Koduri <skoduri@redhat.com>
S: Maintained
T: git://github.com/nfs-ganesha/nfs-ganesha.git
F: src/nfs-ganesha~/src/FSAL/FSAL_GLUSTER/
Nagios Monitoring
M: Sahina Bose <sabose@redhat.com>
S: Maintained
T: https://github.com/gluster/nagios-plugins-gluster.git
QEMU integration
M: Niels de Vos <ndevos@redhat.com>
M: Prasanna Kumar Kalever <prasanna.kalever@redhat.com>
S: Maintained
T: git://git.qemu.org/qemu.git
F: block/gluster.c
Samba VFS plugin
M: Anoop C S <anoopcs@redhat.com>
M: Raghavendra Talur <rtalur@redhat.com>
M: Michael Adam <madam@redhat.com>
M: Poornima G <pgurusid@redhat.com>
S: Maintained
T: git://git.samba.org/samba.git
F: source3/modules/vfs_glusterfs.c
M: Jose A. Rivera <jarrpa@redhat.com>
P: Kaleb Keithley <kkeithle@redhat.com>
S: Maintained
T: https://github.com/linux-ha-storage/storhaug.git
Testing - Glusto
M: Jonathan Holloway <jholloway@redhat.com>
M: Shwetha Panduranga <spandura@redhat.com>
P: Nigel Babu <nigelb@redhat.com>
S: Maintained
T: https://github.com/gluster/glusto-tests.git
Wireshark dissectors
M: Niels de Vos <ndevos@redhat.com>
S: Maintained
W: https://forge.gluster.org/wireshark
T: http://code.wireshark.org/git/wireshark
F: epan/dissectors/packet-gluster*
M: Nigel Babu <nigelb@redhat.com>
M: Michael Scherer <misc@redhat.com>
P: Shyamsundar Ranganathan <srangana@redhat.com>
P: Amar Tumballi <amarts@redhat.com>
Continuous Integration
M: Nigel Babu <nigelb@redhat.com>
M: Michael Scherer <misc@redhat.com>
P: Kaushal M <kaushal@redhat.com>
P: Niels de Vos <ndevos@redhat.com>
Special Thanks
GlusterFS would not be possible without the contributions of:
M: Chris Hertel
M: M. Mohan Kumar <mohan@in.ibm.com>
M: Shishir Gowda <gowda.shishir@gmail.com>
M: Brian Foster <bfoster@redhat.com>
M: Anand Avati <avati@cs.stanford.edu>
M: Dennis Schafroth <dennis@schafroth.com>
M: Harshavardhana <harsha@harshavardhana.net>
M: Krishnan Parthasarathi
M: Justin Clift <justin@gluster.org>
M: Venky Shankar <vshankar@redhat.com>
M: Shravan Chandrashekar <shravantc99@gmail.com>
M: Joseph Fernandes
M: Vijaikumar Mallikarjuna
M: Anand Subramanian
M: Bharata B Rao <bharata@linux.vnet.ibm.com>
M: Rajesh Joseph
M: Dan Lambright
M: Jay Vyas
M: Luis Pabon
M: Ira Cooper