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//--------------------------------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-
// CLING - the C++ LLVM-based InterpreterG :)
// version: $Id$
// author: Axel Naumann <>
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include <vector>
#include <set>
namespace llvm {
class Module;
class ExecutionEngine;
namespace clang {
class QualType;
class ASTContext;
namespace cling {
class StoredValueRef;
class ExecutionContext {
typedef void* (*LazyFunctionCreatorFunc_t)(const std::string&);
void installLazyFunctionCreator(LazyFunctionCreatorFunc_t fp);
void runStaticInitializersOnce(llvm::Module* m);
void runStaticDestructorsOnce(llvm::Module* m);
void executeFunction(llvm::StringRef function,
const clang::ASTContext& Ctx,
clang::QualType retType,
StoredValueRef* returnValue = 0);
///\brief Adds a symbol (function) to the execution engine.
/// Allows runtime declaration of a function passing its pointer for being
/// used by JIT generated code.
/// @param[in] symbolName - The name of the symbol as required by the
/// linker (mangled if needed)
/// @param[in] symbolAddress - The function pointer to register
/// @returns true if the symbol is successfully registered, false otherwise.
bool addSymbol(const char* symbolName, void* symbolAddress);
///\brief Gets the address of an existing global and whether it was JITted.
/// JIT symbols might not be immediately convertible to e.g. a function
/// pointer as their call setup is different.
///\param[in] m - the module to use for finging the global
///\param[in] mangledName - the globa's name
///\param[out] fromJIT - whether the symbol was JITted.
void* getAddressOfGlobal(llvm::Module* m, const char* mangledName,
bool* fromJIT = 0) const;
llvm::ExecutionEngine* getExecutionEngine() const {
return m_engine;
static void* HandleMissingFunction(const std::string&);
static void* NotifyLazyFunctionCreators(const std::string&);
int verifyModule(llvm::Module* m);
void printModule(llvm::Module* m);
void InitializeBuilder(llvm::Module* m);
static std::set<std::string> m_unresolvedSymbols;
static std::vector<LazyFunctionCreatorFunc_t> m_lazyFuncCreator;
llvm::ExecutionEngine* m_engine; // Owned by JIT
/// \brief prevent the recursive run of the static inits
bool m_RunningStaticInits;
/// \brief Whether cxa_at_exit has been rewired to the Interpreter's version
bool m_CxaAtExitRemapped;
} // end cling