Rename AddHostIncludes to AddHostArguments.

Move the addition of -resource-dir argument into the function.

Signed-off-by: Vassil Vassilev <>
This commit is contained in:
Frederich Munch 2016-07-05 15:32:13 -04:00 committed by sftnight
parent 38a74b7a23
commit d90972a879

View File

@ -446,6 +446,43 @@ namespace {
static bool strEqual(const char* a, const char* b, size_t n) {
return !strncmp(a, b, n) && !a[n];
struct CompilerOpts {
bool hasMinusX, noBuiltinInc, noCXXIncludes, haveRsrcPath;
void parse(const char* arg) {
if (!hasMinusX && !strncmp(arg, "-x", 2))
hasMinusX = true;
else if (!noBuiltinInc && strEqual(arg, "-nobuiltininc", 13))
noBuiltinInc = true;
else if (!noCXXIncludes && strEqual(arg, "-nostdinc++", 11))
noCXXIncludes = true;
else if (!haveRsrcPath && strEqual(arg, "-resource-dir", 13))
haveRsrcPath = true;
CompilerOpts(const char* const* iarg, const char* const* earg) :
hasMinusX(false), noBuiltinInc(false), noCXXIncludes(false),
haveRsrcPath(false) {
while (iarg < earg &&
(!hasMinusX || !noBuiltinInc || !noCXXIncludes || !haveRsrcPath)) {
if (strEqual(*iarg, "-Xclang", 7)) {
// goto next arg if there is one
if (++iarg < earg)
class AdditionalArgList {
typedef std::vector< std::pair<const char*,std::string> > container_t;
container_t m_Saved;
@ -500,8 +537,8 @@ namespace {
///\brief Adds standard library -I used by whatever compiler is found in PATH.
static void AddHostIncludes(std::vector<const char*>& args,
bool noBuiltinInc, bool noCXXIncludes) {
static void AddHostArguments(std::vector<const char*>& args,
const char* llvmdir, const CompilerOpts& opts) {
static AdditionalArgList sArguments;
if (sArguments.empty()) {
#ifdef _MSC_VER
@ -523,10 +560,10 @@ namespace {
// When built with access to the proper Windows APIs, try to actually find
// the correct include paths first.
if (getVisualStudioDir(VSDir)) {
if (!noCXXIncludes) {
if (!opts.noCXXIncludes) {
sArguments.addArgument("-I", VSDir + "\\VC\\include");
if (!noBuiltinInc) {
if (!opts.noBuiltinInc) {
if (getWindowsSDKDir(WindowsSDKDir)) {
sArguments.addArgument("-I", WindowsSDKDir + "\\include");
@ -545,7 +582,7 @@ namespace {
#else // _MSC_VER
// Skip LLVM_CXX execution if -nostdinc++ was provided.
if (!noCXXIncludes) {
if (!opts.noCXXIncludes) {
// Need sArguments.empty as a check condition later
assert(sArguments.empty() && "Arguments not empty");
@ -598,6 +635,41 @@ namespace {
#endif // _MSC_VER
if (!opts.haveRsrcPath && !opts.noBuiltinInc) {
std::string resourcePath;
if (!llvmdir) {
// FIXME: The first arg really does need to be argv[0] on FreeBSD.
// Note: The second arg is not used for Apple, FreeBSD, Linux,
// or cygwin, and can only be used on systems which support
// the use of dladdr().
// Note: On linux and cygwin this uses /proc/self/exe to find the path
// Note: On Apple it uses _NSGetExecutablePath().
// Note: On FreeBSD it uses getprogpath().
// Note: Otherwise it uses dladdr().
= CompilerInvocation::GetResourcesPath("cling",
(void*)(intptr_t) locate_cling_executable);
} else {
llvm::SmallString<512> tmp(llvmdir);
llvm::sys::path::append(tmp, "lib", "clang", CLANG_VERSION_STRING);
resourcePath.assign(&tmp[0], tmp.size());
// FIXME: Handle cases, where the cling is part of a library/framework.
// There we can't rely on the find executable logic.
if (!llvm::sys::fs::is_directory(resourcePath)) {
<< "ERROR in cling::CIFactory::createCI():\n resource directory "
<< resourcePath << " not found!\n";
resourcePath = "";
} else {
sArguments.addArgument("-resource-dir", std::move(resourcePath));
for (auto& arg : sArguments) {
@ -698,79 +770,24 @@ namespace {
llvm::SmallString<512> resource_path;
if (llvmdir) {
resource_path = llvmdir;
llvm::sys::path::append(resource_path,"lib", "clang", CLANG_VERSION_STRING);
} else {
// FIXME: The first arg really does need to be argv[0] on FreeBSD.
// Note: The second arg is not used for Apple, FreeBSD, Linux,
// or cygwin, and can only be used on systems which support
// the use of dladdr().
// Note: On linux and cygwin this uses /proc/self/exe to find the path.
// Note: On Apple it uses _NSGetExecutablePath().
// Note: On FreeBSD it uses getprogpath().
// Note: Otherwise it uses dladdr().
= CompilerInvocation::GetResourcesPath("cling",
(void*)(intptr_t) locate_cling_executable
// FIXME: Handle cases, where the cling is part of a library/framework.
// There we can't rely on the find executable logic.
if (!llvm::sys::fs::is_directory(resource_path.str())) {
<< "ERROR in cling::CIFactory::createCI():\n resource directory "
<< resource_path.str() << " not found!\n";
resource_path = "";
std::vector<const char*> argvCompile(argv, argv + argc);
// We do C++ by default; append right after argv[0] name
// Only insert it if there is no other "-x":
bool hasMinusX = false;
bool noBuiltinInc = false;
bool noCXXIncludes = false;
const char* lang = "c++";
for (const char* const* iarg = argv, * const* earg = argv + argc;
iarg < earg && (!hasMinusX || !noBuiltinInc || !noCXXIncludes); ++iarg) {
if (!strncmp(*iarg, "-Xclang", 7) && (*iarg)[8] == 0) {
// goto next arg if there is one
if (++iarg < earg) {
if (!strncmp(*iarg, "-x", 2)) {
if ((*iarg)[2] == 0) {
// iarg[0]: -x, iarg[1]: -Xclang, iarg[2]: objc++
assert(iarg+2 < earg && "Expected language after -Xclang -x");
lang = iarg[2];
lang = (*iarg) + 2;
else if (!hasMinusX && !strncmp(*iarg, "-x", 2))
hasMinusX = true;
else if (!noBuiltinInc && !strncmp(*iarg, "-nobuiltininc", 13))
noBuiltinInc = true;
else if (!noCXXIncludes && !strncmp(*iarg, "-nostdinc++", 11))
noCXXIncludes = true;
if (!hasMinusX) {
argvCompile.insert(argvCompile.begin() + 1,"-x");
argvCompile.insert(argvCompile.begin() + 2, lang);
CompilerOpts copts(argv, argv + argc);
AddHostIncludes(argvCompile, noBuiltinInc, noCXXIncludes);
std::vector<const char*> argvCompile(argv, argv+1);
if (!copts.hasMinusX) {
// We do C++ by default; append right after argv[0] if no "-x" given
argvCompile.push_back( "c++");
// argv[0] already inserted, get the rest
argvCompile.insert(argvCompile.end(), argv+1, argv + argc);
// Add host specific and -resource-dir if necessary
AddHostArguments(argvCompile, llvmdir, copts);
Invocation = new clang::CompilerInvocation;
@ -857,30 +874,6 @@ namespace {
// Configure our handling of diagnostics.
ProcessWarningOptions(*Diags, DiagOpts);
if (Invocation->getHeaderSearchOpts().UseBuiltinIncludes &&
!resource_path.empty()) {
// Update ResourceDir
// header search opts' entry for resource_path/include isn't
// updated by providing a new resource path; update it manually.
clang::HeaderSearchOptions& Opts = Invocation->getHeaderSearchOpts();
llvm::SmallString<512> oldResInc(Opts.ResourceDir);
llvm::sys::path::append(oldResInc, "include");
llvm::SmallString<512> newResInc(resource_path);
llvm::sys::path::append(newResInc, "include");
bool foundOldResInc = false;
for (unsigned i = 0, e = Opts.UserEntries.size();
!foundOldResInc && i != e; ++i) {
HeaderSearchOptions::Entry &E = Opts.UserEntries[i];
if (!E.IsFramework && E.Group == clang::frontend::System
&& E.IgnoreSysRoot && oldResInc.str() == E.Path) {
E.Path = newResInc.c_str();
foundOldResInc = true;
Opts.ResourceDir = resource_path.str();