Till now, send and recieve buffer window sizes for sockets were set to a default glusterfs-specific value. Linux's default window sizes have been found to be better w.r.t performance, and hence, no more setting it to any default value. However, if one wishes, there's the new configuration option: network.tcp-window-size <sane_size> which takes a size value (int or human readable) and will set the window size of sockets for both clients and servers. Nfs clients will also be updated with the same. Change-Id: I841479bbaea791b01086c42f58401ed297ff16ea BUG: 795635 Signed-off-by: Rajesh Amaravathi <rajesh@redhat.com> Reviewed-on: http://review.gluster.com/2821 Tested-by: Gluster Build System <jenkins@build.gluster.com> Reviewed-by: Amar Tumballi <amarts@redhat.com> Reviewed-by: Jeff Darcy <jdarcy@redhat.com> Reviewed-by: Vijay Bellur <vijay@gluster.com>