The dynamic library manager's dyld can search a symbol in the library path. This patch uses that functionality to aid the 'unresolved while linking' diagnostics. Now we get: cling -L lib/ ****************** CLING ****************** * Type C++ code and press enter to run it * * Type .q to exit * ******************************************* [cling]$ extern int gErrorIgnoreLevel; [cling]$ gErrorIgnoreLevel IncrementalExecutor::executeFunction: symbol 'gErrorIgnoreLevel' unresolved while linking [cling interface function]! Symbol found in '/.../lib/'; did you mean to load it with .L /.../lib/ ? [cling]$
16 lines
568 B
16 lines
568 B
// CLING - the C++ LLVM-based InterpreterG :)
// This file is dual-licensed: you can choose to license it under the University
// of Illinois Open Source License or the GNU Lesser General Public License. See
// LICENSE.TXT for details.
// REQUIRES: shell
// RUN: env -i LD_LIBRARY_PATH="../:./../" %cling ".L" | FileCheck %s
// CHECK: ../
// CHECK-NEXT: ./../
// CHECK-NEXT: [system]