//--------------------------------------------------------------------*- C++ -*- // CLING - the C++ LLVM-based InterpreterG :) // author: Manasij Mukherjee // author: Vassil Vassilev // // This file is dual-licensed: you can choose to license it under the University // of Illinois Open Source License or the GNU Lesser General Public License. See // LICENSE.TXT for details. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #ifndef CLING_MULTIPLEX_INTERPRETER_CALLBACKS_H #define CLING_MULTIPLEX_INTERPRETER_CALLBACKS_H #include "cling/Interpreter/InterpreterCallbacks.h" namespace cling { class MultiplexInterpreterCallbacks : public InterpreterCallbacks { private: std::vector> m_Callbacks; public: MultiplexInterpreterCallbacks(Interpreter* interp) : InterpreterCallbacks(interp, true, true, true) {} void addCallback(std::unique_ptr newCb) { m_Callbacks.push_back(std::move(newCb)); } void InclusionDirective(clang::SourceLocation HashLoc, const clang::Token& IncludeTok, llvm::StringRef FileName, bool IsAngled, clang::CharSourceRange FilenameRange, const clang::FileEntry* File, llvm::StringRef SearchPath, llvm::StringRef RelativePath, const clang::Module* Imported) override { for (auto&& cb : m_Callbacks) cb->InclusionDirective(HashLoc, IncludeTok, FileName, IsAngled, FilenameRange, File, SearchPath, RelativePath, Imported); } bool FileNotFound(llvm::StringRef FileName, llvm::SmallVectorImpl& RecoveryPath) override { bool result = false; for (auto&& cb : m_Callbacks) result = cb->FileNotFound(FileName, RecoveryPath) || result; return result; } bool LookupObject(clang::LookupResult& LR, clang::Scope* S) override { bool result = false; for (auto&& cb : m_Callbacks) result = cb->LookupObject(LR, S) || result; return result; } bool LookupObject(const clang::DeclContext* DC, clang::DeclarationName DN) override { bool result = false; for (auto&& cb : m_Callbacks) result = cb->LookupObject(DC, DN) || result; return result; } bool LookupObject(clang::TagDecl* T) override { bool result = false; for (auto&& cb : m_Callbacks) result = cb->LookupObject(T) || result; return result; } void TransactionCommitted(const Transaction& T) override { for (auto&& cb : m_Callbacks) { cb->TransactionCommitted(T); } } void TransactionUnloaded(const Transaction& T) override { for (auto&& cb : m_Callbacks) { cb->TransactionUnloaded(T); } } void DeclDeserialized(const clang::Decl* D) override { for (auto&& cb : m_Callbacks) { cb->DeclDeserialized(D); } } void TypeDeserialized(const clang::Type* Ty) override { for (auto&& cb : m_Callbacks) { cb->TypeDeserialized(Ty); } } void LibraryLoaded(const void* Lib, llvm::StringRef Name) override { for (auto&& cb : m_Callbacks) { cb->LibraryLoaded(Lib,Name); } } void LibraryUnloaded(const void* Lib, llvm::StringRef Name) override { for (auto&& cb : m_Callbacks) { cb->LibraryUnloaded(Lib,Name); } } void SetIsRuntime(bool val) override { InterpreterCallbacks::SetIsRuntime(val); for (auto&& cb : m_Callbacks) cb->SetIsRuntime(val); } }; } // end namespace cling #endif // CLING_MULTIPLEX_INTERPRETER_CALLBACKS_H