477 lines
19 KiB
477 lines
19 KiB
// CLING - the C++ LLVM-based InterpreterG :)
// author: Vassil Vassilev <vvasilev@cern.ch>
// This file is dual-licensed: you can choose to license it under the University
// of Illinois Open Source License or the GNU Lesser General Public License. See
// LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "MetaSema.h"
#include "Display.h"
#include "cling/Interpreter/DynamicLibraryManager.h"
#include "cling/Interpreter/Interpreter.h"
#include "cling/Interpreter/Transaction.h"
#include "cling/Interpreter/Value.h"
#include "cling/MetaProcessor/MetaProcessor.h"
#include "../lib/Interpreter/IncrementalParser.h"
#include "clang/AST/ASTContext.h"
#include "clang/Basic/SourceManager.h"
#include "clang/Frontend/CompilerInstance.h"
#include "clang/Sema/Sema.h"
#include "clang/Serialization/ASTReader.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/GenericValue.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
#include "clang/Lex/Preprocessor.h"
#include "clang/Basic/SourceManager.h"
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
namespace cling {
MetaSema::MetaSema(Interpreter& interp, MetaProcessor& meta)
: m_Interpreter(interp), m_MetaProcessor(meta), m_IsQuitRequested(false) { }
MetaSema::ActionResult MetaSema::actOnLCommand(llvm::StringRef file,
Transaction** transaction /*= 0*/){
ActionResult result = actOnUCommand(file);
if (result != AR_Success)
return result;
// In case of libraries we get .L lib.so, which might automatically pull in
// decls (from header files). Thus we want to take the restore point before
// loading of the file and revert exclusively if needed.
const Transaction* unloadPoint = m_Interpreter.getLastTransaction();
// fprintf(stderr,"DEBUG: Load for %s unloadPoint is %p\n",file.str().c_str(),unloadPoint);
// TODO: extra checks. Eg if the path is readable, if the file exists...
std::string canFile = m_Interpreter.lookupFileOrLibrary(file);
if (canFile.empty())
canFile = file;
if (m_Interpreter.loadFile(canFile, true /*allowSharedLib*/, transaction)
== Interpreter::kSuccess) {
registerUnloadPoint(unloadPoint, canFile);
return AR_Success;
return AR_Failure;
MetaSema::ActionResult MetaSema::actOnTCommand(llvm::StringRef inputFile,
llvm::StringRef outputFile) {
m_Interpreter.GenerateAutoloadingMap(inputFile, outputFile);
return AR_Success;
MetaSema::ActionResult MetaSema::actOnRedirectCommand(llvm::StringRef file,
MetaProcessor::RedirectionScope stream,
bool append) {
m_MetaProcessor.setStdStream(file, stream, append);
return AR_Success;
void MetaSema::actOnComment(llvm::StringRef comment) const {
// Some of the comments are meaningful for the cling::Interpreter
namespace {
/// Replace non-identifier chars by '_'
std::string normalizeDotXFuncName(const std::string& FuncName) {
std::string ret = FuncName;
// Prepend '_' if name starts with a digit.
if (ret[0] >= '0' && ret[0] <= '9')
ret.insert(ret.begin(), '_');
for (char& c: ret) {
// Instead of "escaping" all non-C++-id chars, only escape those that
// are fairly certainly file names, to keep helpful error messages for
// broken quoting or parsing. Example:
// "Cannot find '_func_1___'" is much less helpful than
// "Cannot find '/func(1)*&'"
// I.e. find a compromise between helpful diagnostics and common file
// name (stem) ingredients.
if (c == '+' || c == '-' || c == '=' || c == '.' || c == ' '
|| c == '@')
c = '_';
return ret;
MetaSema::ActionResult MetaSema::actOnxCommand(llvm::StringRef file,
llvm::StringRef args,
Value* result) {
// Check if there is a function named after the file.
assert(!args.empty() && "Arguments must be provided (at least \"()\"");
cling::Transaction* T = 0;
MetaSema::ActionResult actionResult = actOnLCommand(file, &T);
// T can be nullptr if there is no code (but comments)
if (actionResult == AR_Success && T) {
std::string expression;
std::string FuncName = llvm::sys::path::stem(file);
if (!FuncName.empty()) {
FuncName = normalizeDotXFuncName(FuncName);
if (T->containsNamedDecl(FuncName)) {
expression = FuncName + args.str();
// Give the user some context in case we have a problem invoking
expression += " /* invoking function corresponding to '.x' */";
if (m_Interpreter.echo(expression, result) != Interpreter::kSuccess)
actionResult = AR_Failure;
} else
FuncName = file; // Not great, but pass the diagnostics below something
if (expression.empty()) {
using namespace clang;
DiagnosticsEngine& Diags = m_Interpreter.getCI()->getDiagnostics();
unsigned diagID
= Diags.getCustomDiagID (DiagnosticsEngine::Level::Warning,
"cannot find function '%0()'; falling back to .L");
//FIXME: Figure out how to pass in proper source locations, which we can
// use with -verify.
Diags.Report(SourceLocation(), diagID) << FuncName;
return AR_Success;
return actionResult;
void MetaSema::actOnqCommand() {
m_IsQuitRequested = true;
void MetaSema::actOnAtCommand() {
MetaSema::ActionResult MetaSema::actOnUndoCommand(unsigned N/*=1*/) {
return AR_Success;
MetaSema::ActionResult MetaSema::actOnUCommand(llvm::StringRef file) {
// FIXME: unload, once implemented, must return success / failure
// Lookup the file
clang::SourceManager& SM = m_Interpreter.getSema().getSourceManager();
clang::FileManager& FM = SM.getFileManager();
//Get the canonical path, taking into account interp and system search paths
std::string canonicalFile = m_Interpreter.lookupFileOrLibrary(file);
const clang::FileEntry* Entry
= FM.getFile(canonicalFile, /*OpenFile*/false, /*CacheFailure*/false);
if (Entry) {
Watermarks::iterator Pos = m_Watermarks.find(Entry);
//fprintf(stderr,"DEBUG: unload request for %s\n",file.str().c_str());
if (Pos != m_Watermarks.end()) {
const Transaction* unloadPoint = Pos->second;
// Search for the transaction, i.e. verify that is has not already
// been unloaded ; This can be removed once all transaction unload
// properly information MetaSema that it has been unloaded.
bool found = false;
//for (auto t : m_Interpreter.m_IncrParser->getAllTransactions()) {
for(const Transaction *t = m_Interpreter.getFirstTransaction();
t != 0; t = t->getNext()) {
//fprintf(stderr,"DEBUG: On unload check For %s unloadPoint is %p are t == %p\n",file.str().c_str(),unloadPoint, t);
if (t == unloadPoint ) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
m_MetaProcessor.getOuts() << "!!!ERROR: Transaction for file: " << file << " has already been unloaded\n";
} else {
//fprintf(stderr,"DEBUG: On Unload For %s unloadPoint is %p\n",file.str().c_str(),unloadPoint);
while(m_Interpreter.getLastTransaction() != unloadPoint) {
//fprintf(stderr,"DEBUG: unload transaction %p (searching for %p)\n",m_Interpreter.getLastTransaction(),unloadPoint);
const clang::FileEntry* EntryUnloaded
= m_ReverseWatermarks[m_Interpreter.getLastTransaction()];
if (EntryUnloaded) {
Watermarks::iterator PosUnloaded
= m_Watermarks.find(EntryUnloaded);
if (PosUnloaded != m_Watermarks.end()) {
DynamicLibraryManager* DLM = m_Interpreter.getDynamicLibraryManager();
if (DLM->isLibraryLoaded(canonicalFile))
return AR_Success;
void MetaSema::actOnICommand(llvm::StringRef path) const {
if (path.empty())
void MetaSema::actOnrawInputCommand(SwitchMode mode/* = kToggle*/) const {
if (mode == kToggle) {
bool flag = !m_Interpreter.isRawInputEnabled();
m_MetaProcessor.getOuts() << (flag ? "U" :"Not u") << "sing raw input\n";
void MetaSema::actOndebugCommand(llvm::Optional<int> mode) const {
clang::CodeGenOptions& CGO = m_Interpreter.getCI()->getCodeGenOpts();
if (!mode) {
bool flag = CGO.getDebugInfo() == clang::codegenoptions::NoDebugInfo;
if (flag)
m_MetaProcessor.getOuts() << (flag ? "G" : "Not g")
<< "enerating debug symbols\n";
else {
static const int NumDebInfos = 5;
clang::codegenoptions::DebugInfoKind DebInfos[NumDebInfos] = {
if (*mode >= NumDebInfos)
mode = NumDebInfos - 1;
else if (*mode < 0)
mode = 0;
if (!*mode) {
m_MetaProcessor.getOuts() << "Not generating debug symbols\n";
} else {
m_MetaProcessor.getOuts() << "Generating debug symbols level "
<< *mode << '\n';
void MetaSema::actOnprintDebugCommand(SwitchMode mode/* = kToggle*/) const {
if (mode == kToggle) {
bool flag = !m_Interpreter.isPrintingDebug();
m_MetaProcessor.getOuts() << (flag ? "P" : "Not p") << "rinting Debug\n";
void MetaSema::actOnstoreStateCommand(llvm::StringRef name) const {
void MetaSema::actOncompareStateCommand(llvm::StringRef name) const {
void MetaSema::actOnstatsCommand(llvm::StringRef name) const {
if (name.equals("ast")) {
void MetaSema::actOndynamicExtensionsCommand(SwitchMode mode/* = kToggle*/)
const {
if (mode == kToggle) {
bool flag = !m_Interpreter.isDynamicLookupEnabled();
<< (flag ? "U" : "Not u") << "sing dynamic extensions\n";
void MetaSema::actOnhelpCommand() const {
std::string& metaString = m_Interpreter.getOptions().MetaString;
llvm::raw_ostream& outs = m_MetaProcessor.getOuts();
outs << "\n Cling (C/C++ interpreter) meta commands usage\n"
" All commands must be preceded by a '" << metaString << "', except\n"
" for the evaluation statement { }\n"
" ==============================================================================\n"
" Syntax: " << metaString << "Command [arg0 arg1 ... argN]\n"
" " << metaString << "L <filename>\t\t- Load the given file or library\n\n"
" " << metaString << "(x|X) <filename>[args]\t- Same as .L and runs a function with"
"\n\t\t\t\t signature: ret_type filename(args)\n"
" " << metaString << "> <filename>\t\t- Redirect command to a given file\n"
" '>' or '1>'\t\t- Redirects the stdout stream only\n"
" '2>'\t\t\t- Redirects the stderr stream only\n"
" '&>' (or '2>&1')\t\t- Redirects both stdout and stderr\n"
" '>>'\t\t\t- Appends to the given file\n"
" " << metaString << "undo [n]\t\t\t- Unloads the last 'n' inputs lines\n"
" " << metaString << "U <filename>\t\t- Unloads the given file\n"
" " << metaString << "I [path]\t\t\t- Shows the include path. If a path is given -"
"\n\t\t\t\t adds the path to the include paths\n"
" " << metaString << "O <level>\t\t\t- Sets the optimization level (0-3)"
"\n\t\t\t\t (not yet implemented)\n"
" " << metaString << "class <name>\t\t- Prints out class <name> in a CINT-like style\n"
" " << metaString << "files \t\t\t- Prints out some CINT-like file statistics\n"
" " << metaString << "fileEx \t\t\t- Prints out some file statistics\n"
" " << metaString << "g \t\t\t\t- Prints out information about global variable"
"\n\t\t\t\t 'name' - if no name is given, print them all\n"
" " << metaString << "@ \t\t\t\t- Cancels and ignores the multiline input\n"
" " << metaString << "rawInput [0|1]\t\t- Toggle wrapping and printing the"
"\n\t\t\t\t execution results of the input\n"
" " << metaString << "dynamicExtensions [0|1]\t- Toggles the use of the dynamic scopes and the"
"\n\t\t\t\t late binding\n"
" " << metaString << "printDebug [0|1]\t\t- Toggles the printing of input's corresponding"
"\n\t\t\t\t state changes\n"
" " << metaString << "storeState <filename>\t- Store the interpreter's state to a given file\n"
" " << metaString << "compareState <filename>\t- Compare the interpreter's state with the one"
"\n\t\t\t\t saved in a given file\n"
" " << metaString << "stats [name]\t\t- Show stats for various internal data"
"\n\t\t\t\t structures (only 'ast' for the time being)\n"
" " << metaString << "help\t\t\t- Shows this information\n"
" " << metaString << "q\t\t\t\t- Exit the program\n"
void MetaSema::actOnfileExCommand() const {
const clang::SourceManager& SM = m_Interpreter.getCI()->getSourceManager();
m_MetaProcessor.getOuts() << "\n***\n\n";
for (clang::SourceManager::fileinfo_iterator I = SM.fileinfo_begin(),
E = SM.fileinfo_end(); I != E; ++I) {
m_MetaProcessor.getOuts() << (*I).first->getName();
m_MetaProcessor.getOuts() << "\n";
/* Only available in clang's trunk:
clang::ASTReader* Reader = m_Interpreter.getCI()->getModuleManager();
const clang::serialization::ModuleManager& ModMan
= Reader->getModuleManager();
for (clang::serialization::ModuleManager::ModuleConstIterator I
= ModMan.begin(), E = ModMan.end(); I != E; ++I) {
std::vector<llvm::PointerIntPair<const clang::FileEntry*, 1, bool> >
const InputFiles_t& InputFiles = (*I)->InputFilesLoaded;
for (InputFiles_t::const_iterator IFI = InputFiles.begin(),
IFE = InputFiles.end(); IFI != IFE; ++IFI) {
m_MetaProcessor.getOuts() << IFI->getPointer()->getName();
m_MetaProcessor.getOuts() << "\n";
void MetaSema::actOnfilesCommand() const {
void MetaSema::actOnclassCommand(llvm::StringRef className) const {
if (!className.empty())
&m_Interpreter, className.str().c_str(), true);
DisplayClasses(m_MetaProcessor.getOuts(), &m_Interpreter, false);
void MetaSema::actOnClassCommand() const {
DisplayClasses(m_MetaProcessor.getOuts(), &m_Interpreter, true);
void MetaSema::actOnNamespaceCommand() const {
DisplayNamespaces(m_MetaProcessor.getOuts(), &m_Interpreter);
void MetaSema::actOngCommand(llvm::StringRef varName) const {
if (varName.empty())
DisplayGlobals(m_MetaProcessor.getOuts(), &m_Interpreter);
&m_Interpreter, varName.str().c_str());
void MetaSema::actOnTypedefCommand(llvm::StringRef typedefName) const {
if (typedefName.empty())
DisplayTypedefs(m_MetaProcessor.getOuts(), &m_Interpreter);
&m_Interpreter, typedefName.str().c_str());
MetaSema::actOnShellCommand(llvm::StringRef commandLine,
Value* result) const {
llvm::StringRef trimmed(commandLine.trim(" \t\n\v\f\r "));
if (!trimmed.empty()) {
int ret = std::system(trimmed.str().c_str());
// Build the result
clang::ASTContext& Ctx = m_Interpreter.getCI()->getASTContext();
if (result) {
*result = Value(Ctx.IntTy, m_Interpreter);
result->getAs<long long>() = ret;
return (ret == 0) ? AR_Success : AR_Failure;
if (result)
*result = Value();
// nothing to run - should this be success or failure?
return AR_Failure;
void MetaSema::registerUnloadPoint(const Transaction* unloadPoint,
llvm::StringRef filename) {
std::string canFile = m_Interpreter.lookupFileOrLibrary(filename);
if (canFile.empty())
canFile = filename;
clang::SourceManager& SM = m_Interpreter.getSema().getSourceManager();
clang::FileManager& FM = SM.getFileManager();
const clang::FileEntry* Entry
= FM.getFile(canFile, /*OpenFile*/false, /*CacheFailure*/false);
if (Entry && !m_Watermarks[Entry]) { // register as a watermark
m_Watermarks[Entry] = unloadPoint;
m_ReverseWatermarks[unloadPoint] = Entry;
//fprintf(stderr,"DEBUG: Load for %s recorded unloadPoint %p\n",file.str().c_str(),unloadPoint);
} // end namespace cling