sudo: false language: cpp addons: &addons apt: packages: timeout sources: &sources - ubuntu-toolchain-r-test - llvm-toolchain-precise-3.5 - llvm-toolchain-precise-3.6 - llvm-toolchain-precise-3.7 - llvm-toolchain-precise-3.8 - llvm-toolchain-precise cache: apt: true ccache: true directories: - $HOME/.ccache - $CLING_BUILD_DEPS env: global: - USE_CCACHE=1 - CCACHE_COMPRESS=1 - CCACHE_MAXSIZE=500M - CCACHE_CPP2=1 - TIMEOUT=0 - secure: "DQSDJnYWR7kb2ylcE1e4GIfP9KJadHjG696HelK09zmsTJiRoxg2HhDnm3gHkrPh18AxYJAMW1rZHm0ZsnBKpS09NxOcPVseL+z3iWfBFpgCa2ueUMKHy/YBhNghmLOXVeQzGwol6iCU5xbO4ZMJHpytmQCH6Vm9ws7sg8kiatY=" # Do not build our sync branch. branches: except: - /^__internal.*$/ only: - master - cling-nightlies matrix: # Abort all builds on a single failing matrix entry. fast_finish: true exclude: # Note: Workaround travis-ci/travis-ci#4681 # Exclude default job which lacks our included environment variables. - os: osx - os: linux include: - os: linux env: DIST=pangolin COMPILER=g++-4.7 CCOMPILER=gcc-4.7 NIGHTLY_CRON_SYNC=1 addons: apt: sources: *sources packages: g++-4.7 compiler: gcc-4.7 - os: linux env: DIST=pangolin COMPILER=g++-4.8 CCOMPILER=gcc-4.8 addons: apt: sources: *sources packages: g++-4.8 compiler: gcc-4.8 - os: linux env: DIST=pangolin COMPILER=g++-4.9 CCOMPILER=gcc-4.9 addons: apt: sources: *sources packages: g++-4.9 compiler: gcc-4.9 - os: linux env: DIST=pangolin COMPILER=g++-5 CCOMPILER=gcc-5 addons: apt: sources: *sources packages: g++-5 compiler: gcc-5 - os: linux env: DIST=pangolin COMPILER=g++-6 CCOMPILER=gcc-6 addons: apt: sources: *sources packages: g++-6 compiler: gcc-6 - os: linux env: DIST=trusty COMPILER=g++-4.7 CCOMPILER=gcc-4.7 sudo: required dist: trusty addons: apt: sources: *sources packages: g++-4.7 compiler: gcc-4.7 - os: linux env: DIST=trusty COMPILER=g++-4.8 CCOMPILER=gcc-4.8 sudo: required dist: trusty addons: apt: sources: *sources packages: g++-4.8 compiler: gcc-4.8 - os: linux env: DIST=trusty COMPILER=g++-4.9 CCOMPILER=gcc-4.9 sudo: required dist: trusty addons: apt: sources: *sources packages: g++-4.9 compiler: gcc-4.9 - os: linux env: DIST=trusty COMPILER=g++-5 CCOMPILER=gcc-5 sudo: required dist: trusty addons: apt: sources: *sources packages: g++-5 compiler: gcc-5 - os: linux env: DIST=trusty COMPILER=g++-6 CCOMPILER=gcc-6 sudo: required dist: trusty addons: apt: sources: *sources packages: g++-6 compiler: gcc-6 - os: linux env: CXXLIB=libstdc++ COMPILER=clang++-3.7 CCOMPILER=clang-3.7 addons: apt: sources: *sources packages: ['clang-3.7', 'libstdc++-5-dev'] compiler: clang-3.7 - os: linux env: CXXLIB=libstdc++ COMPILER=clang++-3.8 CCOMPILER=clang-3.8 addons: apt: sources: *sources packages: ['clang-3.8', 'libstdc++-6-dev'] compiler: clang-3.8 - os: osx env: COMPILER=clang++ CCOMPILER=clang osx_image: xcode6.4 compiler: clang - os: osx env: COMPILER=clang++ CCOMPILER=clang osx_image: xcode7 compiler: clang - os: osx env: COMPILER=clang++ CCOMPILER=clang osx_image: xcode7.1 compiler: clang - os: osx env: COMPILER=g++-6 CCOMPILER=gcc-6 osx_image: xcode7.2 compiler: g++-6 - os: osx env: COMPILER=clang++ CCOMPILER=clang osx_image: xcode7.3 compiler: clang - os: osx env: COMPILER=clang++ CCOMPILER=clang osx_image: xcode8 compiler: clang allow_failures: # clang-3.5 crashes compiling clang-3.9 with libc++-3.9 - env: CXXLIB=libc++ COMPILER=clang++-3.5 CCOMPILER=clang-3.5 install: # If cmake is not in the cache, download it. - | CLING_USER_ROOT=`dirname $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR` export CLING_BUILD_DEPS="$CLING_USER_ROOT/deps" export CLING_LOCAL_BIN="$CLING_USER_ROOT/bin" if [ $TRAVIS_OS_NAME == 'linux' ]; then CMAKE_URL="" export CMAKE=$CLING_BUILD_DEPS/cmake/bin/cmake elif [ $TRAVIS_OS_NAME == 'osx' ] ; then brew install ccache python coreutils if [[ "$COMPILER" == g++-* ]]; then brew install "gcc${COMPILER##*++-}" export CXXFLAGS="-D__builtin_unreachable=__builtin_trap" export CFLAGS="-D__builtin_unreachable=__builtin_trap" fi CMAKE_URL="" export CMAKE=$CLING_BUILD_DEPS/cmake/ PATH="/usr/local/opt/ccache/libexec:$PATH" # This is where timeout is hiding now, is the above still neccessary? PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/opt/coreutils/libexec/gnubin" fi # Containers need to timeout before the buildscript exists if [ $TRAVIS_OS_NAME == 'osx' ] || [ "$DIST" == "trusty" ]; then TIMEOUT='40m' # Any more and Travis might cancel fi # If we timeout, objects can be corrupted in the cache, causing link errors # Turn this on to get the mapping to the cache.o to delete # export CCACHE_LOGFILE="$CLING_USER_ROOT/ccache.log" if [ ! -f $CMAKE ]; then mkdir -pv $CLING_BUILD_DEPS/cmake travis_retry curl -k $CMAKE_URL | tar --strip-components=1 -xz -C $CLING_BUILD_DEPS/cmake fi before_script: - $CMAKE --version - export CXX="ccache $COMPILER" - export CC="ccache $CCOMPILER" - | # If we are running our nightly cron job, sync. if [ -n "$NIGHTLY_CRON_SYNC" ] && [ "$TRAVIS_EVENT_TYPE" = "cron" ] \ && [ "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" == "master" ] && [ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" == "false" ] \ && [ "$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG" == "vgvassilev/cling" ] ; then echo "Syncing repository." git remote add alt git pull alt master git remote remove origin git remote add origin https://$${TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG} git push --verbose origin master # Move the tag to newest master git tag --force cling-nightlies HEAD git push --verbose --force origin cling-nightlies fi script: - | function run_ccache() { # Save our build result and propogate it to Travis # When build succeeds, but ccache fails that should return an error ccache -s CCACHE_RSLT="$?" if [ "$1" -eq 0 ]; then return $CCACHE_RSLT fi return $1 } if [ -z $TRAVIS_TAG ]; then timeout -s SIGTERM $TIMEOUT tools/packaging/ \ --current-dev=tar \ --with-cling-url=$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG \ --with-clang-url= \ --with-llvm-url= \ --skip-cleanup else tools/packaging/ \ --tarball-tag=$TRAVIS_TAG \ --with-cling-url=$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG \ --with-clang-url= \ --with-llvm-url= fi RESULT="$?" echo "RESULT: $RESULT" if [ $RESULT -eq 124 ]; then # Timout occured, pass that on to after_failure so as not to dump logs export CLING_BUILD_TIMEOUT=1 fi run_ccache "$RESULT" notifications: email: recipients: #- on_success: change on_failure: always template: - "%{repository}/%{branch} (%{commit} - %{author}): %{message}" - "Build details: %{build_url}" - "Change view : %{compare_url}" before_deploy: - | export RELEASE_TARBALL=$(ls $HOME/ci/build/cling*.tar.bz2) if [[ $TRAVIS_TAG -eq "cling-nightlies" ]]; then NIGHTLY="`dirname $RELEASE_TARBALL`/`date "+%Y-%b-%d-"``basename $RELEASE_TARBALL`" echo "Renaming $RELEASE_TARBALL to $NIGHTLY" mv $RELEASE_TARBALL $NIGHTLY export RELEASE_TARBALL=$NIGHTLY fi echo "Deploying $RELEASE_TARBALL to GitHub releases" deploy: provider: releases skip_cleanup: true api_key: $OAUTH_TOKEN file: '${RELEASE_TARBALL}' on: tags: true all_branches: true repo: $TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG after_failure: - | if [ -n "$CCACHE_LOGFILE" ]; then echo "ccache log stored to:" cat "$CCACHE_LOGFILE" | curl -sT - fi - | if [ "$CLING_BUILD_TIMEOUT" != "1" ]; then echo "Dumping env." find $CLING_LOCAL_BIN -type f -print0 -exec cat {} \; $CMAKE --version $CC --version $CXX --version ls -al `which ld` && ld -v export fi - | if [ "$CLING_BUILD_TIMEOUT" != "1" ]; then echo "Dumping CMakeOutput.log" cat /home/travis/ci/build/builddir/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log fi - | if [ "$CLING_BUILD_TIMEOUT" != "1" ]; then echo "Dumping CMakeError.log" cat /home/travis/ci/build/builddir/CMakeFiles/CMakeError.log fi - | if [ "$CLING_BUILD_TIMEOUT" != "1" ]; then echo "Dumping cling-compiledata.h..." COMPILE_DATA_H=$HOME/ci/build/builddir/tools/cling/lib/Interpreter/cling-compiledata.h cat $COMPILE_DATA_H echo "Running cling-compiledata compiler..." COMPDATA_CXX=$(cat $COMPILE_DATA_H | cut -c 18- | sed "s,\",,g") eval echo | LC_ALL=C $COMPDATA_CXX -xc++ -E -v - fi - | if [ "$CLING_BUILD_TIMEOUT" != "1" ]; then echo "Dumping `which ccache`" ccache -s ls -la /usr/lib/ccache/ || ls -la /usr/local/opt/ccache/libexec fi