98 lines
3.5 KiB
98 lines
3.5 KiB
//--------------------------------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-
// CLING - the C++ LLVM-based InterpreterG :)
// author: Vassil Vassilev <vasil.georgiev.vasilev@cern.ch>
// This file is dual-licensed: you can choose to license it under the University
// of Illinois Open Source License or the GNU Lesser General Public License. See
// LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include <memory>
#include <string>
namespace clang {
class ASTContext;
class CodeGenerator;
class SourceManager;
class Preprocessor;
namespace llvm {
class Module;
class raw_fd_ostream;
class raw_ostream;
namespace cling {
///\brief A helper class that stores the 'current' state of the underlying
/// compiler - clang. It can be used for comparison of states 'before' and
/// 'after' an event happened.
class ClangInternalState {
std::string m_LookupTablesFile;
std::string m_IncludedFilesFile;
std::string m_ASTFile;
std::string m_LLVMModuleFile;
std::string m_MacrosFile;
clang::ASTContext& m_ASTContext;
clang::Preprocessor& m_Preprocessor;
clang::CodeGenerator* m_CodeGen;
llvm::Module* m_Module;
std::string m_DiffCommand;
std::string m_Name;
///\brief Takes the ownership after compare was made.
std::unique_ptr<ClangInternalState> m_DiffPair;
ClangInternalState(clang::ASTContext& AC, clang::Preprocessor& PP,
llvm::Module* M, clang::CodeGenerator* CG,
const std::string& name);
///\brief It is convenient the state object to be named so that can be
/// easily referenced in case of multiple.
const std::string& getName() const { return m_Name; }
///\brief Stores all internal structures of the compiler into a stream.
void store();
///\brief Compares the states with the current state of the same objects.
void compare(const std::string& name);
///\brief Runs diff on two files.
///\param[in] file1 - A file to diff
///\param[in] file2 - A file to diff
///\param[in] differences - The differences if any between file1 and file2
///\param[in] ignores - A list of differences to ignore.
///\returns true if there is difference in the contents.
bool differentContent(const std::string& file1, const std::string& file2,
std::string& differences,
const llvm::SmallVectorImpl<const char*>* ignores = 0) const;
static void printLookupTables(llvm::raw_ostream& Out, clang::ASTContext& C);
static void printIncludedFiles(llvm::raw_ostream& Out,
clang::SourceManager& SM);
static void printAST(llvm::raw_ostream& Out, clang::ASTContext& C);
static void printLLVMModule(llvm::raw_ostream& Out, llvm::Module& M,
clang::CodeGenerator& CG);
static void printMacroDefinitions(llvm::raw_ostream& Out,
clang::Preprocessor& PP);
llvm::raw_fd_ostream* createOutputFile(llvm::StringRef OutFile,
std::string* TempPathName = 0,
bool RemoveFileOnSignal = true);
} // end namespace cling