Service modules are responsible for giving the user consumable ip services for users.
They are composed of a package where it is provided, at least, the following elements:
- One icon for administration interface representation. Icon is png file of 16x16.
- A Full tree of classes, derived from interfaces (descrived below)
- Registration of the class inside UDS at package’s __init__.
All packages included inside will automatically be imported, but the service providers (root of service trees) needs to register as valid providers, and the best place to do that is at the authenticator’s package __init__.
the Full tree of classes needed by the service modules are:
- Provider: This is the root tree of any service. It represents an agrupation of services under the same root. As sample, a service provider can be an Open nebula server, an VC, or whataver is a common root for a number of services.
- Service: This is the representation of what a service will give to an user. As such, this is not what the user will consume, but this is more the definition of what the user will consume. Before assigning a service to an user, the admin will need to declare a “Deployed Service”, that is a definition, using this service an a number of other modules, of what the user will consume. Inside this service we need to provide the information needed for deploying an user consumable item, such as if it needs to be “prepared”, if it supports cache, if it must be assigned to an user “manually”, and all the custom data that the user deployments and publications will need.
- Publication. Some services, before being assigned to users, needs some kind of preparation. This process of preparation is called here “publication”. The service itself will declare if it needs a publication and, if needed, who is responsible of that. Services with needed publication will use this kind of class to provide such preparation.
- User Deployment. This is what will provide the final user consumable service. The user deployment is the last responsible for, using the provided service and provided publication (if needed), to create the elements that the user will consume.
The best way to understand what you need to create your own services, is to look at modules samples