diff --git a/provision.yml b/provision.yml index f06812c..4fbdb2f 100644 --- a/provision.yml +++ b/provision.yml @@ -28,13 +28,6 @@ pre_tasks: - meta: end_play when: destroy_all is defined and destroy_all|bool - - name: check prereqs is already installed - shell: rpm -qa | grep -q python-modules-distutils - register: prereqs_found - changed_when: false - - name: install prereqs - raw: 'apt-get update && apt-get install -qy python2.7\(distutils\)' - when: (destroy_all is not defined or not destroy_all) and (prereqs_found.rc != 0) - name: gather facts setup: when: destroy_all is not defined or not destroy_all