{# # First create a dict holding the entire zone information and create a hash # from it, that it can be compared with subsequent task executions. In this # way the serial will only be updated if there are some content changes. #} {% set _zone_data = {} %} {% set _ = _zone_data.update({'ttl': bind_zone_ttl}) %} {% set _ = _zone_data.update({'domain': bind_zone_name }) %} {% set _ = _zone_data.update({'mname': bind_zone_name_servers}) %} {% set _ = _zone_data.update({'aname': bind_other_name_servers}) %} {% set _ = _zone_data.update({'rname': (( bind_zone_hostmaster_email)) + ('' if (bind_zone_hostmaster_email | search('\.')) else ('.' + _zone_data['domain']))}) %} {% set _ = _zone_data.update({'refresh': bind_zone_time_to_refresh}) %} {% set _ = _zone_data.update({'retry': bind_zone_time_to_retry}) %} {% set _ = _zone_data.update({'expire': bind_zone_time_to_expire}) %} {% set _ = _zone_data.update({'minimum': bind_zone_minimum_ttl}) %} {% set _ = _zone_data.update({'hosts': bind_zone_hosts | selectattr('ipv6','defined') | selectattr('ipv6', 'search', '^'+item|regex_replace('/.*$','')) | list }) %} {% set _ = _zone_data.update({'revip': (item | ipaddr('revdns'))[-(9+(item|regex_replace('^.*/','')|int)//2):] }) %} {# # Compare the zone file hash with the current zone data hash and set serial # accordingly #} {% set _zone = {'hash': _zone_data | string | hash('md5')} %} {% for _result in reverse_hashes_ipv6.results %} {% if (item in _result.item ) %} {% set _hash_serial = _result.stdout.split(' ')[2:] %} {% if _hash_serial and _hash_serial[0] == _zone['hash'] %} {% set _ = _zone.update({'serial': _hash_serial[1]}) %} {% else %} {% set _ = _zone.update({'serial': timestamp.stdout}) %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {# # Eventually output the zone data #} ; Hash: {{ _zone['hash'] }} {{ _zone['serial'] }} ; Reverse zone file for {{ _zone_data['domain'] }} ; {{ ansible_managed }} ; vi: ft=bindzone $TTL {{ _zone_data['ttl'] }} $ORIGIN {{ (item | ipaddr('revdns'))[-(9+(item|regex_replace('^.*/','')|int)//2):] }} {% if _zone_data['mname']|length > 0 %} @ IN SOA {{ _zone_data['mname']|first }}.{{ _zone_data['domain'] }}. {{ _zone_data['rname'] }}. ( {% else %} @ IN SOA {{ ansible_hostname }}.{{ _zone_data['domain'] }}. {{ _zone_data['rname'] }}. ( {% endif %} {{ _zone['serial'] }} {{ _zone_data['refresh'] }} {{ _zone_data['retry'] }} {{ _zone_data['expire'] }} {{ _zone_data['minimum'] }} ) {% if _zone_data['mname']|length > 0 %} {% for ns in _zone_data['mname'] %} IN NS {{ ns }}.{{ _zone_data['domain'] }}. {% endfor %} {% else %} IN NS {{ ansible_hostname }}.{{ _zone_data['domain'] }}. {% endif %} {% for ns in _zone_data['aname'] %} IN NS {{ ns }}. {% endfor %} {% if _zone_data['hosts']|length > 0 %} {% for host in _zone_data['hosts'] %} {% if host.ipv6 is defined %} {% if host.ipv6 == item %} @ IN PTR {{ host.name }}.{{ _zone_data['domain'] }}. {% else %} {% if host.ipv6 is string and host.ipv6.startswith(item|regex_replace('/.*$','')) %} {% if host.name == '@' %} {{ host.ipv6 | ipaddr('revdns') }} IN PTR {{ _zone_data['domain'] }}. {% else %} {{ host.ipv6 | ipaddr('revdns') }} IN PTR {{ host.name }}.{{ _zone_data['domain'] }}. {% endif %} {% else %} {% for ip in host.ipv6 %} {% if ip.startswith(item|regex_replace('/.*$','')) %} {{ ip | ipaddr('revdns') }} IN PTR {{ _zone_data['domain'] }}. {% if host.name == '@' %} {% else %} {{ ip | ipaddr('revdns') }} IN PTR {{ host.name }}.{{ _zone_data['domain'] }}. {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% else %} {{ ansible_default_ipv6.address | ipaddr('revdns') }} IN PTR {{ ansible_hostname }}.{{ _zone_data['domain'] }}. {% endif %} {# vim: ft=text #}