* Added label access to Form Field (admin)

* Added Cache purge method for owners
* Added improved LDAP Regex Auth
* Added to only process USABLE machines at worker for never getted machines
* Added check for port on server for tunnelers
This commit is contained in:
Adolfo Gómez 2013-02-28 20:45:54 +00:00
parent 3d6d478aed
commit 6be8a54af3
8 changed files with 122 additions and 75 deletions

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@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_noop as _
from uds.core.ui.UserInterface import gui
from uds.core.auths import Authenticator
from uds.core import auths
import ldap, re
import logging
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class RegexLdap(Authenticator):
class RegexLdap(auths.Authenticator):
host = gui.TextField(length=64, label = _('Host'), order = 1, tooltip = _('VMWare VC Server IP or Hostname'), required = True)
port = gui.NumericField(length=5, label = _('Port'), defvalue = '389', order = 2, tooltip = _('Ldap port (389 for non ssl, 636 for ssl normally'), required = True)
@ -55,9 +55,9 @@ class RegexLdap(Authenticator):
ldapBase = gui.TextField(length=64, label = _('Base'), order = 7, tooltip = _('Common search base (used for "users" and "groups"'), required = True)
userClass = gui.TextField(length=64, label = _('User class'), defvalue = 'posixAccount', order = 8, tooltip = _('Class for LDAP users (normally posixAccount)'), required = True)
userIdAttr = gui.TextField(length=64, label = _('User Id Attr'), defvalue = 'uid', order = 9, tooltip = _('Attribute that contains the user id'), required = True)
userNameAttr = gui.TextField(length=64, label = _('User Name Attr'), defvalue = 'uid', order = 10, tooltip = _('Attributes that contains the user name (list of comma separated values)'), required = True)
groupNameAttr = gui.TextField(length=64, label = _('Group Name Attr'), defvalue = 'cn', order = 11, tooltip = _('Attribute that contains the group name'), required = True)
regex = gui.TextField(length=64, label = _('Regular Exp. for groups'), defvalue = '^(.*)', order = 12, tooltip = _('Regular Expression to extract the group name'), required = True)
userNameAttr = gui.TextField(length=64, label = _('User Name Attr'), multiline=2, defvalue = 'uid', order = 10, tooltip = _('Attributes that contains the user name (list of comma separated values)'), required = True)
groupNameAttr = gui.TextField(length=64, label = _('Group Name Attr'), multiline=2, defvalue = 'cn', order = 11, tooltip = _('Attribute that contains the group name'), required = True)
#regex = gui.TextField(length=64, label = _('Regular Exp. for groups'), defvalue = '^(.*)', order = 12, tooltip = _('Regular Expression to extract the group name'), required = True)
typeName = _('Regex LDAP Authenticator')
typeType = 'RegexLdapAuthenticator'
@ -78,6 +78,10 @@ class RegexLdap(Authenticator):
def __init__(self, dbAuth, environment, values = None):
super(RegexLdap, self).__init__(dbAuth, environment, values)
if values != None:
self.__validateField(values['userNameAttr'], str(self.userNameAttr.label))
self.__validateField(values['userIdAttr'], str(self.userIdAttr.label))
self.__validateField(values['groupNameAttr'], str(self.groupNameAttr.label))
self._host = values['host']
self._port = values['port']
self._ssl = gui.strToBool(values['ssl'])
@ -88,12 +92,9 @@ class RegexLdap(Authenticator):
self._userClass = values['userClass']
self._userIdAttr = values['userIdAttr']
self._groupNameAttr = values['groupNameAttr']
self._regex = values['regex']
#self._regex = values['regex']
self._userNameAttr = values['userNameAttr']
re.search(self._regex, '')
raise Authenticator.ValidationException(_('Invalid regular expression'))
self._host = None
self._port = None
@ -105,34 +106,85 @@ class RegexLdap(Authenticator):
self._userClass = None
self._userIdAttr = None
self._groupNameAttr = None
self._regex = None
#self._regex = None
self._userNameAttr = None
self._connection = None
def __validateField(self, field, fieldLabel):
Validates the multi line fields refering to attributes
import re
for line in field.splitlines():
if line.find('=') != -1:
attr, pattern = line.split('=')[0:2]
if pattern.find('(') == -1:
pattern = '(' + pattern + ')'
re.search(pattern, '')
raise auths.Authenticator.ValidationException('Invalid pattern in {0}: {1}'.format(fieldLabel, line))
def __processField(self, field, attributes):
import re
res = []
for line in field.splitlines():
if line.find('=') != -1:
attr, pattern = line.split('=')[0:2]
attr = attr.lower()
# if pattern do not have groups, define one with full re
if pattern.find('(') == -1:
pattern = '(' + pattern + ')'
val = attributes.get(attr, [])
for v in val:
logger.debug('Pattern: {0}'.format(pattern))
srch = re.search(pattern, v)
if srch is None:
except Exception as e:
logger.warn('Invalid regular expression')
res += attributes.get(line, [])
return res
def valuesDict(self):
return { 'host' : self._host, 'port' : self._port, 'ssl' : gui.boolToStr(self._ssl),
'username' : self._username, 'password' : self._password, 'timeout' : self._timeout,
'ldapBase' : self._ldapBase, 'userClass' : self._userClass,
'userIdAttr' : self._userIdAttr, 'groupNameAttr' : self._groupNameAttr, 'regex' : self._regex,
'userIdAttr' : self._userIdAttr, 'groupNameAttr' : self._groupNameAttr,
'userNameAttr' : self._userNameAttr
def __str__(self):
return "Ldap Auth: {0}:{1}@{2}:{3}, base = {4}, userClass = {5}, userIdAttr = {6}, groupNameAttr = {7}, reg.ex. = {8}, userName attr = {9}".format(
self._username, self._password, self._host, self._port, self._ldapBase, self._userClass, self._userIdAttr, self._groupNameAttr, self._regex,
return "Ldap Auth: {0}:{1}@{2}:{3}, base = {4}, userClass = {5}, userIdAttr = {6}, groupNameAttr = {7}, userName attr = {8}".format(
self._username, self._password, self._host, self._port, self._ldapBase, self._userClass, self._userIdAttr, self._groupNameAttr,
def marshal(self):
return str.join('\t', ['v1',
return str.join('\t', ['v2',
self._host, self._port, gui.boolToStr(self._ssl), self._username, self._password, self._timeout,
self._ldapBase, self._userClass, self._userIdAttr, self._groupNameAttr, self._regex, self._userNameAttr ])
self._ldapBase, self._userClass, self._userIdAttr, self._groupNameAttr, self._userNameAttr ])
def unmarshal(self, val):
data = val.split('\t')
if data[0] == 'v1':
logger.debug("Data: {0}".format(data[1:]))
self._host, self._port, self._ssl, self._username, self._password, self._timeout, self._ldapBase, self._userClass, self._userIdAttr, self._groupNameAttr, self._regex, self._userNameAttr = data[1:]
self._ssl = gui.strToBool(self._ssl)
self._host, self._port, self._ssl, self._username, self._password, self._timeout, self._ldapBase, self._userClass, self._userIdAttr, self._groupNameAttr, _regex, self._userNameAttr = data[1:]
self._ssl = gui.strToBool(self._ssl)
self._groupNameAttr = self._groupNameAttr + '=' + _regex
self._userNameAttr = '\n'.join(self._userNameAttr.split(','))
elif data[0] == 'v2':
logger.debug("Data v2: {0}".format(data[1:]))
self._host, self._port, self._ssl, self._username, self._password, self._timeout, self._ldapBase, self._userClass, self._userIdAttr, self._groupNameAttr, self._userNameAttr = data[1:]
self._ssl = gui.strToBool(self._ssl)
def __connection(self, username = None, password = None):
if self._connection is None or username is not None: # We want this method also to check credentials
@ -146,6 +198,7 @@ class RegexLdap(Authenticator):
uri = "%s://%s%s" % (schema, self._host, port)
logger.debug('Ldap uri: {0}'.format(uri))
l = ldap.initialize(uri=uri)
l.set_option(ldap.OPT_REFERRALS, 0)
l.network_timeout = l.timeout = int(self._timeout)
l.protocol_version = ldap.VERSION3
@ -173,12 +226,18 @@ class RegexLdap(Authenticator):
con = self.__connection()
filter = '(&(objectClass=%s)(%s=%s))' % (self._userClass, self._userIdAttr, username)
attrlist = self._userNameAttr.split(',') + [self._userIdAttr, self._groupNameAttr]
attrlist = [self._userIdAttr]
for i in self._userNameAttr.split('\n'):
attrlist.append( i.split('=')[0].lower() )
for i in self._groupNameAttr.split('\n'):
attrlist.append( i.split('=')[0].lower() )
logger.debug('Getuser filter: {0}, attr list: {1}'.format(filter, attrlist))
res = con.search_ext_s(base = self._ldapBase, scope = ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE,
filterstr = filter, attrlist = attrlist, sizelimit = LDAP_RESULT_LIMIT)[0]
usr = dict(( k, '' ) for k in attrlist)
dct = { k.lower(): v for k, v in res[1].iteritems() }
usr.update( {'dn' : res[0], '_id' : username })
logger.debug('Usr: {0}'.format(usr))
return usr
@ -187,26 +246,11 @@ class RegexLdap(Authenticator):
return None
def __getGroups(self, usr):
grps = usr[self._groupNameAttr]
if type(grps) is not list:
grps = [grps]
logger.debug("Groups: {0}".format(grps))
logger.debug("Re: {0}".format(self._regex))
regex = self._regex
if regex.find('(') == -1:
regex = '(' + regex + ')'
rg = re.compile(self._regex)
res = []
for g in grps:
ma = rg.search(g)
if ma is not None:
for m in ma.groups():
logger.debug('Res: {0}'.format(res))
return res
return self.__processField(self._groupNameAttr, usr)
def __getUserRealName(self, usr):
return ' '.join([ (type(usr.get(id_, '')) is list and ' '.join(( str(k) for k in usr.get(id_, ''))) or str(usr.get(id_, ''))) for id_ in self._userNameAttr.split(',') ]).strip()
return ' '.join(self.__processField(self._userNameAttr, usr))
#return ' '.join([ (type(usr.get(id_, '')) is list and ' '.join(( str(k) for k in usr.get(id_, ''))) or str(usr.get(id_, ''))) for id_ in self._userNameAttr.split(',') ]).strip()
def authenticate(self, username, credentials, groupsManager):
@ -299,10 +343,14 @@ class RegexLdap(Authenticator):
con = self.__connection()
res = []
for r in con.search_ext_s(base = self._ldapBase, scope = ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, filterstr = '(&(objectClass=%s)(%s=%s*))' % (self._userClass, self._userIdAttr, pattern), sizelimit=LDAP_RESULT_LIMIT):
usrId = r[1].get(self._userIdAttr, '')
usrId = type(usrId) == list and usrId[0] or usrId
res.append( { 'id' : usrId,
'name' : self.__getUserRealName(r[1]) } )
if r[0] is not None: # Must have a dn, we do not accept references to other
dct = { k.lower(): v for k, v in r[1].iteritems() }
logger.debug('R: {0}'.format(dct))
usrId = dct.get(self._userIdAttr.lower(), '')
usrId = type(usrId) == list and usrId[0] or usrId
res.append( { 'id' : usrId,
'name' : self.__getUserRealName(dct) } )
return res
except Exception, e:
logger.exception("Exception: ")
@ -336,40 +384,26 @@ class RegexLdap(Authenticator):
# If found 1 or more, all right
if len(con.search_ext_s(base = self._ldapBase, scope = ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, filterstr = '(objectClass=%s)' % self._groupClass, sizelimit=1)) == 1:
raise Exception()
return [False, _('Ldap group class seems to be incorrect (no group found by that class)')]
except Exception, e:
# If found 1 or more, all right
if len(con.search_ext_s(base = self._ldapBase, scope = ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, filterstr = '(%s=*)' % self._userIdAttr, sizelimit=1)) == 1:
raise Exception()
return [False, _('Ldap user id attribute seems to be incorrect (no user found by that attribute)')]
except Exception, e:
# If found 1 or more, all right
if self._groupNameAttr == 'dn':
raise Exception() # Can't search entries by dn, so this is not possible and dn is always retrieved
if len(con.search_ext_s(base = self._ldapBase, scope = ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, filterstr = '(%s=*)' % self._groupNameAttr, sizelimit=1)) == 1:
raise Exception()
return [False, _('Ldap group id attribute seems to be incorrect (no group found by that attribute)')]
except Exception, e:
# If found 1 or more, all right
# Now test objectclass and attribute of users
if len(con.search_ext_s(base = self._ldapBase, scope = ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, filterstr = '(&(objectClass=%s)(%s=*))' % (self._userClass, self._userIdAttr), sizelimit=1)) == 1:
raise Exception()
return [False, _('Ldap user class or user id attr is probably wrong (can\'t find any user with both conditions)')]
return [False, _('Ldap user id attr is probably wrong (can\'t find any user with both conditions)')]
except Exception as e:
# If found 1 or more, all right
for grpNameAttr in self._groupNameAttr.split('\n'):
vals = grpNameAttr.split('=')[0]
if vals == 'dn':
if len(con.search_ext_s(base = self._ldapBase, scope = ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, filterstr = '(%s=*)' % vals, sizelimit=1)) == 1:
return [False, _('Ldap group id attribute seems to be incorrect (no group found by that attribute)')]
# Now try to test regular expression to see if it matches anything (

View File

@ -278,6 +278,10 @@ class gui(object):
self._data['defvalue'] = defValue
def label(self):
return self._data['label']
class TextField(InputField):

View File

@ -76,6 +76,9 @@ class Cache(object):
except dbCache.DoesNotExist:
logger.debug('key not found')
def clean(self):
def put(self, skey, value, validity = None):

View File

@ -198,7 +198,8 @@ class GlobalConfig(object):
# Idle time before closing session on admin
ADMIN_IDLE_TIME = Config.section(GLOBAL_SECTION).value('adminIdleTime', '14400') # Defaults to 4 hous
# Time betwen checks of unused services by os managers
# Unused services will be invoked for every machine assigned but not in use AND that has been assigned at least 1/2 of this time
# Unused services will be invoked for every machine assigned but not in use AND that has been assigned at least this time
# (only if os manager asks for this characteristic)
CHECK_UNUSED_TIME = Config.section(GLOBAL_SECTION).value('checkUnusedTime', '631') # Defaults to 10 minutes
# Default CSS Used
CSS = Config.section(GLOBAL_SECTION).value('css', settings.STATIC_URL + 'css/uds.css')
@ -219,13 +220,10 @@ class GlobalConfig(object):
CUSTOM_HTML_LOGIN = Config.section(GLOBAL_SECTION).valueLong('customHtmlLogin', '')
# Maximum logs per user service
MAX_LOGS_PER_ELEMENT = Config.section(GLOBAL_SECTION).value('maxLogPerElement', '100')
# Time to restrain a deployed service in case it gives some error at some point
RESTRAINT_TIME = Config.section(GLOBAL_SECTION).value('restrainTime', '600')
# Statistics duration, in days
STATS_DURATION = Config.section(GLOBAL_SECTION).value('statsDuration', '365')
# If disallow login using /login url, and must go to an authenticator
DISALLOW_GLOBAL_LOGIN = Config.section(GLOBAL_SECTION).value('disallowGlobalLogin', '0')

View File

@ -48,11 +48,11 @@ class AssignedAndUnused(Job):
def run(self):
since_state = getSqlDatetime() - timedelta( seconds = GlobalConfig.CHECK_UNUSED_TIME.getInt() )
for ds in DeployedService.objects.all():
osm = ds.osmanager.getInstance()
if osm.processUnusedMachines is True:
logger.debug('Processing unused services for {0}'.format(osm))
since_state = getSqlDatetime() - timedelta( seconds = GlobalConfig.CHECK_UNUSED_TIME.getInt() )
for us in ds.assignedUserServices().select_for_update().filter(in_use=False,since_state__lt=since_state):
for us in ds.assignedUserServices().select_for_update().filter(in_use=False,since_state__lt=since_state, state=State.USABLE):
logger.debug('Found unused assigned service {0}'.format(us))

View File

@ -49,6 +49,8 @@ class TSRDPTransport(Transport):
def __init__(self, environment, values = None):
super(TSRDPTransport, self).__init__(environment, values)
if values != None:
if values['tunnelServer'].find(':') == -1:
raise Transport.ValidationException(_('Must use HOST:PORT in Tunnel Server Field'))
self._tunnelServer = values['tunnelServer']
self._tunnelCheckServer = values['tunnelCheckServer']
self._useEmptyCreds = gui.strToBool(values['useEmptyCreds'])
@ -59,6 +61,7 @@ class TSRDPTransport(Transport):
self._allowPrinters = gui.strToBool(values['allowPrinters'])
self._allowDrives = gui.strToBool(values['allowDrives'])
self._allowSerials = gui.strToBool(values['allowSerials'])
self._tunnelServer = ''
self._tunnelCheckServer = ''

View File

@ -99,6 +99,8 @@ class TSNXTransport(Transport):
def __init__(self, environment, values = None):
super(TSNXTransport, self).__init__(environment, values)
if values != None:
if values['tunnelServer'].find(':') == -1:
raise Transport.ValidationException(_('Must use HOST:PORT in Tunnel Server Field'))
self._tunnelServer = values['tunnelServer']
self._tunnelCheckServer = values['tunnelCheckServer']
self._useEmptyCreds = gui.strToBool(values['useEmptyCreds'])

View File

@ -190,6 +190,9 @@ def modifyAuthenticator(credentials, id, data):
except auths.Authenticator.ValidationException as e:
raise ValidationException(str(e))
except Exception as e:
raise ValidationException(str(e))
return True