Pranith Kumar K a36c812756 features/marker: Filter quota xattrs on file as well
Quota contributions of a file/directory are tracked by quota
xlator using xattrs on the file. Quota allows these xattrs to be
healed as part of metadata self-heal. This leads to
wrong quota calculations on this brick after self-heal because
quota xattrs don't represent the actual contributions on the
brick anymore.

Don't let self-heal of this xattr happen as part of self-heal
by filtering quota xattrs on file in listxattr.

Change-Id: Iea68a116595ba271e58c6fdcc3dd21c7bb55ebb3
BUG: 1035576
Signed-off-by: Pranith Kumar K <>
Tested-by: Gluster Build System <>
Reviewed-by: Vijay Bellur <>
2013-12-01 21:23:58 -08:00

282 lines
7.5 KiB

function volinfo_field()
local vol=$1;
local field=$2;
$CLI volume info $vol | grep "^$field: " | sed 's/.*: //';
function brick_count()
local vol=$1;
$CLI volume info $vol | egrep "^Brick[0-9]+: " | wc -l;
function online_brick_count ()
pidof glusterfsd | wc -w
function volume_option()
local vol=$1
local key=$2
$CLI volume info $vol | egrep "^$key: " | cut -f2 -d' ';
function rebalance_status_field {
#The rebalance status can be upto 3 words, (ex:'fix-layout in progress'), hence the awk-print $7 thru $9.
#But if the status is less than 3 words, it also prints the next field i.e the run_time_in_secs.(ex:'completed 3.00').
#So we trim the numbers out with `tr`. Finally remove the trailing white spaces with sed. What we get is one of the
#strings in the 'cli_vol_task_status_str' char array of cli-rpc-ops.c
$CLI volume rebalance $1 status | awk '{print $7,$8,$9}' |sed -n 3p |tr -d '[^0-9+\.]'|sed 's/ *$//g'
function remove_brick_status_completed_field {
local vol=$1
local brick_list=$2
$CLI volume remove-brick $vol $brick_list status | awk '{print $7}' | sed -n 3p
function get_mount_process_pid {
local vol=$1
ps aux | grep glusterfs | grep -E "volfile-id[ =]/?$vol " | awk '{print $2}' | head -1
function get_nfs_pid ()
ps aux | grep "volfile-id\ gluster\/nfs" | awk '{print $2}' | head -1
function read_nfs_pidfile ()
echo `cat /var/lib/glusterd/nfs/run/`
function cleanup_statedump {
rm -f $statedumpdir/*$pid.dump.*
#.vimrc friendly comment */
function generate_statedump {
local fpath=""
#remove old stale statedumps
cleanup_statedump $pid
kill -USR1 $pid
#Wait till the statedump is generated
sleep 1
fname=$(ls $statedumpdir | grep -E "\.$pid\.dump\.")
echo $statedumpdir/$fname
function generate_mount_statedump {
local vol=$1
generate_statedump $(get_mount_process_pid $vol)
function cleanup_mount_statedump {
local vol=$1
cleanup_statedump $(get_mount_process_pid $vol)
function _afr_child_up_status {
local vol=$1
#brick_id is (brick-num in volume info - 1)
local brick_id=$2
local gen_state_dump=$3
local fpath=$($gen_state_dump $vol)
up=$(grep -B1 trusted.afr.$vol-client-$brick_id $fpath | head -1 | cut -f2 -d'=')
rm -f $fpath
echo "$up"
function afr_child_up_status {
local vol=$1
#brick_id is (brick-num in volume info - 1)
local brick_id=$2
_afr_child_up_status $vol $brick_id generate_mount_statedump
function get_shd_process_pid {
local vol=$1
ps aux | grep glusterfs | grep -E "glustershd/run/" | awk '{print $2}' | head -1
function generate_shd_statedump {
local vol=$1
generate_statedump $(get_shd_process_pid $vol)
function generate_nfs_statedump {
local vol=$1
generate_statedump $(get_nfs_pid $vol)
function generate_brick_statedump {
local vol=$1
local host=$2
local brick=$3
generate_statedump $(get_brick_pid $vol $host $brick)
function afr_child_up_status_in_shd {
local vol=$1
#brick_id is (brick-num in volume info - 1)
local brick_id=$2
_afr_child_up_status $vol $brick_id generate_shd_statedump
function afr_child_up_status_in_nfs {
local vol=$1
#brick_id is (brick-num in volume info - 1)
local brick_id=$2
_afr_child_up_status $vol $brick_id generate_nfs_statedump
function nfs_up_status {
gluster volume status | grep "NFS Server" | awk '{print $6}'
function glustershd_up_status {
gluster volume status | grep "Self-heal Daemon" | awk '{print $6}'
function get_brick_pid {
local vol=$1
local host=$2
local brick=$3
local brick_hiphenated=$(echo $brick | tr '/' '-')
echo `cat /var/lib/glusterd/vols/$vol/run/${host}${brick_hiphenated}.pid`
function kill_brick {
local vol=$1
local host=$2
local brick=$3
kill -9 $(get_brick_pid $vol $host $brick)
function check_option_help_presence {
local option=$1
$CLI volume set help | grep "^Option:" | grep -w $option
function afr_get_changelog_xattr {
local file=$1
local xkey=$2
getfattr -n $xkey -e hex $file 2>/dev/null | grep "client-" | cut -f2 -d'='
function afr_get_pending_heal_count {
local vol=$1
gluster volume heal $vol info | grep "Number of entries" | awk '{ sum+=$4} END {print sum}'
function afr_get_index_path {
local brick_path=$1
echo "$brick_path/.glusterfs/indices/xattrop"
function afr_get_num_indices_in_brick {
local brick_path=$1
echo $(ls $(afr_get_index_path $brick_path) | grep -v xattrop | wc -l)
function gf_get_gfid_xattr {
getfattr -n trusted.gfid -e hex $file 2>/dev/null | grep "trusted.gfid" | cut -f2 -d'='
function gf_gfid_xattr_to_str {
echo "${xval:2:8}-${xval:10:4}-${xval:14:4}-${xval:18:4}-${xval:22:12}"
function gf_check_file_opened_in_brick {
ls -l /proc/$(get_brick_pid $vol $host $brick)/fd | grep "${realpath}$" 2>&1 > /dev/null
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Y"
echo "N"
function gf_get_gfid_backend_file_path {
gfid=$(gf_get_gfid_xattr "$brickpath/$filepath_in_brick")
gfidstr=$(gf_gfid_xattr_to_str $gfid)
echo "$brickpath/.glusterfs/${gfidstr:0:2}/${gfidstr:2:2}/$gfidstr"
function gf_rm_file_and_gfid_link {
rm -f $(gf_get_gfid_backend_file_path $brickpath $filepath_in_brick)
rm -f "$brickpath/$filepath_in_brick"
function gd_is_replace_brick_completed {
local host=$1
local vol=$2
local src_brick=$3
local dst_brick=$4
$CLI volume replace-brick $vol $src_brick $dst_brick status | grep -i "Migration complete"
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Y"
echo "N"
function dht_get_layout {
local my_xa=trusted.glusterfs.dht
getfattr -d -e hex -n $my_xa $1 2> /dev/null | grep "$my_xa=" | cut -d= -f2
function afr_get_specific_changelog_xattr ()
local path=$1
local key=$2
local type=$3
local specific_changelog=""
changelog_xattr=$(afr_get_changelog_xattr "$path" "$key")
if [ "$type" == "data" ]; then
elif [ "$type" == "metadata" ]; then
elif [ "$type" == "entry" ]; then
echo $specific_changelog
# query pathinfo xattr and extract POSIX pathname(s)
function get_backend_paths {
local path=$1
getfattr -m . -n trusted.glusterfs.pathinfo $path | tr ' ' '\n' | sed -n 's/<POSIX.*:.*:\(.*\)>.*/\1/p'
#Gets the xattr value in hex, also removed 0x in front of the value
function get_hex_xattr {
local key=$1
local path=$2
getfattr -d -m. -e hex $2 2>/dev/null | grep $1 | cut -f2 -d'=' | cut -f2 -d'x'