# $Id: apt,v 1.22 2005/07/15 17:25:46 me Exp $ Name: apt Version: 0.5.15cnc6 Release: alt17.1 Summary: Debian's Advanced Packaging Tool with RPM support Summary(ru_RU.KOI8-R): Debian APT - Усовершенствованное средство управления пакетами с поддержкой RPM License: GPL Group: System/Configuration/Packaging Url: https://moin.conectiva.com.br/AptRpm Packager: APT Development Team Source0: http://moin.conectiva.com.br/files/AptRpm/attachments/%name-%version.tar.bz2 Source1: apt.conf Source2: genbasedir Source3: README.rsync Source4: apt.ru.po Source5: apt.be.po Source6: ChangeLog-rpm.old Patch9: apt-0.5.15cnc6-alt-aclocal-warnings.patch Patch10: apt-0.5.15cnc5-alt-libtool.patch Patch11: apt-0.5.15cnc6-alt-fixes.patch Patch12: apt-0.5.15cnc5-alt-tinfo.patch Patch13: apt-0.5.15cnc5-alt-rpm-build.patch Patch14: apt-0.5.15cnc5-alt-distro.patch Patch15: apt-0.5.15cnc5-alt-debsystem.patch Patch16: apt-0.5.15cnc6-alt-defaults.patch Patch17: apt-0.5.5cnc5-alt-rsync.patch Patch18: apt-0.5.15cnc5-alt-getsrc.patch Patch19: apt-0.5.15cnc6-alt-parseargs.patch Patch20: apt-0.5.15cnc5-alt-rpm_cmd.patch Patch21: apt-0.5.15cnc6-alt-rpm-fancypercent.patch Patch22: apt-0.5.15cnc5-alt-methods_gpg_homedir.patch Patch23: apt-0.5.15cnc5-alt-md5hash-debug.patch Patch24: apt-0.5.15cnc5-alt-packagemanager-CheckRConflicts.patch Patch25: apt-0.5.5cnc4.1-alt-fixpriorsort.patch Patch26: apt-0.5.4cnc9-alt-pkgorderlist_score.patch Patch27: apt-0.5.15cnc6-alt-virtual_scores.patch Patch28: apt-0.5.15cnc5-alt-system-lua5.patch Patch29: apt-0.5.15cnc5-alt-findrepos.patch Patch30: apt-0.5.15cnc5-alt-gettext.patch Patch31: apt-0.5.15cnc6-alt-rpm-order.patch Patch32: apt-0.5.15cnc6-alt-pkgcachegen.patch Patch33: apt-0.5.15cnc6-alt-apt-shell.patch Patch34: apt-0.5.15cnc6-alt-umount.patch Patch35: apt-0.5.15cnc6-alt-apt-get-TryToInstall.patch Patch36: apt-0.5.15cnc6-alt-lsgroup.patch Patch37: apt-0.5.15cnc6-alt-apt-shell-dl.patch Patch38: apt-0.5.15cnc6-alt-dash-cmd.patch Patch39: apt-0.5.15cnc6-alt-quiet-update.patch Patch40: apt-0.5.15cnc6-alt-vendor.patch Patch41: apt-0.5.15cnc6-alt-apt-pipe.patch Patch42: apt-0.5.15cnc6-alt-PrintLocalFile.patch Patch43: apt-0.5.15cnc6-apt-utils-locale.patch # Normally not applied, but useful. Patch101: apt-0.5.4cnc9-alt-getsrc-debug.patch PreReq: %__subst Requires: libapt = %version-%release Requires: rpm >= 4.0.4-alt28, /etc/apt/pkgpriorities, apt-conf, gnupg, alt-gpgkeys Obsoletes: apt-0.5 # new rpmlib. BuildPreReq: librpm-devel >= 4.0.4-alt28 # for docs. BuildPreReq: docbook-utils # lua5. BuildPreReq: liblua5-devel # autopoint BuildPreReq: cvs %def_disable static %{?_enable_static:BuildPreReq: glibc-devel-static} # all the rest. BuildPreReq: gcc-c++ libreadline-devel libstdc++-devel libtinfo-devel setproctitle-devel %package -n libapt Summary: APT's core libraries Group: System/Libraries Obsoletes: libapt-0.5 PreReq: librpm >= 4.0.4-alt28 %package -n libapt-devel Summary: Development files and documentation for APT's core libs Summary(ru_RU.KOI8-R): Файлы и документация для разработчиков, использующих библиотеки APT Group: Development/C Requires: libapt = %version-%release, librpm-devel >= 4.0.4-alt28 Obsoletes: libapt-0.5-devel %package -n libapt-devel-static Summary: Development static library for APT's libs Summary(ru_RU.KOI8-R): Статическая библиотека APT для разработчиков, использующих библиотеки APT Group: Development/C Requires: libapt-devel = %version-%release, librpm-devel-static >= 4.0.4-alt28 Obsoletes: libapt-0.5-devel-static %package utils # Analoguous to rpm-build subpackage. Summary: Utilities to create APT repositaries (the indices) Summary(ru_RU.KOI8-R): Утилиты для построения APT-репозиториев (индексов) Group: Development/Other Requires: %name = %version-%release, mktemp >= 1:1.3.1, getopt Requires: gnupg, sed Obsoletes: apt-0.5-utils %package rsync Summary: rsync method support for APT Summary(ru_RU.KOI8-R): Поддержка метода rsync для APT Group: Development/Other Requires: %name = %version-%release, rsync >= 2.5.5-alt3 Obsoletes: apt-0.5-rsync # {{{ descriptions %define risk_usage_en This package is still under development. %description A port of Debian's APT tools for RPM based distributions, or at least for Conectiva. It provides the apt-get utility that provides a simpler, safer way to install and upgrade packages. APT features complete installation ordering, multiple source capability and several other unique features. %risk_usage_en %define risk_usage Данный пакет пока еще находится в стадии разработки. %description -l ru_RU.KOI8-R Перенесенные из Debian средства управления пакетами APT, включающие в себя поддержку RPM, выполненную компанией Conectiva (Бразилия). Этот пакет содержит утилиту apt-get для простой и надежной установки и обновления пакетов. APT умеет автоматически разрешать зависимости при установке, обеспечивает установку из нескольких источников и целый ряд других уникальных возможностей. %risk_usage %description -n libapt This package contains APT's package manipulation library, modified for RPM. %risk_usage_en %description -n libapt-devel This package contains the header files and libraries for developing with APT's package manipulation library, modified for RPM. %risk_usage_en %description -n libapt-devel-static This package contains static libraries for developing with APT's package manipulation library, modified for RPM. %risk_usage_en %description utils This package contains the utility programs that can prepare a repositary of RPMS binary and source packages for future access by APT (by generating the indices): genbasedir, genpkglist, gensrclist. It relates to 'apt' package analoguously to how 'rpm' relates to 'rpm-build' package. %risk_usage_en %description rsync This package contains method 'rsync' for APT. %risk_usage_en %description -n libapt -l ru_RU.KOI8-R В этом пакете находится библиотеки управления пакетами из комплекта APT. В отличие от оригинальной версии для Debian, этот пакет содержит поддержку для формата RPM. %risk_usage %description -n libapt-devel -l ru_RU.KOI8-R В этом пакете находятся заголовочные файлы и библиотеки для разработки программ, использующих библиотеки управления пакетами из комплекта APT. В отличие от оригинальной версии для Debian, этот пакет содержит поддержку для формата RPM. %risk_usage %description -n libapt-devel-static -l ru_RU.KOI8-R В этом пакете находятся статические библиотеки для разработки программ, использующих библиотеки управления пакетами из комплекта APT. В отличие от оригинальной версии для Debian, этот пакет содержит поддержку для формата RPM. %risk_usage %description utils -l ru_RU.KOI8-R В этом пакете находятся программы-утилиты, которые могут репозиторий бинарных и исходных пакетов RPM приготовить для доступа с помощью APT (сгенерировать индексы): genbasedir, genpkglist, gensrclist. Он относится к пакету 'apt' аналогично тому, как 'rpm'к 'rpm-build'. %risk_usage %description rsync -l ru_RU.KOI8-R В этом пакете находится метод 'rsync' для APT %risk_usage # }}} %prep %setup -q %patch9 -p1 %patch10 -p1 %patch11 -p1 %patch12 -p1 %patch13 -p1 %patch14 -p1 %patch15 -p1 %patch16 -p1 %patch17 -p1 %patch18 -p1 %patch19 -p1 %patch20 -p1 %patch21 -p1 %patch22 -p1 %patch23 -p1 %patch24 -p1 %patch25 -p1 %patch26 -p1 %patch27 -p1 %patch28 -p1 %patch29 -p1 %patch30 -p1 %patch31 -p1 %patch32 -p1 %patch33 -p1 %patch34 -p1 %patch35 -p1 %patch36 -p1 %patch37 -p1 %patch38 -p1 %patch39 -p1 %patch40 -p1 %patch41 -p1 %patch42 -p1 %patch43 -p1 find -type f -name \*.orig -delete -print # Use system-wide lua5 pushd lua # keep only local/ and lua/ %__rm -rfv include lib luac *.[ch] popd # Turn it on only if you want to see the debugging messages: #%patch101 -p1 -b .getsrc-debug %__install -p -m644 %SOURCE3 %SOURCE6 . %__install -p -m644 %SOURCE4 po/ru.po %__install -p -m644 %SOURCE5 po/be.po %__subst 's|^\(.\+\)$|\1 be|' po/LINGUAS %build # Fix url. %__subst -p 's,/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL,/usr/share/license/GPL,' COPYING autoreconf -fisv # --disable-dependency-tracking Speeds up one-time builds %configure --includedir=%_includedir/apt-pkg %{subst_enable static} # Probably this obsolete now? find -type f -print0 | xargs -r0 %__grep -EZl '/var(/lib)?/state/apt' -- | xargs -r0 %__subst -p 's,/var\(/lib\)\?/state/apt,%_localstatedir/%name,g' -- %make_build %install %__mkdir_p %buildroot%_sysconfdir/%name/{%name.conf,sources.list,vendors.list}.d %__mkdir_p %buildroot%_libdir/%name/scripts %__mkdir_p %buildroot%_localstatedir/%name/{lists/partial,prefetch} %__mkdir_p %buildroot%_cachedir/%name/{archives/partial,gen{pkg,src}list} %makeinstall includedir=%buildroot%_includedir/apt-pkg %__install -p -m755 %SOURCE2 %buildroot%_bindir/ %__install -p -m644 %SOURCE1 %buildroot%_sysconfdir/%name/ # This is still needed. %__ln_s -f rsh %buildroot%_libdir/%name/methods/ssh %__ln_s -f gzip %buildroot%_libdir/%name/methods/bzip2 # Cleanup find %buildroot%_includedir -type f -name rpmshowprogress.h -print -delete %__rm -f %buildroot%_libdir/*.la %__bzip2 -9fk ChangeLog-rpm.old %find_lang %name unset RPM_PYTHON %triggerun -- apt < 0:0.5.4 CONF=/etc/apt/apt.conf if [ -s "$CONF" ]; then %__subst 's/HoldPkgs/Hold/;s/AllowedDupPkgs/Allow-Duplicated/;s/IgnorePkgs/Ignore/;s/PostInstall/Post-Install/;s|Methods .*|Methods "/usr/lib/apt/methods";|;s|PubringPath *"\([^\"]*\)"|Pubring "\1/pubring.gpg"|g' "$CONF" fi %triggerun -- apt < 0:0.5.15cnc5-alt2 CONF=/etc/apt/apt.conf if [ -s "$CONF" ]; then %__subst -p 's,"/usr/lib/apt","/usr/lib/apt/methods",g' "$CONF" fi %post -n libapt -p %post_ldconfig %postun -n libapt -p %postun_ldconfig %files -f %name.lang %_bindir/apt-* %_libdir/%name %exclude %_libdir/%name/methods/rsync %dir %_sysconfdir/%name %config(noreplace) %_sysconfdir/%name/%name.conf %dir %_sysconfdir/%name/*.d %_mandir/man?/* %doc README* TODO COPYING AUTHORS* ChangeLog-rpm.old.bz2 doc/examples contrib %defattr(2770,root,rpm,2770) %_cachedir/%name/archives %files utils %_bindir/* %exclude %_bindir/apt-* %defattr(2770,root,rpm,2770) %_cachedir/%name/gen*list %files -n libapt %_libdir/*.so.* %_localstatedir/%name %defattr(2770,root,rpm,2770) %dir %_cachedir/%name %files -n libapt-devel %_libdir/*.so %_includedir/* %if_enabled static %files -n libapt-devel-static %_libdir/*.a %endif %files rsync %dir %_libdir/%name %dir %_libdir/%name/methods %_libdir/%name/methods/rsync # Probably %%doc with README.rsync? %changelog * Fri Dec 30 2005 ALT QA Team Robot 0.5.15cnc6-alt17.1 - Rebuilt with libreadline.so.5. * Fri Nov 25 2005 Dmitry V. Levin 0.5.15cnc6-alt17 - apt-utils: Set locale to "C" (#2587). - apt-utils: Added list of utilities to package description (#3564). - apt-get: Implemented APT::Get::PrintLocalFile option. * Fri Jul 15 2005 Sergey Bolshakov 0.5.15cnc6-alt16 - apt-shell: -q option for update added * Fri Jul 08 2005 Kachalov Anton 0.5.15cnc6-alt15 - apt-pkg/sourcelist.cc: Added support for multiple fingerprints for the same vendor name * Mon Jun 27 2005 Sergey Bolshakov 0.5.15cnc6-alt14 - apt-shell: #5401 fixed (rider@) - apt-pipe: race during shutting down fixed * Thu Jun 16 2005 Sergey Bolshakov 0.5.15cnc6-alt13 - apt-shell: possible fix of #4707 (rider@) * Tue May 31 2005 Sergey Bolshakov 0.5.15cnc6-alt12 - apt-pipe: inactivity timeout removed - apt-pipe: do not copy packages from cdrom during install * Wed May 18 2005 Dmitry V. Levin 0.5.15cnc6-alt11 - apt-get: corrected virtual package remove algorithm (#6276). - Updated default cdrom mount point (#6152). * Tue May 17 2005 Sergey Bolshakov 0.5.15cnc6-alt10 - Changed command line parsing order (zerg@, fixes #6815) - apt-shell: ls -G improvements (rider@) * Wed May 4 2005 Sergey Bolshakov 0.5.15cnc6-alt9 - apt-shell: ls -G redo (rider@) * Thu Apr 28 2005 Sergey Bolshakov 0.5.15cnc6-alt8 - belarusian translation updated - apt-shell: ls -g/-G implemented (rider@) - apt-pipe minor cleanups * Mon Apr 11 2005 Sergey Bolshakov 0.5.15cnc6-alt7 - Acquire::CDROM::mount value in apt.conf(5) changed from /mnt/cdrom to /media/cdrom - apt-pipe utility added * Tue Jan 18 2005 ALT QA Team Robot 0.5.15cnc6-alt6.1 - Rebuilt with libstdc++.so.6. * Tue Aug 31 2004 Dmitry V. Levin 0.5.15cnc6-alt6 - %_localstatedir/%name: relocated to libapt subpackage (#4697). - UnmountCdrom(): silently ignore subfs and supermount filesystems (#4806). * Mon Jul 05 2004 Kachalov Anton 0.5.15cnc6-alt5 - apt-shell fixes (#3091) * Mon Jun 07 2004 Dmitry V. Levin 0.5.15cnc6-alt4 - apt-shell fixes from Mouse (#4306). * Sat May 15 2004 Dmitry V. Levin 0.5.15cnc6-alt3 - apt-pkg/pkgcachegen.cc: Remove old sources cache file before creating new one. - More fixes reported by compiler, patch by Anton V. Denisov. * Fri May 14 2004 Dmitry V. Levin 0.5.15cnc6-alt2 - Fixed aclocal warnings, patch by Anton V. Denisov. - Updated russian translation from Anton Denisov. * Thu May 13 2004 Kachalov Anton 0.5.15cnc6-alt1 - Updated to 0.5.15cnc6. - New: + apt-0.5.15cnc6-alt-rpm-order (fix RPM::Order default value) - Updated: + apt-0.5.15cnc6-alt-fixes + apt-0.5.15cnc6-alt-defaults + apt-0.5.15cnc6-alt-rpm-fancypercent + apt-0.5.15cnc6-alt-virtual_scores - Merged upstream: + apt-0.5.15cnc6-alt-install_virtual * Fri Feb 27 2004 Dmitry V. Levin 0.5.15cnc5-alt4 - Fixed build with fresh autotools. * Wed Jan 21 2004 Dmitry V. Levin 0.5.15cnc5-alt3 - Readded contrib to documentation. - Updated russian translation from Anton Denisov. * Mon Jan 19 2004 Dmitry V. Levin 0.5.15cnc5-alt2 - Added one more %%triggerun to correct apt.conf, due to apt methods migration. - Applied patch from Alexey Tourbin to use systemwide lua5. - Applied patch from Sviatoslav Sviridov to workaround VendorList bug. * Fri Jan 16 2004 Dmitry V. Levin 0.5.15cnc5-alt1 - Specfile cleanup. - Rediffed patches. - Fixed --help/--version segfault. - Fixed some compilation warnings. - Relocated methods to %_libdir/%name/methods/. * Thu Jan 15 2004 Dmitry V. Levin 0.5.15cnc5-alt0.3 - Updated: + apt-0.5.15cnc5-alt-rpm + apt-0.5.15cnc5-alt-rpm-fancypercent * Tue Jan 13 2004 Anton Kachalov 0.5.15cnc5-alt0.2 - Updated and applied: + apt-0.5.15cnc5-alt-install_virtual + apt-0.5.15cnc5-alt-virtual_scores - Removed: + apt-0.5.4cnc9-alt-install_virtual_version (merged upstream). * Fri Dec 26 2003 Anton V. Denisov 0.5.15cnc5-alt0.1 - Updated to 0.5.15cnc4. - Updated alt-rpm.patch. * Tue Dec 09 2003 Anton V. Denisov 0.5.15cnc4-alt0.2 - Updated and applied alt-getsrc.patch. - Following patches still stay unapplied: + alt-install_virtual.patch + alt-install_virtual_version.patch + alt-virtual_scores.patch * Mon Dec 08 2003 Anton V. Denisov 0.5.15cnc4-alt0.1 - Updated to 0.5.15cnc4. - Updated alt-distro.patch. - Updated russian translation. - Get rid of %_libdir/*.la files. - Still have disabled patches. * Tue Nov 25 2003 Anton V. Denisov 0.5.15cnc3-alt0.1 - Updated to 0.5.15cnc3 - Temporary disabled patches: + apt-0.5.4cnc9-alt-getsrc.patch + apt-0.5.5cnc4-alt-install_virtual.patch + apt-0.5.5cnc4.1-alt-virtual_scores.patch - Merged upstream patches: + apt-0.5.15cnc1-upstream-pinning-fix.patch - NOTE: + this release can not be used with hasher (until we 'll update temporary disabled patches); + all packages which uses libapt need to be rebuilt (library version changed). - TODO: + check and update our patches (most important); + update russian translation. * Tue Nov 11 2003 Anton V. Denisov 0.5.15cnc1-alt0.2 - added apt-0.5.15cnc1-upstream-pinning-fix.patch. - Updated russian translation. * Sat Nov 08 2003 Anton V. Denisov 0.5.15cnc1-alt0.1 - Updated to 0.5.15cnc1, renumbered patches. - Removed patches: + apt-0.5.5cnc5-panu-nodigest.patch - Updated patches: + alt-distro.patch + alt-rpm_cmd.patch + alt-defaults.patch - Merged upstream patches: + alt-bz2.patch + alt-versionmatch.patch + alt-versionmatch2.patch + alt-cleanups.patch + apt-0.5.12_apt-get_backports.patch + apt-0.5.12_apt-cache_backports.patch + apt-0.5.12_doc_backports.patch + apt-0.5.12_methods_backports.patch + apt-0.5.12_apt-pkg_backports.patch + apt-0.5.12_acqprogress_backports.patch + apt-0.5.12_tests_backports.patch + apt-0.5.14_apt_get_and_docs.patch - Temporary disabled patches: + alt-install_virtual_version.patch (need to be updated by author) - Following patches wasn't accepted by upstream (what to do with it?): + alt-packagemanager-CheckRConflicts.patch + alt-debsystem.patch + alt-install_virtual.patch + alt-fixpriorsort.patch + alt-rpm-fancypercent.patch + alt-virtual_scores.patch + alt-parseargs.patch * Thu Oct 09 2003 Anton V. Denisov 0.5.5cnc6-alt0.8 - added BuildRequires: python (fix build in hasher). - partial merge with upstream APT (0.5.14): + apt-0.5.14_apt_get_and_docs.patch * Wed Oct 08 2003 Anton V. Denisov 0.5.5cnc6-alt0.7 - added apt-0.5.5cnc6-alt-cleanups.patch (fixed some compiler warnings) - sync with apt-0.5.5cnc4.1-alt7: + updated alt-fixpriorsort.patch + updated alt-rpm-fancypercent.patch + updated alt-parseargs.patch (and update it for cnc6) + added alt-virtual_scores.patch + renamed spec file. * Tue Oct 07 2003 Anton V. Denisov 0.5.5cnc6-alt0.5 - partial merge with upstream APT (0.5.12): + apt-0.5.12_apt-cache_backports.patch + apt-0.5.12_apt-get_backports.patch + apt-0.5.12_doc_backports.patch + apt-0.5.12_methods_backports.patch + apt-0.5.12_apt-pkg_backports.patch + apt-0.5.12_acqprogress_backports.patch + apt-0.5.12_tests_backports.patch * Mon Oct 06 2003 Anton V. Denisov 0.5.5cnc6-alt0.4 - sync with apt-0.5.5cnc4.1-alt6: + added apt-0.5.5cnc4.1-alt-parseargs.patch + added apt-0.5.5cnc6-alt-fixpriorsort.patch * Fri Sep 05 2003 Anton V. Denisov 0.5.5cnc6-alt0.3 - s/$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%%buildroot/g in spec file. - Updated BuildRequires in Sisyphus (20030704) env. - Updated russian translation. - sync with apt-0.5.5cnc4.1-alt5: + added apt-0.5.5cnc4-alt-defaults.patch + cleaned up /etc/apt.conf file. + updated alt-install_virtual.patch + added apt-0.5.5cnc4-alt-versionmatch2.patch + do not build static libraries by default. * Mon Jun 16 2003 Anton V. Denisov 0.5.5cnc6-alt0.1 - Updated to 0.5.5cnc6. - Re-added patches due to upstream changes: + alt-debsystem.patch (apt-pkg/deb/debsystem.cc was added again). - Downgraded patches due to upstream changes: + alt-getsrc.patch (apt-pkg/deb/debsrcrecords.h was added again). - Packaged directories: + Dir::Bin::scripts (/usr/lib/apt/scripts); - Updated %%doc (contrib dir added). * Fri Jun 06 2003 Anton V. Denisov 0.5.5cnc5-alt0.5 - old changelog entries come back as rpm_old_changelog. - updated %%find_lang call. - added -I m4 for %%__aclocal call. - more macroszification. - My Mother birthday edition. * Tue Jun 03 2003 Anton V. Denisov 0.5.5cnc5-alt0.4 - %%install section reworked (%%makeinstall use). - %%build section cleaned up. - %%_libdir/*.la moved to libapt-devel subpackage. - %name.8 removed from sources. - Dropped obsolete old patches. - Dropped old changelog entries. * Tue Jun 03 2003 Anton V. Denisov 0.5.5cnc5-alt0.3 - Updated to 0.5.5cnc5, renumbered patches. - Added patches: + apt-0.5.5cnc5-panu-nodigest.patch - Updated patches: + alt-getsrc + alt-rsync + alt-tinfo + alt-rpm (check this one) - Removed patches due to upstream changes: + alt-debsystem - Merged upstream patches: + alt-i18n-apt-cdrom + apt-cnc-20030322-algo - Updated russian translation. - Explicitly use autoconf-2.5 and automake-1.7 for build. - Major changes in spec file (need more changes). - Updated buildrequires (libbeecrypt-devel and glibc-devel-static added). * Mon Apr 28 2003 Dmitry V. Levin 0.5.5cnc4.1-alt4 - apt-get: substitute virtual package with real one (mouse). - libapt: ignore serial and check both for version and version-release while matching version string (mouse). - Mouse birthday edition. * Tue Mar 25 2003 Dmitry V. Levin 0.5.5cnc4.1-alt3 - Applied cnc-20030322 algorithm changes. - Updated russian translation (avd). * Tue Mar 11 2003 Dmitry V. Levin 0.5.5cnc4.1-alt2 - Fixed -lncurses/-ltinfo linkage. - Updated buildrequires. * Sat Mar 08 2003 Dmitry V. Levin 0.5.5cnc4.1-alt1 - Updated to 0.5.5cnc4.1 * Fri Mar 07 2003 Dmitry V. Levin 0.5.5cnc4-alt1 - Updated to 0.5.5cnc4, renumbered patches. - Updated patches: + alt-rpm_cmd - Removed patches due to upstream fixes: + alt-APT_DOMAIN + alt-specialchars - Packaged directories: + Dir::Etc::sourceparts (/etc/apt/sources.list.d); + Dir::State::prefetch (/var/lib/apt/prefetch). - apt-cdrom: i18n'ed (avd). - Updated russian translation (avd). * Fri Feb 28 2003 Dmitry V. Levin 0.5.5cnc3-alt1 - Updated to 0.5.5cnc3 * Sun Feb 23 2003 Dmitry V. Levin 0.5.5cnc2-alt1 - Updated to 0.5.5cnc2 - Merged upstream patches: + alt-rpmlistparser-kernel + mattdm-manbuild - Updated genbasedir (svd). - Cleaned up genbasedir a bit. - Cleaned up and updated buildrequires. * Thu Feb 13 2003 Dmitry V. Levin 0.5.5cnc1-alt3 - Introduced APT::Ignore-dpkg support and set this flag by default, to address #0002119. * Wed Feb 12 2003 Dmitry V. Levin 0.5.5cnc1-alt2 - Updated russian translation (Vyacheslav Dikonov). - Updated buildrequires. * Fri Feb 07 2003 Dmitry V. Levin 0.5.5cnc1-alt1 - Updated to 0.5.5cnc1 - Fixed build: + alt-APT_DOMAIN + mattdm-manbuild - Merged upstream patches: + alt-algo + alt-replace + alt-fixes + alt-CachedMD5 + alt-rename-segfault + alt-rpmrecords_epoch + alt-lockfix + alt-cdrom-unmount - Updated patches: + alt-distro + alt-pkgpriorities + alt-methods_gpg_homedir - Removed patches: + alt-INLINEDEPFLAG * Tue Jan 28 2003 Dmitry V. Levin 0.5.4cnc9-alt8 - apt-cdrom: Unmout cdrom in case if package file wasn't found (avd). - apt-cdrom: Fixed default disk name (#0001886). * Tue Jan 21 2003 Dmitry V. Levin 0.5.4cnc9-alt7 - apt-pkg: fixed RPMTAG_EPOCH handling (#0002019, avd). - apt-get: try to fix lock problem (#0002013, vsu). - apt-pkg: added APT::Install::VirtualVersion support (mouse). - methods/gpg (#0001945): + added APT::GPG::Homedir support and enabled it by default; + dropped APT::GPG::Pubring support. - apt-pkg: experimental patch for pkgOrderList::Score (#0001931). * Fri Jan 17 2003 Dmitry V. Levin 0.5.4cnc9-alt6 - apt: PreReq: %__subst (#0001801). - apt-get: added APT::Install::Virtual support (mouse). - apt-cdrom: applied alt-specialchars patch from Anton V. Denisov, needs to be tested though. - apt.conf: added "-adv" and "-linus" kernels to Allow-Duplicated list. * Thu Dec 26 2002 Dmitry V. Levin 0.5.4cnc9-alt5 - apt-pkg/packagemanager.cc (pkgPackageManager::CheckRConflicts): Ignore versionless reverse dependencies (mouse). * Mon Dec 23 2002 Dmitry V. Levin 0.5.4cnc9-alt4 - Removed builtin defaults for RPM::Allow-Duplicated and RPM::Hold options (was added in 0.5.4cnc9-alt1). - rpmListParser::Package(): removed "kernel" hack. * Thu Dec 19 2002 Sviatoslav Sviridov 0.5.4cnc9-alt3 - patch for check .bz2 extension in file method - fixed possible segfault in pkgAcquire::Item::Rename * Tue Dec 17 2002 Sviatoslav Sviridov 0.5.4cnc9-alt2 - Updated rsync method: + Fixed bug leading to race condition. + Acquire::rsync::options:: in apt.config allows specification of any user-defined option for /usr/bin/rsync. + Support port specification in URIs - Updated README.rsync * Tue Dec 03 2002 Dmitry V. Levin 0.5.4cnc9-alt1 - Reverted 1 of 4 hunks in sorting order fix, to be compatible with upstream. We will use pkgpriorities instead. - Renamed rpmpriorities to pkgpriorities and moved it to apt-conf package. - Several compilation fixes. - Fixed gettextization. - Set builtin defaults for RPM::Allow-Duplicated and RPM::Hold options. - Renumbered patches. - Replaced patch to genbasedir with shell script. - genbasedir: + Added new options: --no-oldhashfile, --newhashfile, --no-newhashfile. + Enabled generation of both old and new hashfiles by default. - Do not use __progname in CachedMD5 implementation. - Fixed apt upgrade trigger. - Renamed to apt and built for Sisyphus. * Mon Dec 02 2002 Kachalov Anton 0.5.4cnc9-alt0.5 - Fixed replace support * Tue Nov 26 2002 Dmitry V. Levin 0.5.4cnc9-alt0.4 - Updated genbasedir patch. - Fixed sorting algorithm (mouse). - rpmpriorities: removed libs and obsolete packages. * Sat Nov 23 2002 Ivan Zakharyaschev 0.5.4cnc9-alt0.3 - utils: add -0.5 suffix to %_cachedir/apt/gen* (to enable caching for the corresponting utils; ); - describe --mapi in genbasedir usage message; - include some empty /etc/apt/*.d/ which can be used; * Sat Nov 16 2002 Sviatoslav Sviridov 0.5.4cnc9-alt0.2 - patch for add option "--fancypercent" to rpm - patch for genbasedir - Fixed dependencies: + rsync >= 2.5.5-alt3 (now in sisyphus) for apt-0.5-rsync + sed for apt-utils (by genbasedir) - Updated apt.conf: + added option RPM::Order="true" * Mon Oct 28 2002 Ivan Zakharyaschev 0.5.4cnc9-alt0.1 - sync with apt-0.3.19cnc55-alt9: + rpmpriorities: updated lists (up to alt9); + %_localstatedir/apt: fixed permissions (used to be: drwxrws--- root rpm, now: drwxr-xr-x root root); - apt.conf: APT::GPG::PubringPath -> APT::GPG::Pubring transition (the default apt.conf and %%triggerun affected); (this is what you have to do to make signed sources work!) - port getsrc patch (from ALT's apt-0.3 branch); - new upstream release: apt-0.5.4cnc9 ("early remove" problems are said to be solved now). * Wed Oct 16 2002 Sviatoslav Sviridov 0.5.4cnc8-alt0.1 - new release: apt-0.5.4cnc8 * Tue Sep 17 2002 Svaitoslav Sviridov 0.5.4cnc7-alt0.1 - new release: apt-0.5.4cnc7 - included patch for rsync method * Sun Aug 11 2002 Anton V. Denisov 0.5.4cnc6-alt0.1 - Updated: + APT-0.5.4cnc6 (bugfix release - fixed some segfaults) * Wed Aug 07 2002 Anton V. Denisov 0.5.4cnc5-alt0.2 - Fixed: + BuildRequires (updated by new version of buildreq utility) * Tue Aug 06 2002 Anton V. Denisov 0.5.4cnc5-alt0.1 - Fixed: + Symlinks for ssh and bzip2 methods + Spec file (%name!=apt - I forgot this) - Updated: + APT-0.5.4cnc5 - Removed: + apt-0.5.4cnc1-alt-enable-rsh-method.patch * Wed Jul 31 2002 Anton V. Denisov 0.5.4cnc4-alt0.1 - Fixed: + apt.conf syntax a little + %%doc syntax a little - Updated: + APT-0.5.4cnc4 + BuildRequires -Removed: + apt-0.5.4cnc3-alt-configure-version.patch * Sat Jul 27 2002 Anton V. Denisov 0.5.4cnc3-alt0.1 - Fixed: + libapt-0.5-devel requires + apt.conf syntax - Updated: + APT-0.5.4cnc3 + apt.conf + rpmpriorities + APT Development Team e-mail + apt-0.5 requires + select-genlist.patch for new version + Spec file + %%doc section - Added: + Patch for some debug in md5 operations. + apt-0.5.4cnc3-alt-configure-version.patch * Fri Jul 19 2002 Ivan Zakharyaschev 0.5.4cnc1-alt0.3 - make genbasedir-0.5 call gen{pkg,src}list-0.5 respectively * Fri Jul 19 2002 Ivan Zakharyaschev 0.5.4cnc1-alt0.2 - fix the trigger script; - add 0.5 to the package names and apt-utils binaries (to make co-existence of apt-utils possible). * Fri Jul 19 2002 Anton V. Denisov 0.5.4cnc1-alt1 - New upstream release. - Some patches regenerated for new version. - Spec modified for new version. - It's a just build for Deadalus - not for actual use. - I just built it but not test yet. # Local Variables: # mode: rpm-spec # mode: folding # coding: koi8-r # compile-command: "rpmbuild -ba --target=i586 apt.spec" # End: