platform: - x64 #- x86 configuration: #- Debug - Release branches: only: - master cache: - builddir - C:\projects\deps\ninja clone_depth: 10 environment: VSTUDIO_VERS: Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0 matrix: - CMAKE_GEN: Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64 - CMAKE_GEN: Ninja # matrix: # set this flag to immediately finish build once one of the jobs fails. # fast_finish: true # allow_failures: # - platform: x86 # configuration: Release # - platform: x64 # configuration: Release skip_tags: true os: - Visual Studio 2015 build: parallel: true verbosity: detailed install: - C:\"Program Files (x86)"\"%VSTUDIO_VERS%"\VC\vcvarsall.bat %platform% - set PATH=C:\projects\deps\ninja;C:\gnuwin32\bin;%PATH% - |- if exist "C:\projects\deps\ninja\" set GETNINJA=rem if not "%CMAKE_GEN%"=="Ninja" set GETNINJA=rem %GETNINJA% appveyor DownloadFile "" -FileName %GETNINJA% 7z x -oC:\projects\deps\ninja > nul %GETNINJA% ninja --version build_script: - tools\packaging\ ^ --current-dev=tar ^ --with-cling-url= ^ --with-clang-url= ^ --with-llvm-url= ^ --with-cmake-flags="-DLLVM_OPTIMIZED_TABLEGEN=ON -G\"%CMAKE_GEN%\"" ^ --skip-cleanup init: - ps: iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString('')) - cmd: wmic os get osarchitecture - cmd: echo platform is %platform% - cmd: set on_failure: # Your RDP session is limited by overall build time (60 min). # On every failing build, we have to wait for hours... Uncomment the next line if remote access to the machine is really needed (e.g. for debugging) #- ps: $blockRdp = $true; iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))