If this option is "ON' and if there is a lock contention for a file from 2 clients/self-heal daemon, an up call will be sent to all the clients holding that locks. Clients can handle this notification and may release the locks at the right time asap. If this option is ON, we get "instant" lock contention notification on client side. In next version of thin arbiter, we need to implement lock contention notification handling and two domain locking to synchronize update/access of xattrs of thin arbiter replica id file. This option is an efficient way to find out lock contention. In this case it is also helping to implement two domain locking for replica id file. Change-Id: I69883898d52feb425dfceb31cf12fa2157aaa314 fixes bz#1609207 Signed-off-by: Ashish Pandey <aspandey@redhat.com>