language: cpp sudo: false os: - linux - osx cache: ccache: true directories: - $HOME/.ccache - $CLING_BUILD_DEPS env: global: - USE_CCACHE=1 - CCACHE_COMPRESS=1 - CCACHE_MAXSIZE=500M - CCACHE_CPP2=1 - CLING_BUILD_DEPS=$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/deps/ - CLING_LOCAL_BIN=$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/bin/ - TIMEOUT=0 - secure: "DQSDJnYWR7kb2ylcE1e4GIfP9KJadHjG696HelK09zmsTJiRoxg2HhDnm3gHkrPh18AxYJAMW1rZHm0ZsnBKpS09NxOcPVseL+z3iWfBFpgCa2ueUMKHy/YBhNghmLOXVeQzGwol6iCU5xbO4ZMJHpytmQCH6Vm9ws7sg8kiatY=" # Do not build our sync branch. branches: except: - /^__internal.*$/ matrix: # Abort all builds on a single failing matrix entry. fast_finish: true exclude: # Note: Workaround travis-ci/travis-ci#4681 # Exclude default job which lacks our included environment variables. - os: osx - os: linux include: # 1. Linux Clang Builds - os: linux compiler: clang addons: &clang37 apt: sources: ['llvm-toolchain-precise-3.7', 'ubuntu-toolchain-r-test'] packages: ['clang-3.7', '^libc\+\+-dev'] env: CXX_COMPILER='clang++-3.7' CC_COMPILER='clang-3.7' BUILD_TYPE='Release' # 2. Linux GCC Builds - os: linux compiler: gcc addons: &gcc49 apt: sources: ['ubuntu-toolchain-r-test'] packages: ['g++-4.9'] env: CXX_COMPILER='g++-4.9' CC_COMPILER='gcc-4.9' BUILD_TYPE='Release' - os: linux compiler: gcc addons: *gcc49 env: CXX_COMPILER='g++-4.9' CC_COMPILER='gcc-4.9' BUILD_TYPE='Debug' # 3. OSX Clang Builds - os: osx compiler: clang osx_image: xcode7.2 env: CXX_COMPILER='clang++' CC_COMPILER='clang' BUILD_TYPE='Release' - os: osx compiler: clang osx_image: xcode7.3 env: CXX_COMPILER='clang++' CC_COMPILER='clang' BUILD_TYPE='Release' allow_failures: - os: osx # libc++-dev is not whitelisted yet ( # The build falls back to an old version and fails. - os: linux compiler: clang install: # If cmake is not in the cache, download it. - | if [ $TRAVIS_OS_NAME == 'linux' ]; then CMAKE_URL="" export CMAKE=$CLING_BUILD_DEPS/cmake/bin/cmake elif [ $TRAVIS_OS_NAME == 'osx' ] ; then CMAKE_URL="" export CMAKE=$CLING_BUILD_DEPS/cmake/ brew install ccache python PATH=/usr/local/opt/ccache/libexec:$PATH # Try to workaround travis-ci/travis-ci#6410 by # introducing a timeout fulction, which will timeout before the builder, # returning a 'fake' success (eg. 0), tricking it to store the cache. TIMEOUT=2400 fi # Implement a platform-independent timeout function. function timeout() { perl -e 'alarm shift; exec @ARGV' "$@"; } if [ ! -f $CMAKE ]; then mkdir -pv $CLING_BUILD_DEPS/cmake travis_retry curl -k $CMAKE_URL | tar --strip-components=1 -xz -C $CLING_BUILD_DEPS/cmake fi before_script: - export CC=${CC_COMPILER} - export CXX=${CXX_COMPILER} - export PATH=$CLING_LOCAL_BIN:$PATH #- export #- which ccache - $CMAKE --version - $CC --version - $CXX --version script: - | # Move the tag to newest master git tag --force cling-nightlies HEAD git push --force https://$${TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG} cling-nightlies if [ -z $TRAVIS_TAG ]; then timeout $TIMEOUT tools/packaging/ --current-dev=tar --with-cling-url=$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG --verbose --debug-on-error else tools/packaging/ --tarball-tag=$TRAVIS_TAG --with-cling-url=$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG fi # Convert the timeout exit code to 0. RESULT=$?; if [ $RESULT -eq 0 ] || [ $RESULT -eq 142 ]; then true; else false; fi; - ccache -s notifications: recipients: - email: on_success: change on_failure: always template: - "%{repository}/%{branch} (%{commit} - %{author}): %{message}" - "Build details: %{build_url}" - "Change view : %{compare_url}" before_deploy: - export RELEASE_TARBALL=$(ls $HOME/ci/build/cling*.tar.bz2) - echo "Deploying $RELEASE_TARBALL to GitHub releases" deploy: provider: releases skip_cleanup: true api_key: $OAUTH_TOKEN file: '${RELEASE_TARBALL}' on: tags: true repo: $TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG after_failure: - | cat /home/travis/ci/build/builddir/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log cat /home/travis/ci/build/builddir/CMakeFiles/CMakeError.log